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Permit Correction Notice 2008-5-13
" ,.... 'Ii_ '.n....~._. , --"I~'--'.,.l... ~.."".~i'""J""'i"r.("I""..,~ ....;...,'~ . ...">;'" ,'.!! r ""'"}~j',,,:::~ City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street TO: MV2.... M Of?j: H-r9( ~c;~ . -. .~~,""~- ~~'. Date: ,<," I J ~ I 200X Job# C- (!) M 200?- () 0 st;R Address:. 2 U ? S ) q '01 c; I Inspection Type: F r: AJltL };. (j::;f If'UJ fltL F~tJrSl~ Al.L E..Lu.-TfU.:ur{, vJc9R-tL HAtJ/~ I1--IA, F'C)(TfJJL&.C. . -: I J (j .~ J5 ?'_IO.cz' . TltE LX:AAfT J:tJ Tift ~/1ofNF~ /I./1OF?j::>-~ A _~JfduruL 1f2:J;,A{ ,H-E rJUI(~ utVJ)FR lrh~ RA-'1fflWof\'1 ~r-tVA.. MEJ:-Alc r: FL:I. yqwT ~(;rwtU Corrections and reins..e..~ion request shall be madA within .3 (j calendar days. r- J? Call for reinspection LJdyes DNa Inspector (_lJ \.j U:J-.'I.nIJ _Date: , J -. \ -O'i{ Nf'OJf'OJf'OJf'OJNf'OJf'OJf'OJ':"NI'VI'VCall for inspection 726-3tli9f'OJ,y'f'OJf'OJNI'VNNf'OJf'OJf'OJQuestions 726-3759NNNNf'OJf'OJf'OJf'OJf'OJ