HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1991-2-25 ./::',:"' .~,...- D_2~.5:1'Jg1_12: 17 f-I'UI1 !;HI'GHRU,:,tN ENGINEERS TO AReo REDMOND P,02 · 3~'L\ ~, SITE puJ .<<",".u:.<r l.Il:.v.=.t..OPMEIiI ll~ I - Tm:S OEVE!.OPKEN! Al;Il~, hereinafter ftAo_""",,_t~, is entered into this ~J'frv day of JJt3E!.t{;7f!./ , 1991 (the "Eff~tiVQ I)a.eft) by and ~tveen the CITY OF ~E'IELD, bereicafter "City", and Atlenti~ Richfield Company, hereinafter ~Appllc:a.ut", in ac.coclance vioth Sec.tiOl1 31.090, and Seetion 3.070(3), 3.080(3), 3.090(3), and 3.100(3). .. . -1\\! w~, 00 the Io,bday Jf (Gfj2';,t>;fJ; 1991, the City approved me Final Sf te Plan Applicatio:J sttbwitted by ~ Applle=t for the purpose of alloving: Developmellt approval ror the ;~nst:r11etiol1 of an ARCO WYt'!. Hini-Ilarket facility eoosistit!g of a 2,696 sqaare. fOot ..ooven.ience store, a 32'x 58' pump island canopy for retain gasoline sales, signs, landscaping, lot llghts, AC paving, and street ttOl1tage ~rol;emeI1ts. The site is lo<::ated in the oortllust corner of Gate."aY Street and Beltline Road_Asse$Sor's.&t> 17~3-22-20 T3% Lot 200 and a portion of Ta;lC Lot 100. Journal Number 91-01-14- ' W...Ar~ w=u.AS, in consideration for Site Plan ar....- .cJ., the issuance of a Building petmit, and tbe i=ce of an Oc~ :.........:1:, lIS .,.~';fied io the Springfield Deve1.opmcnt. Code ~tiOll 3~-090; Appll=t. ~,,_ to COlIlp~ vith all the standards of tbe Springfield Developaent tode aDd Sprlllgfield Hv:oieipal Code ''I1h.ich may be 2ilplieable to this development project =less IIIOdified or excepted b1 the Site plall Re'liw Deve1opme.ll.t ~t,n ~ -t, 1'1- . e DiJ:ee.tor, Pla.-{'T ComIIlission, Buildill~ Official or their ~ts, or the Fire !arshal, which aodification.s or exceptiollS shall be reduced to vritiDg. .~, in cQllS1deratiolfor 'Site Plan approval, the issuance of a Buildill6 Pezmit, and the iss=n~ of an o...~....~cy Permit, as spc!cified ill the Springfield Development Code S<ec.tiOl1 33...090, Appli=t ~~~"'"" to comp17 vith the folloviJlg specl.f1~ cOl1ditions imposed by /:be City as part of the Site Plan 2ilproval: 1) City Council apt'_~'o1 $nd .,,_~.JatiOll. of the Vaca.tiOl1 ordiI1ance (Jo. No. 90-11-200) rtlating to the ez::i.stiIlg sanitarY $eRr ea.seJllent prior to the issuance of a ~"'i"1 pel:llft. . Z) Pinal Ka.p At'.l'~v,.J.bf the COl1~t Lot LiDe Adjl1StlIlent application (91~1-12) and COlltple~on of rm:y canditioas' of ~'''''.{n'''7 Approval prior to the sale of the pro~ froa Syean B c......v~:"tiCl!l to ARCO. ' , 3) Pinal Approval (reco~t1on of the Final Plat) of the concurrent Partition application (91~1-13) and completion of arq CQl:lditions of ?relilrinaIY Approval including dedications of riP-t~f.,.V<17 and L..-.w.ement Agr~ents prior to tile sale of the property from. S.I___ B Corporation to AIlCO. 4) A joint use acce.ss/mainteDaIlCe ~...~t vill ~ requited for the dri'''evays. '!his do==t can be part of the u= process; a recorded copy rill be required prior to oc~""'1. 5) Signi ng and recordi..Og of the required public utili ty e.asel:len ts as they appear on the pinal s~ te Plan. I Siti Plan OevelopDent 4-..-_t , , '^ r' ~ 02/25/1991 12:18 FROM BARGHAUSEN ENGINEERS ..,..~ ...-~ ...- TO ARCO REDMOND p,~, -', 'I . /-.... , . . . J 6) Relocation ofUtilities$ - separate peraits are required. a. The vater liue - RaUbov Vater Oistriet b. Eleetrieal lines - Pacific. Po~ and Light and Sprillgfie.ld Utili tY Board. c. The sanitaI7 sever ... City of Springfield. TEEIl1!:PORE :tN w.'.:t.uJ=AZIOli OF 'lD ~VN:MV""'" Ml-L.ALS VilICIi ARE EXPRESSLY I".ADE A pm 01' mrs AG:REE!!EN'r, CITY Am) Al'PLICAm' AGiii: AS FOLLOiS: ~ 1.' FINAL SITE PIAN. be applicant bas subcitted 8 Final Site Plan in , aec.ordance rith Section 31.000 (If the SprlDgfidd Development Code. 2. STANDARDS. 'Ihe ap~cant ~~<-> to f'olHll all a.pplicable standards ~t'r -f'~ed in the Springfield ~oplIl@nt Code and the specific standards listed in ~.I.l.ALS prior to occupanq, J,len eertain st':!~~-ds have been deferred to a later date in accord:mee vith Section 31.110 of the springfield Developmerlt COde. , 3., CONDITIONS. '!he ~emt _~~..... to fulfill all. specific conditions of a....-....l required by the City Usted :in RFf':'M'AU:; pdoJ:' to oc..,~nq, unless certain CODditicms have ~ de~.~J to a later date in a.ccorda:ace with Section 31.040(4)(b) of the Springfield Devel.c;..,.t fade. . I 4. hvu.ll',l.CATIONS.' The applicant agrees not to moO.ify the approved Final Site Plall vithout first notifyirlJ tba City. IfodificaUOIlS to the Final Site Plan shall be revi.eved :in aecordanee 'rith Sec:lti0l1 n.l00 of the Springfield Development Code. 5. KAIN1:AINING TBB USE. : the applicant a.,..."'...... to the follovi..Dg: (a) Tbe bni'l''''ng an4 site. sb&ll be aaintained in accordance rith the provisiollS of the Springfield DevelopHllt Code in order to ~ntinue the use. (b) It shaD. be ~ coatiJnrlns obllgation of tho!! propertY ovner to maintain the plantiag _~...~ by SeetioD. 31.14Q of the SprlDgfield Development COde in 'an attractive lD2IIner ~ of fteds lllDd other :invad..i.tlg vegetatioll. I!l 2ddi tiOll, plantiDgS in the vision clearanc.e area shall be. trimmed to llleet the 2 1/2 foot height standard in accordance vith section 32.070 of the SprlJl.gfield Development Code. (c) Parking lots sian be. maintained by the property ower or tenant in a condition free. of litter or :dust. and detMiorated pavement conditions shall be improved to maintain confoJ:lllaXlee vith these standards. (d) Undeveloped rJo vithin the devel~..__t area shall be maintained free of 'trash and stored Illaterlals itL a. _~",,"J lmd attractive manner. Undeveloped land shall. DOt be used for p".-lrlng. i i 6. !n addition to all otha:- _~es Wich may be pro'O'ided by lzv or equity (including but not limited to peaalties provided by applicable State La~ or City Ordinances), Applicant ag:r;~tthat City =1 enfoI:ce Applicant's responsibHities by withholding Applicant's P' O<;cupanq Permit, and tet1llioat1~ any Te!:IpOrary O._.....ncy Permit vhich may have beeIl gnIl-ted. , site Plan Development A."...~~~t , ,::,'(.~;\'::'l-'('!-02/25/1991 12: 19 FROM BARGHAUSEN ENGINEERS -..:i~\::_-=-'?:v.~=;~ -.... - TO AReo REDI10ND P,04 . . 7. All'! Final Site Plan app~u....~ be<::0lll= null and void if construction do~~ not c.u_.....ce vithin one year .of the! date of this ~~c.--eDt. IN iITNESS ~OF, tile Awlicant and the City have eXe~uted tbis Agtee.=ent as of the date first hereinabove rn.tten.' XJ.,{- tf / Oa.te ' , ,/') , / APPLICANt j, k/ ,(I C /; A BT~ ~~, r.-v.J.t~/ /Jtpu, ,_ l BY: {!jku;;/~ 1<'&;110'<' (h(/{~a-U:1- Wft.5!-11U(?IDU '0" U ~ OF ~'" County of K I V) c.- ' f~tr d. r ' 199..L' E=..... ~ "Y appeUed the above l12li1ed '/1/' c..,. q" u-- . 1"'- ~ Q," ~t"".." " be th~r voluntal:y act. ,Befor\! me: ~ ~, . ,'. ' '~~i~ for f _ ~; - w..4:,/-}.., lir C'-O"""f "'si.on C7;pites /;l - / Y - 7' ~ ~Z:7/11~ I Date :/?J /:::. p]~Divi.sl.Ol1 ~ F'R. '~ STA'IE OF O!EGON, COunty of Lt1I ~'\.J2- ~b 'Z- ( , 199L. i............. "Y appeared the above named r~ v.(J .'~ ackDovll!dged the foregoing i:lstrument to be th~ act. Before me: //l. _ .' '0:-FiC!~>;;:,~~'~-~:l '--1t;v";;~~/c!.1t'l..c.L:1Z.A' r,1f?J-->:-, r.l~:';;\;::) F.. :{-ct-t:",I)"., ~ ~c for Oregon I v r-:-;;J i<Z~{~j~'~ 6~{~!t~~~\~~~?j:~.t(~~:.:'~~;~,~::?:g.,.'. \ . '. . c+ c-' 9 Q , ( ~ li;i CJ',.,;,,~,c:;, :,,,',,.:J ,."", .', ..:' ," If;y CoIllIllission expires.;;;ruJ I ~ , I I '-f __...___~._"'L......._! - ~ 'Site Plan Developgent ~'"."..et1t \ '