HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1982-12-14 RESI~T1AL': APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 .. SPRINGFIELD Job Loc::tian: ~/7 W~~<S&J \,lN2" ~L\ \? _ Tax Lot # () "6 ~ro AsaesGo%":: ".np .~ Subdiu-:.sicn: ~"71e!': y~, 0 V'f? &17 01~ ~32J1'/' Add....es3 : City: n"t:J"" ~~t~cn U->~~ d) n n .I Pi".one: 7~7-o0 22.. Zip: 97'177 Desc:ribe il'ork: 61~ ..-+ >> r>.u-e.. :/\ Remodel '1~J..u-- .l{B-Ub .'!oo-:. Zoa .~cme 19-/,<1 /y, Z; --:; U:,~ .J ~ VaZue Addres3 ~.~. Date of Applicaticn :';on~ract;ors Gen2:ral Plumbing Electrical. .~!Q::har.ic:1l Const~~ction L~~er y, I Use. " .' .L?1.._L-- o '. ."cce~"" IZ (;6/0<( l.J...H>-O ct1 ~ t ~ p~ ~/S. pO ?I~ . ~ 0 0;-titJ d/j. (PO Signed: c;iV 12 -I t{- F; 2.- Date: E:;::;ires Phone It.is tha responGibility of ths permit hoLder to see that alZ incvections are ~ade at the proper t~~~~ that ~~ch =ddress from eM 8treet~ and that tho permit card is kicated a.t the f''l'CTtt- of the property. ..!3ui!.di....g Ir:vi::ior: ~Fl'OL'ed ;:!.an sr.c.U remain on tr,a EuiZdi11f1 $i.;~ at :IU times. ?'?OCEDut~E FOR I:'ISPEr:rIOU R.!'QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) sta"t-e your City .:1esigr..:::.ted job nw;-:ber, rsquestcd a:-:d when you wizz. be ;:oeady for i..,..spcadon, Con"tractcrs 01' Ot.."ne:os r.c:me c:r.d phone n.:or.zDcr. :..'iZZ oe Trade th€ same day, requests mcde afta 7:00 a'l'l !JiZZ be made the nc::t :.)Orkin.; day. t:?eaui.,.",d rrtSD"'~t~C"!.<? O SIT~ I.'JSPEC':':ON: To be made arcer ezcavation, ~U~ prier to se~ up of forms. o UNDERSV.B ?r,:.:gBI:IC. 2LEC'?=?I(',IL ~ j~.'ECi:",J.,'IIC":'L: To be made before any work is ~::r,,'cred. o POOTL"IC ~ FOU/1DAT:CN: To ce ~ after Crencr.es ~r€ exc~Jated a~4 forms are erected, but prier to pourir~ c~ncret~. U.I!D"ERC.o/JU:!D ?:'i.;Y2F.;C,. S!;!CR. ;..':lTE'R. DRAI/!ACZ: I'o be r.:a::.-e prior ::0 fii.- l.i7".g trenches. o o UNDE.t?PWOR !'!U.\'EI.'lG ~ :.f"E':H.4.V!CAL: To he mcc..e :;;rier :0 ~n~tcLi:ar;::on of 1100'1' insu~r;ion or deCking. P'JST AND 3EAU: To be rr:c.dc prior :c insr;aLl...::ticn oj" 11001' ir.sto:Z.aticr. 01' deckir,q. o o ROUC.!.!. ?[U'!E!I:/G. ~.~EC':'.OTCA'.". ~ .'.fE:CH- At/Ie),!.: .';0 '.)ork -!..a to be cOI:e1'ed- until ;r.cse :r~=ec:iyr.s hcv~ beer. ~~e cr4 C?P1'~~€d. FIP.::?LACE: Prior to ;:kcir.g t.c.cing mcr:erials a'l"'.d b~fore frar.ri.r.g inspec- tior.. o o P.Z4.'~I.'1r;: Must ~e ':"eques"ted cf";er app1'o't.'.::.l ?f 1'~gh ?Lur..bing, el.ectr':- cal ~ mecr.ani.::aZ. All. '!'Oofir.g bracing ~ chim~ncys, et.::. ~~sc be . corrroLe:cd. .'10 -.;:J1'k is to ht! con- "cec.Z6d ur.:i. L this ir.svec:;icn r.as . been n:ade c;nd c?pl'O't.'ed. Your City. Deoigr.atcd Job Numba' Is: u INSULAT!ONlvAPO.q BARRIER I.'1SF"ECTICN: To be .?'Jade after all insu.Z~twn ar.d ratr.J.ired l)ar7or ba:rt"ie'1's are in :; l.ace Cut before any lath, gypsum bcCz.d ~r wz.z. covering is c:pptied, =r.d before any insu lation is concea Zed, is l'ea..::a1;:e JOO aacrcss, type of ir~~ec~icn Requests recei~ed b~fc1'e' 7:00 ~ <6 '2 2 Sg 9 I D2,',tOGITION OR ;'.!OVE'':; 3UILDI;:CS ~ Sani:ar":j se".Jer :apped ::t ~::?pcr't-.:i Zir:e ~ Septi.:: tank p~~ed ~.d fiLZe~ ~~th gra~e: I Pinal - f!hen dJcve "';i:e;,;,:s a:t'e cC;-;::Jie:e:;; ~ ar~ ~hen de~Zitior. is compZe:e cr st~~~- t~e moved ar~ pl'~;ses .::leaned l.i.;. "NODi le HeInes =:J =:J =:J Blocking ar~ Set-up Plur.hing connec:ions s.:wer c::r.d tJa;er o DRT.lAL& INSPE'CTION: Tc be ..~ade af';er all drywa~Z is in place, our; prior to any taping. Elect~:ccl Connection - Blockina, set-u~ ani pZ.umbing c~r.ecti.ons cr..:.st =~ .z;;prol;€i bet ore requesting elec;ricaZ ins?ec=io~ o "location, l::ond or verticals in v.a.c. Section ~ AcceS3C" ':1' Sui Zd.ir.g ] fir..:::.l - A~=~r ~ol'cr.es, etc. are ;~pl2;;d. ak-=:1'r:-=:ng, c.eCr:;J, HASO.'lRY: Steel oecm3, :;rou ~ir.g ~col"Ca:nce lo1"':t::h 2415. I ~C?7E: Aft.r installation ~. cc,':1pr,.a:€d. D CURB & APPROACH A?r::ON: Aj"te"::' foms Cl'e erected but ?!"';or to [JO",J.ZO";ng .::on.::1'et:e. SIDEWA&i<. & DRr.'EfiAY: For aZl ccn- crer;e ?aving wi~h-=:n street right- oj'-way, to be mc.de af:21' aU e:::cc.- lJatina ccr.roZete &: for.:! work & .t;uiJ- base ,;'..::teriaZ in place. o ALL project c~di:ions, $l.i.ch as ~r~ irts:aZla~ion of atreec :rees, ~~~Za:~on of :ne required landscc:pi7".{J, etc., must be sar;isfiei bi:f'ore ;i:.a 3UILDD'r; ?!::AL ~.:::n =e l'eC;-~3S;.2d. D. FINAL PO../X!JI:/G D. FI:IAL ;,./Ef:HA:IICAL CJ. ?I.'IAL ELEC:RIC:':' /=:J o PINAL 3UILDLVG: The Finel Building Inspection. ,'T..ls'l; 0<1 1'equestea after tr.a 3'i.r.aZ 2Z<A.r.:binq Elear;ricaZ, <:::11ti Hecr.ar:.iccZ inspections ;..avc been made ar.d a;;prcv.e~. D o :orNeE: When COirrD Z~te -- ?ro~ide gates ar .~vabZe' aec:icns through P.IJ.E. kAGt- MANHCLES AND CLEAt/CUTS ,'!UST BE ACCESSIBLE, AC..JL'S7;'~,~',!, ':0 3E g..-lEE .';1' !/O ::0$': T? t;r:''! I ?=-;e D of 2 I JOB NO. <62.z.n.:r I 1 ::1'!e: I Lot Sq. Ft;. j~ ~f rot C~erag~ !.i of Stories l:OotaZ Height J I Topogra;:hy I '.~'.J I.,.",;. SQ,'=-TG I'J.."":!'''''C'.''! I ! ;."'..Ir:'=1'~ I, I ...c~es:n,!,'J I I Is.D.c. I 7':JT.~!. ;rALlJS 1.5 :: ('X.!.."';;) Eui 'Lding ?e~ t State Surcn:n-g8 Tota L ~.a."'ge3 I I~""~ I Fi--tu:res I Reoid.mtial U bath} I Scn:i.t.a.'!"'} Sewer I ;,.'a-:er I I ,'!O. I I I Plumbing Pemt Stata Su:rcr.tlI'g8 T:;taL C'l'IC.raes 12DI I Res. So. fta. I NOlJ/Ertand Circuits Temporary Service i "0'1 I I I Ele~tricat Pe~t State Sur~harce Total. CrUU'C8S I "I,~ I ;:C. i r..a-r"::Cq ET'J' S E=hou.st Hood I Vent Pan I . I iJooasto'"J8 J Pe~t I3suanc2 Me.:;..anic:::.l Permit State Surciu:::rac '1'''~r.T. crC!".,~tl . I ~:lC.-::CAC.:';'.\'E:!':' IS' n . I 8C'.l1""',t',.J J'2':.'03'Lt I Stor~e :1aintgr"cr.,.;1e Pcrr.rit Tetal C'ftC.l'?es I Cur:'C".J t ISid2ZJalk. '::'!!~e ! EZotct:l'ica.l ! .'Iobi La Hame Lcl; e 1. I ':OTA.E ANOU:1T DUE::" SOLA.CESS GCC'J.=anc~ Gl".7'J.~: LCT 'J"!?S Interior COl'7!er Panhandle C-", l-de-sac x ;talue CiiAP.GE ~:-t" CHARGE CHARGE I I I I Is.OO I I I I ,&0 I It;: b CJ I. I I I I '#J{;'. (" 0 P~!;!e 2 . L-COG~ R EQ.- Tiipe/Cor.sr:: 3ecir')oms: wt F~ces . I I ~ne~au Sour~e3 I i .:;eat I ACC8,38. i I :rater HM~P." j I Range I I Fireoiace I I Wooa.;to.,;e. II T:;:;e P.I.. Setbaeks I House I CaJ'aae flO1""I;11 EasT: Sou.th IWest Fees I I I I I I I I. I I I I Building Value & Permit This pernrit is gronted on the e--press condition that the said. aonstruc;:ion shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance ~dopted ay the City of SproiT'.gf':.eZd, ";nc~:.od~ng the 2on::T'.g Crd:nance, I'eq'.;,lc.til~g the c:::;or.str:.te::cn ~A ~ze of buildings, ar~ ~y C~ aU$per~ed or revoked at cr.~ time ~;~r. vie. lation ot' ,zr.y pr::;visior:s of said Ord.:r.cnces. Plan Check Fee: tate Paid: Reczipt #: jS4ned: Plumbing Permit No pereor! ahall construct, instal!, aZter or change any T'~W cr e=isting plumbing or drainage SY8t~ in ~hole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor. of ::z valid plumber's license, e=cept that :1 pe:-son m:1:! do plur.-.Ding :,jork to propert-d which is OLJ'T'.ed, laas~ or operated by the cppU- cant. / I , . I I I I I I , . Electrical Permit Where State Lc:LJ requires tr.at the electrical work be done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical por~ion of this permit shatt roOt be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical ~ontract;or. Mechanical Permit Pi.an E::c::m..ner L!at:a I. j I I I I I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA!.fINED t,"r.e comptated .zpplicat:ion for permit, and ri.c hereby certify chat all i:o:fo:T.'lation hereon is true and. correa,,;, ar-..:1 I f..a'-:her certir"ii that any ar.d all 1.:ork ;erfo-r.ned 3hatt be done in ac::or- dance :Jith the Ordinances of the City of Spr>ingficl.d, and =h~ Lc;:.;a of tha Sta.te of Grea.?n Dzrt.=inina to the work ces{Jr"';bcc herein, :::r.d the:; :'10 OCC!J- ?J.!ICY win be 1f1::J:2e of cny~ 3t-t'Ucture without; parmis3ior:. of the Building !)-;- vision. I further ~ertii~ tr~t o~ty ccntrcctors and ~l.?yees Wr~ are in c~p~iance with CRS ?Ol.05E wit! be used on this projzct 3iijn2d Date