HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-6-18 ~--....... K (t;fIJ ':'Jt( ( ) .. RESlDeTlAl" APPLICATION/PERNIT 225 North 5th Street Sp:ringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job Location: '209 .~_u/Y7.A)a~ H J? (f) 32 0 ?2- T= Lot H ()S-IJOV A8DeSDore Map Subdivision: Q.mer: ;J~ JiJA- A J/Jtf h{A~11~d€ Address: CitlJ: n ~ n n N~.) Addi ticn Remodel .'!obf.. Ze HO:71<1 Irf(-Yf,p pata of Applicatien :..:on::l'act"o:'s Phone: 7 eft, -~/c)t, Zip: VaZue Aci.....es::; /~ MJf) GencraL r'.t?llf(;' M p.4TrCPCrJ/\J ~/ilSTR. i/ q'RI;, :2. PLumbi11fT !lcctriaat Nec;..ar.ic.:l. 1lL~...e.NJL-J 7Y~.-r:" () 6:n~ " ~/~ JJ~()IL Sipr.ed: Data: ~i0(~ Liac.!! E;r:,1-rtJ::; i-.:':01ZC '(- IJ -;? -<7 '7 :5lft?"-?n7 J 1-ZS ,;; trn 1-25-frb Your City Desigr~tcd Job llumb€r I::;: o Const~~etion Lender It is thE responsibility of the permit hoLder to see that alZ inspections are ~ade at the proper timc~ t~at ~~eh =ddress is rer~r.~:e I from the street, and that the permi t caI'd is located at the front of the prope:rt:y. .!!u:.?di~.g. [}{.:,ri.cio:-:. QP;roL'ed plan sh:=.t.l rer.o.ain or: tiu Eu.-:..Zding $i;;.: at all timcs, ;:=J =:J utJDE.9Sr.,:,? PU.".f3I::G, 'E:T2C?P.IC,iT.. & ,'..'ECl:'.~,;.'IC;':': ~o be maae before any work is ~ov~red, ?~C~2D:.P~ FO.'? i:'1S?=~':'Iatl ?EC'UESJ':CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City desigr.::zted JO:; :ocO"...::s=ca a:-:.:; uhe1: you. wil.l. be ready for ir:$p::atiort~ Contractcrs or Ctw'ne:'s n.c.'7Ie end t=nor:c ~'iZ;' be made 1;he same day~ requeS1;S mctie citeI' 7:00 (Z7; will b:: made the n:;:r:1; :..JOrkir.g de:.'. ~p~Ji~~~ Tr~~r~~{r.~~ SI?E L7:;?~:-:::J:.': To be made after excavation, but prier tc set up of forms. ~ F'OOTBlC E FOU:.ID,1TIO!J: To be 1I'k7de afte:~ r::rencnes are excavated and forma are erected, but prior 1;0 pou~r~ ccncret~, "Vl U!.'D2RC_rrOU:.'D P;"W.f!JIIiC, SEr.fE.~" r.'.1TE."t ~ (1J:{AI1JAGZ"!) To De rrruze prior to fil- '...r.g trenches. IF' ~#10'" :J UllDERFLOO."? PLlJt.!BINC & NECHA.NTCAl.: To be made prier to in3taZlation of J100~ insu~tien or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be trMe prior to instal~ticn of floor ins~Zatior: or deckin,;. :J EJ ROUGH _~';-.'-'..L..lJ-. ELECT.'?ICA!' ,P, MECH- ANICAL: 60 work is to De covered ur.til these inspectior.s have beer. made ar.d approve.:!. FIREPLACE: Prior to pZc.cir.!J faeing materiaLs and before framing in8pec~ tior:. 'Vl FRA!!I!IC: Must be l'equested'after !:J approval of rough pl~hing~ electri- cal & mechanical. AU roofing b1'tlcing t: chimncys~ etc. rrr..tst be . compl.eted. !Jo wrk is to be con- ~ ceaLed until thin inspection has -. 'b6en mad~ and approved. :J n~ber~ job ~css, ;;~pe of ir.~~e~~ic~ n~cr. Reque~~s recei~ea cefcr~' 7:DO ~ crft;!Y/o ~ I I::Si..'LA'.:"IO,'l/V/l.PO_~ P.4RRI~.::r D!S?EC'1'IO,'':: , ~E.':OLITIO;',1 c=: ,'.:::n'"== E:.-'ILD:::~S To be ~~de after aZl insuZ~ti~n ~~ reouir'ed VaPor' barriers are in olace' ~ Sani-=tll';j se"Jer capped :::.t p~opcrt-i tir:e but cefare any' Zath~ gypsum beard 01' wZl cove1'ina is tITxolied, and before -----r s +' t 7 ,. ~. ZZ d..... - any ir.suZatiOn is concealed, '~ ep,,'LC anK P-....7i:d a:"_ J:" . e Lr~~ft qr::::::e" ~ DR'ff./ALL Ij~'SPECTION: To be made aftcr' all drywaU is in place~ but prior to any taping. =:J Final - rlher: chcve it;e~s a:re c~leu;i " .J -...... 4....... ar-a wnen ~emOL~,,'/,.or: '/,,5 c~~e"e or s,,~~~- t1L~e moved and pr~3es cZe~ned up. }.!obi1.e Hcmes o MASONRY: Steel. location, bo1ul beam3~ aroutina or ver~icals in accoraance uith U.B,C. Section 241~. ::J Blocking and Set-up . . ::J PZumhing connections Bt:I.)er ar..i rJcter ::J'ElectricaZ Conr.ection - Blockir~, set-u= . and plwnbing conr:ections rrr..:st te C??r::r';2': before 1'equest-:..ng etec-=rical. ir:spec;io~ =.J Ac~es301'b' Build-:..n.g :J Final - Aftcr' porc1:es~ etc. are comple-=cd, skirting~ decks~ D WOODSTm'E: After instal.lation is completed. D ALl. pr'oject conditions~ such as the installation of street trees, cO'71pletion of the required landsct:pir.g~ etc. ~ must be satisfied bcfore tr.e BUILDIl,'C FI!lAL can be r~quest:;d. =:J FINAL PLUt.fBIlJG ~ FIlIAL MECHANICAL !l FINAL ELECTHIC~L =:J @ FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be reque~ted alter the PinaZ Plur.:bing ELectrical~ and Mechar:.icaL Inspectionn have been made and approved. D CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte=- forms are cre::ted but prior to poUring can..::re te. SIDEWALK & DRII'EWJ"Y: For aU con- crete paving within street right- or,..r.x:.y~ to be made after all exca- vating cOmpl.ete & form work & sub- base material in place. , \ "'ALL f.fANHCLES AND CLEANOrnS HUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST:fE:lT TO BE /.!.4DE I.T NO C::'ST TO CI'!Y lo'.Ore! of 2 o D PENCE: Wher: compl~te -- PI'ovide gates 01' movable sections through P.U,E. ' D JOB NO.'(W;j~t.( i2A.- . Zcma: i Lot Sq. Ftg. ~ of lot Caverag~ .:i of Stones :otal Height : Topogmphy I SQ,FTG I I I I A;P ~ :TEN ....lain ~ace . Carnert ..taccssol"U TOTA& VAW/: S.D.C. IVCt./.4C) 1.5 = BuiLding Permit State Sta'charge Total. Cha.~ge3 ~""-" .;. . .:.~.: .r'i:::tu.:res Residential (1 bGthJ " :cni:ar:J Se'..Jel' .:V'ct€!' .- Plu":':o-:.r:g Pcrr.-:i t State S:.aocr.aJ'pe Teta! C'r:(:!"17CS "-':'" _'=:es. So::. ftc. ]~/E:tend Cir~Jits ~-e::;:Cl'a:ry S.=rvica Elc~tl'ical Permit St::.te Sta'::r.arae Total Cr.a:rces --;-:""" ,:-~l1"r..::u~c ETU' 5 :':=haust Hood :'cnt Fan l:;odsto"Je Permit Issuance Mecnanic::.l Permit State Surcharae SOLAR ACCESS R'EQ.- Oc,,"oancu G1'OUe 'R- ~ LeT TYPE ' I Lot Faces - I 1 P.&. INorth lEast ISouth IWeBt Interior Corner Panhandle CUt-de-sac x I I i I I I J(.~'1 I . Ih.A. I. I I st;.spl I -:5": ~" I 189.961 Value I liD., I FE~ CHAHC2 I -1. ,":{).I I I I :z..~ ./ I I. I ::?2~~ I I 2:z...."sb1 i 4-,01 I 2.,.. ~ . I I 6,-0 I I I I {.C;; .. ~~ ts:~. ;'0"1 j'c'~ I I -::z /"3':-1 I I I I C':!;'..P.::~ I M/~ Total C"fo.arop."I -- ENCROACHMENT -- I I I I I I I 1/ 1'28. 4:}6 L-COG~ L/ Beeroor.:s: ""-1 ~ern:J SO~l'(:es I 1 Heat 1~'J.J.tl I Water Ypntf"l" I I Ranpe i I I Fi rev Lace ~r~ I' Wooaoto"e I/oll:.t: I T~'pe/Cor..3t: N~?:If# . Setbacks I House I C(ll'aae I I I I I I I I T"~e ';:C-.lM. tu DzPOsi t '~orape :-;,intenal1~e .:-rmit Tata! Charncs :L....bcu: ideloJalk 'm::e ?.ectl"icaZ Labe! ::lbiZo Home 7T,tL ANOU,"rr DUE:" Fees Building Value & Permit This permit io granted on the express condition that the said construction shall, in all respects, confoml to the Ordin.ance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning ardinance, l'egulcting the ccnst~~cticn and use of buildings, and may be suspended 01' revoked at cr.y time upon vic- lation of any pl'ovtaions of said Ordir.ances. I . " I Plan Check I Date Pa-'.d: IRecdpt #: /Signed: Fee: Plumbing 5.{.. . 2-3> ~-/( -8:6 /.? ~~55th c-e- Permit No perzqn ahall construct, instal!, aLter O~ change Gny new cr e=istir.g plumbing or drainage syste~ in whole or in part, unless s~cn person is the. legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a pc~son ~a~ do pl~bing work to property which is ow~ed, leased or operared by the cppli- ,cant. Electrical Perm it ({,here State Law reauires tr~t the electrical work be do~e by an Elc~tric~Z Contractor, the eZ~c=rical vortior. of this ~e~it sr~ZZ r.o: to v~liC until the Zabel has been zignec by the EZectpicaZ' ~ontrac:cr. Mechan.ical Permit , I I I I I , . j I I I I I ~ --Q- -~ .~ Ezcm1.nel' ~. 7 - ""//56 ~J!e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA"'1INED t.1w completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all i'r:fo":'7r'.ation hcpeon is tpue and correct, c:n.d I further certify that any ar.d an work performed shall be do::.; ,:r: (J(~~OT'- dance :vith the Or>dinances of the City of SpT'inaficZd, and th:: Lc'..:s of tho State of OT'eg~n p$T'taining to the work described hCT'ein, cr~ =i~: NO OCC~- PJ.llCY will be rrr:zde of any structUl'e without paT'mis3io:1. of the 3uildir.g rr~- vision. I further ceT'tify that o~Zy contl'a:!toT'S ar.d e:npZ.;;yees who are in compliance with ORS 701.05& will be used on this pT'oj$ct ~~ I~llm: .