HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-2-7 [r;,-1k 1:; .. RESIDE.~TIAL" " APPLICATIaERMIT 225 North 5th $treet Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Location: C; 6 :; M i--a.. " Ie.. f' I c; <-~ Asaesaore Map N /7 03 '3d.- l 2- Tc;;r Lot # SUbdivision: 12-; Ve..J.- h /-//.; ()Jner.. ~LA Address: ,....;;1/ /" 'W!7 ,?~ ~~ /I..~ dL:> -/4 Ci ty: ;z;::- c...&, ,/ pee.::> ~ippsl T~n~1Ptiq~A D. SITE INSPECTION: To be nr:zde after e:rcavation~ but prior to set up of . forms. O . pNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & . MECHANICAL: To be made before any . work is '::o1Jcred. o FOOTING J FOUNDATION: To be mads after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring concl'et~. ~ UNDSRGROUND PLUMBING. SWER. W.1TE& DRAINAGE: To be 11Klde prior to fil- Ur.g tl'encMs. iZl. UNDERFLODR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: L.::J I To be made prior to inata"llatt.on of /1001' insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instaHatwn of f1.o0l' ins~Zation or decki"fj . ROUGH PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work is to be cot-'sred ,untiL theBe inspections have been made and approved. FIREPLACE: Prior to p'Lacir.g facing materia~s and bsfore framing inspec- tion. o ~ o rY1 FRAHING: Must be requested after ~ approval of rough plwr.bing~ electri- cal & mechanical, ALL roofing bracing & chimncys~ etc. rrr~8t be ;- completed. No IJOrk is to be con- . ..: cealed until this inspeotion has ~be~n ~ and approved. Rc"",pt.' J 04)t?-.. 14--1;00 Phone: b,!5C - 9451 Zip: '9' 74'0 C; Describe fl'ork: S'~Ic-~,'/Y ~$' r7l INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER I11SPECTION: L..CJ To be made after aU insulation crui. .. requi.red vapor barriers are in place . . but before any lath~ gypswn board- or LXlll covering is applied~ and before a1!y insulation ~8 concealed. ~ I7l DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be made ~ after aU drywall is in place~ but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location~ bo1uI beamD~ grouting or verticals in accoPdance wi th U, B, C. Section 2415. O WOODSTOVF;: After installation is ccmpleted, r7I CURB & APPROACH AP.'TON: After formS ~ are crected but prior to pouring . aoncrete. . r-:l SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- ~ crete paving ~ithin street right- of-wc.y~ to be made after all e:cea- vating ccmplete & form IJOrk & sub- . base material in place. D FENCE: When complGte -- Provide gates or movable sections thl'ough P.U.E. . . . ::.-- [g] Str'CUt>t l-r~ ~ IktL . :J-~(1"0tJ Exoires /fl;o/~(!;> ~/3d/?"o 5"/3/ / t'D 4-1:z.;.,/~'" Pl,nT1P h~G-<:1~/ ~-"!:c:'~> (3<>o6-loZ8 o/'~-f?1'Z8-. ~N"'J h Addition n Remodel n CU ///.-, 07 Sigr.ed: .'Iobile Roma ,/ / C> f/ ~e>"'. Date: . Date" of APpZicaticnJ/-It;,/t?17 Varus c: .; "? .-/ .~ Contractors Address Lise. ff BIdrs Board Re~. . General 0j;~de'" Ji?k> ~ '%6t?tb..!. -z-7 i Plumbingjl./,.,vr PI....../:" ~c..-q ~-2-pb Hechanical~oV"~ de.-- ~. ZC>-'7o(f; c.. El,,,ctrical\'-7/_.. //h~~ ,,,,-,,,<+~iL ~~ \..,/ ......, Suoern'!ling Elec tliciaIJ ..?b-<_~ ..t..:J ~ \:,\v' I,/f-...__ ~ v '-" It is the l'esponsibility of ths permit holder to 8ee that aLL inDpeetions are r.1ade at the propel' tim~~ that ~c.eh .:dtb-ess is l'eadab~e froom t1w stl'eet, and that the permit oard is loeated at the front of the property. -Building Divi:::ior: appl'ooed plan shalt remain on the Buildinfl Sit:; at aU times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST:CALl 726-3769 (recol'derJ state your City designated job nw;:ber~ job addrcss~ type of in3peaticn l'aqucstcd ardi When you will be l'eady fol' in8peetion~ Contl'aatOl'8 Ol' Owners name end phone.numbel'. Requests l'Bceived befere 7:00 ~ z..'iZl be made the same day~ requests made a~t€.1' 7~OO (QTI lJill ba nude the nc:ct :iJOrking daY'n 0 . Your city Deaignatad Job Nwnb<r IG: '--(nm ('\ 1 DE/.fOLITION OR ;'.,'OVED BUILDIilGS ~ Sanitary S6".Jel' .zapped at p~opt::l't':i lir.e :=] Septi:: tank p:.4Nped and fille~ lJith gra~el ] Final - rrhen above items are completed . ar~ when demolition is complete Ol' stru~- ture moved and pr~ses cleaned up. . Nobile Hemes ::J Blocking ~ S2t-~p . ::J Plumbing conneetions s&Wel' and Water ::J ELectrical Connection - BLocking~ set-up and plumbing conr.ections nr~st ce approved before l'equesting elec:rica~ inspec:ion ~ Acaessol"';j Building --, Final - Aftar porches, 8kil'ting~ decks~ --.J etc. are eompleted. D AU pl'oject conditions~ Duch as the instal.lation of street trees~ co.-:rplotion of the f'6quil'ed Zand8caping~ cte.~ must be satisfied before t1-.s BUILDINC FINAL can be l'squestad. o FIliAL PLUMBIflG [2!] FINAL MECHANICAL rn FINAL ELECTRICAL o @ FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspection must be l'equeoted alter the Final Plumbing Eleatl'ical~ and Meehar.ical Inspections havo been made and appl'ov2d. 'ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS !IUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!fENT TO BE !IADE AT I/O COST TO CITY I Page ! of 2 .."'~...- w I JOB NO.9~R/ SOLAR ACC.ESS REQ.- L-COC-ll.' I Zone: L-p;;;:f OcCUOO11CW ~ ;z?- 3' -' //?-/ Type!cor.st: ~ Bedroome: t-/ Lot Sq. Ft{;. ~~"I LOT TYPE: Lot Faaee - /V...qr# 1 ~~"!'J' s()I<l'Cee. !Vae S of tot Coverage /99,p Interior Setbaake I Heat ~ /"..4. . P.L. House Cara~e Access. I Watsl"lJp.otp.1' ~ g of StaMoee 2-, Corner Horth .,.,,~ / I I Range EC~2"/?' Totat Height --:::r3f Panhandte Foet /< / I I Fireatace T h 9_ V ^.'-de-eaa South 20' I I Wood.tove -r-.,-r Y .~ ~ ... .Weet .n~~.... II IITE:M I M:Iin I r;m.:Ws I Can:>ort I Accessol"1I -- Faes -- SQ.FTG X Value I . .... :.... 1"9"'i"<f).h'l' ~A7 77U4/t). 9'/ I </97.99 ;/.>7/.6<D I I TOTAt VAWE: Is.D.c. lva/.UC) 1.5", Buitding Penrri.t State SUraharge Tota t Chargee IITE:M Fiztures I NO. FEE: Reeid8Tltiat (1 bath) I Sani ta~ SeLJel" -g I ~t~ I ~~ Z#..../.N'.46't? Plumbing Permi t State Surc1-.a.rge Total Charaes ! ITEM NO. Ree. Sa. fta. /4-5't!) / NtoJlEztend Ci1'OUi t. FEE: T ..,...y.... .... ~r Service I -:2~.d ~V/Ce ".. El6~trical Permit State Sur~harae Total Charges lITEM I PuM1ace !!TU'S E%haust Hood NO. FEE Vent Fan / ! ~ -::i),"'" WOodStOTJ6 ~4'A'JVL~ (/e-?,/ 1,<: '"?--- Permit Issuance Pi~~ Me~hanica.l Pemt State Surcharoae Total Ch7rtl60 -- ENCROACHMENT -- I SBcunt1l Derx;sit I Storage I M7.intenance Ipenrri.t Tota 1. Cha.1'QC8 Curbcut 1- -:<-:? I --::JS' sidew!k IF,"",e I EteotM.cG l Labs I I Nohi Ie Home .1 I I II l'fOTAL AMOUNT OUF:; ~ 'Building Value & Perm i t This permit 1.0 granted on the erpr>SSB conditi~n that the sa"id construction Bhall~ in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the construction and use of buildings, cmd may be suspended or revoked at any time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. , . ~9'..(::?~ Ir.z~. 97 . ~. <><> /~.r~ . <$107. 7"0 Pu,n Check Fee: rY3:1.7i) Date Paid: !-ih-C?(') Readpt #: f 5/)c.("") ,Signed: t=1,{~ Plumbing Permit No person shall. Con8tl'UCt~ install, al..ter: or _t;:~~ any new or msting plumbing or drainage system in whole or~~~ part~ un~~88 Buch person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber'8 licensB, except that a per-Bon may do plumbing IJOrk to property which is OLmed, leased or operated by the appti- aont. . CHARGE: C2'5? ~a.~ /'5: ""= -:2 C? . '--" /-z;z~SO 6. (g' 12$. ~'3 . CHARGE I .q ?~:2:0 I 1 /'5',-1 -::s? _ :SC' 9&>.- '~50 99'- So . Electrical Permit Where State La1J requires that the e lectl"ica t work be done by an E1.ectl'ica Z ContractOl'~ the electrical. portion of this pe1'l'1lit shall roOt be valid until the label has been 8ign~ by-, the ElecmcaZ Contractor. CIIARGE: Mechanical Permit /'~ 6? . ~.lS"-? "}'.-<=> 6,"""'" 7- ....... -;;;?7- $'.c> /. "7.2; Z&.Z!5B I. I /7 .~~ F{z/~!;r.'.", /' -;;?-C;;.9e> va"e /'?- S'.S- 15.:2:) I HAVE: CARE:FUtLY E:XAMINE:D the aomp!eted appLication for permit, and do hereby ce1'tify that an i'1'lfo:omation hereon is tftue and C01Toct~ and I further certify that any ar.d all work perfor>:TIed shall be don.e in accor- danae LJith the Ordinonae. of the City of Spl'ingfietd, and the l,a:J. af the ... State of Oreg.:m pertaining to the LX'rk described he1'sin, and that NO OCCU- PANCY TJilt be rrrzde of any structure IJithout parmission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that cmly contractors and e:np~yee8 who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project /75'5:0f I. ./ . ~ .F2r:;L ) Z4~ /U~ Sign.'?d Dat'e / //Cj/9 t5