HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-9-14 . " RESIDENTIAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street S?2";n~fieZdJ Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 SPRINGFlEl..C ~ .Job !:aoo'ion,"J L.\ ~ C"1 t"'b.\ J \\e~ <?\~("P_ A83esaor: :"op N \"1 D~ ~~ \ l) S..odioisicn, Q '-"@..... '\\..~\.~ Ta: !:at .~ \\'lC:() ~~'\. ~'t".~,,\.6... ':l.,.,.er: ~,,"pf>A~'" ~ ~ Addr<S3'~~. ~'!:b City, r, '('\~\P_ . Oi~..cs...r-.\, I . GeneM! ~~~~ \ \~ ~~_ ~ W".'6- LU ~f'l... -.p q" '-, \ ~"\ ~ "~.Q~'-~\l P!limbing ~\ot'~ Y\.\~~~,~ \C\"~'"-"~~~,, "'-\~ "In-~'b (,,\~\~':\......Q'ir::.~ E!.ctrica!'?-..9/'. \~ 't:..'>I>'r:;}\P'i" l"\~')~"'~Cl. ~P"" '---.a.' ~~,('~. ~-\~'<<... "\"1-.I.\il.l q,~:. :'feOhar.idr~~~"""'-Il'~"'\.~ c;t.~",\.\\\.<;u:....\t.y,'r f',~. t),C,C <.o1~1~ ~?-"!.\Ci Co""tl"'oti~ L"""or .~Pt\ro"l ~'l,.. ~ :-c..L \;;, \.\C""'l.... ("Y'\,'~ !: is the responaibit.ity of ths permit ho1.du to ase that aU int1pe~"tions are r:tade at the proper -:im", t.l.:at ec:ch ~e88 is l'ea.:::.';:J /'rom the street, and that the permit: card i.s 7..xated ~t the Iront of the property. .Eui~ir4 ~;~i=io~ ap~ro~ed pLan s~~zz r~~n on the Eu~Zding $it~ at alZ'times. ?'?OCEDOPE FOR INSPECT!')" .i'~CUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) state your City desigr.ated ....;ob n!.l11':ber, job ad60css, type of in:;pec-;icn r~questcd ~-~ ~hen you ~ll be ready 101' inspcction, Contractors Qr aw~e~s ncme and phone number. Requ€sts recei~ed befcrg 7:00 ~ :.'iZL be trrzde the same dc-:J~ requ.es~s made cfti:r 7:00 am tJilL be made t.~ ne:::t :x;.rking da-i' y';"" City, Vesigr.ated Job Numba' Is, ~~ \ C\ ~~ l"/1' """'.1 n n n ..teai ticn 5.F~6S. Ramada 1. .'~ob-:. 1..! .~om3 Date of A?ptica:tic11 8-/-4 '3 :,'on=r~c=ors ~ i~D ,~-~ t~ n O SITE IN~PEC':'!O;'l: :0 be rr:ade after e..:cavat:..,;m., ~ut pM-or ;0 set u? of l~s. II~D!RS:'A3 ?~r:,'-f9I:lG. 2LzC':'prC,![ { ~!ECl:'...r.:JiCA~: ':'0 be made befor~ c:ny work is =ovcred. O POOT!,'iC ~ POU:lD,1TIC,'l: To be ,~e after ;:;rencnes ,::U-9 e:::ccvat.?d ar.d f:::rms are erect.ad, but ;;riv2' eo pourir.g cencre:.;, i~21G:~O!F..!!) ?:'r..:M2I:l~. Su::R. :J.ITER, ~ DRAI.'JAGE: To oe r.r::z':::e ;;'1"';01' ;:;0 fH- U".g ;rer.cr..ee. ~E,~::'CCR Pr:..:;.'.~I.':C ~ ,',fF:CEAN[CA!,: iJ!:j ~~(. be r.:aas 1;l't..;r ;0 ::nst"az.z.at:::on of [Z001' ::nsuk:;icn or deckiT'..g. ~T .4ND 3E:A.N: To be ~adc p7""':'Ol' to ~ ~~~:alz.ar"':cn of ftoor insl.Olation or d.eak-:.",. . ()fJGH ?~iJ~~3!.'.'C. ?"-2~.r'?:!C~':. oJ '.f2r:.9- ANIC).L: 10 'JO~~ ia ;0 be cove~ed :q:;~z. ;hcs~ i,..s:7ec:::ior.s ;""::0.;;' ;;eer.. mads :ZT'.d .~?r?ve:i. D F::.O::E:P!.ACr: .~01';0 ?k~I"'':; ~':'~c:.cing .4::::' ::,b::'O:::~::a;:::ec- ! apprc:v~z. of rough pLUr..Ding, eZecrri- caZ & r.:ecilani.zaL, Al.Z. "t"Oojir.g bracing & chimn~ys, et~. ,~~St be corrroLetc.d. ::0 WI''' i8 'to 0.;;' con- . cea7.ed unciL 'this ins~ecticn ;..as 'been made and approved. :~"..r =,rU'~I"G ~ f:"l,,,,,-:~... ,',0" Pr.or.e: ~~<9 -~u..~\ Zip: ~ "\.\4('),:,\ DescPibe ;\'ork: Value ~t ~€S':-. _ Add.-es3 NSUL,J.TIONIVAPO.'? BARRI?:R INSP~CTION: To be rr-.ade after alL insuktwn 12""..-1 required vapor ba:rriers a:re in place but befere any lath, gypS'".ml boa:rd or wZZ covering is cppZi.ed, and before any insulation ~s concealed. ~ .JJf(.;"Au' mSPECTrO"I: .ro be mad. ~ after aLL ~dwall is in place, but prior to any tapir.g ~ o o NASONFt!: Steel beams, arou:ina accordt:i-r.ce wi'th 2415. i/OODSTOYE,: After instaLlation t.a ccmpZ..ati:d~-'" . .~cce:::;t ,i: EIJ! (0 I X locatioTl~ bond or vertica la in Y. a. c. Section I I O CURE & APP.WJACE AP.o/.Jrl: AfteZ" forms .zre erected ou.t: prior to pouring . ::o~rete. ~WALX ~ ]Rr..T~'.~?: For al~ ~~~ ~ ;~~te pavt.ng wt.;nt.Tl street ~gnv- . of-'.;X;y~ to be made aft.ar aU exca- vating .zcmpZete .j fom WOT'/( & zub- base" ,"!".c.ter"~al in place. O .':""E:NCP:: When compli:te -- Provide gates or movabLe sections through P.U.E. o Siqr.ed: Date: OJ), er /ic.;p~ f Li3C. ,it Er:;ires Fhon~ I DEgO~ITIO!.' OR .~,'OV::; 3UI~DIijGS I. ~ Sani;iXr'd se-..Jer ~ap?ec. ::.t F1'..op~rt":1. Li."':e ~ Septi:: tank ~~~~d ar~ tiZLed with gr~~eZ ~ Pinal - ~~nabcve ite~s are c~~tet~d ~ ar.d when d~ol~tior. is ~ompiete or st~~~- t"UI'e moved ar.c pr~:'3es cleaned up. I NODi Ie Hcmes ~ aLocking and Set-up i... ~ PLumbing cannec~icns s~er and water I EZectricc1. Connection - BZockirg, set-u= ---l and pLumbing connections nr...:st ;;e crp?r~l:~c beforc request:ng eZectrical ir.s?ec~io~ ~ Accessol"".i 3uil.iing :J.Fir4l - After ;~rcr.es, skirting, decy.s, et.z. are c::mpZetcd~ o ALL project cor.di~ions, Juch as the ins=aZZation of street ~rees, ~~~!c~i~n of :he req'",ired Zandacc.pil"'..g, t;;tc" rrrust be satis}'ied b~lore the BUILDING FI::,J.L ~an be r'2ctwest:;d. 0.~/...L ,'-rE~HA"'ICAL ~;"AL 2:2:::.0::;'::,.;:. ~.r"A' a"T~nT'IG- =. ".' a', -:...." 41 .... l........, '. ~ r; I: -:n ~ ~Lecc~~aL, ~ Mecha~~c~~ BuiLding In3~eation -ust be reoueGcea =~ter ehe Fir4l ?~u~bir~ Inspec-ciona [laVe been made and' approval. I ,:=] " ':: ,- , .ALL ,~!A.:IP.CLcS AND CLEANQUTS .'!US'!: BE .J.CC'2SS13LZ, ..1,;;J;./S?.'!~,':'!' :0. BE: :.~il,E?> :~T .':0 ~-']ST TIJ CI':Y I ~"".e of 2 . 1 I JOB NO. SOLAR.CESS REQ.~Oq" 2 CeC'"J.:;an.c:J 'Jr'7U:1: Q - ~ lZor.e: ~ ILot Sq. Ft.;. ~\c..l ! ~ ,r !at C""erag< 'lilt", I # of Stories \ I !:otal 32igh' \Cl'~ I Topography , i .~~:: {~~~~ I~cc:e , ~H~:l I i 1:ar:::'C:r~ I I Accesso!'''.) I TOT.~L Is.D.c, 1.5 = Buildi.,..g Pernn.t State Su:rcha:rqe Total Ch.a...-;es I I IT!,\! I !'i:-:ures ResidmtiaZ [z bath} Sanit.:z.r.,! Se'.Je'l' I Hctezi I Me\. ~Il')~ \C>. \ . Plumbing Pem ~ I State Su:rcr..a...nge Tatal Cha"'!'!J8S ,IITE.'J I Res. Sa. fta.\CL\7.... I NaJ/E--tend Cil'C".J.i ts Temporary SeI'"ln.ce , !te~tricaZ Permit State SUI'cnarae Total C"tU:X'ces ' I ITE.~ F'u.r?-..:Ice ET!j'S E::haust Hood I Vent F::n I . , ibcdstc-.;e ID~ I . I Pernn-t I3su:::n.ca, ,I,fe::;..anic:=l permi t , State Surchcrae: I I I SeC".l.1"~tu 'f'r:rtr..7.. C}ar'::'t!!J -- ~t'CRCACH.XE:.'T -- D2:;03i t StOl'!:q6 Mainten...'"t'~~ Permi t Total C}..arac8 I CurbC'.' I SidewZk I Fence I I E7.eatl'icai [abet , i ...fobi te Hame : ~..~ :~~....V I ?OTAL A.~!OU.'JT DUE:.ot VALUE (UC/..UC) lilO. h I 1.l..J 1"0'1 I I I I (/C. I \ I ,\ I ~ I '1,.60 I i I IlIS,a<" -, .....~~ I ',,' Building Value '&" Permit ""t. " This perr;r:,t t.3 granted On the 'express. 'condition that the '~aid_ constl'Uation shall, in aZl respects, cor.Jcnm to the Ordinance =dopted by the ~~ty of S01"'~ngf'ieZd, :.r:c!udina ;he Zonina Crd-:..nance, reaulc::;i}~a the ccr:st~.l.n-:..cn ~A use of bui~dings,Yar.d m~y be~suspended or r~uoked;t cr.y time u~cr. vio- I lation of c:ny ':J?':Jvisions7o[ saiC!.. Ordir.ances. ~. .'. . I ,~. . '-\ \, ~Ca5J ~\\I,) ~~~" I ,~-~\ \(,,~ .OP- e. 53 \G.q. ~. I I I. .\("), olio- I 'n'S.ol> I \.~C I ~c... ~ . , I I I ~,tISl-- I I I I I' Q-i'~~\ [.OT :Y?E In:eerier :;::::--Co""e~ Panhandle CUL-de-sac x Value FEE I I I ?~OO CHARGE , 1:..1C). os- I~~-- I \.I.\b 1%.4.0. I I Cli.J.J?Gc I Q.'::>.~I I ' :;'EZ I I (... !>>- L..\.(p q,SS!-- Ct!~.RCE 2..l.\ . 6C> 98 C)5 .l..\<< I I I I I I Jl- I 1>\-. . ~c..~.BJ> ~~CoJI'~61 . I I I I I I I I I j L-COG"l:' 3ec..roor.:s: 1'. I I I 2.L. I'NO'!'th East: ISou th IWest ~\) r I ~ner:71J Sources II .iea; ~\.~r Access. I I II Ilv II II T:;r:e Ti:ipe/Cor.s~: Lot Faces . ~ ....~ Setbaaks House I Caraae \~'(i' I op.'~.- J ; t1.;<"" 'I \C\ :';at;er _,,:'p.~~e't' _ Range :-::reo~aae (.J C-~,r-(> :looa:zt:o:;e -- Fees ~ . : ~. 9\~.. (') 0.0 -...\'0' .' I Plan Cheak Pee: 'l \ . ~ "'6-\-'t~ C, \ \.\ <:j(~ I Date Paid: IReaeipt H: IS;g,:ed: , Plumbing Permit , No perS'pn Dhall constzoo..:at.. instaLZ.. aZter'-ol' chq:nge czny I".at&) or e--istir:g plumbing'or drainage syst~ in whole or_in pcu.t~ unless such ;erson is tr~ legal possessor of a valid plumberls license.. e%cept tr.at a pe~son ma~ do plumbing work to propel'~~ which is owned.. leased 01' operated by the appi.i- cant. . . ~ ~ , ." " - /' .,or . -,,' . . .... . Electrical Permi t Where State Law l'equi1'6S tr.at the eLectricaL work be dene by an rte!!trical Controactor.. the electl'ical portion of this pe!'mit shall. r.ot be valid. until. the [,abel has been signed by the EZectro;aal ~ontractor. Mechanical Permit .. , <\-\ - ~~ uat;e- I I. I I I I HAVE CA1?EFULLY !XA.\fI;'lE:D th.e compLeted appli-aa-cion for ?ermit, end do hereby certify that aU ir:fo~.ation hereon is troue ar.d C!;lTcct, tmd I f..a>ther certify that any ar.d aU u;ork perf'o~ed shaH be done in: ac!!or- dance :.nth tna Ordin....."'7tCes of the Ci.ty of Spl"";n.gficZd.. and th.z Lc..;s oj' ti:3 State of 01'eg"n p,zr-=-:ining to the work d.escr:"bad herein, c:T'.d :r.at ,va OCC!.J- P.~!lCY viZZ be ,':rde of any struct'..4l'e without permission "f the 3u:.Zding Di. vision. I fUrther cert~f~ tr~t o~Ly aontraators ar~ ~l~yees ~r~ are i~ camptianae with DRS 701.0$$ witl be used on this ?roj~ct I. d!!f4A/_L~ t;f;-/t/- 8'!3 Dar:.e . .. RESIDENTIAL" A?P!..I~A'I'ICNIPERMIT 225 Hortn.5ta Street S:n.....~r:cf':.eZc, Ore~on 97477 -.... ... BuiZd~ng Jivision 726-3753 . (0/(078 .~ccef..:<; ,j :"b ,",c.'i~":"'Il.\ <?-. ~ l"~V ~\e_ ?\~('P_ A...s.or~ ."':t'? .f\'" D~ ~u. vr T= '"'t # \\cu:::::t::J S""di"isic": ~:'-\le_\-~'''\.~ ~ ~'\~'<<;:"\.t"II.'\ _ ~,\ ~~,,\.A :\.:ns", ~~ p~ r\. ~'C'\ ~'N"\~ "1 \. yo Ar].d,o<S3:7:{,,{o. ~. \..~ 'lib Ci:y: (\ )(',~ \.)e . C'J;~_.c.\C'\~ r7r'/~., n Add-:::ic71 n rl.:mo.:!aZ r---l ~~b~Ze ~O~3 5FJ5t5'S. Pr.on... Co~Co -C\u..~\ Zi?, C\"\llO~ :)escribe ~~7orf<.: Dcr:a of AppHca::icn 8-/-4 '3 Value yt ~CS":-. :1,;......_"'..~ G.mel'::! ~t'€'e(\(i", \ ~'(r\~ ~J.:("'. ~ W"'l\O.. (\)('1/'\ >E> 'l~ "\ ~1l?,~ G,q(",~~\ pt""Joir,g ~'Ql:'~ ~\~~'-\.\C'\ \(\'il~IU~'I"f''''~\- t;;..'-::-!,^P 'In-'1I?~ (,,\~~ ~'-\.5~~ !:!sce,..:ca!~'2.el\~ 'G.~~\"1l' c"\,.~ ')~.,~~ <;""'\(""') \.n '::"\\.Y',",,,,,,r~.\ ~-\'lqc, "r~qCj!4 C\~~ I "'eCMnidCs:;r-~~ ~\a..i..\ \\ft\.>.;,\ "\ c;t.,,<;-. ".\ \~....~ f', ~ ~C,O <01 ~I~ ~~ I CoJlt8tl'"'..Ie:i.:rn !.~p.1" ,~r\,...,..., ~""""'~ ~ ~ ~C"'\" ('\.'V'IPUe- ! - , .:,:0r:;1'::=:0::"8 " Siqr.ed: Date: OJ), CfjJ!:lp'Y Lise. ., E:::;ir;;s Phone !t ill th6 l'esp07lDibil.ity ot :'r.8 pemn.t holdc to see that aLZ. i11apecti01t8 are made at: :hlt ';ropeI" Hmc, that ecch =ddress is rea6=:.i frorrr th. street, end that th. pcPmit card is i...:>cated .;;t the f1"011t of the property. .3ui~ir4 ~;ui=io~ c:p;!'o~ed FLc:n sr~Z! l'enain on t~ auiZdin? Sit~ at alZ times. ?~OC~D(',>:?~ FI)R I,'/S!'~C':'!:JlI .:?!'~UES'1':CALL 726-3769 (record.er) state your City .iesigr..::zted :'oc n:.u::ber,' r~ql.les-ccd a...,d :J.~en you ~LZ. be 1'eaa"y lor ir.spection, Cont:rac"CCl'S 01' Ot""n6:03 ncne end ;;lume nu:~1bcr. -:.'iZl be made the same dc-:J, reques:-s .":Ic.d01 efta' 7:00 c:n wilt be mad6 the nc=t ;,;orkin..; da-:j. :JpC'Ji...p,l ~,,~""~":r.?'!.~ O sr:!' I;'I~P~C-:!J.'/: :" be :rr.ce afta' e.::,:oQv,:z=:..:m, ';:.It pr-:.C1' ta set u? of f:noms. ~...--~-.~ :;!~L"""':"""C "'~"''''''''~--'r J. I ,;;~~.~;~t,u.~ - ~~.~e "~:..;~;~~; ;ny wor.~ is .;ovcred. O ~O':'!:jG ~ FOU:!D,1TI~.'1: To be .-:cde aft~r :renches =rg e=cavat~d er~ f:rrrt3 c..re .erect_d, but p!"i"l' -;0 pc:.lrir.g c:;ncret.;. ~~C.=:I)U:.'!) ?:'(;".{1r:,'~" Sz:.!:R" :J.I':'!.:? ~ D.~,;.-.'l;.t;Z: :'0 cO! r.r::...de ;rMo!" ;0 ~-'i.~- l.ir.g ;rer.c:rods. ~~.~.r:':'Qc.q ?:"'j.',~:r.:c .'.fEc:!ANlt;,;,!.: ~ ,~~Lbe ~8 ~ric1' ;0 ~n3-ca'~t~on af J~oor insu~::iC7l or dec:k.ir.g. ~T ..J.N!J 3E:.!.M: To be r.".aet: pr-:.~r eo ~ i;~tal~t~cn ol {'..OOl' ";r.s:.:lati.:m 01' dedi",. : ~ ?'O'''!:.'C. ",,,,,~r~A' , :-roC?- . AJI~~~: JO ~c!"~ ia =0 :C co~e~€a ~=~l ;~CS4 ir$pec:i.;r.s ~~~~ =eer. ,~8 =r~ =?~r7'ei" o F::~E.?Ul.,~~: _~.:or ~o ?z.c.~:"r.; .:c.~ing a1'~~~~~';";i' .r.d ;,<fore ir=r-{j >"8FSC- : .":'F'"tl~!.'fI:: NU3::';S l'e~~;;::-td ':1r';~r ! C?prcu~Z of rOwgh pZ~~inq, ~!~c:1'i- cal 3 meci1an.i.::zl. Al.! raoiir..; br~cing ~ Ch~CY3, e:.;. .~~s-c be como l.ztcd. ::0 :JOr< ";s :" Oli ::cn.- . cec'!otd tir.ci Z. thi:; ir.s~ec:--::CJt ;..as . b€en rr.ad~ and -=;;pr'Q~ed. :~""'A~:lr"'...r"G ~ t'i...I<w ~ _V.'.OJ... , Job ad~css~ typ6 of in3pe~~icn Eequ-zsts receit:ozd ceJ--ere 7: GO ...... Your City. DetJigr.ated Job NUJ7rbco 1:;: '6~\ ~ 'l.~ / rA'fVSULA.Z"IO.vIVAPOR BA:r/RE:R I:!S?~CTIO!l: ~ To be r.:ade ':liter all. insul.::.twn oX".a required vapor };arrier~ are in pZaC6 C<.l.t bejel'e any Zath, gypS"...tr.I beard or U1~Z. covering is cppZ.ied, and before any ir.suZaticn ~s concealed. ~ z1f..lA~[' nlsp!:C'!'Ta."l: To be mads ~ after al.l. CrdzU is in place, but prior co c.ny capir.g. o ,~fASO!lr~"!: SteeZ :;sams, aroutina ac~ord.c:W:e wi th 241~. Z.ocation, bond ot' ver-:icc: ls in u. a. c. Section IOC:::OLITIO;'! OR :.:OY!; 3UILDI;iGS ~ Sani t.a::r;J se'.Jer :::apped ~t rr.:..o;U:-:'t':i l.ir:e . =:J Sep:i? tank F".J?i:d c:r.d liZZed. uit~ ~::e:' I Pinel - ;.'hen c::Xve i:e.-r:s are c:;::ml.oz'ti:d. ~ ar~ ~hen d~Z.itior. is compLete 01' St7~~- ture r::ovlJa ar;ti ?re::ri.3es :::Z~an.ed up. o -,,;OODSTOY::: After instal.lation is cc:rrp/..et.;d. ... I Mobile Hc,-r.es ::J al.ocking and S.at-up .:. 1,. =:J PZumbing c:onneo~~cns B~er and wat_1' ::J El.ectrical COnr.ection - BZockir4, set-u? and pZumbirlfi conr.ections ",~st; ::e cppr:;l.:.zc beforc reque8t:~4 eZeC:2M;cal. ir.8?ec=io~ ~ Acaess:01''lo' 3ui~:.1".g I Fi1"~l - Aft~r ;:;rcr.es, skirt~r.g, de:::~~, ~ etc. .are c~Zet~d. o A~l. pr~jec; ~or.di;~ns, J~C~ as ~he ~nsta~!aticn of atr2et =rees. ::~~!~z~n of the req'.l.ired Zar.d3ccpir.g, t;tc., .7:Ust ::e satisfiad ::~iore ti:a 3{}II.:I::C FI:fA[, ::::11 be :'2'tol.9St.::d. ~["'r"fl;""":"""-" ;~ :....,.....,...._..r1.,..:..r1... O CURB & APP.'?CACP. AP.>:?aN: Afte:, forms ~e 2re::ted but ,?riot' to pcu.ring ~1C1'etil. ~;{ALX d JR~'F:'If'A:!: For all. ~cn- ~ crete paving !.lititin strect right- of-...x:.y, :0 be made af":21' aU Cttca- vatir.q ca:roLete ,& ;-'01':':'7 lIXlrk & ;:;u.i;- base ,;.cterial. in ?l.aae. O ?"ENC'e: W1-..er. compZ.;te -- ?ravide gates 01' movabZil sections through P.U.E. o ~r"A' a"[~"'r'IG' -'e '...~...a' ~~" ~ .. ~~.. . l~ _" ~ ~Z.ec:ri.::al, and Ueeha~ic~l EuiZding I~s?.zction .~t be requea:ed Zf~2~ tr.2 ?~r~l ?!u~bin; Ir.s?ec=~Qn3 :uwa been made ar~ a=v!"o~2d. '~:.'AL ,"E::-:.,!:~" I , .A':i N';':"HC['E~ I..ND Cl.EANCU'!'S .'!US':' EE Ac:rS$r3l.E~ .1.~..iC'ST.'!E:l'!' :0 3~ :.~1rE .'~:; .~'O ...~-:s: ';''J r'T'r'V I ?=i2 of 2 J~ 'n'S,OO \.~O I ~(.,.~- 'I :.\,a'jl oro I Furr"::eQ ETTJ'S . F-=h=. t Hood 1\ I I I Vent F=n 1:\ I 'l. 6<- I IID'~~::". - I: I I ~~- Il 15..:p I I . , l'erm:.t [;;su.:::nca, I I JOB NO. ! Z~a: rJ \.. L:at Sq. Ft.;. '" \G,\ I: ,f ~t C",".ra~: '?39-C..- !., of Sto,...;e. \ _ I. . , , . " \-q ~vy 1.00..cl- _o-:.qr.'; \S I TopoG'~oird ' I::s.~ I,\k:':n Io;.:".c"" i :::z.:.c:,".:' I. l..ic:::csa:r!'':J I I I -, -~ .1 . ,€i.,? ~ ~~(^ I I I I ~T.~L VALl./E Is.D.c. 1., = 1:,'C;";U;J Bu.ild-:.r.g Per:rrit State Sur:::;'.a2"qe. Total C'Jo.a...---ge3 III'D/ I Fi....-:ures ResidzntiaL (1 beth) Sani.~.J Se'..Joro I..i:te.."" ..oo.A .'~r'!. \~\ ..l...1 Pl:.mtbi.ng P6rd. t State Swocr..cw;e 7'~ta! Chc.'roes ' II'!E.\J I,~e.. Sa. fta.\Q\'L I Na1/E:::end Ci1"C'.lies I Temporary SeZO'l)iCB I 1:;0'1 I I I I I' I nB::er--o~ca l Pe~ t St.:te Sur~p.arae. '!'otal O.c:rces I ITE'.~ , ."'fe::r.an-:.c::.l Perm{. t State 5ur~~e I "'o't~l ?:o/~I!!J I - -:....,~;..... 'C:I":-"'l" - _.1....,-,./'1. ...._... -- Se~~;~J Da=o3it Stor-:.ae ,'<!ai1tt;ct:'7'~tl Pc...~t I Total O.cr7{!S I Cur:'C".l= Is'" .. I t.ae:.lal.O< I :er.::e , i rzec~rica.t i.c.bel. i .\lobile if~e :~,-----:"'_,<~ :~... .~ l t ~'TAL /,.'.!OU.'IT cu~" I I I This p9~t i.:; grt:.nted on the ezpress condition tr.a: tr.s 'a.aid. constr'..u::ion shalt, in a!l ~es?ccts, ~or.jcrm to the O~inar.ce =dO~ead by the C~:3 of I SDM.r.a~.iez.J., :..r.c!ud-:.na 7.8 Zon~na Crd~r.ar.c:e, 1'<z~z..:.:;-:::I":a :;he ccr.s;;!"",.tc:;::"c71 ::r.d u;~ of' :;u-:.Zd~nas, ~ ar..d m;::; be" suooen.ded or r~1}okei ~t cr.u ti,':-:e u~c:r. 'J~c-' I !ation 0/ ""y provisions of said Crdir.ances. - I , ~~ I t..l, \ . ~Cg5J ~"'~ ~"\" I - ,~ (5).' I \ (., ~ . eo;.- C. 5~ \~q.~- J I SOLAtCCESS .........-,__...., r_,... ~ _ "":l... l....._.........."..... .I........." ..~ [.C,..~V!:::" Ir.-:;:ericr ~rne':' l'anr.analol CUl-de-sac x ~'aZue :'0'1 \ I I I I ?~OO FEE CF.ARCE I \('). 0.>.-. ~5. --- \.'-\.b 1~..~O I I I I I CHA.P.Gc I Q.~.~ I I \('). ~ I I I 1 I I I , ~,--I I 2L.\.60 I I 98 I 1~.4<g" I C.'!;..i?':E r ~ p- 4.4;::> ".~ I I- ! j J I I i ,.-If'.\ .-"'" - ~ jq~'1.BJ> I 7-.(0'1,"61 1. ?:':::.! 2 . L-COG~ 3~i..."'~or.:s: l' R EQ.- I l.ot Faces I I ?"- Ulo:"th IEC.S:::. Sotot:"11. ]West :~':Je/Ccr.s~: -~.....~ ~\.) I ' =n2r~J S~~r~qs 1 .,'ea; ~ '\{'J:; r I: II I IV! I I I II i T'.J':~ 5et='.1cks I .'iouse I '7=00e I \~'<,." I ~l~.. I ~l' i:.." ,a. 1\(';, I Access. i I ;le"':2!' _[J~-:::.":..~ _ P.anqa ?-:.reolc.ce ("J C~("'P 'Nooa;; ;0:;8 Fees Building Value & Perm i t ~ Q\~ . t') 0.0 \~;o. I ...", ...,.;) Plan Check Fee: ~4,}.'" ICa;: Pa:.d, "'6 - \ -"6~ IRec<':pt N, C'" \ \..\ <:;(~ Is::g,:ed, 1 i Plumbing Permit Na person chen construct, ins:.::l!3 aZter 02' ahq.nge c:ny r"aL.l :::1' fl--istir.g pZwnbing 01' dJ-.ainage syste:'lt in :.Jholo or in pcu't, w:Zess such person is er.s legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, ucept tr.ct a pe:'son rr.ay do plumbing work to proper~.J which is 0IJ7'.ad, 'Leased 01' operated ~y the appZi- cant. /' . , I" , I- , /,.~ .)' , ,..':, Electrical Permi t Where State (,a:J requires tr.at the electrical work be done by an Electrical Controctor, the electl"".:.cal. portion of thi:J pe~t shatz. roOt be valiC. until the label. has b€Bn signed by the EtectM.cal =ontraator. Mechanical Permit ~ '.} Q~,~~\ C\-\ - ~~ vc~a :r HAVE CAREFULLY SXA.\!I:1ED th.e compZ.2'ted appZ:::cation for ,;:'e!"l'l'lit. cnd do hereby certi~y that all i~jo~.ation hereon is true and correct, ~ [ f'.I.!"ther certify that .my ar.d all ,.;ork Ferlom:ed shatz btl dons in. aOC':7r. dance :Jieh tits Ordin:::nces of' the City of Spri.ngficl.d, curl ~h.z L~s oj" t::3 St.::te of O't'e6'.:m p$r-e....-ining to ths work desC'r"'~bad herein, cr.d. tr.a:;:, .VO -:CC;J- p.~:lcr :.Jizz. os ,~de of any 3truCt'.uo,z lJitho:tt parnisJion ~i the 3u-:.Zding 0-;- vision.. : fur"';h~r c-ertil:i ti-o..::t o:-:ly ~on:-r~:ors w.d e::rpl:;yees t.:r.o .::rs in ccr.:pl~ance :.nth ORS ?01.05& wiH oe us6d or.: this '?l'~J'zct ':';~AlA/_L44 V~1.:;r:za 7(~ '7;.-/'/- ?,q Da=:2