HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-6-8 - RESIDENTIAL .. " .. AFF!:~~~ION/PE~~HT 225 Jor~h 5th S:ree: Sv~;r.~field, Gr~ccn J7~77 ...... oJ BuiZc~ng Di~ia~cn 726-5755 "ob ~c=:'O"' P DC\. ("""l \\e.ffi\~ ~e.... ' Am,cor: :tap I \1'") D.'=) AI () A. A.. ~c;:; wt #0_'YXJO .s4bd~:"-;3icr:: ~"'er: A-t< C f( I c. K J F F .<dC..-e8J: :2.. G> '1 G R.P- etV tilt/- C-. f) R..- ".."S(Jt!. /IVe; rrE-L 0 r912.E.. vl\M~~(Y\ ~~. , r7l n n n ~'/!'".' ..:.dd~:ic" rl~odeL .'!~:'';!2 .~cm3 rc:::B ot Appli.::a:::cn 5'~/~ -g 3 Addres3 :.",:m:rc.,:-;o::.s_ Gener.! l\. Jo I"")~ ?twr.aing !lQ.:'tric.:::l ,'.!rl.=hcr.:ic::L CO"st~AC~';~ L~~er Pr.one: 7 <,C6 - 6/ Jh z,,, '? 7 <F- ;;0 /' cP Ve,ue ~ cJ CJ cJ ., .~c~e:=:: · t:?J / (l .5 :> 1 I f~J Siqr.ed: (,0 "'- (r %-d",) Date: Liac.l! ."" E::.ires Pr.an~ 1./ (t ill :he res?on:ribiZ.i:y of Cr.s perm:: hol.de.r tc see that: at!.. tnIJpections are .-::OOa at tha propar ti.ms~ that ~h :;ddres8 is l'e~:a /rcm the street, cr.:i that the pcnr;c c::..'""Ci is l.;;cated at ehe f'1"071t of the property. "eui?c!i~.g ;>O;:Ji:"io!': ~roL'€d ;!an. s;...=Z: re'::'lain on t;-~ E:.i.iz.ai11f1 Sit.; at 3.z.t times. P.'~OC~!):;,~~ .:'()R [,'lS?~~!:;tf .:?~~U!'ST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorder) stata yOta' City desigr..ated job I1Ur.:bel'" job adCrcss" type of -::r.3~ec~icn r~~~esrcd a~.d ~~e~ lieu ~i~~:o ~e~d~ far ir~pcc~~on~ Cor-tractors or ~~e~s r~e cr4 ~hone number. Reques~a recei~~d l::~fcre'7:00 ~ i..'ill DB C'L:.cor tne. SCli.e dc.y, r.equesr3 r.:c.da a/two 7:00 cr.r !Jill bz rrruie thB nt:=t :.;orkin.; day. " r;"" C,t".' Desigr.ctcd olob Numb"" Is' ffl~ \ ~ P/lt'."':/~t~.r1 ~,.-..:",....,,:--:.r.""~ O s;:! I:"S?=-:::'~-;;'.': ';o.;s r.r:.c."a a;'=~r e=cav..:::i.;n, .:u: priC,. t:: 3s: U? of fo~s. 01 u:l!)r:~s[.,;,a ?!.;",'..'3D'G, ?lt~::?Ir:.\!. ~ ,\'!CHA,'itt::.Z-: To De r..cGf1 .;e;'(;:'iJ cr:1J WOr.( is .:av:Jred.. iKJ ~c'!'_"'"::t; i .:':;~':.'1)A':':':,'l: "1"0':0 ,~~ cf:~" :rencr.~s ..::re ~c~Jat2d ar~ f;~a c:re arec:2d, .:u: ;;:-;';1' :" pcu:"'ir.g c~ne:-et.. =:J, L','.'~22r;R':'J:,I:: P:'L~f2!:;G,. S!"-f:.~. _ ;;,~:.~.~ CRA.f,~'AGr: :0 oe r.n.::;e ;:r::cr :;.0 J ~_~ Iir4 ;r3r.cr.ez. o U,'I~E,~P:':CR !!!.lJ,'..'El.'IG { ,'.'=':,~.J._v:-::.:.: :" :;B ~...c.a .::ri:;1' :0 -:'n.':;~c~~;-:.or. ~j" f7,oor insuk;ie71 or ~eaK.{,n.;;. [J '?'JSf .4.ND 3EA,'-!: To.;e ~.c.dc :':-;01' :0 ir.3:c::i.L..:;=~cn of Fleor ir.3toza:icr. Cl' c!.ecl(:.r~. 0J ,=-,:;~,'~'"!' "?~~.::"?!__!~, ?'~E:::-.~!~:'!: -l',~.':,':;- A;'II':).:: ::0 '..;:;,.;... :.i ;:; :;c ::o':.:er~c. ~:~l :r.cs~ :r~=6a:';vr.s ~~~ ;~~r. ~~e =r4 =??r7~ei. F:..~::?t.A';E: mer:O mc:;..1"';a.;.s ar.d ~.!"vre .::ior.. o ;i...=c-:'r.g J-'r~r.g ;::.:--r.1 {,113?6C- ~ p_~J..'~!.'It;: .'~..f3:':6 !'e~...le:;;.,d cf':cl" G??rolJ":' 7.f r'::ti.gn ;~~.bi,..IJ, 2Z.,C:'t""'~- eal ~ ::':ec;.~i'::I~. ,U: ~o:':.,..; br~cir4 & ahi.T.r.~us, 2tvo ~...l3: te . cCrrr:Jl€:cd. :10 "';1'< i3 :C' E:~ ~cn- .. cea.:'..Jd :u::it :I-:{.:; :.r:.:J:;lec:-:.cn ;":1.3 'b.~n ,~f1 ~ ":P?r7~edo o DlSUl-tT:ONIVI1POR :ARRIE:,~ INS?E:C'!'IGU: To oe .rode after all inS'...lL.:::tion cr.d reau-:..red t.la::'or l:al'"l"iers a:re in v Lacs but oej01'6 Wty lath, gypsum bcdni or !JaZZ covering is cppZied, :r..d before any in3uZatwn is concealed. I DE,'-f()!.ITIOH OR ;'.:OV!'; 3!JILDi;:CS =:J Sani ~d Se".Jer' capped :::t ~::lp"!'t":t. Ur:a ~ Septi~ tank p-..:?ed'al"'.d f-:'ZZ2~ :.n.th ~:::~ez. ---, Pinal - (/hen ab...--ve i-:e~s fre cc~letcd ~ ar~ ~hen ~e~cZ-:':ior: is c~~e~B or st~~~- tu:oe r..ovea arJ:i pr~;aes ~lll.::r.ed t(? I Nooi l.a Hc,-::es o DR:!'.IAL!. INSP~CTrC',11: To be r.-.ad.e ~j-;e1' all. az..:/I.:aLl is in pZace~ but: prior to C71y taping. ~ BLock~ and S2t-~p ~ Plumbing connections 8~8r cr~ water --, Electr~cal Ccr.r.ect-:'01i - Blocki'9~ set-!4? ---1 and. pZumbing car.r.eations lT~st ~B !l??!':n:ed be;orc requ6st:ng eZec:ri~al inspec:io~ :=J Ac.::es:>c~.li 3uiz..:.ir..g ~ Fi.n:;.L - Aft;;r ;:;r.::r..es, et.:.. are c~l~=;;.i. J'..c:.r:-:.ng" Ceo;'.;;, o ,"1ASO,'1RY: Steel location, b01".d bear..:;~ grouting or vtn'ticaLs in a.::COr-AnC8 !J"';th V.B.C. Section 2415. '.IOODS":'!:JVG: Aft2r installation 'i-s cc.-np1.2:€d. o AlZ prOJ2C: cor.Ct:~OMS, ;uc~ as :r~ {Ms=a~la:icn ~f streee :r~es. :~~!a:~~~ ~f :he required i..c.r.dscr::pir:g. etc., .':'lUSt be sa.=is/':'~d b...,,-.:;re tr.e 3I.'I:'i)I:;~ ?!:::.[, zal1 ~s !'3Cj.42S:.zd. 0, .~I,'IA!. '?!l/.~!9I:"G ~. PI.i'At. :.!!':H:':lIC;.:' ZJ 11:IA[, 2!.!C':.'~!;;.:' ~ @ FINAL aUI:;IJG: The F'i-na! Eu~ldir~ Ir.s?€ct{,on .~...lst Oq requeated =:=81' tr.e :-:'r~Z ?l~bi"4 .nt:?ccri~al., c:nd .'fechar::.c:Z Ir.spe.::::.cna have been .~ade ar.d. ::.pprcu.ei. o o CUPB & Ai."PROACH },?t::ON: Afte=, forms ::;:roe 2re~~ad .;ut ;::--::01' tc pcu.ri,.~ .:cr>"::l'ete. .At.~ UA,'.'HC!,!S AND C!.!A.I'/C'J':'S ,'fUS':' BE .~C~ES~!Er.2, ACJ~'S::!Z.~',!, ':0 3E gACE .'!:'" !:O ::s: 1'0 -:I':''! I :;I--.e ! of :! o SIDE:rlA.!.i<. & [)RI~T#,?: For an ccn- crer€ paving wit~:.n street right- oi-'.X.~" to be made at'ter at!. e=:c:::.- vatina comutete & fo~ ~rk & zuO- base ,:r.cteM:al in ?la~B. D :?F:NCE: :/her. compL.ta -- Provide gates or movable sections through P,U.E, ' o I ; JOB NO. Ss/~f?P. ;:~," R- L l!.at Sq. Fe.;. . 'f 1__ ~-'e~~~- 10. '" ..oJ" ...~" . _~. ~:; of ;;t~.,..~.u I, "'",.,..1 :J."__;'~ .;,.1....... ~ ..".... ; . ,- 0 . r~? g~r.'1 I!:~~ I SQ.::C 1.'.I=in I':","-=,,:":~<f i ) ,;:u-=='!"~ i. 1.'1C::eS3n'''/ i I I Is.".. ::zstG ';"Q~'A.L- :'AU;r 1:;C.:':"';; 1.5 = Zui?.dir.g ?2r.-::it Sec.:a SiA.l'C~:::::!'ge ':'o-:a Z CJ-.a:'ge3 1I':~'.f ,'fa. II'L~.a'es .:re3idcmtial fl bc::h} Scr.it.:l'l"J Se:.J~:' I ilC;:2!' I Pl;.qrzbi.ng ?err.:i t seats Swrc1-.a:rga T.::ta! O.a!'ces 11:Df l.'iO. 1)( .~€S. Sa. '::3. N;u/"-t"znd eire-A:3 'I'errrpcrc:ry S2r>J-:'CB Ele:::~~cal ?e~;t St.=te Surd".ar':8 T~:aZ c;..!:...ft':es l.::'~~! ::t;. t ?-..Lrr..:c.;! ETU' S E=hc:..:8t Hood i ;lent ?:::n I . I iI~"c."s:o-.;e Pe~: !:;:ru.::r.c~ ,l1e::;..a7ti.c::l Perr.Tit I I I St:::t;" S!J.r=;..c-~e . -,,~.~! ~rC":'"~~~ ;:"C.~.=..tC.~':.:!::: Ie. . l~e~~~I~~ D2~C3~~ Seor~qe I :~"':1'::€'J"L:r_:'2 Ipo=:. I T~t:;:! :'-"":::::'':'<:3 C'..uo';'C'..l: Si.::!.t:.JaZ:': 1_ , :'?I'!.::e I ~~C:'r'";c:zz. ;'6e1. : "<lobi Zoi H:r.:e I..""... . ;.J~"'" ,tt.'OU.'lT vu~:. . ~ ~~" 2 SOLAR ACCESS REQ,- ('c::'..t=::I"'.c.... t;.~.c:: M-! x :.:-: ':'!?E I1".ter-'..oro Corne:" i':niu:r.dle C".l'L-ae-saa i'al.ue I I I I .::?~..~ I I I I "2a..ol .se>1 ";l11J. So I . Ci-;'4RCE ;....~)._=?GE /:). <<C I /.<:;:- I .6e> I /.<). 4!>b , . CH,JSCE I I I I I I I I [ I I I I j , I .5 .--- I ? "j I I I I .$~~ ~ L-COG;' I I I I I I I , (l011 +rt1. (l /-M. ~ - :::i"eICJr.3:;: I :0' ,=~.. - ~cJU,,_rN- ..,~!:::a~":.s f.)":.N I I ,.2"",,' II I I I II II /11...4. '>"""-S' A,.A ",,~-"""'" ,y.,.., SO"..i.!'':!t!3 :':J::~ ::e:::; I?:'. lao!"';r1 lEes: ISO".J'A J;""esc I '4~~aae ! '~':C;3:. I i /}S" ~ H.:x.t.5.e- I I€.' 1,:':'"(;:..0.311 ilr:.'::!'!' ~':?~,*:;:t'r' ?cn.::;.e .';'-:.'!'eo~.;:ce ;iOOc.:;:o::1! d;' P.;es Building Value & Permit This f'errrit i:; granted on the e--r:r'''!S8 ~nd:.ti,:m that the said. const':"'.lc:;'07I sNzZL, in =.!Z res!=,cats. ~f~~ :0 the minar.ce xiop":ed c'y tha =~;t .,f' Spr";"'.c~:..e7.d, :.nc!:..c:.ng :i:e Zonir.a Cre:.r.ar.ce, :'ea-..tL=:':}:~ ~f;d ~Cr.J';~I.:':"':';1': ~d "..i.;~ of =uitdir~3. and ~=u C&~~U~~~~.ded or rgvaked;~ cr.~ :~~e ~;~r. ~ic- la:icn c/ ~y pr:Jvi~ar.s at said Ordir..anc~s. ~ I PZan C'neck rt?e: ( ", cx=J I C~to ?ai~: IR2a,i?t #: IS,:g,:edrq/~ - , Plumbing Permit No ?ereon. shall CO'l'!struct, instaz.!, az,ter or char.ge any r.e1J cr e:~s:':.r.2' ptumeir4 :J1" drainage syste~ in ~hole or in p~t, unLess such ~e~son is tr.e legal possessor of ~ vaZid plumber's tic~nss, e:cept tr~t a pe~son ma? do plumbing ~ork to praper~~ which is ~~ed~,leas~ or cperct~d by the ~=pZi- cant. . . I I I I. Electrical Permi t Whel'e State Lc:1.J requires tr.at the electl""~caZ tJOrk be done by em E!2~tr-';cal ContM:ctcr, the sLec:l"":.cal. ~ortior. of :hi3 ?emrit shalt r.at CJ valid :o:tiZ, the Label nas b~e:n. 3igned by the Electrical ::ontractor. Mechanical Permit .-4 c-o- - /' \~ . '-~..;,/~-~ ,p ~ .;.=?i1.r:er - (.. P'" . ~. ?-8~ !.'a:;e I HAVE CAREPULL:I ~XA.'II.'1ED :.~ ~or.:piated =?PZication f'or pe~:, =ro.a ~c here~y certify ehee at, injo~~~ion r.e~gon is true ar4 carrea;, ar~ I f".ll';her ce~-:ily ;hat any ar.d :In :a.-ark ;er:'or:-::ed 3ha'l.l. be do:1B t.-: ac::;r- dance 47iciz i;he Ordi.n::nces of eita Ci.:y ~:. Springfid.d, ar~ tho: ~C;-~3 ol th3 .. State ?T~ Orec.:::n ~zl't.::iniM to the war.1e desc:-;bcd he,.~i.1'!., .:rod :;..a; .YO '.XC!J- ?1..'lC? :Jizz b~ rrr::"::.e of a:n"d~ 3~ruct;u'a wi:r.o:J.: .?,grnr:':,33iG:r. of the =u.i!dir.q ,..;- vision. I f'v.:rther ~eri;it!1. t;..at o:'tiy ~cr.:rc.::'-:-"rs a:-.:: &r;'l':::Y66S who ":'-8' in c~~p~iance wi.:h CRS 701.05$ wiLZ bB used en :hia pr?jsct ya ' ~ ~. // , Si;r.~d ~f~ ~ 0/J::3 (b;a