HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/05/2007 IT Tape Backup System Upgrade .. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Department: Staff Contact: S P R I N G FIE L D Staff Phone No: C I T Y C 0 U N elL Estimated Time: ITEM TITLE: IT TAPE BACKUP SYSTEM UPGRADE March 5, 2007 Regular Session Information Technology Rod Lathrop 0 L 736-1025 '" Consent Calendar ACTION REQUESTED: Approve/Not Approve the following motion. TO AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO SIGN THE PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH SPECTRA LOGIC CORPORA TION TO UPGRADE TAPE BACKUP SYSTEM. ISSUE STATEMENT: ATTACHMENTS: IT needs to add capacity to our tape backup system in order to provide disaster recovery and file recovery services. The existing Spectra Logic tape backup system was purchased in spring 200 I. This system needs an upgrade to keep up with growth in City data stores. IT has the full amount for this project saved in F713 reserves. I. City of Springfield purchase agreement DISCUSSIONI FINANCIAL IMPACT: The City's data storage experience is growing rapidly. The City is up to nearly 40 servers, from 10 servers in 2000. We currently backup 2 Terabytes in a standard backup. New applications and the growing use of digital photography within Development Services, Fire and Life Safety, and Police are fueling this growth in storage and backup requirements. This upgrade replaces existing AIT -2 tape drives (5 Gigabytes native per tape) with AIT -5 drives (40 Gb). In addition to increasing . capacity eight fold, AIT-5 tapes are less than halfthe cost of AIT-2 tapes per Gb to purchase. I. ATTACHMENT 1 Spectra Logic Quote # 6350419 Revision # 1 .0 Quote Effective 1/9/2007 Valid Through 2/8/2007 Project Name: City of Springfield, OR - 12 K Upgrade Upgrades, Accessories and Misc. Items: Quote Items: Part # Description Qty List Price Disc Customer Customer Price Price Ext 909i9534-F Sony AIT -5 Drive, FRU 4 $ 9480.00 10% $ 8,532:00 $34,128.00 90919056-F G2F-QIP-Fibre Channel 1 $11,280.00 10% $10,152.00 $10,152.00 Trade In Trade in Credit-(4) AIT2 1 - $14,400.00 0% - $ 14,400.00 - $14,400.00 Drives Trade In Trade in credit - SQIP - $ 2,500.00 0% - $ 2,500.00 - $ 2,500.00 90879539 AIT -5 Cert. Media 5 $ 1,665.00 15% $ 1,415.00 $ 7,076.25 Pack (20) 7231 Optical SFP Transceiver 2 $ 190.00 .25% $ 142.50 $ 285.00 (LC, triple-rate) 6348 Optical Cable, LC-LC 2 $ 135.00 25% $ 101.25 $ 202.50 Duplex Multi-Mode, 50/125 2GB, 10 meter 2 90910860R Next Business Day Onsite 1 $ 6,424.46 0% $ 6,424.46 $ 6,424.46 Qty 4 drives, 1 QIP Spectra Logic 12K SN 125068 Shipping Shipping Insurance $ 154.78 0% $ 146.89 $ 154.78 TOTAL PURCHASE PRICE NOT TO EXCEED: $41,522.99 Independent Contractor Agreement -3- 02/09/07 FEB-13-2007 12:03 SPECTRR LOGIC P.02 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PURCHASE AGREEMENT Parties: January 31,2007 City of .Springfleld 225 FIfth street . Springfield, OR 97477 ("CITY") Detect and Spectra Logic Seller Additional Contractor Information: a) Type of Entity: o o Sole Proprietorship Umited Liability Comp o X Partnership Corporation b) Address: b) Telephone: c} Fax No. : d) Tax Payer ID: 1700 N. 55111 Street, Boulder, CO 80301 800-833-1132 303-939-8844 84-0922076 In consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties agree to the following teTTT1s, provisions and conditions: 1. Persona' Property to be Delivered. Seller will provide City the 12 K Upgrade. accessories and miscellaneous items as described herein a6 ~ttachment "1". 2. Payment by CITY. City shall pay Seller Oilcc:ording to the sum and !ichedule des~bed on Attachment "I" ittached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference and shall not exceed $41,522.99. City further agrees to remit payment to SeUer in full within 45 days upon satisfactory receipt and ins"tallatlon of said items described herein as Atbl;hment "I". 3. Warranty. Seller will warrant. the 12 K Upgrade, the unit, and all parts for a period of one year pursuant to Part #90S10860R, Next Business Day Or')slte. Specifically, this warranty will include: . . Accesa to iii Spectra Logic support representative any bl.lsiness day (not including evenings. weekend8, Qr hollday~) from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (local customer . time) . Service vIsit from e field 8$rvi~ representative - upon vertfication that the unit purchased has malfunctioned. Spectra Logic must be notified by 4:00 p.m. (local Independsnt Contractor Asreement -1- 02109107 PEB-13-2007 12:03 SPECTRA LOGIC P.03 , time) for a field service representative to be di~patched that day for anival the following business day. 4. REJmedies. This Agreement shall be govemed by and construed in ac:pordance with the L~. ot the State of Oregon. and any litIgation arising out of this agreement l!hall be conducted in the Couns of the State of Oregon, County of Lane. 5. Entire Agreement. This Agreement, including Attachment 1 and the Independent Contractor's Purchase Agreement, signed by both Qarties is the parties' final and entire agreement and supersedes all prior and conte,... .. '1l!1OUS oral or written communications betYieen the parties, their agg;' .~_"epresentative9. There are no rap~sentation!l, promises, term!!, condl~.i~~~:~rt~':~~::;n.s other than those contained hereIn. . .' . . . . . . ~ .......... .A .:~.::::::..::. v . . . . IO., IO' . IO. . IO. IO' . IO., IO' . IO. e. IO. ',' . . . . - . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . ...10.. . . IO. . . IO. ',,' . . IO. . IO., . IO" . . IO. . . . . . . . . . ., . . Sl:![LER . :/~~: ~->~~ Name: C1TY OF SPRINGFIELD: By: Name Title: Date: /:3/;=-'1 0 /~S"t ;~ ~. Title: Date; O~ -/'1 -oJ 7 R9viewed by City Contract Officer ~~-~~~) Indopendent Corrtractcr Agreemsnt -2- 02/08107 rCl;l-l.j-';:::l:1k:r( 12: 03 SPECTRA LOGIC P.04 PURCHASE AGREEMENT This A.grt2m1ent Ill. entllrc:d lrlto U "f tag date last written below by IIl1d botwlllSl1 Speerrll Lop: CorporatlGll, a DeI~ COl'pQr.mon. with a plll.l;'e of busia.ess at 1700 N. S,slll Street, Boutder, CO 80301 ('"SL") and the party whose I~ name and address are set forth below \Pl.iI'c:hBSer'j. 1. Prises, Terms :Ind DeJivI9'T. . (11) Pl1:rCwer may artim' 31.. FQduas by Jssulng a l'UtObase order that iderttlfles SL praducts r'PrOducm"') at an aa;rced-UJXII1 price. 1f Purc.hUlll" i9 eligible fbr ctedit, the 1lJtal amount due ,hall be paid net latet th~ thizty days a1ter shIpmQl1'. Pl.lrc.l1~r sheJl remit sahlll IIl1d 1151: tax., If any, 011 the pw-dmse price. SL l:I1l1)" suspend all SCl'Yfces and shipments unLil SL receives paymem: In full. (b) 51. wll1 ~l:l its !l;asonablc 'oesc effor1:5 to meet any sehlldulcd shipment date. HOWeVer, SL will 'IIot be liable ft!1' shiPPUla dela.ys oilia than willful. lZIi5ccnduc:t. Shipments shall be FOB Boulder. CO. 2. WIl~Dtv. (a) SL Wammt5! that SL has guCld ti& U) lhe PmdUCl:!l lI.lld that the ProduCI!l !hall apwatG m act:l:)rdanae with published ~fir;;3.tions. Thl:l ~ty period ~baU start gn the ship de lI1'1cl aball c;ol1t1nue for II. pCIl'iocf certain dopClll.dUlg on the Proclu~i) purd!asecL Ths SL website may be viewed. for WarraAty mrmS. ccmc1itions and demils. Iffailure qf a Product results from aecidant, abuse or mlsappucau'ln. no wamnty a~ljee:. Any replacement Product will be warranted fbr remainder of the oTigjna1 Mn'anty period or 30 clays, which_CI' k greau:r, SL \11111 defend, settle. and IncSel1Uli1)i Purchaser with respect 10 lUly . claim made or allY suit or p"=lQ:cciini brought. against P\lrchasa based on an allcpl:ion that the Products iWlding alone infringe ll. patent Of ~yrliht SL will provide II n:asonablo rnWUi 1l;t r=medy an iniTlngement thrcugh product modIfications or grantiq Purch3$m' a credit on the Products.. (b) THERE l.S NO OTHER WA.RRANTY, EXPREsS OR IMPLIED, lNa.lJDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO T1IE IMPLIED WAJiRANllXS OF MERCHANTABILITY OR JlTI'N1l:SS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE. NO OlY.L OR. WlUIT.EN INFORMATTON GIVEN BY SL, ITS AGENTS OR IMPLOYEU SHALL IN ANY WAY INCREAsE THE SCOPE OF THE WAR~AN"IY. (c) SL SHALL NOT BE LlABLE FOR. ANY INDIUCT, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS. BUSINESS INTlUUPTlO~. LOSS OF BlISlNESS INFORMATION, AND THE LIJ<E. ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE SUCH PROJ)UCTS EVEN IF SL HAS BEEN ADVISED OF nOt POSSIBILITY OF SUCH:. DAMAGES AND REGARDLESS OF WHE'IlUliR ANY ACTION OR CLAIM IS BASED ON TORT, CONTRACT, snuCT LIABILITY. PRODUCT .w:ABlLlTY OR OTHER LEGAL 1'IiEO~Y. ' J. SU1>DOrt ~ervtc:e.'!. P.urchas=:l ofsuppon Servllle5 on the Product shall be mad~ in aa:otdmlee with the st;l.l1dard SL WlU'l'lUl.ty lUld Hardwin Support Aglument, II ~y ofwhiah will be made available up.m request or obtained from the SL 'lVlllbsitc. ,. Gcn~l"lIl. The Prodw;:ts may contaIn software and firmware that is owned by or ll~ to St.. ~ sottwure and finnw6CQ Is liCert5eQ hereunder and is not sold. Purc:haser sh;sllllot reverse engln_. ds:olIlpilc: Qr disassemble tho sot1ware ar flnnwan.. The t~6 md conditions oont.amed hmln CX)~ the ~n1ire agreement of ma pani=:l and supersede ell prior WrittcJ:i and oralasnsemell1$lIDd ImdemandInill relating ttJ the subject mattw hcreofand sball govern and. ccwol over any srandard winted tsms and a:mdIrioD$ which may be contained Oil qllOtatiC1IlS, orders, 3.l:knowJedlP'"ents, invoices or other stlmollrd ftums exabanged by the parties with n:8pCCt to the ProdUCts. NODe: of the pravisiolU of ttlis Asnancnt may be amended without the: wnttcl1 COrlsent of both parties..All Pl'IJdw;t sates are subjc<< to compliaIlcc With any appijgable ~PJrt or import regulations, laws. rcgulatlorl.! (1;. nllin2S of govommentl11 8Utbgriti~ This Agr-mm shaH be governed by and .:onrtnJe.d In a.ccordlU111e with the laws of tile Slare ofColarado, U.S.A. . Agracd TO this /4' ~clay of re /'. 200.2. Title ~ a ~~ ~TJfI-><l_ ..~ s. ~, -I.y M.4~A8eR. Till.. SPE<<:TRA LOGIC CO~ By .~-}~~ 100106 \~iS'V'~~\i50 f\~ ~~ ~ -;"C Fe~~ ~~'t-\ ~ \....~ \\:'i o ~c C* c. ~"N ~~~ '2.1 '9 l ~I Ad.ln:ai ~evlewed by City Contract Officer ~ LJtf..- :J-f'1/tf?