HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-9-18 V1J?-6Q-.".... ;;~I~ttTI~~~.=::= APPLICATION/PERIfIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 ,b Location: 6 ?-q 6u,<. .1-/..r-, P (~rr->_ ;:Je8S0r~ Nap # (7 0;'- '3 rj:... 1'7 _ TaLot # J4/{)O i.bdivi.sion: TZ- ,. u ...~ f/-; If <;, La+ ?,q ;ner: g)~ ..:::.::'_~'" :mo.ss: ~tb G ec-""') /' rbto <? ~. <1<5-f~ Ot-e ~ :ty: ~N~' I Additicn I I Remo.:el .'!ob-:- La Hooa CJ/9 /~ry ).::te of Applic.:2ticn '1':::1"'::::::0:'8 .-nerd 1!:>ve..e4 "-,,, ~ :=.bir-i' ~v-I- 1#/ u~1 b 1<0 ~c::tricaZ~L,"''''1~. ':t=/_e.-'_~ ::h...-r.id h1 ",6",,-/(, a...../.'7 mstruct't.on Lcnaer _ Phone: 6&6 -9431 . Zip: 97<70 13 Describe ll'ork: /JeW (lg$; vIe...ce _no.' ' '_'~.'."",,,,, .... ~ M'_, > Value c''L. '2. 7c; .. Rcce-:._~t /i / fJ ;;;. ,,<. c..; AweS3 ~ GG r::- dnl-t.. ~ui V,,~ I!?,. ,'-"'" c;+~ ;::7~A-<-....2/? - z.e~ ~ /2.!-- =r2 --; . 70 -7~ r ."'c.-,.,,- {,/'. t.- ?t <?>4 ~ ' / 7-/ I Lise. p." !f- ~h1!7 Sigr.ed: ./ ~ ~~ ' Date: r-q ~' ..::.-. r !-i~7' ( E=Pir<:!s i-;-.on~ 11/7,0/9>7 c.f2f2"/ ./3~ r;/'3/ / g~ <t-hd ?Is. 6156-9431 "?f t:;.- 30.1; C, 6i56 -1'67:-53 9855 -W7 P< is the respanaibitity of the pernrit holder to see that alt inapections CD"e made at ~he propel' time, tr.at. l:aeh ~ess is rea..::aoZi' ?'l1 the Btreet, and that the permit c::ard iB z.xated at the f1'071t of the property. :J.i.'!.di~.g D:.ui::w:"'. approL'ed pl.an shc:.ll remain on tha Building Sit.: at all times. 'J::EDU.T:?E POR Il.'SPECTIOll REQU!ST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated job nur.:ber, JO{) accress, type of ir.3pec-;icn r~ested a~~ w~en you wi" be ready ]01" inspection, Contractors or OUne~s name end phone number. Requests recei~ed before 7:00 ~ ~l be lr.adc the same cic.y, requests ma.cic c:.ft;:r 7:00 a:n will bz made the n.=.:t't :.xrl'kin.; Cay. R'7tJ 6 b_ ~ ,;""i,,:"--/ r"'!'i...,,,-tir:1J.Q ] ~r-:E r:.'$::::':':'IO:.': To be made after c=cav~ti~r., but prier tc Se~ up of forms~ ] U:1DER$r.;,? ?!.L','.!3ING, El.E~HICAl. & XIC2.....::::::.;,,: To be made before any worK is ~ouared. Xl FearING!: FOU:W,1TICN: To be made after trenanes are excavated and form::; are erected, but prior to pourir~ c~ncret~. K] U.'.'DZRG.~OU::D P:'Ug3n.'G, SEWE.'? f,,1.1TEH, D::?:'J.':;"G~: To be made prior to fH- lir.g rrencn.c:e. )1 {i x1 ;(1 ;1 U,'/DE.~:::...CC:~ !'U..!.'.'3[.'.'C tJ '.!ECHANIC:.!.: 70 be ~=ce ~ricr to ~n3:a~~at~on of j100r insu~ticn or decking. paST A;':!) E::/..,'..': To be made prior to instali..;;:::ic/I of floor insL.:la~ioy. or decking. ROUCH ?U?.'EI.'.'C. ELECT.'?!CA!. " J!ECH- A:"iIC:"L: ho :Jork is to DC eOI:ered . ur.::iL these inspections hav~ beer. IT'de ar..:i cpprouc.i. FI.=?EPU.CE: py...~or to plc.c::ir".g feeing meteriai.s and before framing in spec::- tior.. FPA'!I!:C: }.tJ.st be reque3ted af:er cpprov.;;:! of rough pl~~ing, electri- cal & mecr..:znical. AI! roofing bracing t chimn~ys, etc. r.r~st be . comolc::.cc. .'10 work is to be con- . cee"led until. thia inspection has 'b€~n mad~ and approved, Your City Desigr~ted Job Number 1a: [l!] IllSULATIONIVAPO.r? BARRIER I!lSPECTIOlJ,' To be made after all insul~ti3n ~-d required vapor bar.riers are. in place Cut cefore any lath, gypswn beard or wU covering is applied, a;nd before any infJulatwn is concealed. DEl:JLITIO!,l OR ;\'OV;;; BUILDI:.'GS :=J ~ani ~a.ry 88"-,er capped :::.t ~OP~l't-:i line ~ Septi:; tank tr...."'?cd and fill2~ uith ~~Bi --, Final - r\'hen abc-ve itClS are ccmoletcd ~ and when d~olitior. is complete or st:u~- ture moved and pr~3es cle~ned up. Mobile Hcmes :::J Blocking a7Ui S2t-~p :::J ~lumbing connections -- 8~er and water :::J Elcctricel Connection - Blocking, set-up and plumbing connections r.r~st ce appr~ved before requesting electrical insi'ec~io:-: :::J Ac:;essol"'d Building ::J Final - After p:1rcr.es, etc. are completed. skirting, deck3, DRYWALL I/ISPECTrON: Tc be made after all dryuaZZ is in place, but prior to any taping. O ~.JASONRYJ s:~el location, boTul Deam3, qrou~~na or verticels in accoraanee with U.B.C. Section 24H. ~ ~ .., D WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmpl.etcd. ~ [] CURB & APPROACH AP"~N: Afte":' forms are c1'ected bu t prior to pouring lX)71.";rete. SIDEWALJ( & DRn'EWI.Y: For atl. con- crete paving ~ithin street right- of-wc.y, to be made after alZ exca- vating ccnrplete & fOr:;J work & ~ub- base material in pla~c. o All project c011qitions, Duch as the installation of street trees, ca~lati~n of t~ required landsc::epir.g, etc::., MUst be satisfied bafore the BUILDINC FINAL can be rzqv.est=d. ^ FInAL PLU!-~InG ~ FINAL MF:~HA"IICAL 0 I- FINAl. ELEC':.r?IC/'L ~ D !'EI.'CE: When compl.zte -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U.E. D ...- FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requelJted alter the Fi'fU1l PZwr:binJ ELectrical, and Meehar.ical Inspectiorw hava been made and approv.d. .ALT.. MANHeLES AND CLEANOlnS HUST BE ACCESSIB!.E, ADJUS7?!!."JT 'TO.~ BE. }'~~D~ I!T no C~ST TO C1':1 I P::[:e ! of 2 oe:~aLn:,RG:~~~ ;~~~ C~:De~::::~. Beir~~~:O~ ' LeT TYP~ r Lot Faces . ~7.3rA . II En2rr:~ S0:4r~"3 T:J~C if I S<theev.' I I .'lea' ~C-"'"~_ r .AII! -A... lr:tcricr !".l,. I HOlAs.: Caral]t! I ~CC(!3::;. II I Wctr.~ Yt':~~r'" '/ Corn.er !uortn 1'''7"~'' "2,,/ Hall~'(!.' Panhandle IEaRt j /~ / I I III Fi"CDi..ac,~ ISouth I I I I i Waou,'o"., eu l-a"e-sac I IWe" , 6 I II )8 No!f706(,5 /A>1"L- Sq. r,;. ~.:?~ ;" ro, CJlJera!,< -:(~ ~':> / t Sccries .:1 H.zigh: /J5:C:;" -:2 ~ ~.c> '~;:,=;r:":! I <" --- I I'ns-c:> I Y62 ,:53=::':1 TO:",;!. l'ALUE' ..C. 1., = I U.;;:..;....:;' Euiiii"r Pcr~~t Sta te 5:a-cn:rrpe To:.;;:! ~ha:'gC3 :-..:.....es. t.,., ,"v. I I I I m~~e -:..i.?r.:-:.cz 2bcti;) ::~:":I 5e:...<::" ?rd~.n? Pz.u::-;=:.~:: Pco:-::.;- S:::::e S:.a'::;,~'.:;e '!':::::3 c-,..:..:-tit:." I:,..... t ::. r',.15.S""".c> ! / I I I I (I I I /E=;cr..:: :::-:::r=:,:. ts ::::::-=;, S':;!'"".)~C" El.c::::-:.c:::l Pc~-:.t 5,"," sU!'::;;;:...""ca Tat::.: c;:'::-"'c~.c: ...-=~c ETU'S I ::.~. r '._ II ( I -;2'3 'Us t Hoo.! :- F::='1 ;S:O:JC ?e~; j3Sl<=nC..~ }.fe::;...:::r:.-:.::::.! Pcr.-:7:: State SUY'cr..:::r:Jc T(")::~? Cj..~'!~Ij"_": -- :':::;:;'::;;,Ch':.::;:.'i' ;:-:-:.... D;;::::;:;~:; ::("r~"_~,- Tc=::.! Cl:a'!'.7C!" 'C'..i: / '2.5 -"'? C> ../ --\::--: ,r ':l"ic.::! Labe! . Ze H::;me ,.......,,'-,'. . ;.. '"'w_. x raluc I I I I I I I 1 &"":<...;;;,?;)l 17R~/~" I -:<"'7<. -~ I 1'1.601 J?C'6 . 60 I I~ j I I ! Fees , . Building Value & Permit This perrrr~t io granted on the erpreas condition that the said con3trttC'tion shall, in aU respects, confom to the Ordinar.ce adopted by- t1U? City of Springfield. including the Zoning Crd-:.nancc-, regulating the ccn.HT"'..l::::icn and uae of buiZdings, and m2Y be suspended or revoked at cr.y time upor. vic- Zation of any pravi3ior.s of said Ordir~nccs. Plan Check rec: /29. Jj/O Date Paid: 9- 9-.?7 Recdpt #: 10/75' ISi.g"ea: ,1'",.. /__/ ~ J'" ""'--1' . (/ Plumbing Permit ,~7.5? ::2t:::>, O'c:), /..:;:_o!> :?C>. ..~ ! ' /t!/7. s....1 ~ "3'~ //2 .&81 I ~ 7-7~ I , I I;)~ -... I I 5''2.EZ>j I 7.~31 1.<":<;'" . /31 . I 4~~P j ?/.SP I ~ -...-<'> I I I If/A. I /6.5'0 I .8.3'1 /7. '3':3' 1 I j I I (=3'.7sl ':? '9,C;-.D I I I I I I I I I 1'3/3. '3'2. No percon ar~!Z construct. instal!. a~tcr or change any r.e~ cr c=istir.~ plu~bir~ or drainage syst~ in whole or in part. ur.less su~r. Feraon is the legaZ p~asessor of a uaZid pLumber's licensc. exee?: tr~t a pc~ao" r.~~ do ?Z~Di~g work to proper~~ uhich is CUrled, leased or operated by the appli- cant. . ".. , Electrical Permit lfncre S:=ce Law reauires :r~t the electrical wor~ De dor.c bJ C~ EZe:::~ical Cor::~:::c:cr. the ei.ec=ric~L ;;or::ior. of ::itis pc~~r: sr..di. r.c:' be :;.::Z-ic w::i.l the i.abel. r.:::.s o::cr: t;igncc ~y cite El.ccr:riaaZ :;OI:::r::.c:o~, Mechanical Permit " .':[ Pi-ar: E=.=m1.ner L!at.; I HAtT CAREFULLY EXA.~:I!lED the completed appZication for pcrr.r:::, cm.::i de hereby certify that .all i,:,,:fo~.a:ion hereOl1 -:.S true ar-d correc:, ar..i I !~rtr.er certify that any ar~ all work perfo~ed 8;~11 be do~c i~ ac::or- ~nce :.r':th the Ordin::mcas of the City of Springfidd, an.i th: Ic..:~ of tr.a State of Oreg:m p=rt~inin;7 to the tJOrk cescribed hcre-::", ar.d :;..at ,','0 OCC~'. Pl.llCY will be r.rJdc of any structul'Z IJithout p.1I'mtS3io':": of the Building D~- vi.sion. I further ccrti!:; that O:1Zy contra:::tors a;-=d e:::pl.;J:'ecs IJr.o arc in c~pliance with ORS 701.05t will be used on this project ~~ ~ k:~ /h/~7 .J.J:;,......6.q...., .,.......... ,..,,-,_. . ".'_.. . ...., .. RESIDENTIAL" APPLICATION/PERffIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 ~.....,_..~"-' ..... .-....... SPRINGFIELD Rcce';ot' I f) :J.._~ Cj ,b Location: 6?"-Q 61.<hL."'~ PLrP, J:Jessor~ Map # 17 O'~ ?-tf-. /7. Ta Lot # J 4 I ()() I \ \ \ i.bdivision: T2iu e..i-- fI-,~1 1 <7 Lo -I- Act I () ( :Tler: g}.--ee~", :kess: ""?Ib G /L.-i.o S ;c:z ct <'> -+ L.. a.e~ :t::../: e c:-"') / ;g, "~, Additicn I I Remo.:et ,'fob';' t2 Hom::J CJ / 9 /~.ry )ate of AppZic::.ticn 'l':t!'.:::::::;o:,s Phone: 6&6 -9431 Zip: 97<70 S Describe ,.'ork: /JecJ ~${ de""Ce. Value c:, 'Z-, '2.7.c; Addres3 ~e~d 0ve..e:d "'''' V1:i..-L ~ 6G r::- dnl-& k 'J . '''''''"r", A.f.e.v'/- !t1/ tJ" b 1<::> v.._ th. .L"" c;+~ s-- /1' :'e::trica!-t=~,.,"..,~_~ -t::/..~, ~ ~ f/L... ~....-::. , '"Mr.ico: t'ltl_ 0CU,4 ~..l'7 . :7C/<<{,[':~,. .j 'nBtM.lCtt.071 Lender _ '2.7 "Z"-? - z.ett. . "70 -7a::- t' ?IM~. C/1(~1 ,""~,3f2- ,~f}7 Data: ~-~} ~~ 17 ~-.: ~7. ( ... Lisa." Expir;:s i'r..cmlZ ///7,0/9, 7 CJlo /~~ '7/3// S~ </Iw,:ll,g, 6g6--<J43/ '?f c;.- '30. t; C, 6'&5-/G~$ 7B5S -So/7~ i6 :h. resprmnbiUt;y of the permit holder to see that alZ. inDpections are made at ~he proper timt:, that ~::.ch ~ess is rec:abZ.. ~ the street, and that the permit card is 1..xated at the front of the praperry. :.i.i!.di~{1 D-:vi.:;io~ ap?roved pLan shell remain on t~ Buildinp Sit$ at all times. ?~2DURE FOP. 1!;'SPECTION RE'OlEST:CALL 726-3769 (reeordel'J state your City designated job nur.:ber, JOD accress, type of ir.3pec-;icn r~es~ea a~~ uhen you Wi~L be ready for ir.spection, Contractcrs or Owne~s ~e end phor.e number. P.eques:s received befere 7:00 ~ ~l De rr.a.de the same day, requests maac cft;;r 7:00 a:'7I LJill b;] made the n.::%t:: :JOrkin.; cia:,'. R?tJ 6 b, "S" II r~i "'11-1 r",,,:-:,,,::ticr!<> ] sr:s I:.'S?~':':'IO:/: To be made after . e:cav~~i~r., but prier to se: up of . forms. 1 ~::.o7P;~~:: 7 ?!'U~'3I:,1G. EL::::Y-P'~C,1L t j..;Cr.........;....."": 10 oe maae oe]ore a.ny work is ~ovcred. )(] . Fcoff,o,.c ! FOU~,1TIC..,: To be rrrlce af~er ~rencnes are excavated and forms ere erected, but prior to pourir., c"ncre:., ;) ~ ~4 V] u:!D!,r?c.~ou:S-~U.'.~Il..C. SEWER. r.'.1TE.f?, ~. D:9:'1.'''f..C~: To oe ma.::i.e prior to fil- lir.g trer.~ites. \A U;,!DER.:,::..'~,,) !'r.U:.'EI,'.'C I: NEC.l.JAt.'IC:'!.: ;^J 70 be ~=ce prier :0 ir.~:a~~ation of f100r insu~ticn or decking. j P::'S:r~!:!) E~t.:.!: To be made prior. to {. ,r.stoiio=,cr. of f!oop ins.!a:ior. or xi ~:~.~r~l~~I."}C, El'1~!CA~ I. lktH- i A/:IC;,,!..,: lio :Jork is to DC cOL'ered . ur.:iL tnese inspectior.s have beer. ma.:ie ar..:i cpprove.:. \l-l'1 !'rPEPL!..~E: Prior to pk:cir.g fecing '" rr:a~eria~s ar~ before framing ~nspec- tior.. ~ Ii- II FP.A.'~n:r.: /1'.J.st be requeated after ;r- C?prov~Z of rougn pL~~ing, electri- cal & mecr.ani~aZ. AU rOOfing braci~ ~ chimneys, et~. nr.J.st be . co!'rrDZe~cd. :/0 wrk is to be con- - eec'led until. thia inspection has . bee:n mad.:: and approved. d'1 ^ FI/lAL PLU.'t3I!/G 11 ,X FINAL ME~HA,'/ICAL \,(1) .f. FINAL E!..E:':RIC/.L Jour Ci Deaigr.ated Job Number 10: I DEt::'L1TIO!! OR goVE; B:..'ILDI.",'~S ~=J~ani=ary Be:Jer :apped :::~ rn:.opcrt:,' lir.e . =:J Septi:: tank p-......;:;u:d and f:.lZe~ ~th ~~at --, Final - r.'hen ab~ve ite::Js are cc:rroZeted ~ ar.d when d~litior. is complete or st:u:- ture moved and pr~ses ~le~ned up. I Nobile Nemes =:=J Blocking a7Ui Set-~p ~ Plur..bing connections -- s~er and r,.'ater ---, Electrical Ccnr.ection - Blocki"J, set-uF --.-J and plumbing conr.ections ",..:st te appraL'ec. before requesting electrical ins?ectio~ ~ Ac~eslJol"d Building --, Fi1Ull - J'.ftcr ;:oarcr.es, ---J etc. are camplet~d. I ski-rti-ng, decks, rTl INSULA IONIVIiPOR BARRIER HSPECTIOll: ~ To be made after all insul~tian ~4 . raqui-red vapor car.riers are. in place Cut cetcre any lath, gypsum beard or uall covering is applied, ~ before any inaulation is concealed. rVI DRYWALL Il/SP~CTrO.v: Tc be made ~ after all drywall is in place, but prior to any taping. O ~.JASO!lRY: S:~el DeaJT13, grou ~ Ulg' accordance tJith Z415. ': .., O WOODSTO"lE: After installation is ccmpl..eud. location, bona 01' verticals in U.B.C. Sectian [] ~ CURB t APPRCACH AP.r~(JN: Afte~ forms are cre~ted but prior to pouring con::rete. 90 91 SIDEWALK & DRI1'EWJ.Y: For all con- crete paving within street right- of-wcy, to be made after azz. 6%ca- vati"~ complete & fo~ work t aub. base material in place. D AZl project conqitions, such as the installati-on of s~reet trees, c~~Zcti~n of the required landsccpir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can be requested. \~ o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requeated cf:el' the Final Plumbi~ Electrical, and Mechanical Inspectiorw hava been made and approv2d. D :'ENCE: Wher. complote -- Provide 9ates or movable Bections through P.U.E. D .' .ALL UANHCLES AND CLEANotn'S HUST BE ACCESSIBLE. ADJUST!!ElJ'!' '1'0.. RP. "!~Dl: AT r.o r~,t;1' .,." t':r!'y 11='......,.. t ", ., ~ SOLAR A.SS REQ.-O""< <::=#. OCCLlcanc:J Gro-.J:': j!?- =3-1 ~/ T~r1(!/Cor.st: LeT TYPE r Lot Faces. - /4!>7?TA I ScthccY~ IllJO~~~' I'~;; ~ ,;r;~-~ F.ant I /t:? / I is,,"'h I I tWent I 6 I ::JB Nofr706C,5 /~ Sq. Ftg. 6':::.2<1 ;" 1,;' c.,veraga ::(~~ / .... $:crics ;:Z Ho?Lgh: /$:~" 7-~o ':;:;:'=;r.:J S:;. .~-::; " n S-o 7"62 .:SS~r':1 TC':-~:. nLU!' .c. 1.5 = (1)';:..:.0':; Buii..:ir.g Pc~t State S:L."'cr.:rrre To:.::.! CiuJ.:'!,CJ I I I I I I I 1S-::?...::v;)1 I /X>C{./?I......'fl/ - I "2"'7"<. _0 I / 'I.6"e>I'1 5~6. 60 ,. L lr.tcric1' 9-7'4 ,Y h/ , I I I L-COC~ Be~':Jor:s: '::3 Corner Panhandle Cut-de-sac x ~'aluc I t.CC(!:13. I I i I En:1rr.:J SO:.ll"~(!:1 T':J~t:' I !lec' --=t::.;.c;r-~-A I Wr.tr.r'Ur.'1~r"" '/ II f(a'~r. i II ., FircCJi.aC',~ WOOU';<.:OL'..,.. fees Building,Value & Permit This pe~t tD granted on the ezprecs condition that the said construction shall, in all respects, confom to the Ordinar.ce :uIoyted by tjle City of Springfield, including the Zoning Crd-:nancc, regulating tile ccn.:r,...",::icn and !.lDe of buildings, and 11Uy be 6ur;pende.:1 01' revoked at cr.y time upor: vic. lotion of any prouiaior.s of said Ordir4ncct;. \ IPlan Chack Fea' / R'9, >?,O ICatc Pc":d, <7".9-Ii'7 IReceipt #: 10/7';) jSig-r:ed.: /,? _ /~'./ ........~..... - Plumbing PermitV' ';:C'. I . .._ I I ::.:"",.,:ar :z ba6:.l I I I I .sr~~n? ml~e I ~::: I' I /~7_ s-oPl i ~"'3'~ j<;: I //2.&81, :-:o...-~s ~:'=':":I Se:.'c:, Pz.;.l.'7:=::~;: Pc~: , ~ " 'Stc.:e Src;..~;:e Tc:c~ c-f'_':.:,,-:cr: t:..,. I 0'. r,=./ "')0 ! I I . IE=:cr", ~":r:,."": t8 I I ==r=" Sa:-";aa I ( I I I Elec::,iccl Pe~::: St::.'ta SW"ci~c(! T:Jt~~ l.,..::......c~.'" "'::C'c ETU' S :=.:st Eoo.: t :::, I .__ III Ifl I :2 ;i' I I : F:."I ;:::0:.)(: ?e~: i$su.=rl::-.:' J.fe::;....::r::.:::=.! PC:'.":":":: State Surc;....!::'~c Tn':~! r.~_"!!"'a(>:': -- E::'::.=..:::;.c.:.::.:::::;' .:-{:".J Dc:::::::;:': :::t:"r-::r_.... Tc:::! CI:::!"'.-:C~ / .C", :2.5 '.:oF -"'? C) / ~r ':ric.:Z La:'€! 'Ze H::Jme ._ .......1..,.. ""w:':. I I _<) '".2- s;:> I ;;Z~. cu" I I I,..,-_...~..:;; ~ ,/...,'5'=* I /f'J-:' -- I I 5''2~ ?-~3i I.~~ ./31. I r.....:;.,:J;;:.:. I 4.u"" I ?/- SoP I ~ _ ere> I I I N./!. I /6.SC> I ,831 17, 731 I No percon &r~Zl constru~t, instal!, a~tcr or change any r.e~ cr e=istir:F pL~bir4 or drainage s~8ten in whole or in part, ur.Less su~r. peraon is the legaL pO&Se3S0r oj a valid pLumDer's license, except tr~t a pe~&on ~? do ?Lu~o~~g work to proper~~ which is ~ed, Leased or operated. by the a?pli- cant. Electrical Permit wncre St~te ~ reauires tr~t the ele~trical wor< 02 dor:~ =~ a~ EZ.2~trical CDntrGc:cr, ~ne electrical =ortior: of this oe~:.t s;..~lL roct'be ~~!iC ur.til "tne j,.abei. nas Deer. t:ifT"ei by "tne Ei.ecr:ricaZ.' :;Ol:~r.:=to:'. ......v\ Mechanical Permit " "1 LP ./ Piall Ex::m~ner L.'Q;';: I HA VE CARSFULL'I EXA.~!I!IED the completed application for pem:.:, c:nd de hereby certify that ,all i~fo~~tion hereon :'Q true ar~' ccrr~c;, ar-: I furtr.er certify that any ar~ all work perfo~ed si~ll be do~c i~ ac::or- qancc ~:th the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and en: ~~~ of tr.e State of Dreg.:," p=rtaininr to the IJOrk described here::,:, cr.d :r.a:: /,'0 OCC!:- I PJ.!lC'I L1iZl De rra.::e of any Qtructul'.? without p.::!rmisaiort of the Euildir.p D:.~ I =f. /.)" F> vision. I further certify that o:1ly contra::tors a;:d C77pl:::!/ecs LJr.o arc ir. I c~pl::ance LJith ORS 701,05t will DC used on this project ?7'.~~ \"'-,' I I . I I I I 1'313. 32.. ~ '" k:,:. '- '-Zc.~ / '(/ ~ /A/~7