HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-6-26 19-'G C- .. RESIDENTIAL" . . .. . l: J. APPLICATI.ERMIT :225 North 5th Street . . Springfield, Oregon 97477 t. Bui lding Division 726-3753 . \ ,,'~ ai Location: 'I AsdeSBOl'S Map # SPRINGFIELD .~ Qldl.. :-1-",,_ I 7c:> ?> 34- / 2- f2-,'c..eJ.- fI-,'/ (c, (\;};J A Uj r:~ . ..... "-{Y ~ -./1;" :;~~; u~oo: ~ ~ ~ Date: 6/2.6 -,g.cfl I Phone 6.??~tfyd:JI~. " ?115- ~,.. .4aG -1/I'5;7./f. :: qe,gl 8"'7-8 I.. ..,r'i> , , It is the zosspon.uibiLity of ths permit lu:ildezo to Bee that all. inspections are made at ~he p2'ope~ tim€, tr.at each ~e88 is l'ea:iabte ~ from the street, and that the permit oard is located at the front of the property. I' . *BuiUin.g rr:vicion approved plan :shalZ remain on the BuiZding Sits at all times. - '"." .' . . PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION R~QUEST~CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state YOUI' City d~8ignated job number," job addrCS83 type' of irkpecticn ," l'equestcd ar.d when you win be ready for inspection, Contractors or O!Jners name 'and phone number. Requests received befop~ 7:00 om ~"il"L be made the same day, requests made a~ter 7:00 am will be made the next :lJOl'king daYa . . Your City Desigr.ated Job Number Is: {.Jq DLi ~O .. '?75 Subdivision: Ctmer: gJ,-e..od""c-, &:.o~ 4dL.. Address: ~ 6 -F- City: ~.GA'lP"P ./ QN"'" n Addition' n Remodel n MobiZe Home P(c~ e.. ., Tc;;r Lot # 14400 Phone: bg 6~q43/ Zip: q T7 cl~ <=; 4Z~ri;~;o~...)(y K~ ' .Z-U-BQ.. 'Date of Application Contractors GeneraZ ~'" //'::;Lot;;. PZwnbing A (et--I Pic.-? h EZectricaZ -rl-.nJ.-",-f-"l-" d""...... Mechar.ica t Constl"'UCUon Lender r RP.~li~P.1 T~pp.p.~tir.n~ r:-::;;r SITE INSPECTION: To be made after L:.J excavation~ but prior .to Bet up of . . forms. . " O . UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & . MECHANICAL: To be made before any . work is ~ovcred. . Value IS,?:47 Add:ress '?:b6 Ed,.,-/{. F=" c-q E=' CZTvh.-J,'"",- Rcce.;pt # ! l/{ 1'1 A. , I - .. \,..\ '.';'" '.0 ,':11> I "! , ..' Lisc.# E..:r:oil'es -z.7 7.c> - "Zre '2O-70{; c 4/Jf!'A4 Ir;~ 6-'>0 $-3/ 4-- 2,n /'-'v y r-:J FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made r-::l- DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made ~ after trenches are excavat'ed and t::J after all dPywal.Z is in plaae~ . forms are erected, but prior to ,but prior to any taping. pou:r>ing ccneret.::. .' ., S U"D~ GRO ., G Sf;' p n ""I II MASONRY: Steel. l.ocation~ bona. I . .'.. ",'R U..D PLUMBIN., "''':E''' W.4T~,:~ J beCUTl3~ grouting or vertical.s in DR.AINAGE: To be made p1'1.,.01' to f1,{,,- accordance with U.B.C. Section ."L'tr.g trenches. 2415. ~ llNDERFLOOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: . D WOODSTOVE.: After instaZlation is U' To be made prior to in3tal.Zation of compl.eted. floor insulation .or decking.. r:-J POST AND BEAM: Ta be made prior to If:::::J install.ation of [1..001' insulation Dr ..decki1lfi. r::I ROUCH PLUHBD1G. ET,ECTRICAL & MECH- L:J . ANICAL: No work is to be covered ,ur.til these inspections have beer. made and approved. .._ R FIREPLACE: Prior to p!acir.g fad.ng mate:r>ial.s and before framing inspec- . "tior:. r:::::t FRAJ1ING: Must be requested after ~ approval. of rough pl.UJr.bing~ electri- .cal & mechanical.. AU roofing . bracing d chimn.cY8~ etc:. m'.J.st be '~'cDmpl.etcd. Na work is to be con- ....;,...:cealed until. this inspection has . ~.~.been made and approved. , c:::::r- INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER TNSPC;CTION: ~ To be made after al.l insulation ~A :' .; required vapor barriers are in place ,'. '.~ but before any Zath~ gypswn boa:rd ~r . wzz. covering is appUed~ arid~before '.fD'!Y insulation is concealed. r;:::;r CURB & APPROACH AP.r?ON: 'After forms ~ are created but prior to pouring .. C01'U!re te. . r::;rSIDEWALK. & DHnTF;WA.Y: Far all ~on- ~ crete paving within street right- , Qf-way~ to be made after all exca- vating ccmplete & form work & cub- . base material in pZa::!e. D PENCE: When compl.ete -- Provide gates 01' movable sections through P.U.E.. o I DEMOLITION OR UOVED BUILDIiiGS i ~ Sanitary S6'..)er :Japped at propert.:j lir.e - . -. - I. ~ Septia tan.k fT..u:rped and fi l led !JJi th grav.e l , ... 1 :J Final - rYhen above ite:ns are cC1JTPleted . ar~ when demolition is camplete]or struc- tUre moved and premises cle~edl.~'. ,.;C . Mobile Hcmes .. i..; .... .'1. ...' ~~Plumbing connections s~er ana ~ter .::...1' - I . W--;,Electrical Connection - Blocking~ set-up --..J and plwnbing connections TTr.J.st 1::e approved . . before requesting electrical inspection .~.~l.ocking and Set-up .=J,Al:weSSOl"d Bui~ing ...--......:~ ~.L, :J Final - After p:Jrche8~ etc. are completed. skirting~ decks~ ".' D ,. ~;NAL P~UMBING ~L MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL AU proJ.ect-::md~tions~ ouch as the installatian of street trees, cO::7pl.otion of the ..~..E requil'ed z.a.ndscc:pir.g~ etc.., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested::.; r-/;.INAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requ~oted alter the Final ;Zwn~i:}:;>' \::::J E!ectricaZ, and Meahar.ica! InspectionD have been made and approved. \:. ;:::;:i:!~;\ ;:,':~'.',-'..'...,i.::( .-'''-' o 'ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST/tENT TO B~ MADE AT NO COST TO CITY I Pape .l.of 2 ..~._---- _~_.I.,.. ...11. I I JOB NO. SOLAR AC~S REQ.- . ~ ~ Zone: ~ Oceuoanc. G.: V ,~ T:;pe/Cor.st:'A- \.. ) Bedrooms: 'f Lot Sq. Ftg. 78 'Ira LOT T'f. - - I Lot Faaes - /:a. ~ f:' .. I I Enarqy Sources S of lot CiJ1)erage 2. 87- Interior I Setbacks I I Heat I P.L. House' Garage Access. I I Water HP.f2teio # of Stories Z Corner INorth I 0 I 1 I Range Total Height ;2.5' . Panhandle lEast .30. I I Fireolaae TOPographYa1rf;:-~:.- 9 ~~l!heLO( CuI-de-sac I~::h f:;:' : : WOod3tove -- Faes -- X Value I 39.70 t,8.no. 7.0 I I'fJIO '-.'27.001. I I I 7S,3Y'17ol II} 13 o. 22.1. I I I I' lITEM l~in SQ. FTG 173/ L./70 Garaoe Carnort IAcc8880ru TOTAL VALUE _ lvat.uc) S.D.C. "1.5 x Building Permit .. ., , State Sza'charge Total Cha.~ge. lITEM _ I Fixtures I Residentia! 8 't!t~~ l-sanitary Sewer I . \ J 'WriteI' Skn.-, Dro.J,h NO. I I I I I Plumbing Permi t 'State Surcr.arge Total Charaes .ITEM I NO'j I I Temporary Service . I I 2-ooA.....PSfa..~'el!:l I Re8. Sa. fto. New/Extend Cirauits . Elec:trical Pernrit State Surc'ha:rqe . Total CharC8S I ITEM I NO.1 FEE I Punuice ETU'S . II dExhaust Hood 1 / I\:ent Fan 13 13.00 .IW.?odstove.f.'~pJ"CL II I d"r~ ve~t- ILl . Permit Issuanca Mechanica L Permi t State Suraharae '1'ntnl Charnp-s -- ENCROACHMENT -- Se~dri~ Deuosit I Storage I Maintenance Ipermit Tota l Charoaes Curhcu1; I Suu..a!k r;~~e I Electrical Label j Mobi le Hane 23' 3,"' 1- TorA'L--- I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' 3 C, 1.00 I r;; .O$: 37 t. 0 ~ FEE CHARGE PEE c..7.~o 2.0.00 I /5.00 I 2-0.00 I 1/2.2..:5'b I (., .13 1/28_0~ I. I CHARGE 37, .fb /5_ C) 0 37.s-0 9CJ.()o I 'I. s-o I 9 ~ s-o CHARGE 6-00 'f 5'0 I ~.oo 1/~.00 1 3_00 1/ . 137.50 I 1.88 13'1.38 J 3. 'IS 15.z.;.O I I I 128.8'5 #/800.(,,3 ... ""... ........"'...,...., I.. .'_'''.' "...,,_ L-COG'lr I I I I I I >....'1'- Tl.{oe GA$ I I \ Building Value' & Perm i t This permit is granted on the express condition that the said construction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding 1;he Zoning rJrdinance, regulating the construction and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at cny time upon viC~ lation of any provisions of said Ordinances. c Iplan Check Fee: ~?l/., /,i? Date Paid: (p - ~ 7- Aq I Receipt #: li-ll'J j ~ -, I Signed: /lAj..l.~' Plumbing Permit No person shazz. construct, instalZ,alter or. changc\any new or wsting plumbing or drainage system in whole or in. part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a person may do plumbing work to property tJhich is owned, leased o~ operated by the appZi- aant. / .. Electrical. Permi t I I I I I. I I Where State LazJ requires tr.at the eZectrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall roOt be vaZid until the Zabel has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit " v I I 1 I I l. I I I I I , . I I I I 1 I 1 I. .,.:, --2- '. ,:.-\ '\ \ ---:--., \ l:--v yo \ \ !an '1.1 -..;1"0- . ;.\. P &,xaTTr/..ner ~t:S?\J~ I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that aZl info~tion hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d all work performed shall be don.e in accor- dance UJith the Ordinances of the City of Springfield., and tht: La...;s of tho State of Oregon p8rtaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY UJill be mae of any struatur€ tJ'fthout permis8ion of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compztance IJith ORS 701.055 wiZl be used on this project . . "C:l/~~ ~...?<:"/1---:'/( ./ ~~ Signad -- ~(Zh /~o;