HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-8-30 Contractors Address Liso.1I E:r:oires . GerulraL R~F:PE"}l B1?n~ !.rJ r_.. 3&& E. 40rM ~J/.gt1~ Z:7 II~. (..B(;,~4~i Plumbing Alj=l"Z-r ~!->)I^""" ,,J r:. Ell ~F: tJF-: niT.. ?n - ep~ ~-:30 3<1S" 3:1~ ELectricaL rHO~fO~ ,::"/ F'r-.,r--./. .p-;1..<i=IJE=" ~O - 70(",...c.- ~-.~l ~8(,j I("'~ Mechar.icaL LA.=Y /A/. GA~'d~G'Clrj <::IIR4"\ <::1:"36 ~RA.. F\l.:ZZL.~ . Consm.ati01lLtmde" B.a;.F~oe-~ BI2>'>c;. (..1.-_.- ":::-A/At::" A<: ""'::-EfIt=.JeAJ . ! Ie u ths re8pC7UJi.bility of thtl pilrrrrit hoz.dmo to ss. that aH inapBctions arB mads at thll propuo ti.m&~ tr.at QaDh ~.8B ~ rea1abz's fl'Otll tlul et"eet. and that the p8J'1lrit oaI'd ie Zooated at the j'I'ont of ths f'I'UP8J'ty. I -Bui'Lding Diui::ior:. approved plan shaU remain on tha BuiZding Sit:; at all times. ! PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job m.or.ber, job add2'cS8, type of in3pec:icn. raquestcd ar.d w}:en you !Jill be ready tal" inspection, Contractors or Q.mers ncme and phone number. Requests receiT.:9/1 bsfoN 7:00 am __'ill bs rmdB tM SClmB day, l'"6quosts mGde afta' 7: 00 am LJil1. be rrr:u16 ths nc.rt working day. I: Heaui"ed rnsoMtion~ Y;"'" efty De~igr.ated JrbyNwnb6I' IO:J<f' 6 ? .3d- ~ SITE INSPECTION: To be nnde afte1" r.A INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: I DEI.IOLITION OR MOVED BUILDINGS 4J excavation" but prior to 8e: up of ktJ To be made after all inau'lation ar.d \. forms. ~, . .' required vapor barriers are in place .:.-rr UNDERSf.AB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & .. but beforo any lath, gypBWn board 0" ~ : MECHANICAL: To bs tmde before any wlZ. covering is applied" and before wrk is aovered, . '.1 I any inauZation is cumcealed. .;;;.. ::, -c-;( FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be rn:ule ~ after trenches are excavated and forms are erected" but prior to pouring c=et")O ::>v I ')..-:l- ;7{ UND~RGROUND PLUMBING' SmiER, W.4TEI!, ~ DRAINAGE: To be rrruie prior to fiL- l. ir.g trenches. ~. ?-I I UNDERPLOOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: . To be TTrUt6 prior to in3taHation of ~ ftoor in8~Zation or decking.. .. :7( POST AND BEAM: To be made prio" to ~ instaZlation of ]toOl' ins14lation or decking. )~ I 31. I L{ ./ ~ ROUCH PLWfflIllC. ET..ECTRTCAL d MECH- ~ ANICAL: No work is to be covered ,untiL these inspections have beer. \~ made and appzoove". .. . FIREPLACE: PM.or to pZc.ai"..g faeing materiaLs and before froming inspec- tion. ,.- - - .-:. - ( Atl project conditionB~ Duch as the installation of street trees~ c~~lation of the. '== l"equiroed landscapi,..g~ ~tc., must be satisfied beforB tr.s BUILDING FINAL can be l"aqusstad. .. RESIDENTIAL" . APPLIC~N/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street ~ Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building. Division 726-3753 . Job Location: .58 '1 ASOeSB01"'S Map /I GRA..rJ I IE"-. Tc;;r Lot # ~L- ; Subdivieion: ~ "IE 12. Jl' LLS Lo T - ~ 7 Cl.me,,: fSeEEDF~ Addzoeoo: .3 ~ F. , City: E:Ll6-.SI-lE I I,..J~, , R=..... 40-1-1 l rJR': . Pr.ane: ~G" 9.:j ~ I zip: ~7"'lotj ~, n Addition. n RemodeL n !-lobi La Romo Date of AppLication ::>lrJ 6!-E:' _ Describe r.'ork: . r A/,'.,L. '( r?:. C:~I.I:=> c:. tlCe:. ..6/1.9. ./Ap,. VaLue 73 I 432:' -40 r\/r DRYWALL INSPECTION; To be rrrufe 14.J after all dl'ywZl is in place, but proiol' to any taping. . O MASONRY: Steel location, bo7ui beamo, grouting or verticaZs in accordancB with U. B. C. Section 2415. O WOODSTOVE: After installation is CCmpl8t~d. . qo 4i / . r-\YCURB & APPROACH AP.r?ON: After fonns ~ are cretlted but prior to pouring . ," con.n"ete. . CV' SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: FOl' all con- crete paving 'Within str>eet right- of-liK:.Y~ to be made after all. exca- vating oorrpZete & [01'::1 w1>k & sub- ,. base material in pZa4e. , ~ (p. O PENCE: When complete -- Pl'OVide ga:tiii 01> movable sections through P.U,E, . FRAP.ING: MUst be requested after approval of rough plwr.bin.g~ alectri- .ool & mechanical. AZ! roOfing bracing ~ chimn.cys~ et~. must be ':complstod. No work is to be con- .,......ceaZed until this inspection has ~b6~~ made and approved. o ~ d a ] ~'1 FINAL PLUMBING ~ FINAL MECHANICAL \-lOj FINAL ELECTRICAL @ PINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be r6qUeoted after the Pinal Plumbing EZeot1>ical~ and Mecha.r.icaZ Inspectit:mo h4vo been made and approvad. , . s,: Recei.pt j I z. z.. "'" ,." '., iO ! I I I I i I i I \0 \ 1\ I I Siqned : Date: 1\/\ rL P J..o ~.~ - .'&".~~b,- 8'[\. I Phone ---, Sani~ seuer eapped at property line -.J _ I , , :=J Septi: tank p-.;mped and {iHad '1th gI'ao.L . I I Final - rv'hen above items are CC'!TPleted ~ and when demolition is complete! or struc- ture moved and premises cleaned: up. ! (-. , I MobiZe Hemes ::J Blocking and Sat-:.t.p- ::J PZ'tOTlbin.g connections -- scwsr 7 lI1Q:tsr ::J Electrical Connection - B~ki~~ set-up and plumbing connections l1T'..lst l;tI approved . before requesting electrical. inspection :=J AC~e8S0l"".:i Building ..":.". --, Pinal. - Aftar p:Jrche8~ skirting~ d4cks~ ~ etc. ar'e ccmpleted. o 'ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOIlTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST/lENT TO BE MADE.AT NO COST TO CITY I Page 1 of 2 .,._"1 JOB NO. xr073.::L...SOLAR A(f~4'ss REQ.- Zona: L 7.?/.? Oc""vanc. Gl'O"iiIi!,.l?'~"3 J"/??/ TyvelCor.IJt: [,at Sq. Ftg. ?~= LOT TYP. I Lot Face' - ~7 /..,...-., I' Setbacke $ of tat Caverag~ /~.......~ Interior I P.L. I HouSB . I CaraQ8 j of Storiee 2 C017Ier 1N0rth /91l'S/ TotaZ Height 7c,! / PanhandZe IEaet Topography ::S"% V cuZ d South .t:::..- - 6-Bac IWest 79/ 1/5:- 1 1 ""3' 7 -So I 1 "'70_'-' I-Lj I ..y. s-.,:; I / FEE I / I 7/ ?4=1 ~J...._ b?LM..J-..,e;. ~~ 0A">' ;4.p/1'ft? I II 1 I '< 7~S-"'" I 1.3'3 1'<8.:e..g . 11/0. . .qB.identia! I1J bath) I q 1/1 .",ter . 1 / 1 ~h7 mA'.-?Y...Jr~1 ,[TEM :'irtures "3anit.arH Sewer PZumbing P';"';' t .State Su:rc;..aroge Tota! CftarIIB' "-IND. . .qe.. So. fto. / ?/2. / I II 7~Af5i?;z?V/4E }- ITEM VewlErtend Cil'OUi t. remporary Service EliJatl"'ical Pennit State Suraharas [TSM Tota! Char"e. I NO.' ~ce ETU'S ~hau8t Hood lent Fan Permit Issuanca Mechanical Permi t State Surchazoce Total C'htrJoruts -- Fees -- J 'I 1 1 I I. ~"732961' II/~/. ~<f I.).~ . I 5SS: _b j~ -:) /? ?S1 .'.372. 75' I. FEE FEE - ENCROACHMENT -- I I I I I I I I I I 4/???/5" ;'eC".aoi~ Dzoosit :torage 'aintenmu!8 'crrm: t Total Cha~08 'urbcut: / - '2~ ' / -;72 / .idew Zk 'e:~e 7E/Y/r' 'leatrica l Lahnl 'obiZs Home #\"53\ e :JTAL AMOUNT DUE:' Value CHARGE &:::;7..,\0 ::<'0."'"'" I/s-:o= I -:<.6 .~.". I 1 /::?.2.~ .'-s- I 6./"51 In'g,bS" I. CHARGE q7~SC:> -:7'7'-50 . , CHARGE J I lb. ....." ~S.t:> ~- ..". .::;. .,..... 7. 4C- /3. ~o ,'1'g~ .'Zo =--. ~~...",. L-codl< ~/Y B.drooms: "3 ~r f Enerqy S~~ce8 T~oe I lIeat C~' k'AC- I Access. I Water .r/Mtp.r ~5 I I Range L22':cr- I I / FirevZace ~..,.c~ ~,/~ I I Wood.3 tOtl8 ~ II "70' /2./ Building Value & Pe rm i t This permit is granted on the e:r:preS8 oondition that ths sdid construction shall, in all respects, confo~ to the ~inance adopted by the City of SpringfieLd.. including the Zoning Ozodinance.. regulating the construction and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at cny time upon vio- lation of any pl'ovisions of said Ordinances. . . ... , , .,. lplan Ch.ck Pe.: 7f ';/30. 7~ VatePaid: J'~/9-J?Y 1-- IReceipt #: /~/ s-/ Plumb/~:ed:P:~~r No person shazz. construct.. install, aUer 02' change any nmJ 01" mating plumbing or drainage system in ~hole or in part, unless Buch person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's Zicenas, e:r:cept that a person may do plumbing work to property which is owned~ leased or opBratoo by the appli- cant. ... i Electrical. Permi t 1Ihere StatB LabJ requires that the electrical work be done by im Elllctrical Contractor~ ths s'L6ctrical portion of this permit aha'Ll not bs valid until the Zabel has been signed by the Elecrncal Contractor. . Mechanical Permit 1 -I- i 1 I " I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit~ and do 1 hereby certify that a'Ll. info1"r11ation herson is true and C01'TDCt~ and I , fUrther certify that any ar.d aU work perfo'fflled shaU be dons in accor- I dance llJith the Ordin.a.ncss of ths City of Sprin.gfic'Ld~ and the La:.Js of tha . State of Oregon pertaining to ths 1JOrk cS8cnbcd her6"~n~ and that NO OCCU-. , PANCY will be mde of any structura without permission of the Building Di- I;)" viswn. I further certify that cr.tz.y contractors ar.d errp1.:Jyees "'ho arB in 1'-3 """'p!iance with ORS 701.0:;:; wi!! be u..d on thi. project. 1 11'1 I I I I <<?7- " ,;P~.: _., P.if<J1"_ner. ? r '&-<'7-88, va.. ~ ;'=)' ,..p-> ~ ~ ~ R~ /6'8 Oaf. Signdii