HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-6-18 .. RESIlIt'JTIAL'.. APPLICATION/PER/fIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Location: 6"':;;;' / ;lnM'- /70,u S+. A80eB80rc Map # [7 - G>., -:>, 4 -lL Subdivision: CUnel": / / , I Ir ertfJ ~ ! t../ '? ml'l- 4/14/ A). Q 11 c:L Awess: City: n n n n Ne:>>.' 1 ::::..... -,",,-~.s:;:,e.. \.\.. f0"fJ'e..77-1?1 , --.J , Tax Lot # d 8Soo "3:~ Phone: ~7,;}f:; 3710 I Zip: ;!,'I1;"'-j, .41/~A' L '1 l / Describe fl1ork: Additicn :C~s.'Tf1-L..l- c..o~\Jp..c::....IOlR'~ F.'? -.J......~ ~1=-j2..T Re"odeZ .'!obi le Ho~a w-(?--'ti, .Data of AppZic<:zticn :;or.:;rccr;oI'S General. PLumbinq SZl:"trical. f..'ecr.ar.ic:::.Z N\\C~.J......"-'1..\ ~c...~"-'>I CO"st~~ction Lender Value tJ (t:l.5'1{) Acici....es3 ~O-.~"""'-"'-u 'J Rcce:pt .f; ,;;; !r7?, rh,YT / - , ~ .,c- r0 Sigr..ed: cC:- /'? - (<:{> ft r-> Date; Lise.!! E:t::)il'CS ~r:or.;:: 437t...o / (-fJ'l-K'h !: is th6' renponcibiZity ot the permit holder to see that az.t inDpections are r.:ade at the proper tim~1 that .z=ch :::ddress is re,.....:,.,.....:e ! j100m the Btreet, and that the permit card is Located a.t the [pont of the property. ~gu::!di~.g. D-:.1)i=io~ 9?rot;ed plan shcU per.:ain on tJu. Bu:::ldin{1 ~::t.; a= an times. .:':~C::.~:::'P5 Fc.!? r,1~?=;:?I[m P.E"0UE.c;"7':CALL 726-3769 {recorder} state your City desigr..::z.ted job nW7:oer3 :'~XT"":!s:ca a:-:c :J::en you :.Jii.i. be ready for ir:sp::ction3 Contrac~crs or Ow'ne:"s ru:..':-rc c.r:d ~hor.c nu:.'wcr. ...'z::; De made the sar.;e dC.Y3 reques~s r.lacic cftc:..... 7:00 c:n LJi'Ll. b:: made tne next :.>orkir..; d:::.~'. ~~~~~~O~ rr~"~~~{r.~~ =:J ~ SI?2 I:,'S?=:':':~.7: To be made alur ezcav~ti~r.3 but prior to set up of forms. U.'ID"E.qSL.:"~ P!.~'.'.f3I:.:G. EL2C7P.IC.i!. (1 gECi:".~.;.'IC.;:": ;'0 be made befor~ any work is ::ov~l'ed. ::J FOOT.rife ~ FOU:m,1TION: To be rrade afte~ trencnes are excavated and forma' are erected3 bu.t prior to pourir~ ccncret~. ::J W.'D2RG.f?DU:!!J P:'WfBINC. SErre.!:?, f"_1TEH, DRAI.'IAG2: Io be made prior to fil.- . lir.g trenci:ez, ::J U!lDE.r?FLOO.9. P~U.'-:!3ING & MECHANICAL: To be made prier to in3tal.lation of j1oo~ insulctien 01' decking. POST AND 8EA!<: To be trade prior to installctien of 11001' ins~latior. or decking. ROUGH ?LU?73I.'.IC. PJ.ECTP.TCA!:. <~ MECH- ANICAL: ~o work is to bc covered ur.til these inspectior.s have beer. made and approved, FI.f?EPLACE: Prior to p'lc.cir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tior.. I FP.A"~I!lC: Must be requeDted'after. --.-J approvcl of rough plwr.bing3 electri- cal & mechanical. AU roOfing bracing t chimncys3 et~. ~~st be . completed. tlo LXJrk is to be con- ~ cealed until. this inspection has ~. 'be~n made and approved. :J :J ::J o ~ o o Your ~ity Desigr~ted Job Number Is: o :D,'Sr.:LA~ION/VAPO.~ PARRIER l!!S?ECTIO;;: To be 1'."'.ade after all insulc;ti:m a."'.d reauired vapor carriers are in place Cut cefore any'lath3 gypsum beard. or wall coverinais avDlied~ and before any in3ulation is concealed. o DRYWALL IlISPECTION: Te be made after' aU dIoywaZZ is in place;, but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel location, bona D2am33 grouting or verticc.ls in accordance uith U.B.C. Section 241S. job ~ess3 t~pe of ir.3pe==icn Reques~s r2cei~ed cejcr'e 7:00 ~ 8f;; /) t{ 2--3 . ZJE:::JLITIO;'! C'R .~"']V.:; D:':ILD~-::;'S ~ Sanitar;; se'-'er capped. ::t p~opo;rt::. Zi-r:e :J Septi:: tank p:4,?.::d a~.d f::l~ed L1ith ;r::r..:eZ J Pinal - m'ler. abc-ve ite':!is are cC.":IDz.e~e:i ~ a~d unen i~oZitior. is ca~~e:e or s:~~:- t~~e moved ani pr~ses clec;nei up. Nobile Hemes ::J.Blocking and Set-up ::J Plumbing connections s~er ar.d water ---, Electrical Connection - Blockir~3 set-u~ .-J and plumbing connections ~....st t~ ap?r:),(:2~ beforc requesting eZec:rical ir.spec~io~ ::J Accesso1"'.d Building :J Pin.:1~ - Aftar p:Jrcr.es3 eta, are comple;cd. skf.rting~ de::!ks3 WOODSTOT,'E: After installation is ccmpl.eted. CURB & APPROACH APRON: After' forms are arected but prior to poUring ::o~rete. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- crete paving within street right- Of-WCY3 to be made after all exca- vating complete & form work & zub- base material in pla::e. O PENCE: When compl~te -- Provide . gates or movab~e sections through 1'.U.E. !Z1. ?'i2"C:.i... t""- ,,- ~: '3D o wllSd'?~ Al~ project condition8~ such as the ~nstallation of street trees3 co~lction of the required landsccpir.g;, etc.;, must be satisfied before tr.e Bl.'ILDI/:C FIllAL can be r:tquestcd. :J FINAL PLU!..'BIlIG ~ FIliAL MEoHA.'IICAL :J FINAL ELECTRICAL ~ o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requeoted r=fter the Pinal P~~bi~ Electrical3 and Mechar.ical InspectiontJ havo been made and approv.?d. "ALL /1ANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS IfUST BE ACCESSIBLE3 ADJUST."fE,'l'!"TO EE !.:'IIDE I.T 1.'0 ('~ST TO CI'!'Y I P::::Fe ! of 2 "I JOB No.~D~L3 . Zor.e: : Lot Sq. F'tg. : af tot Cauerag~ .~ of Stones :otal Height , Topography ;~ :'J'E.'-! SQ.FTG . .~lain Gc:race Ca~Cl't . ,k'cessor" S.D.C. TOTAl. VALUE IUCI.UC) 1.5 = Bu.ilding Permit State SurchaJ"ge Total Cha:oges :':'ZM 1,':0. ri:::r:-.aocs ~esidentiaL (1 bath) ::ar.-:.-:a~.J Seo..Jel' .:"atezo Plu:~:b-:.r:f1 Perr.:i t State S:.a>cr.:rrge Teta! C'r.::!'ocs ":.;." I :,j. i I I I _~CS. S~. ftc. ....~..../E=tend Cil'C".d. ts :~craTY S~rvicc Ele~trical Permit 5t::.te Surcr.arae Total Cr.arces ":-:"., {urr.:::cc PTU'S :::=haust Hood ".lent Fan. ,'::Joas to;)e :Pt2A.- I N ~i' . Permit I:;suanc2 Mechanic::.l Peromit State Surcharae rpntr:.l cr.araf?!; El.'CROACH/.!ENT '.:C'..rrit:J DZ'Dosit :o1'aoe ~-:intenar""e ,,:rmit Total Charaes :.trbcut -:'deLJaZk :mee }cctl'ical Label :;biZe Home ;TAL AJ.!omrr DUE: ~ I:C., I I II I SOLARG:~JIi.. S:S Occu:canc:J ......~oJ:. LeT TYPE --.- Interior Corner Panhandle ,CUl-de-sac: ----' x Value F~2 CHARGE j'E:; Cl;.RCE /67""0 /0. <!PC:::> 30. ,"0 ~t:> I I I I I I I I I I I I 3D.~-. R'EQ.- L-COG"l> -. II Enerau Sou-pces .'ieat I I I II T;pe/Cor.st: Beeroor.:s: I wt Faces - I I 1'.L. lNorth lEast ISouth IWent T;;~p Setbacks House Caraae I Access. I I I i Water .l{ratpr Ra"Fe Fircviace Wc;od:;tor..'e --"Fees , . " ., \.... " , ..~ Building Value', &' Permit, This permit iG granted on the express condition that the said construction shall~ in all respccts, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Sprf-ngfield, including the Zoning Crdinance,. regulcting the 'ccnGtl".J~ticn and use of buildings~ and ~y be suspended 01' revoked at cr.y time upon vie. lation of any pravisions of said' Ordinances., . I , . I. , I Plan Check Fee: I Date l'a-:.d: IReedpt #: /Signed: - Plumbing' Permit No pereon chall construct~ instal!~ aZter or change cny r~u C~ c=isting plumbing ar drainage syste~ in whole or in part~ unless such person is the_ legal' possessor of a valid pLumber's license, excep: tr~t e pe~son ~a~ do plumbing ~ork to property which is ow~ed, leased or operated by the,appli- cant. ;.. ~. I I I I I I I I Electrical Perm it rVhere State L~ reauires tr~t the electrical ~orK 02 done bu en Elc~:ric~Z Contractor, the eLec~rical For~ion of this pa~i~ shaLL no:' te vaZid ur.til tne Zabel rAS b~en ~ign~d by tne Elect~icaZ Contractor. I I I I I I I I I I, I Mechanical Permit ./ Plan iXcmt..ner Vara I I. I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED the completed application for permit, end do hereby certify that aLl i~fo':'r.':ation hereon is tl'UC and corrca:, end I further certify that any ar.d all work peI'fomred shall be do:;~ ,',:r: cwcor- dance ~th the Ordinances of the City of SpI'ingfiald, and th= ~~s of tke State of Oregvn p~rt~inina to the work describcd here~n, ar~ :i~: NO OCC~- P/!.NCY will be }Tude. of ani s'trUcture without p3rmis3io~ of the Building /)"~- vision. I further certify that o~ly contractors ar~ c~pl~yees who are in c~pliance ~~th ORS 701.05~ ~ill be used on this projsct J/-I-__t ~~ ~ ' '/-; ~//?f.