HomeMy WebLinkAboutOccupancy Housing Code 1986-12-5 V ~~J~~ \ '.; .' ';.~t."~' I.. ,.'~;,t'A.' ';' '1""'1"""-- \ ,,'. h" _' .l,ll,-'H 1 l')th~". ",' " .\i.i~\" ,~'.!, ' , '~~If, ,i> '. ;l'h", l~" . ,"~\'''''''i '~'ll '';';~I;:/;.''~t:' .,....J ~~lwl(..!.: ''','''''',,'~. . .' '. j~(b~'OF SPRINGFIELD .:,;. \l",^W; l~:I!~;~"office of Community & Economic Development 4: f;' - -:-:'~. ,~. .::, j,~.(,"'" ..,.:.' ':'l: ,",. ~ ~~ .~. ..;.:,~~:WJ.,~'I.!:';..;".;tDecember 1986 :..; ,:,' '.:," . ..Yl, '.~~'" ..'..,,~-:.l.,..,..:i: ~:' .'< ~ '. ,.j";" 'Jj' ',h .'" I ~'; '.:.l ','~~ .~:."...,. l..t', 'j '" '. "" '" If:}rl) ~ ..~~. \ . '~:' \',' ,. " . ':.1 :~",t~:;1;f"Mr:L. p, palermo~:/.:;\:>:::~.,:, ,~:[-\:~~74 E. 18th Ave., Suite 11. ".: , '" Eugene, Oregon 97401 " I ',.:,; .::,'.' ,: "'.,; . " ,:',.. .: , . 'I' "('\["',i"".'icll'l/,"" I " ,',' ,.', '1"'''':1 " "\I'~J'!\"" \'; ,. 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'I,';;...;' '1:' .:.. Today, at your request, a Housing Inspection was performed ar the "~(',.,.':,.:, address. 'l'his inspection revealed the following violations of ~he City '.~j:.; ~~~,~ ~<',. !-".:~.., "','.Code: '"!J~'~~'r. .;.,.... ~,...-,.:'.r,. . ..:",j~:",..,,::~... . .~,'..tl.""'",-, -~,","r""l'fr"I', . , '':'''4i.rfo!~f..' '. .' I :~ 'i~~f;: ~~-J.\ ':' '. " .' I~'.J . 'l'H.- ":/"", ,Jf. .4:.,.:.... . ,~';:~~:,:'.:. . . . SPRINGFI'ELD ., " \: l:, '.' .~i:?~ ";!' .- ~'1'i! .; ',:":, ~ ':'!.., .,'~"';"h' ~,,\J ';,f {,~".}fl%~I.;..'i';:~.' . . .l.,;,~:~:.~j,S\~;~~~';'" t. ,,~"''If'P~'~' :~'.,{('t~~",~-c.:~r ~ . "'l: . . "'l,:.., '.'. .' ,%:.i.:,h"l!;'''''\'~f~,~.\t%:t:~'( l ',. .~V;:'.;....~ _, !",':';::1::~,\:j';~:',;,':;~i,~':~,' ~ ' . tJ:"'~' ('\ I. , r', "f.~' ." /. 1 ~" '_,.' , " 'f',. C~;I"I.....:.,.. '.'_. "\'':'~\:''''.''';--'';;'~~~If~:~.::'..' ..", ".J, f- .'.. ,,1. ,.', ,./I,!:""(' '~'~"~~'...:':)~',,'r><:::":. ,: /. ',I , ....{,_ /.,:",.':: :-:~ .',;: /:~:'.;..~:;~~.;~~~~};i,\;'}J/~:: ".' ,~, ,t";";"\".~.: f\,.~t~';'!f'i""'" ....' '''if.f~,.7.p, ""l,.i-t-;"r, ~.."J.;... '''''''~;!-';ll:;,If\,/!'P,~J1fJ .:'.1'~.;"':/'i';;, '~:"\""4'_""\" - ".:'-.., ..;.' '-";1:.'-:':.' ~.';-'i,;,';r::Q'1 ~ "{ ,.,:} r..?,~ ".".,,', ,~...'. "1 - ., :_,1.'1 'J,',\I"'t~..!'i',,,, "I 'Il, ,..I 'I' f . 'I 1.' ' '. . : ':," .\. ".' . ~";..'-i''' '$~ ';/' "I" '.,,' . "1"( ""'H''';fj,t,~~'H~r'~ ~,,' I': ,,, . .' " . :',': .' .; ~:~r'Y\1.q:;. 697 Gra'n'I'te Street, S . "'.- "'::"'I'W'<"'f" prlng- d .)/~ . .t.~'~~~,:J"l , ',:.(('!!;~" -~)r'~'.'": . . ' ''l'.''t,I.... ' ,.".t ):.,!:",j,~I!~i~1"j .:. . ,'. \r."i:;~fi,I','J'i/".' , ,'.;~'" i .: .' ~f;',~ :" '~ . .' . ~ - 1 .~.. "', .... f' ' :. ..".::;~':-~~ji,I"i1-r,-' '.JJ',:~':{;-{':", . :~;~;.\\:J~~'~'i : ':,::';~~,)~;j~};, . . ~ ;. \. ";.. .;.,'......-. ...: ,'.... ,'n:",'i' ," th',,' ..i"." "",. .:.;::.;:. , '.' .,,, ~ t... ~,~, /. t'~~, ' ,,';~ ' ':i:. '. . ~ ", e:'. ~ ,,;-, -:". . .I'" .. , ....', ;1',:, ,. '~-~""/'j -~~~;~" +:' ..;''':'~..".;;''''1 " ., ,..'::':-. .;:..;,.' :~ . .i ; ~, . ,\ ...., ~ " /.' ,. ..\ " ., .-- :~., subject Housing ...'.'-, :'/.ll. .: "~:'(} , ,~ 1. ....". The electrical switch controlling broken and must be replaced, the living room ceiling light is 2, The cover plate on the electrical receptaclo s'~rving refrigerator is broken and must be replaced. the kitchen 3. The soil on the north side of the dwelling ( living room ) close to the wood siding and must- be lowered to a point six inches exist between the siding and the ground. is too where ',,'J,', '.., It is the City's policy to allow 30 days correction of Housing Code violations, from the date of inspection for the .1,.,,, ,'. " . 'r.", "j.;. . If you have questions concerning this letter you Housing Inspector, at the phone number or address Bill Schaub, may contact below. ',", "'... Sincerely, ~~!Ll. .f? William D. Schaub Housing Inspector . ,.~ i. CC: David J. Puent, Building Official .225 No.rth 5th Street ... . ,~ 503/726-3753 . ..", :c.' _ . f;::;; :~'::~~~~i:'~0~;i I .. ::r.~~1t~~..;..:...-it_':~:i~I':'::'W:~.L"~- · Springfield, Oregon 97477 · , , .~ . I' , " " ~ '_ '~~~r.;:~~"':...:: ~:~~Io;...(:: ,-~..,,,;,.'~_:-,~~..~..;.:."~..t.~,,.~, :~.:;