HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1988-5-12 . I/SOS .. RESlDa.lTlAL" APPLICAT./PERUIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 Job Location: & ~ J./ ~TrrnJ /fj03 3~ la' Tc.:Lot# VtIm ()hcf-rTd o)u ASGesool'= M:Jp /I Subdivision: Q,mer: v /11. (;j L/ ~ ,Ju.Jz~bAa/' - (jPhone: C:.Cc '0 rlt::JOt.('Iorr. (JSIVl'i 1 !?r::;C,F /celLl/Nf A,e~ L(-J.5 ~gt Add:ress: City: n f>(J n n N",~l cdx '/7.." Additicr: Remo.ier :10b:.!a Hom~ Date of Appticaticn (,,:ont:rac::ors I7AD n.vc..J Genera Z. Pl.wnbing EZectncal i Me~har.ic.::.! Const""cncn Lender> J tJLlJ/ 111/'rJ , 1<(/-~d0 J:.. Zip: Describe flor1,; /.JetJRt>CUA 'V<{Si/Vl'1 CCit.ol<:..\C(..\:o;:. :::rot ST .,A:' TRe.:;y Va!u" If 1'50 Acid..res3 Si91':ed: Date: c6 ")-/7_-ff'i{ Ltsc.r> E;:::,-:.rcs Fiume It ill tluJ 1"espcm.tti.bility of tns perrrri.t holder to .S/J that aZ,l inopections are r.rade at the proper tim!:, tJ-.at t!CCh ::dd.ress is rea.::'aO:~ from the BtJoest. and that the permi t ctu"d is located at the front of the property. -Building l>ivi~ior. apprm:ed plan shezz. remain on t~ Bu:.i.ding Sit:; at aU times. ,/ PROCSDUP.E FO:? IflSP2::TIOI! P.EC'U!'ST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state ,!our Cit'! desio~..:zted job nur.:b~r, JOO ac..c:rcss, type of in::pec-:icn requested a~.a when you wil7.. De ready jor ir.spcction, Conn'actors o'r Ol.me,:,s' ncme cr.d phone nu.":'l.?cr. Requcs-:s received cefere 7:00 t::. :..~z.z. be made the 8cune day, requests mGJic afta' 7:1)0 lX1I LJiU b8 made the ncxt :.>orkir.q da~.~ ~ - . - - - . - .-- .- ~- - -,. ~ . ~~T1irr? T~~~p~T.ir.n~ O oI-o I"...-r-,....,IO". "'. a' . ....:._ ;,.:::-_..... ". :1.0 De r.a::t e , excav~rion# bur prier tc Bet forms. after up of o U!.'DE.r:?SLAE PLUl,!3n:G, ELE~RIC,1L & /ECl:'....::iC:.f..: To De made oejol"e any work is ~ovcred. :::J FOOTING! FOUND,1TICll: To be rrade after trencnes are excavated arA forms are erected# but prior "to pourir.g cencret.r:. =:J UND!RC.r?OU,','D Pr.u,',sn:c, SE;.T:;,,::!, fo',1TER, DRAIl::.C::: To De ma.:ie prior to fii--. J.ir.g crenciuu:. =:J. U!IDERFLCO,t? PUJ!!3I:.'G t. {!ECHA/:ICJ,[.: To be made prier =0 in~=aLlarion of J100r insuLation or decking. ZJ POST AND BEA!,~: To. be made prior to inataZZ~:::icll of floor insL;Zation or deckin; . \;l RO!JCH P!.lP.!EI:.'C[r:[EC':"?!C~f. !!F:Ch'- .cJ A/.'ICAL: No :.Jork 1:"1; l-V ~ COL.'erca ,ur.til tncse inspectior.s r..:zvc becr. made ar..i cppl'ove.::. I.. FI,~E:PLl..CE: Prior to plccir..g fccin:- ~ marcria~s and before framing inspec- tior.. \/l FRA,I~n'r:: Mu=:t be rCGueotcd after ~ approv~l of rough pl~bingJ ~lcctri- cal & mechanical. AlL roofirM:J bracing t chimneys, et=. nr~st be ;.complcccd. No wark io ro be C07l- .......cecled until thin i113pection has . b6e:n made and approved. Your City DeGigr~ted Job Numb~ In: ~ n:SlJLATIONIVAPOR BAR.T:?IER I.'lSPECTIO:J: To be made after alL insul~ti.?n ~.d' requi.red vapor carriers are in place eut cefore any lath, gypsum board. or znU covering is appUed, and beforc any insulation is concealed. "> gee? 35/ DD:OLITIOIl OR :,:Ot'!'.: aUILDI;:CS ~ ~cz:ti:ary sC".Jer .:zapped :::t rn:.op~rt"~ l.ir.e ~ Septic tank rr~cd trod fiHe~ with gra~e: -, Final - ernen ab:::ve ite:~s are ccr.roleted ~ arod when dc~olitior. is complete or stru=- ~ure moved ar~ premi~es :::Le~ned up. I J.::JDi z'e Heme:; :J Blocking ar.d Set-~p :J PlumDir~ connections s~er and water ~ Electriccl Connection - Blocking# Be~-uF --.J and plwnbing conr.cctions nr.:st 1;e appr:n.:c.: before requesting elec:rical ins?ectio~ ~ Ac.::es:::o1'1:1' Building -, FiY'.:::;.l - lfter p.?rcr.es# ~ etc. are c~ple:cd. I skirting, decks# o DHYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be made after' all drywaZZ is in pZace# but prior to cny tapir~. 11ASONRY: Steel lo~ation, bond oe~3# arau:ina or verticcls in accoraance Lr~th V.B.C. Section 241~. WOODSTO'.'E: After installation is ccmpletcd. o All project conditions, suc~ a8 the instaLlation of street trees, co,~letivn of the -required Zandscc.pir:g, ete.# must be satisfied before the BUILDIl.'(j FI....AL ~~n be request::d. ::J FIliAL PW!,fIJII:G .=J FINAL l!E~HANICAL ~ FINAL E:'EC':RICAL :J o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requeated clter the FiP1:1.Z Plwnbi713 Eleccrica2# and /o!echar.ical Inspection:J hava been made and approlJ2d.. o o o CURB & Al'PRC,1CH AP.~ON: Aftc,:, forms are crect~d but prior to pouring con.::rete. SIDEWAT,K ,~DRTl'E...'AY: For aU con- crete paving ~ithin street right- of-way, to be made after all exca- vating c~plete & fo~ work & ~ub- base maccl-ial..in..pla:::e. .tA:'L !.fA!.'H::!.ES A.'.':J CLEA....OUTS nUE:T BE ACCrS=U3!.E, ADJl.!ST.'!2::'!' TO BE g1DE 1.7' 1.'0 C:'ST TO Cr:Y I P3ge ! of : -., o o :'E/.'CE: ~lJler. compl~te -_ Provide gate6 or movable sections through P.U,E, o IJOB I zo.,., /"> NO,ri((),~ / SOLA'B_.ACCES S OceuDancu .,G. LCT TYPE Lot Sq. Ft;. S of Zot Couerag: ~ of $toriea, Total Height Topogra;;hy ...'..h:.,.,.. .- Interior Corner Panhandle.,:' ' Cu l...de-sac , ,"t-:-- !:'E,~! V~.FTG I X Main Cc:rt'1-=~ I I Carncrt I I Acccssor~ I ,hP/7/aR 66 I Value I 9'.?~. .-., I " TOTln VALUE' Is.D.c, I t1G:"U~J 1.5 " Building Pcrrr:i t 1?..9~:> .. JSg. I/B 3g State Surch:r:rt;le Total C"n:J.....ge3 IITEl,.' ,':J. I FE:': I Fi....-r:urcs jResidentia! (1 bath) i Sa:r.i. tar'~ Set.Jer I I Wetl!!" C;:';'F.:;:: Plurnl:ri.ng Perd. t Etate Surcr.Lrt"ge Tcta! cr.crocs 1 ''l''~'' I Res. Se. f't.=. j Nw/E....-tend Cir:ui ts I iTempol'ary SCMJice I:.." I / i I I _"^,',.C I I /'\. C'c> I I I IS'. -I . 7,5'"' /.C7 :;-", Ele:trical Permit St.::te Sld'~harae Total Ch11..rces . ,7':-'.' ,';:;. I r--' Cll:"'~::~ I i F':D'>1uce '2TU'S : E=haust Hoo.i . Vent Fan : iI:wcstc:Jc Permit'Issuant:,; Me::iuJrtic:::! Pe~t State Surcr.cr:'1(, 7'o~~l cr..'7!'r7f',.. -- i:,'.'CRDACH:,!!:..:',"l 5e~~ritu D:~C3it Storaac ,'1:2intenar~r. Pcrrr:it Totc.Z C"na'f'l7ce CUr"C'U~ s~lk .t'''n:c 1/, '"''') n Label ~ Vi 'j o<..f~ I I I at. ~y: 3'3 Eleetrica I .'t/obiZe H:xne .'<0 :"'OTAL AJ!OL......l' DU!:- REQ.- L-COC';':' . I I II II II II T;.:peICo.,..st: Be:iro~s : I En2r,"!.:I Scrolr cp.s ."lea: Wat P!' If r::l'!:""" ka1l.f:c 'ilJ~' I Lot Faces - I I P,L, INorth lEast IS""th IWest Sctback,~ Caraae l Access. I I I I House I I FirePLac/" Wcoa:;tOl..'e Faes Building Value & Permit This perrrrit io g1'C111tcd on the erpress condition that the said, constnlction shall, in all respects,. conform to the Ordinar.ce adopted by the City of Springfield. including the Zoning Crd-:.n.an.cc, re!1Ulcting the ccnstrol.:ticn ; and UDe of buildings, and m2Y be 6ucpended or revoked at cr.y time upon vie." Zation of any pr~vi8ior:8 of said Ordi.,..ances. , I Plan Chack Fe", 1//;?5t. Cate Paid: 4 - 2.-5 -\( ~ IRee:ipt H: li"3 5{q ISi~ed: 1// , Plumbing Permit No per~on shall construct, instal!, aLter or change any r~u cr e--isting plur.hing or drainage system in ~hole or in par:, ur.less such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumocr's license. except tr~t a pe~so" may do pl~bing uork to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. '. , ,J I /! i :! Electrica I Perm it Where State LaJ.J reauires trJIt the electrical !Jork be dane ou an Ele::mcal Contrac:cr, the eLec~ricaL por:ion of :hi3 pe~it shaLL .,.~t-oe vaLid until the Zabel has been si~ed by the ELecrrical ~ont:ra::t:or. I Mechanical Permit , ~~~~~ ~ -< '7'-:!?8. Lfat,; I HAVE CAREFULLY SXMfINE!J the corr.pleted application for peJ"rnit, end do hereby certify that al.I i:-:fO:or.'.ation hereoll is true ar..d correct, and 1 fUl'ther certify that any ar.d aLl tJOl'k pel'fo~ed sr.:;ll 06 ao:10 in ac::or- dance ~th the Ordin~nces of the City of SprinJficld, and th= La.s of tho . State of Oreg~n p=rtJining to the uork described herein, cr~ :h3: NO OCCU- PJ.NCY will be made of any structure witho~t p~rmisJion of the Suilding Vi. vision. I further certif~ that o:1ly contra::tors al~ enpl~yee8 who are in ~pliance with ORS 701.05~ will be used on this project (/ /7ftfab ignzd ' ,