HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/05/2007 Budget Comm Interview/Appointment ,f AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Department: Staff Contact: S P R I N G FIE L D Staff Phone No: C I T Y C 0 U N C I L Estimated Time: ITEM TITLE: BUDGET COMMITTEE INTERVIEW/ APPOINTMENT March 5, 2007 Work Session/Regular Finance ~ Bob Brew 726-3698 20 Minutes/5 minutes ACTION REQUESTED: Work Session: Interview one candidate for the vacancy in Ward 5 on the Buqget . Committee. Regular Meeting: Appoint/not appoint one candidate to fill the vacancy on the Budget Committee. ISSUE STATEMENT: The Budget Committee has one vacancy in Ward 5, due to the December 31,2006 term expiration of Budget Committee Member Daniel Bowie. Mr. Bowie has served two terms and is not eligible to reapply. The person appointed will serve a three year term which will expire on December 31, 2009. No applications were received by the deadline for this vacancy. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A: Attachment B: Attachment C: Attachment D: Attachment E: Attachment F: Interview Schedule Interview Questions. Budget Committee Charge Budget Committee News Releases Application of Diana Garcia Springfield Budget Committee Member Profiles DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMP ACT: No applications were received in response to the news releases dated October 4 and November 15, 2006. One application was received after the deadline of December 29,2006 and was approved for acceptance by the Mayor, Council President and , City Manager without any further advertising. The Council is requested to interview one applicant for Ward 5 (Ms. Diana Garcia). The appointment is scheduled to be ratified at the Regular Session Meeting on March 5th (tonight). .. , Time Budget Committee Member Interview Schedule March 5, 2007 Jesse Maine Room Topic 6:00 - 6:05pm 6:05 - 6: 15pm 6:15 - 6:20pm Intro and prep for council Interview of Diana Garcia (Ward 5) Council debrief Attachment A Budget Committee Interview Questions 1. Please discuss why you are interested in serving on the City's Budget Committee. 2. What do you feel are the most crucial service priorities for the City of Springfield? Which municipal services are least crucial? 3. Ballot Measure #50 imposed a limit on the growth of property taxes to 3%, where previously the city could adjust its tax base by 6%. As a budget committee member, what types of suggestions would you have to help offset the annual impacts of inflation on the provision of city services? 4. As the Council deliberates public policy concerning the expected recovery of costs through fees and charges versus recovery of cost through tax subsidy, what criteria would you use in determining what services and to what degree activities are user-fee supported or tax supported? For user fee supported services, what percentage of the cost should be recovered by the fee? 5. In general, how do you think services should be financed, i.e., user charges, property taxes, special licenses, fees or tax? 6. Springfield, Eugene and Lane County c'urrently work cooperatively on many services, but also in many cases maintain separate and unique services. What is your current knowledge on the efforts of the agencies to cooperate regionally on services and what suggestions would you have that would promote more or less of an effort in this area? 7. Do you have any questions for usi Attachment B Budget Committee CHARGE The Budget Committee is provided for in State Law. It is responsible for reviewing the financial plans and policies of the City, including the review of the Annual Budget and the recommendation of the Apnual Budgets to the City Council. Source of Existence: Bylaws: Code: State/Council No No Sunset Date: Mandatory Membership Number: In City: Out of City: 12 12 None . Terms (2 max): 3 - Years staggered terms Ward: Qualifier: Yes (not required by State Law) 6 members from the Council and 6 citizens by Ward (Citizen members may not be officers, agents or employees of the City, per ORS 294.336(4). Appointed By: Council application and interview Meeting Time: Varies through Budget Season Funding Source: General Fund Staff Liaison: Assistant City Manager, 726-3700 Bob Duey, Finance Director, 726-3740 Council Liaison: All Council (Note: the Mayor may participate with the approval of the Budget Committee as an ex-officio, non-voting member.) cmo/commonlbcc/budget Last Revised: 3/4/04 Attachment C www.ci.springfield.or.us FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 4, 2006 Contact: Niel Laudati 726-3780 . ~ Media Advisory ~ THREE APPLICANTS SOUGHT FOR CITY BUDGET COMMITTEE The city is seeking applications for three positions on the Springfield Budget Committee. The deadline for submitting applications is 5:00 p.m., November 3, 2006, with interviews scheduled for Monday, November 13,2006. Appointments by the City Council will be made on November 20, 2006. Application fomis are available in the City Manager's Office in City Hall, 225 Fifth Street, . during regular business hours. The three openings represent Ward 2, Ward 5 and Ward 6. The term for the Ward 2 representative will expire on December 31,2007, at which time the representative can re-apply. The terms for Ward 5 and 6 will expire on December 31, 2009. Please visit www.ci.springfield.or.us/pubworks/GIS Web page/06 GIS Standard Map.h~ to see a Ward map. Background: The Budget Committee reviews the city's financial plans and policies, including the annual budget. The 12 member Committee is comprised of the six elected City Councilors and six members from the community. Appointed by the City Council, each of the Committee's six community members must live in the ward they represent. Meetings are typically held between April and June, but the committee may.also meet on an "as needed" basis. What: City accepting applications for three open positions on the City Budget Committee. When: The deadline to apply is 5:00 p.m., November 5, 2006. Where: Applications are available at City Hall in the City Manager's Office. Additional Information: Contact Bob Brew, Budget Officer at 726-3698. -30- . Attachment D- Page 1 of 2 www.ci.springfield.or.us FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 15, 2006 Contact: Niel Laudati 726-3780 f'OJ Media Advisory f'OJ APPLICANTS SOUGHT FOR CITY BUDGET COMMITTEE The city is seeking applications for an open position on the Springfield Budget Committee. The deadline for submitting applications is 5:00 p.m., December 29,2006, with interviews scheduled for Monday, January 8, 2007. The appointment by the City Council will be made on January 16,2007. Application forms are available in the City Manager's Office in City Hall, 225 Fifth Street, during regular business hours. Applicants must represent Ward 5 and will serve a term expiring on December 31, 2009. Please visit www~ci.springfield.or.us/pubworks/GIS Web page/06 GIS Standard Map.htm to see a Ward map. Background: The Budget Committee reviews the city's financial plans and policies, including the annual budget. The 12 member Committee is comprised of the six elected City Councilors and six' members from the community. Appointed by the City Council, each of the Committee's six community members must live in the ward they represent. Meetings are typically held between April and June, but the committee may also meet on an "as needed" basis. What: City accepting applications for three open positions on the City Budget Committee. When: The deadline to apply is 5:00 p.m., December 29, 2006. Where: Applications are available at City Hall in the City Manager's Office or by calling Cindy Stripling at 726-3622. Additional Information: Contact Bob Brew, Budget Officer at 726-3698. -30- Attachment D- Page 2 of 2 APPLICA T10N fora RECTI JAN - 5 2007 City Manager s Offic:: 225 Fifth Street Scnr.gfieid, OR '374T7 (541) 725-3700 City of Springfield Citizen Advisory Board / Commission / C<Jmmittee Please print or rype: I I m rn i' IJ..u-, fA secarale acciic3 on iT1 st be co~pie!ed for ,:act,-board / ';ommissicn / C:Jmmlrteel . .. ....,. ('.Ct.A --, ~rl )djgcle inrtiai . ,-:k: ;) ')~! -- .,""' j ~hCr ti K ~7; <...,; > ~C I '-' I / V CC1 rGf ~ t Lasl 'vi,,;'I 'J) lJ /:;' f 1.1 \...,fi. / (/<--' CIJ V So rrJ-e..- 11tJ77 ];;)/~~ F;rs?,; (). heme acdress: Name: .3 ~ree! Cay chene: C$c;1 ) ~)0 J~ 1/ ct c'/ening .chcne: UJ ,- J ~Q/ Q V"'/ /':1' (f II) \ I 1"'1::. - iLl i:D() I'- t...!-./U ....). De yeu five within [he SpringTieia siry jir;,lts? ~s.~ if yes, hew !cng'! Z;n :-.-i No ==> If no, de yeu live inside Springfield's urban growth beundary; ~ ~ Y :s---1 Nc Waro number (Clry residems oniy): ~ Are you a Springfieid properlY owner? F1es '-.J No Are you a Sprmgfieid business owner? [J Yes )ECNc P,re you a registered voter? ~es n No Occupation lOR- 01()) Business address: hU Education b A U n i V cr6 (Over, please) Att~ch~ent E~ P~ge 1 of 3 ~~ APPLfCA nON for a City of Springfield Citizen Advisory Board / Commission / Committee Page 2 Please print or type: Q 5. o Noontime (noon-1 :30 pm) . ~VeningS 6. How did you hear about this vacancy? o Newspaper ad 0 Newspaper article 0 Radio/TV 0 Mail notice 0 Word of mouth I oard 1 commission 1 committee member o Other r~~ ~/ /9, 2fl!J? / Date Applicant's signature Q ReturF'l this application to the City Manager's Office, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 97477 For more information please call the City Manager's Office at 726-3700 . ft . Prmred on recycled paper "I Attachment E- Page 2 of 3 ~ '-m@/11i.::,-,," ! /V J ( ! {]/ Questions for the Budget Committee Applicant (please answer on a separate piece of paper) 1! Please discuss why you are interested in serving on the City's Budget . Committee. "rtr C,-, C~i-~~{A/11Iq fr..:/~?--:-- .Lf:Vin:" ~_ 5)1') ~ J-ui,-... fu i/'J)!J+ ii' "":f cf;d)<~ ?i/'Jti,~)r'P 't'- F-?-~ TPH/ tr.vS fO fl.{ I de-;"} I 012 . ~d~ , 2. What are your~trme commitments and ~aiiability, which may affect service on the Budget Committeef, i !, --17,; J.~ 06J/n/~ V/I 0 n ,-,__~ !! 'L . tiP -i-- )-'\ ! "- I "-- C< c(. [;/ i II I V-JTj - iA)I1 i ciS tn_ t~ >;- ~~ J2---e-'-J,- vel(' /(./-eoG c7f --? V'- ./J1J?f,A_ ntf"u r!r I;r 2-t,d %u.r.Jc!Jl-;- -{ "" . /l}'tdZ __ j!.~ ~ P -c.. r{,~Y'I/) rn u..1'ti~ ~-J1:; . ,. . A-1-~15?4 L~ 4l;.m 3. Do you have any expenence relatea to municIpal finance or other' 0- 7" Fe..b f).~. public sector budgeting? Please discuss, ~ - ! I. ,)Il( re- 5~Yf'~ PJ,'-- -fl;e... :)q; / hole P>rce. a;:c(;;;'0 J.1 /. / ,_,,~ /-h-; ?i---<- 1;"' (Cz ~<L ~//../iy ~.u tJ 7~ -h. i -; t1 f,lU l v'Y)-;' /111 &Ut.-/ ~ ! ;J . V. h^! '.,,/'- If r',-J ~~_ J4/~/ c;f?~?"I17~/~.' .-JGJ ~/l // (/'// L-<.f 111,1/ t1 I}) '/.' ~ /" ./ .. f'. '. .- . I) ,., ;' -A )';1 tty; / cy'"<<' 777/ t2?:' LY_ tti/2.) (2?-- ~ fjfS/ vA.~ IJj~ 5-e~d~J,i7 ~~ 0-e.- dt{~r'~ bmr~ 1..<)/;/1/(.../ (7)rc.-~ ?'~ /~(~//l.{! i~t~ tt/J/,'d /'/)tf~t!~_ " deciJ/;;~ if !;~r -Iv d>fy,J,/.tL lunc/co- pv~1Ie Attachment E- Page 3 of3 Springfield Budget Committee Citizen Member Profiles The Budget Committee, provided for in State law, is responsible for reviewing the financial plans and policies of the City. It also is responsible for the review of the annual budget and the recommendation of the annual budgets to the City Council. The Budget Committee is made up of 12 members; 6 members from the City Council and 6 citizens by ward. Ward 1 Darnell Manning was appointed to the Budget Committee in 2004, and reappointed in 2005. He is currently employed as a personal banker with Century Bank. He has served as the Budget Committee's representative on the Mayor's Blue Ribbon Panel for the Study of Fire and Life Safety Service Levels and Funding Options. His term expires on 12/31/07 and he is eligible to reapply. Mark Molina was appointed to the Budget Committee in January 2007. He is currently employed as Service Director for Marshalls, Inc. In addition to his work with the Police Planning Task Force, Mr. Molina also serves on the Board of Directors for the Springfield Chamber of Commerce and Springfield Rotary. His term expires on 12/31/2009 and he is eligible to reapply. Ward 2 Ward 3 Maureen Sicotte has a strong background in municipal accounting having prepared budgets for Los Angeles County for 20 years. In addition to serving on the. Springfield Budget Committee since 2003, Ms. Sicotte currently serves on the Springfield Museum Board. Her term expires on 12/31/08 and she is not eligible to reapply. Ward 4 Ellen Manzer was appointed to the Budget.Committee in 2005. She is a U of 0 graduate with a degree in Accounting. Currently she is employed as an internal auditor for Northwest Community Credit Union. She has been involved in the community by assisting with church camps and alcohol recovery groups. Her term expires on December 31, 2008 and she will be eligible to reapply. Ward 5 Vacant- term expired on 12/31/2006. Ward 6 Rita Castillo was reappointed to the Budget Committee in November 2006. She has been active as a community volunteer, serving three terms on the United Way Fund Distribution Committee, more than ten years on _ numerous boards and committees with St. Vincent DePaul, and many years in service to various other community programs and agencies. She also serves as the Budget Committee's representative on the county's Health and Human Services Committee. Ms. Castillo's term expires 12/31/09 and she is eligible to reapply. Attachment F