HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-5-10 .. RESIDIT1Al" SPRI....C:.Fla.J:).. , APPLICAT11J IPiRl~IT. 225 North 5th Street ...~.. ~ Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Location: .~f\S6((}(:\;Yo,(jJ\L- ~- .. \,033A- \ ~ Tc;;r' wt # \44['(\ Q.mer: \-. \ t\. ,.TH, \-Z II U \ \'li \')<) . Add1'ess: ~\\~ h{C\J\r\o ,V_LPhone: 'l4-lo-32..q~ ~)\J ~ \ tl Q C"\~ . Zip: C{l+,l - 'qy - ~~ QN~.; n Addition n Remodel n Nobile Home AsoeS80rs Map # Subdivision: City: .{)'R09 .4,~S~a{) Date of Apptication Contract~ . General ~ f\D( [Plumbing . Hechanical E],eetrD:al Supe""~;;"_lg Electrician ) -', Describe r.'ork: Value 4,342.,~O # !'/CXY7 . -' '" ..'" . JI w 1 ~ '!.. ~....,.. :,.' , ,. HuYD ~- I/J-c-[{) Sigr.ed: Date: Addr"~~ '..Lise.. II Bldrs Board R~2. Exp::!..res Pl,n,-,p It is ths respon.ai.bil'j.ty of ths permit holder to 888 that alt.. inopections are made at ths proper tims.. tr.at each :ddres8 is readable frcm tlul s"".st. and that th6 p""": t card is locatsd at ths f1'Cmt of ths prop.,.ty. .Building [)i.vi::ior: apprOt:ed plan B.han remain on thE Building Sit:: at all times. . . PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQU8ST:CALL 726-3769 (record.,.) state your City designated job """,b.,.. }orlquestcd and when you !Jizz. be ready for inspection~ Controaatoros oro Owners name and phone nwnbcr. :..'iZl. bs made the same day~ roequests made after 7:00 am LJiz.t be nwie the next :.JOroking day. ~ ~ ., ~ .... Your City. Ds.i!P'.ated Job Number I.: . q ()()4-C(Cf Rp'",~i~pp T~Rn~~tinnR O. SITE INSPECTION: To be "",de aft.,. exccwation~ but pnoro to set up of , forms. D : UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & . MECHANICAL: To be made beforoB any . 1.UOrok is covered. l"i:71 FOOTING ~ FOUNDATION: To be "",de ~ after trenches are excavated.and . . forms al"e erected~ but prior to . pouring ccncretc:. D. .' UNDERGROUND PLUMBING,. SEWER. W.1TE& D.WNAGE: To be made prior to fiZ- .lir.g trenches. 0.. UNDERFWOR PLUMBING & MF:C!!~: To be made prwr to instalZat1.Gn of [l00l" insul<:tion or decking. o POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to insta~Lation of 11001' insuLation or . decking. ROUCH PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECH- . ANICAL: No worok is to be cOL'ered ,ur.ti Z. these inspections have beer. made and'approved. . FIREPLACE:. Prior to placir.g facing materials and before framing inspea- tion. . 1"\71 FRANING: Must be requested after ~ approva~ of rough plwrbing~ electri- cal & mechanical. All. roofing braaing & chimncY8~ eta. nr.J.st be :.completed. /10 work is to be con- ,...~.cealed until this inspection has ~ b6~~ made and approved. o o o FIliAL PLU/.f8I11G o FINAL MECHANICAL o FINAL EU:CTRICAL o <& O INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION, To be made after atl insulation a:".d' . . required vapor barriers a:re in pZaae ~ but before any Lath~ gypswn board or . wU covering is applied~ and before ~y insulation is concealed. "'. o DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be mad. after aU drywatl is in pZa.ce~ but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location~ bo1u1. beam(J~ grouting 01' verticals in accordance with V.B.C. Seation 2415. O WOODSTO'IE: After installation is ccmpleted. . O CURB & APPROACH AP.rKJN: After forms are ereated but prior to pouring ~rete. . O. SIDEWALK & DRn'EWAY: Fer all con- crete paving within street right- of-wc.y~ to be made after all. e:z:ca- vatirig carrplete & form work & suh- . base matenal in pZa.ae. o ~ 'PENCE: When compl~te -- Provide. gates or movable sections through P.U.E. . ,.. job addrcss~ type of inspecticn Reques~s received befcre 7: 00 a-:'f . ../' "'..'. . I DEUOLITIG.Ai OR gOVED BUILDIilCS '~Sani~ se..J6l' oapped ~t ~op~r~ =:J Sept~ tank rr.m:ped and fil1..e~ L1ith gra:;.el lir:e ---, Final - When above items are ccnPleted : ---1 and when demolition is aorrrplete or stru"- ; ture moved and premiaes cleaned up. I ! Mobi le Hcme8 ::J Blocking and Set-up ::J Plumb~ng connections -- B~er and water ~ Electrical Connection - Btocking~ set-up -.J and plumbing connections rtr.J.st ce appr:Jved . before requesting elec~rical inspec~ion :=J Accessol"":1' Bui~ing "I Final - After p:Jrc1:es, skirting~ decks, .--J etc. are complet~d. o All project conditions, Duch as the installation of street trees, c~~letion of the required land8capir.g~ etc. J must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. FINAL BUILDING: .The Pinal BuiZding Inspection must be requeDted after the Final Plumbina ElectriaalJ and Mechar.icaZ InspectionD haV/3 been made and approved. -ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!fEllT Tp BE MADE AT NO COST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 I JOB I Zona: NO. SOLAR ACCESS oCC"loipa~!i_G~ WT TYPE / .lJ,(( Lot Sq. Ftg. ~r... S of rot Coverag< ":l2..?L- # of Stories - I' Total. Height Topogrophy I,itcrtol' Co:one::' PanhandLe Cut-de-sac IITEN x Va lue SQ.FTG Main CaPaa. N)~ 'A.\() 4- ?--AL'(j) I. CarnOl't ACae8801'U . I q-~<1-'L.'XLP I' NjA ,. 50.50 2o.S" 15:3,0,1. CHARGE I TOTA& VAWE Is.D.c. fvatuc} 1.5 % Building Permit State Suraharge Total Cha.."'"gea lITEM NO. FEE Fixtures / / Residentia! (1 bath) I Sanitary Sm.Jer Wate1' PLumbing Pe=i t State Surar.moge Total Charaes ITE~f NO. FEE CHARGE Res. Sa. fta. I N&LJ/E:rtend Circuits t... Temporary Service 20~ '5(;) . ~ /Jin.lt't- l~t1O .~ 1. ~() ! ~rp 31,Se! . I I I I I I I I I I. Ele~tPical permit State Sur~harqe Total Chtz:roces lITEM NO. FEE CHARGE Purn.2ce !!TV'S Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan I1I000stove I / I Permit Issuance Me::hanic:zJ Permi t State Surcharae Total Charaes I -- EIICROACIfMENT -- I Sec-J.ritll D2'D08it I Storage I f.faintenan.:JB I Permit Total Cha1'QCB cUrbcut I sideoJa a I Fen::e Electrical. Label Mobi le Home I TOTA& AMOUNT DUE:' c:::; '--<,0-< 00 J Jfj~{-r t'a,gc " I I l I I I I i REQ.- L-COG~ Type/Cor.st: Ai Bedrooms: ~I ~ner>au Sour>ces I I fieat Access. I I Water> HP..G.tp.r> I I Ra7/{ie I I Fir>eplace I I Wo<Xf3tove II Tl/De - i Lot Faces - I Setbacks I P. L. 'House Caraqe INorth l'East South IWest -- Fees Building Value & Permit This pennit ia granted on the express condition that the sdid construction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the construoticn and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at c:r:.y t";me upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordirumces. Inan Cheak Fee: P-..!] . X ~ !Vate Paid: 4-1 ~_c.\,{) IReadpt #:. . \ (~r'J I Signed: ~I~ I. Plumbing Permit No person Dhal~ construct, install, alter or change any new or existing plumbing or drainage system in ~hole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except that a person may do pLwr.bing work to property "hich is oomed, Leased or operated by the appLi- cant. I I. Electrical Permit Where State LaJ.,J requires tr.at the electrical oork be done by an Eleatrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until ..~~~~~~~ (llitt ~ Mechanical Permit nan€9?1 hV-- ua"~~1 I HAVE CAREFU&&Y EXAMINED the aomp!eted application for permit, and da hereby certify that all ir:forination hereon is true and correct, and I 't I t.aother certify that any ar.d all work perfomled shall be done in accor- dance "nth the Ordinances of the City of Springfia!d, and the [,a:,;s of tha . State of Oreg~n p~rtaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY IJJill be nnde of any structure !Jithout p~rmisaion of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that only contractors ar.d e:npZ.~yee8 who are in ccr.rplianae with OR!> 701.055 !JiZZ be used on this project. , I b' . ~ign2J fu~~O