HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1998-9-29 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION Inspections: 726.3769 Office: 726.3759 LOCATION OF PROPOSED WORK: --1l.) I 1() 5Z-? v't ASSESSORS MAP' LOT: :":b"-"'l"\. c::\..- ~\ ~ ADDRESS' ) I) C. .ref'v'\\l~ \e.. :""'J\V, I\l:::l'c;;.'i.e \A " G ~ DESCRIBE WORK' J./PO"+ OWNER: CITY: t(Yi S~,(\~\('>\A TAX LOT' . 5PRINCFIELP a ,..,...,o'l\vrJe_ BLOCK: Tht.,~~"\", - . STATE: _i1~ 'b\ l",^ ~ "51S~JIY\ DEMOLISH NEW REMODEL v ADDITION CONTRACTOR'S NAME C' GENERA' . PLUMBING' MECHANICAL: r ""'i"<"\~,..,.l Clli l '> ELECTRICAl' . JOB NUMBER CfY-/f'lf 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 ThI'7 '7 ()/2-dl> SUBDIVISION' PHONE: 7oiJ'7-Z'8' JZ,. ZIP:--97!J77 On-IEIl ADDRESS CON ST. CONTIlACTOIl . PHONE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS o Rough McchnnicnJ - Prior to cover. o nough ElcclriCOlI - Prior to CQver. o Elcclricnl ServIce - Must be approvccl to obtain [)crrn()I1Cnl electrical power. o Flrcpl<1cc - Prior \0 filclng materials and framing Insp. o D Frnmlnu - Prior to cover, WalJ/C'ciling Insulntion - Prior to cover. Iqf5I_1li'f\~ ""-< ;,l..t> ~ EXPIIlES DOl/ion /,,)?.?.k9 ?Z/c-iJaJ - 0 FFffiEr!:!R1lj'leN:Qregon law requires you ~c d ted by the Oregon Utility QUAD AReA: _- LAND USE: _, follow rules a op '-1" ose rulescatlPSelklR\l . NUIICE" NotificationveJlll:lI. "' -001- . OF SL'DG!3: " II OF UNITS: --m-&'\P. n,,.,-nr)1-0010thrOU9~1'l&~~ifJY THIS PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE IF THE WORK @D9ll y~~ may obtain copies ~oj'i)\e'ru --- OCCY ~Df~ORIZED UNDER THIS-PERMIT IS C~OrR, TY P cailing me cenll". (Note: .t~e<\WI~::~ - . OF SIQ[lJE~: _ _ tlEAT SOURCE: uFfll3orfo~th,,()rA'10n Utlh!YJ1!\ll~8MIY HEAT: ._________ L;UMMt:NCEDDRlS AtJANUuNEO FOH , " Center Is 1-80o-332-2344). __ WATER'AClEAT;.E~: RANGE, ___ SQUARl', FOOTAGE:___,.., NY l~U 'J!',y r't:I1IUIJ, To request an Inspection, you must call 726.3769. Tills Is n 24 hour recording. AlIlnspccti0/15 requested bclorc 7;00 a.m. will bc made the same working day, Inspections requested afler 7:00 a.m. wifl be made the following worl< day. D Temporary Electric o Sile Inspection - To be made afler excavation, but prior to setting furrns. o Undcrsfnb Plumbingl Electric.,l! Mechanical - Prior to cover. o Footing - Atter trenches arc cxci1vatcd. D Milsonry - Steel locatlon, bond beams, grouting. D Foundfltlon - After forms arc erected but prior 10 concrete . placoment. o Underground Plumbing - Prior to fllJlng trench. . o Undcrlloor PlumbIng/Mechanical - PrIor to Insulation or dccldng. D Post and Beam - Prior to fJoor InsulatIon aT dqcl<lng. o Floor Insulation - Prior to decKI ng. . , D Sanitary Sewer - Prior 10 fllling trench. D Storm Sewer - Prior to Iilling trencl1. D Water Line - PrIor 10 filling trench. o Rough Plumbing - Prior to cover. o Drywall - Prior 10 l.:tping. o Wood Stove - Aller lnstalla:ion_ , 0 Insert - After (Ireplace approval .' and Installation of unIt. o Curbcut & Approach - Afler forms arc erected but prior 10 Illnccrncrlt of CQrlcrelu. o Sidewnlk &. Drivew:l\, - Aflor cxcnvntion is complete. forms nne! sub.base ma~t!ri<lJ in place. o Fence - WIlen completed. o ~;troot Troe:> - WIlen all required trees arc planted. D Final Plumbing - When all plumbing worl< is complct,c. D r-ilHlI Eleclkcnl - VO/hen all cJcctricnl worJ< is complele, ~( - Fil.1I Mechanical - When <lll D r cclwnical worlels complete. o Final Uuildintl - Wilen all rcquired Inspections have been approved and building is completed. . \ o Other MOBILE HOME INSPECfIONS o Olockillg Clnd Sel-Up - Wilen Llll bl()cl<ln~J is complete. o Plllmbin~J Connections - When IWlne llil:.i been connected to Willer <l1lc.l sewer. o Electric;l! Cotlnection - Wilen blocJ<iIlU. set-up, Jnd prlHTlbing 11l~;pccljon$ h:wc l)ecn Llpproved and tlle tlOlnC is connected to tl1e service panel. o Finn[ - After oil required Inspections ore <lpproved and porches, sldrtlng, dccl<s, and venting ~l<lVC been Installed, Lot faces LOl sq',llg, Lot coverage Topography Tolal helghl Lot Type. Interior. Corner Panh.1ndlc Cul.de-sac BUILDING PERMIT ITEM SQ, FT, X $/SQ, 1'1. Main Garage Carport Tolal Value Ouilding Permit Fee State Surcll':Hgc Total Fcc (A) SelbaGlc~ ~ HSE GAR N -L-__ ACC I I I . THE PF1OPOSED WORt, iN THE. HISTORICAL DISTRICT, OR ON THE HISTORICAL REGISTER? .11 Y,es, Ihis application must be signed and approved by Ihe Hlslorlcal Coordinator prior to permit issuance. W ----..- --- ---- APPROVED: E '---<---.-' VALUE " SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) PLUMBING PERMIT ITEM Fixtures Residential Oatll(s) N" Sanitary S!Jwer Water FT. 1'1. Storm Sewer FT Mobile Home Plumbing Permi t Swte Surcllorge Tolal Charge MECHANICAL PERMIT Furnace Exhau::.;1 Hood Vent Fan N" Wood Stove/Insert / Flref)lacc' Unij Dryer Vent jJ/.J f2k'_~--- Mecllanical Penni t Issu.:lnce Stute Surcharoe Total Perml! (El) (e) MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS (D) Mobile Home State lssunncc Slalc SurCharge Sidewalk II Curbcut II Demoll lion ?tate Surchnrge Totul Miscellaneous Permits (E) TOTAL AMOUNT OUE (cxclueling ciccI deal) (A, B, C, D, .:md E Combincd) FEE . ,~~ .J Ii( 0 i:J hoc -'ifL?L 2C J:h_ BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT This perrnil is griJnled on tile express condition that the said conslruction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopled by .Ihe ,Cily of Springfield" including lhe Development Code, regUlating the construction and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at any time upon violation of ..my provisions o! said ordinances. Plan Check Fcc: ~. Date Paid: Receipt Number: Received By: Plans Revicwed-.'8-y-._._~_._- Date Systems Developmenl Charge is due on all undeveloped proper,tics wilhln.tlic c'Jly limits wtlich arc being Improved. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS ..,. " ( By signature, I stale and agree, that I h<3:ve c..ucfully examined the complelcd application and do hereby cerllfy that all Informallon hereon i3 Irue tinct correcl, and I further certify thaI .:my and all work performed $haJl be done. in accordance with Ihe Ordin':lrlCU:.i of ltw City of Springfleld, and Ihe Laws of tllC Slale o[ Oregon perlaining to the worJ< described herein, and lhal NO OCCUPAI...sCY will be made of any struclure willlout permission of the Building Safely Division. ] [urlller cerli fy Hlal only contractors and employees who arc in compliance.with GRS 701.055 will be used on thIs project. I further agree 10 ensure thai all required inspections arc requesled at the proper time, that each address Is readable from tile streel, Illat the permit card Is localed at the (ront of ttle property, <:Ind the approved set of plans will remain on Ihe sile ~I anime~ conSlr~n" Slgnalur('~t?XA ~ Oat... 9- z;qI-9R' VALIDATION: o ~I )' /9' DATE PAID '1/zq (11- AMOUNT RECEIV[',O t&f 2 t, ul) F,ECEIVED ElY W W RECEII'T NUMElEfl