HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/05/2007 Correspondence - Garry Federow Re: Eugene Mission Garry Federow uponamission@yahoo.com 7i ;#,4yO/L "'1-- C! /-Iy {!ot-L;{~ . February 7,2007 To whom may believe it, This is a cover letter to a document called Man kind on a Mission. It is about Chaplain Rick who I believe unfairly disqualified me from being able stay at the Eugene Mission while I was very ill with a sinus infection, laryngitis, and recuperating from a flare up of an infection on my leg after a recent skin graft operation. With encouragement from the Human Rights Commission of the City of Eugene, this letter is being compiled and composed at Laurel Hill Center and will be sent to the people and organizations listed below. It is my intention and effort to save others from what happened to me. Although Laurel Hill Center cannot endorse my personal approach to what I perceive as a very serious problem in this community in regards to mental health and homelessness issues, their mission statement is that of personal endeavor and empowerment. That cannot be overstated, and as I compare the Mission with Laurel Hill Center as social service agencies, I find incredulous polarization. Let's not be redundant. I promise the reader that this letter is as true as I can put it. This is the vanilla version. It is also serious reading. At the Mission as you walk out of Chapel on the way to dinner, is a picture on the left wall of a man sitting on the railroad tracks with his head in his hands. The caption says; "What happens when nobody cares"? If! didn't live this episode, I wouldn't believe it either. This letter has two parts. First I vent, trying to recreate the drama surrounding this event, and then I offer some insight and maybe subtle solution. I intend to scour Lane County while investigating, compiling and distributing similar abuses. This is the very beginning. SinT1Y,. . A!01lJ1- t(kJ Garry Fed11:/ .. ~-:S(L, (!)(j o&-;.! 2~:lr4 I;JfJc3)J A-Ve- &;uf, (!)tt q JtfrY2, Garry Federow c/o J.R. Ogden 2534 Wood Ave.. Eugene, OR 97402 688-9694 On Chaplain Rick Charming or Man kind on a Mission February 12, 2007 On Chaplain Rick Charming I have been homeless November 1. During this time I was disqualified from the Eugene Mission by Chaplain Rick. I was seriously ill at the time with a sinus infection indicated by obvious laryngitis from breath to breath, as well as a circulatory problem and infection flare up from a recent skin graft procedure on my leg. I was taking antibiotics and was prescribed to elevate my leg over my heart, by a doctor from Urgent Care at Peace Health Clinic. My leg was swollen and throbbing. Please let me explain what happened when I went to the Eugene Mission seeking refuge, respite and simple help. After arriving at the Mission seeking help at about four o'clock on November 13, I walked into the Christian Resource Room as directed by Tony the Dayroom Supervisor and found Rick conducting business with another man who was seated in front of his desk. He looked up and asked ifhe could help me. He then began to finish his business with the man already seated. Rick treated me like a nuisance, like I had interrupted something big. Rick was so rude that I was on the defensive from that moment on. Why did he ask if he could help me, and thereby creating his very own awkward and contrived situation, when he could have asked me to wait a few minutes, like any professional or gentleman would do? He has an odd way about him. He was in conversation with one man, but allowed me to approach. When I did he was gruff, rude and shrewd. He has a splendid knack for drawing first blood. Charming Rick then told me that I needed a note from my doctor to qualify for a bed in sick bay. I couldn't believe that anyone in his right mind would send another human being in my condition out into the inclement weather. It was cold and raining heavily. When I protested that a doctor's appointment would take days to materialize, he suggested Urgent Care. When I claimed that I would have pneumonia or bronchitis by the time I got back, Rick just smirked and laughed, and said "Well, they'll put you in the hospital!" He almost sang it like a song, "They'll put you in the hospital '.'cha cha cha'" I almost told him not to quit his day job, now I wish I would have. It's a good thing I have the Oregon Health Plan, but I considered this exercise an unnecess!iry expense and a burden to the OHP. I'll never forget that smirk. I could tell that he really didn't care what happened to me and I immediately began to think of my sister the pathological liar. She would rather lie when telling the truth is easier. She enjoys creating controversy just so she can control the chaos and participants in her own way. For 17 plus years she was the Deputy Public Defender of Riverside County California. She is also a Doctor of Psychology. She is also afraid of me because I can pull her chain faster than anyone she has ever met. The last thing I needed was the Pneumonia Police so after biking downtown to the Clinic and giving them five more dollars to get what I already had but Rick refused to look at, I was treated courteously and given another prescription to elevate my leg. When I returned Rick had gone home for the day and an assistant grudgingly assigned me a bed in Sick Bay. I stayed at the Mission for three uneventful nights upstairs and was able to elevate my leg. My sinuses were still killing me. However when I slept through my TB test reading I was informed by a man named David, one of Rick's assistants that it was absolutely necessary to be cleared of the TB test to be able to continue residency at the Mission. . Since I needed to pick up a note from my doctor to qualify for light duty and ironiCally had an appointment for a flu shot at two-thirty that very next day, David and I agreed that I should bike downtown and get my TB test read at the Lane County Health Department. Thereby taking care of all three errands in one day so I could concentrate on elevating my throbbing and swollen leg. I could hardly wait to get back, but when I did I was treated like a leper. . What happened next was beyond belief. Rick was wearing a sneer and told me to get into the Dayroom and ask for a bed in the regular dorm. . I was through in Sick Bay. He claimed that I was out running around. When I protested that I had been following orders and could prove that I had been elevating my leg all day at Urgent Care while waiting for my flu shot appointment, he started to throw a fit. I have never seen a man act that way. He would accuse me of lying and then turn around, without even looking me in the eye. He did that several times and even embarrassed his assistants. They couldl1't even look at me, and the give-away was that they were physically deployed to stop any type of reaction or retaliation. Violence is not a problem with me, especially in my physical condition, but I immediately discerned that he was deliberately trying to provoke me to anger. The shame on his assistants' faces told the whole story; "He's doing it again". . The man has no idea how angry I am. Rick has practiced this behavior before, but I picked up on it right away. There is no nice way of saying it, Rick was enjoying this and has a knack for provoking men to anger. I believe that he takes great delight in having so much life and death power over the men he supervises. Chaplain Rick then claimed that I was high on Methedrine and told me not to come back. I was escorted out of the mission by his band of thugs. He knew that I was not high, but he used that as a reason to .get rid of me. Since there is no immediate way to tell if someone is high on meth, like smelling someone's'breath, I think he just uses that as a tool. To this day he would probably say I was high and justify his decision. I walked peacefully thinking of my Sister and feeling sorry for the man. I knew his decision was made much earlier in the day, however he gave himself away. His decision was made even muqh earlier. Very much earlier. Let me explain. One of Rick's duties at the Mission is to weed out the phonies. I can understand this and what it's like to be conned. Somewhere along the line Rick must have been conned himself. Chumped, to be exact. We've all been used by users and no one likes it. To him, seeing through the drug dealers that come into the Mission with all their baggage and stories, is a game. To me that day it was much more than a game. It was serious folks, I was ill. Why the man would not let me explain, or even look me in the eye is the reason for my motivation. He had orchestrated this entire scene and after talking to others that he has disqualified, he has done this many times before. This time it is going to be special, because I will not let it go. The man has no right to treat people like he treated me. I simply cannot understand why safe guarding the twenty some odd sick bay beds is such a dramatic issue. Remember that I had obvious laryngitis. Let me explain again. One day a few years ago my eighty year old mother accid~ntally drove her car through a fence and into mid-air, landing on all four tires after traveling twenty feet straight down and into the Amazon Slough. She had a leak in the brake line and' when it was entirely drained free of fluid, she accidentally clipped the accelerator pedal while parking. Zoom! What a ride! Fortunately, with the help of a fireman~ she walked up a ladder and we had dinner together that night. After the evenIng news. What does this have to do with Chaplain Rick you ask? I was doing exactly what I was told to do that day when Rick threw his practiced tantrum. However, if my mother had died that day in a fiery car crash, complete with film at eleven, Rick would not have let me explain why I was not in bed. He had his mind made up in advance and it is very obvious, in the way he had everyone ready for me. He wanted not only to prevent me from rest during the day, but he wanted to punish me by kicking me out of the Mission altogether. One of the funniest questions was when he asked "David who". When I didn't know his assistants' last name he went ballistic and that sneer became even creepier. Rick was at the top of his game, but I knew that his question was contrived. There is no nice way of saying it, he is very clever, but past his prime. I'm nearly 59 years old with a bad back, upper and lower. I'm in constant pain because I can't take strong medication for the three degenerating discs at my waist. I need a red flag reminder of the pain so I don't over exercise and do things that could have very serious long term consequences. As for the Fibrosis on my upper back, I usually have a stiff neck and quite often a headache because of it. Arthritis in my hands is a problem sometimes, especially when I'm cold I have lived with Bi-polar Disorder most of my life. I also have a severe case of ADHD. Tests are inconclusive about brain damage caused by playing football with concussions, but the symptoms certainly dovetail. Those ingredients translate into Major Depression. People like me don't always have a place to go. I didn't. The Mission was my destination for awhile so I could save up and begin to take care of myself. I'm not too proud to admit that I need help on occasion. I had been evicted from my apartment for loudly protesting to my landlord about the drug dealing in the building. But that's another story. This story is about the here and . now. Why I had to wander around Eugene that night in the middle of November with a throbbing leg is beyond me. By God's grace I ran into an old friend that night and ended up staying on with him. Without that friend that night, I have no idea what would have happened to me, my leg, or my infection. Maybe having to deal with Rick is the reason I was evicted. Having your life turned upside down is painful and sometimes we don't understand misfortune at first. Now I'm a man on a Mission. Make no mistake. I'm very proud of myself for being man enough to see through Rick and his obvious pleasure in my situation. What Rick didn't know is that I really didn't have anyplace to go that night and had absolutely no choice but to be on my very best behavior. I'm throwing my tantrum now, and here's why. Rick has been unfairly punishing people for a long time. When he went' after me he got the wrong guy. I needed something to do and stopping his behavior towards others in the future is an inspiration. Call it from God, call it from your Higher Power, but call it like it is. Rick takes delight in others' misfortune. If you go around town telling Rick Charming stories, guess what kind of stories you hear in return? One mustn't go to the top of the Hilton to hear rebound stories of being denied rest during the day by Father 9uido Repentfust at some Soup Kitchen of the Redeemer of South Succotash Somewhere on the Road. To find out how out of synch the Eugene Mission is go to The Service Station and ask questions. To the uninformed, The Service Station is run by the St. Vinny's folks and is a wonderful place for the homeless. There you can for free; have breakfast, lunch, take a shower while your laundry is running, pick up your mail, receive messages, use the phone, contact other services, and do it all with dignity! Ask, but don't bait these people with leading questions and they will tell you the truth about Sunday Punch Rick. I have no idea what the solution is to this problem. Urgent Care and the ER have their stories, Laurel Hill is familiar and Shelter Care just plain can't stand the guy. The Mission is a private religious organization. It is however, the only shelter in the city For one man to have such power over so many people is simply not acceptable, especially since he is sheltered from any and all accountability. Remember that everyone there is experiencing problems and at a disadvantage to begin with, and many of us are diagnosed with one or more mental illnesses. One in five jail and prison inmates are diagnosed. Many more are waiting in line. If you were to ask Rick Charming about me that day, I'm sure that he would say something along the lines of "Well, we wanted to help him and gave him every chance, but he was just so loaded that we had no choice but to send him on his way that night. It's unfortunate that he is an addict, but we simply can't put up with disturbances like he was displaying. We all hope that he seeks help. He needs some kind of medication." The guy has no idea about the quality of my medical support team, and their disdain for the man. This is a very serious situation and I honestly feel that Rick has forgotten "from whence he came". People don't like the man. Oh sure, he is charming and can be very professional about himself. He has been around quite awhile and of course no complaints. At Urgent Care I was reminded that older nurses, older drivers etc. need to be recertified from time to time. What about Rick? But who does the Charming Good Chaplain answer to? As I get deeper into this endeavor I find many people, particularly professionals and clerics alike, turn a deaf ear, because they like the man and figure that I'm just an angry trouble maker. Are you taking your meds, they counter? Many of them think he has a very rough job. That is simply not so. He loves his job only because of what I have already written and the fact that receives the strokes that he does. Recently I talked to a very highly regarded lady who is a devoted local social servant. After patiently listening to my story, she said she had a different opinion of the man. I responded that she was entitled to an opinion, but I don't need an opinion, I was there. In some circles he is a champion. I disagree. He needs to be reinvented. He has no right to be able to discard doctors' direct orders. Why is there not open communication between the Mission and Urgent Care and the ER? He threw me out without a clue or care in the world about what my doctor had ordered. His mission was to provoke me. He won. I'm provoked to the point that my mission is to hold the man accountable. This will take time, but as I'm able to accumulate and investigate more stories similar to mine, I hope that the readers of my letters will begin to see the social injustice that we have received from the charming chaplain. Eugene deserves better. . Why is sick bay so evil? Why does he place such a premium on making sure that the very people who are in need of some nurturing the most, are denied rest. And this by a quote, "Christian'. Why the man displays his religious beliefs in this way is beyond me. Re has burned so many men and turned them away from the Gospel that I purports to represent. Why this man's power trip is allowed unabated is something that I can no longer live with. SinCerelY,~. . . ~. ~#--6 arry Fe r w ,- uponamission@yahoo. Addresses This is just a partial beginning list of intended coverage. Mental Health Laurel Hill Shelter Care V oc Rehab Urgent Care The E R Nami David Oaks Mind Freedom United Way Peace Health Social Sue Iverson Government Lane Co Commissioners . City Counselors Mayor De Fazio Human Rights Commission Hugh Massingill \VI 1\< I:: ~ F ,0$ Media The R-G The Weekly Radio Stations (local news) Television Stations (local news) Churches Eastside Faith Center And every single one I can access, just as soon as I can Social Service Whitebird Clinic The Service Station Shelter Care Safe , And many more to come soon