HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1987-11-12 .. RESIDMTlAL" APPLICATION /PER1lIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding. Division 726-3753 I \ Job Location: I I ~; (o'/f) ~~ rlJrJ 3 3 C; I?- AsaesGol"S Map # Subdivision: f1 !/U' JU / IJ 17 tJ1) Tc;;r Lot # O:.mer: ~/ d /~.d &7;} )JA~ F( 7cf;" ~ 579LJ' Address: City: ~~, n Addition n Remode! n ."fobi.!e Roma Date of Application Phone: Zip: ;;Zl~ ~ .~~ ,( 1-(2 -~ If Value f'IICJ? c;:ontractors General Plumbing /J" 1+ lYL~ Const",cticn Lender _ lldW /J Electrical f Me::har.ic.:: t Address . Rcce:.pt .~ /05.;;;1t-., ~ & --t1/C ) 1\ I t1~1 ~/\\\y Siar:ed: Date: I""'c_ 11-/2 ~ >5"7 Lise. Ii E:roirc:; Phone It u ths responllibili.ty of the pl!l"mit holder to 88B that aU inopectitms are r.tade at the proper ti.m&, tr.at each ::ddresB is l"ea.dab;.: from ths street, and that the perrrri t card is l.ocated at the froont of the property. "'Building Divi::icr. approved pl.a:n shc:.ll remain on tha BuiZ.ding Site at al.Z. times. PROCEDUP.E FOr? INSPECTIOll REOU!'ST:CALL 726-3769 {recorder} state your City desi~ted job nur.;ber, job acc..rcss, type of in:;pec~icn. requested a~.d when you r..Iill. be ready for ir.spcction, Contractors or OI.me:os n.cme cr.d phone nur.1bcr. Requcs"ts received befcre 7:00 c:;; ...~z.z. be made the same day, requests meae aft:::r 7:00 a:n lJil.Z. ba ttrUie the nc::ct :JOrki1"1q cia,. Rp~Ji~p'~ T~~~~~r.ir."~ o SITE IN$?EC':ION: To be r.rlde after e.:t'cav.7tion, but pricr to Be: up of forms. UNDERSLA8 PLUMBING, ELEc:TRIC,1L & J.!ECH.~::IC:':': To be made before any work is ~ovcred. Cl :=J FOOTING ~ FOUND,1TIO!l: To be rrade after "trencnes are excavated and for.ms are erected, but prior to pou.ri.r.g ccncret~. UND!RG.f?OU:.'D PLW.fBIl;C, SEWE.~, ~1.1TE.9. DHAIII/"CE: To be ma.:ie pM-or to ii~-. . Ur.g "trencMc. ~ :::J UNDE.f?FLOOR PLU!!BING t. NECHAI:ICAL: To be moae prior to inatallation of 11001' insulation or decking. POST AND BEAI.!: To. be made prior to inDtalL~~icn of floor in3~La:ior. or decking. ::::J :J ROUCH PLU!~BI.'.!C_ EIEC':'?!C,~!. t. !.fEC.t?- ANICAL: #0 work is to be covered .ur.til tnese inspectior.s '~ve beer. made ar~ approve~. FIRE:PLACE: Prior to pkcir,g facing materials and before framing inspec- tior.. :J FRA.'!J::r;: Muct be reque:Jted after approv~l of rough pl~bing, electri- cal & mechanical. Al! roofin? bracing t chimneys, etc. nr~st-be :'completed. tlo w,rk is to be con- .......cec.led until thio inspection has . blOen made and approved. :J .Your Ciey DeGigr.a.ted -!ob Numba' 10: o IllSVLATIONIVI1PO.r? BARRIER I!lSPECTIOl/: To be ma.:ie after aU insuZ.:;tt..:m w.d required vapor barriers are in place but cefore any lath, gypsum bcax'd. or wl.Z. covering is applied, and before any inauZation is concealed. ~ 10 7(;)Jl I DEUQLITIO!! OR :.:Otr:;:; BUILDI....GS ~ Sani -;a:ry Se'..Je1' capped .::r:t P'Z2op~rt-~ Ii-r.e ~ Septic tank p:c::pc:d tr.td fi.Z'L2~ with JrCl~G; --, Final - rlhen chcve ite:::s are ccmplBted ~ a~d when de~olitior. is complete or stru:- ~ure moved ar~ pr~aes cleaned up. . J..'coiZe Heme:: :=J Blocking and Set-~p :=J Plumbir~ connections 6Cr..1Cr and wa~er ---, Elcctric~l Ccnr.ection - Blocking, set-uF ~ and plumbing connections nr~st ce apprDve~ before request~ng electrical inspec:io~ :=J Accescot:,' Build-:.ng --, Fina.l - 1.[:0:1' p:>rcr.es, ~ etc. are cQmple:~d. 8k~rt~ng, decks, o DRYWALL INSPEClION: To be made after aLL drywaLL is in place, but prior to any tapir~. o All project conditions, Duch a8 the installation of street trees, c~letion of the required landscapir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BVILDI/.'G FINAL can be requcst:zd. :=J FIliAL PLUI.!BWG .=J FINAL J.!E~HA.'JICAL .=J FINAL ELECTRIC!.L =:J o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requeDted cleer the Firul PZumbinJ Electrical, and Mechar.iccZ InspectionD have been made and approved. O MASONRY: Steel. oeam3, grou.ting accordance lJi th ~21O' OODSTOYE: After installation is compleu:d. location, bona or verticals in V.B..C. Section }. o CURB & APPROACH AP.~ON: Afte,:" forms a:roe cre~ted but prior to pouring COl'U:rete. SIDEWALK &' DRIl'tJo'!..Y: For all con- crete paving within street right- of-ocy, to be made after all e.:t'ca- vating complete & fo~ work & zub- base material in place. -ALL UA!.'H::U:S AND CLEANOUTS IfUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUS":'!!E.'lT TO EE 1.~1D! 1.7 ':0 C::'ST TO C~Y I P2~e 1 of 2 o D~: r..'her. compl~te -- Provide gates or movable 8e~tions througr. o P'U'E@ JOB NO. ~I(() 7J;SOLAR WESS Occurxmc"J Cf"(]'.J:l: ZOf'te: Lot Sq. Ft,;. S of lot C""erag= ~ of Stories Total Height Tapog-raphy !'!'E.'.~ S~.F"!'C Main iC<::ra" CarnCl""t ACCE:'SSOl'l! TOT,n VALUE IS.D.c. IVC,"U';J 1..5 % Building Permit State Su:rcn~e Total C'na.......ge~ iITEJ.! :.',).1 FE I Fi--:=es lResidential (1 beth) I Sani br'~ SINer l Wctl!..!' Plumbing Ped t Etate Surcr~e T~ta! cr'::rocs J ~7';,,_, I Res. Sa. f't~. IN~/~-tend Cir=uits , i Temporary Service I :.c. Ele~tricc.l Permit St.:te Sur::ha:roe Total Cha:rces T';"':'"'.' ::;. t t":":' I i Purn.:zce !TU' S i E:::haust Hoo.i ~ Vent Fan I / II I iI=,ods u,;JC Perrrr~t' Issuanc::: He::n:.s.r.ic::Z Pc~t State Surcr.crac To~~Z cr_'!Y'(7r>:t E:.CROACHf.!:;::T $e~.Jritu D~~o~i~ Storaoe .~2i"tena,.,..,f' Pc~t Tote l C'naYOl7c~ ~,;.cut SideuaZk ."'~~c ~Iectl""ical Label ,II/obi lo H:xne :'WAL AJ!OL'.'.7' D!J~:. 1/500 I. - 7'') I--"">~ 11..S-,7SI, I I I LCT TrPE Interior Corner Panhandle CllI-de-sac x Value cr:....F.;Z .....:"'.-.~:.. c,!!;..;.;:;: I I I I , I I I !S. 7SI' REQ.- . L-COC~ T:.irJc/Cor..s: : Be:;roOf'!':s: I Lot Faces - I Enerr'/:J ScroJrc::p.s 7u:"'p I SctbaC'k~ I Hca: I P.L. ' House I Caraac ' Access. I I Wetp!' Hr:~~(t- I"orth i I I xa~c lEast 1 I 1 FireOLaCf' ISouth I II Waoo.:; tOl."e IWeet I 1'2e8 Building Value & Permit This p€rnr~t to gmntcd on the erpress condition that the said. construction shall, in all respect.:;, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of SpringfieZd, incLuding ::he Zoning Crd:nancc, reguLating the ccnstr'..,l.:'ticn. and use of buildings, and m~y be 6usp.ended or revokec at cr.y ~~me ~pon uie." Latia" of any'pravtstor.s of said Ordir~nccs. 1 ! i , , I Pla" Check Fep.: I Vate Paid, IReedpt #: ISi&",ed, Plumbing Permit No pereon, .r:hall construct, instaZ!. aLter or change any r.e:J cr e--isting plur.~ing or drainage SY8t~ in whole or in par:. unless such person is the leqal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a pe~son may do pL~bing work to property which is awned, Leased o~ operated by the appli- cant. '. i .J I .1 . ! i :1 Electrical Permi t Whe~e State LoJ.J reauires t;.~t the electrical woric be done DU an Ele:mcal Conrrac:cr, the e'ec=~~at ~or:ion of :his pe~it shal, r~r'be valid until the "LaDeL haB bt:e71 sif17'led by the Electrical ~on:rc~tor. Mechanical Permit "- ,../ " . I'tent t.xcml.ner uatC I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA.~!INED the completed application fof" permi:, and cia hereby certify that all i:-:fo:-r.-.arion hereoll is true ar.::i correct, an.:1 I f:Jrtr.er certify that any ar.d aU work perfoMlcd sr..:::.ll be do~e in ac~o,.- dance ~th the Ordin~nces of the City of Sprin~ficZd, and th= La.s of tho State of Oreg~n p=f"taining to the uoric desc~ibcd hcre~n, cr~ :~: NO OCC'- PI.NCY wilZ be' made of any srructur2 uitho~t parmisJio~ of the Building Di- vision. I fUf"ther cc't'tif::; that o~ly contl'a.=tors al':.d e:npl~yet:8 tJr.o are in ~pliance with ORS 701.0~t wiZl be used on this p't'oject \;J~:Jfbf. L) Sign~d (I-n. -f-7' LUte