HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2002-5-9 ...." ......'..... ..".. ~.......... &44 v..~I.yv....u. . ill FIFTH STREET SPRlNGFIBLD, OREGON 97477 INSPBCll0N REQUEST: 726-3769 OFFICE: 726-3759 "'......... VI" Jr.l'l....Hvr...c..&..U ~uu~ . ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION OtyJobNUmber 6(-0 II g z.. - 0 L( 3. COMPLETE FEE SClIEDULE BELOW &;.ATJf~4~;ti1~~ A. New Re$identiaI-5ingIe or Multi-Family per dwelling unll. UGAL DESCRIPTION Servic:elncluded: 170 ;.l.z.,5.3' 00 S?nl ltem5 Cosl 'Sum lOp DES\..l\U CiON V,& '4l6'flUc.. ',1 </c."d 10 G0.<'771) /iR/I)/CJ! 6~~{ 'I Pemrits ate MWM M_':rable 8Dd cxpin: ifwoD; is IIOt S1aIted within 180 days ofissuaJlCe or ifwodc is suspended for t 80 days. 1000 sq,ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Manufd Home or Modular DwclIiDg SerVice or Fct:der '~_ SI06,OO S 19,00 S 50.00 2. CONTRACTOR INSTAlLATION ONLY B. Sen1ces or Feeders ---=--= 'j. Insl:2UatlOD, Alterllionll Or E1ectrieal~~r;: ~r Relocation: AdJhcss.!f1d3...:A 'f1F ~-fC- I. L 200 amps or less S 63.00 6 J , - '( 201 amps to 400 amps S 75.00 City21Ll~I(U l'bou.(~3)t-l;~-jI33 401ompsto600amps _SI25.00 _ / 601 amps to 1000 amps SI63.00 , Supavisor License Number 3&t.. f; l.<;i' Over 1000 ampsIvoIts S375.00 - U P""^"""'IOnly S SO.OO C ;r - """or. S'mi~'?r~" A1i1iEN),,';): ~:'~f' ....'"'~~(''''''g!,!uw """'~'I,IDstaIIaIIOD. ~ ,. , . , , or'lldocation1lt ~I.....,... -~~ 1IUl\!$-.......-' . f n1"~,llI~..-l .",~1. ,\lotl1lC8 l<:'f!l9 ~ orll~l~umn~n ~ SSO.OO _ .\1 OAR 9~20IJ~~m,4oo(.~JS of the rU.~~ -J$69.00 0090. YO'~?~I'tw::6Ok-:'..iiiPJ. the tele.p,huI '" SIOO.oo = calhncova 6O&~'or 1000 YOlujsee11catlOl I .... ....... Gregori V1I1hl. - numbe~B;:'abOv~ _3n.2344). Gentel IS 1-800 ' ~ D. Brmch Circuits New Al._"';... orE=ion PerP"",,1 Expiration Da1l! I 0 - ( - [) 2.. CansII' Contr. Number ,oc;sb EXPiIatiQllDate~ Sig""IU~ ;;22~,J- 0'",___ Address YJO S t.,j ;' J11~.,. $1 Oty ?--+i_cl PhQae ~z-b7..>' OWNERINSTALLA1l0N l'b.I imtal1ation is being made on r.'-r-.J I own which is IlOtinlendcd for sale, lease or rent. f\" tJ"\~ 0wIw-s Slgnal....e: t90:~mHstJ::] : 39NtlH8 OS'L9t $ 6:083~ lW~ 6006 60 "tlW:31tlO '. Z~6B090- to: IISN~~l One CircuIt $43.00 ~erdi:'~t~H3twtf(M ~~h- , "kl.UJ!9,.a3::JN3W~O , ijtH~L\IDmm~~~~ltcd) iON S2~ lllJHS llV'l.3 ~ . _ ~~O ~g ____ Limittd Enaxy/Rcs ___ S25.00_ Limited EnergyIComm $45,00 Minimum Eledrie Permit L '. _. .:1tD Fee Is $45.00 + Surcharges 4. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 7% Slale Surcharge 8% Administrative Fee SO 3~O I.jVV TOTAL 5"7a vy, vy'..... ......... ............. "461, .,.............,.,UCll' "'.......... vr .;I..l\.....J~ur....&:.J...V ~vu" . 22S FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIBLO, OREGON 97417 INSPllCll0N REQUEST: 726-3769 OFF1C1k 726-3759 '.. ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPUCAnON CityJobN~c Dr-oil ill-O'$'"" 3. COMPLETE FEE SCllEDULE BELOW 1. LOCAT!p'NOF~S~A!-4nQN M4, ':13.q -llA4Jl.kj.f(Ci4t'J A. New Re$idential-siDgle or . Multi-Family per dwelling lIDIl. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Sernce Included: /703223'3> 005'00 ltem9 Cost 'Sum lOp DES\..I\U ~()N 'J4l:snuL I) 9Cv<f <h pli~ , 111211110/ 6~e.u.( r ---0 Pemrils ate ___ ~-.I!en.ble and expire ifwudl; is IIOt started within ISO days of issuance or ifworlc is suspended foe 180 day$. 1000 &<l.ft. or 1m Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each M8IIuI'd Home or Modular Dwelling Service or Feeder SI06.oo S 19,00 ~ $ 50.00 O\YNERLNSTAll.ATlON ," TIleinstalbnon is being made on r--r--f I own wbionis'IIOt inlonded for sale, 1case oc rent. .~S4Z/~f~y'?; ,- ,::: 'E1~eetriciaD , ~ P D. Branch Ciremls 'DecaN""",. ,c:r'Or';',a-- '.,. New Altemion orEmnslon PerP"",,1 Address /,00 :s W 11? ~ 51 One Circuit S43.oo ' r I I 5Z''> 'aOIH3d AVa OmNv - City_?.........+1A-C-Phoae 7OZ"Z-b7'S1 lIO:f ~IWQWlSMW~H'!IWYIWffl:J ION SI111'f~ffi1CS/lf.ftl3aNn a3ZIH01ttm/$3.oo- )I110M 3H~~Wm~il~t(s&~19#Unduded) -Each instl.11alion '3"I~O Pump oc iIrigat;on . oJ S50.00 _ SigalOutliDc Lighting S50,00 __ Limir.d. EaagyIRr:s __ S25.00 _ Limited Energy/Comm S45,00 2. "".. ..,ACTOR INSTAILA nON ONLY B. Services or Feeders ---=--= _ I. Instal1allon, Alta-atiOJlO or Electrical~~p:~r ReJocatioll: Ad4rcss.!b!l3..:A. <flf'. ~-k- I. L 200 amps or Icss $ 63.00 "l -/ 201 amps to 400 amps S 75.00 City.2:::IL ~((U ~C::03)hc;,~-jI33 401 amps to 600 amps $125.00 r: 601 amps to 1000 amps _SI63.00 , SupcrvisorLicenseNumber 3I..,{, ':;L ATTENTIOVCt'Iooo:':-j"i&Olii'qulre~ J'O '.::..-$375.00= follow rul~_~~,0nlyj the Oregon UtlLlL.. S 50.00_ Expinlliao D1l1e 10 -I - D2.. Notification Canter. Those rl!les are set forl' -7F'\/lC: J in OAR 952~1(i~~~';ffl:I~~1'r.:fStdJl!p1' Constc Conte. Number ~::::1t2 JIISWlalton, AI: ,.", .1 ,,, or ReJoeatiOD 0090. You may OClair. \;Uf,JIt:Jl:) VI ing I Ulg.... L.I,) EXPiIalionDate~ callingtt::ioOentoroJ~te:.'~etel~~hO~~ $50.00_ nUmberf(2011~'i6!400'.I.~~:ty Notlflcatl~ $69.00 _ CE0lret401 to 6OO"~s~344). SIOO.OO Ova 600 amps or 1000 volls see liB" above Owners SlgnatllCe: Minimum Electrie Permit Inspection Fee Is $45.00 + Surcbarges 1:90:t!3IH~:J ' : 39N\!HJ) / Og'L~I$ Z:O:J3t! lW~ ZOOZ 60 ,WW:31\;10 '~~68000.1:0:#SN\;It!1 4. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 7% Slale Surcharge 8% AdmlDlstrative Fee SO 5",0 l.(Q.:J TOTAL 5' 7 :[2. .,." .,.".,'"' .. ....... ....,. Y.. .. n.a. ".....I..",yyv. '-'.&.&.& VC .,rl\.&~'Vr.&L&..II ~vv, . 22S FIFI'H STREET SPRlNGFIELD. OREGON 974n INSPEC'nON REQUEST: 726-3769 ()~1C1k 726-3759 . ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLlCA nON City Job NUJnbec 0 I-Oil Z 2.-0(; 3. COMPLETE FEE SCHllDULE BELOW I, LOCA1:.\p~OF~~A!L+nQN M/l.. 11~ l-flA4IJkJ...KQ4fJ A. NewRQidential-5iDgleor Multi-Family per dwelling UDlt. UGAL DES<.lUr J ION Service rncluded: 1103. 2Z33 00 S-OC ltons CO$t Smn lOp DES\.JW: UUl' V4l-S7JUc. (t) ~~f *' e4~771{ 1it211;./u! 6 ~(r Penttils one llw~ M--,cnble and expire ifWUlk is IIOts1aned wilhiD 180 clays of issuance or ifwodc is suspended for 180 c!ay$. 1000 6q.ft. or less Each additiODal 500 6q. 11 or portion 1hereof Eacl1Manutd Home or Modular Dwcllmg Service or Feeder SI06.oo S 19.00 $ 50.00 2. ,^,,,.AACl'ORINSTAllA1l0NONLY B. Sen1<e$orFeedcn ..-:-:-:: ,j I_natloD, Alterali..... or ElecuicaiComractor / UIJE~, Re1oc:ation: Adkess.d1!J3.::A...f!r ~ I. L 29QtU':'!'I:.or",~jUlte.%V.tq~~~ _ S 63.00 ~ 4 J I ~-l '201,~,to400~ :Yllti '" S75.00 City_&L~I(,U Plltm(l:03)F,S-jIY,, ,.' ,,\.'r4Q!?~llfu~~~~~"'''{~iiY =5125.00 , ,i 'ul<:~ ~d~I~~~ lOOO~'~~ IOrtl, S163.oo Supervisor License Nwnber ~~ 5 u:'VJt'I;Clc'~~lon CerbVerYoOo~,':f.'sIvi>1iS, n.<~?)]~~_ ,01-- 5375,00 - , - O'~ " -2-00'iRt~.(),,'~{ooY'M' rHlresb,~5 50.00= ExpirationOate 10 -I - 07_ i', uAR,(90 may obtain CGlpl'ilj~~~" ,M't,\'ne li~\lO. ou C.:r - "-'\sirYi~:i-ccders Constc Conlr. Number 104~ calling the C"~:~~llO\itt::i-"B:;joeation -, "ucr;orth(:'v'~,,-, '2344). , I O<? ['v'" , 1 '00-332- ExpiIalionDate (- '-1 ~ ".2. C~"':"200 aiIips orless , 201 amps to 400 amps Sigt>aturo of ,',' .:~ - ,:.ing EleelrieiaD Over 40 1 to 600 amps ~~ . .~.=ampsor lOOOvoitsscc / '/, \ .. D. Br:m~~^'JOO\l~^NV OWnenName /l./ v-P- Or.=-c, 0-... New AI M;:~I~ ..L1.. 7 -. va ';j11KfIJ'FlT<"JT~--::- Address 60 () st../ MH~ 'S;\lO~ .O~Q~ \BONO 03ZIHOH10V $43.00 ';") 9"3 -UW S\ llWm 1'lfHS l1WH3d-stm - Ow I VlL-f-!A.", L Phone 2Z 2 - b)1YOM 3Hl~lCiiciiitor~~~ or Feeder Permit 53,00 S50,00 S69.OO Sloo.oo , OWNERlNSTALLATION The iDstal1alion is beiDg made on "'--r- -/ I own which is not inrcaded for sale, lcase oc rent. Owners SlgnalllCe: E. Mikellaneous (ScrvIftJf_ec not included) .Each installation Pump or irrigat;OD Sjp'Outliuo Lighting Limited EolcrgyIRcs Limited Energy/Comm ;{!)S50.oo _ S50.oo _._ S25.oo = $45,00 , "'17Y 190:113IH8~ : 39N\JH::J Og'L91 $ 2:08311 lW\J 2002 60 A\JW:31\J0 ~~68000-10:#8N\J1Jl Minimum Electrie Permit Inspection Fee Is S45.00 of- Soreb2rges 4. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 7% Stale Surcharge 8% Administrative Fee 50, ?50 I.(OD TOTAL S7~