HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DIM PLANNER 5/7/2008 CITY OF SPRINGAI:LD DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEa: I.L~G DISTRIBUTION DA~: May 7,2008 TO: I X . J, ~ 7 Current PlanninQ Staff: G. Karp} J Donov~n) L Pauly, T Jones, K Gale,\M MetzQe!1 L Miller, A Limbird, D Reesor, S Hopkins, M Markarian Jeff Paschall, Supervising Civil Engineer, Public Works Department Ken Vogeney, City Engineer, Public Works Department Matt Stouder, AlC Engineering Supervising Civil Engineer, Public Works Jesse Jones, Public Works, Engineering Kristi Krueger, Civil Engineer, Public Works Department Brian Barnett, Traffic Engineer Gary McKenney, Transportation Planning Engineer, Public Works Gilbert Gordon, Deputy Rre Marshall, Rre & Ufe Safety Department Melissa Fechtel, Fire & Life Safety Department Greg Ferschweiler, Maintenance, Public Works Department Pat French, Planner, Willamalane Park and Recreation District Thomas Jeffreys, Emerald Peoples Utility District (EPUD) Tamara Johnson, Springfield Utility Board (Electric) Bart McKee, Springfield Utility Board (Water) Amy Chinitz, Springfield Utility Board Mike Wilbur, ODOT Dave Puent, Building Official Will Mueller, L TO Norm Palmer, Quest Communications Tom Boyatt, Public Works Dennis Ernst, City Surveyor Jon Driscoll, Traffic Celia Barry,(Shashi Bajracharya) Lane County Transportation Jim Henry, Central Lane Communications 911 Dave Shore, Northwest Natural Gas Tom Henerty, Comcast Cable Jerry Smith, Police Chief Chuck Gottfried, Water Resource Coordinator, ESD Susie Smith, ESD Len Goodwin, Public Works Steve Barrett, Springfield School District 19, Superintendent Joe Leahy, City Attorney George Walker, Stormwater Facilities Planner, ESD Carole Knapel, PEACEHEALTH/JUsnCE CENTER .LII:MS/FlRE STAnON John Tamulonis, Economic Development Mgr. Courtney Griesel, Planner 1 (EDM) Bill Grile Dan Brown A Development Issues Meeting will take place on Thursday, June 5, 2008 @ 1:30- 2:30 p.m. in the DSD Conference Room 616 @ Springfield City Hall. Please review the enclosed information, and come prepared to discuss this application with the Planner and applicant. Should you have any questions, please contact Mark Metzger @ (541) 726-3775. Date Received: Revised: 4-16-08 MAY -7 2008 O. . .J)LM1c:;r. ngmal Submittal_PAl1~~' c D~VELOP~E~'l' ISSUES ~EE'l'I~G DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT SPRINGFIELD CITY HALL 225 FIFTH STREET DSD Conference Room 616 Meeting Date: June 5, 2008 @ 1:30 - 2:30 p.m.. 1. DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING #ZON2008-00024 GRAY/SKYLINE ESTATES Assessor's Map: 18-02-02-00 TL 500, 600 Assessor's Map: 18-02-02-24 TL 1600, 1800 Address: Vacant - So portion of South 71st Street EXisting Use. Vacant Applicant submitted plans to discuss creating a 45-lot cluster subdivision, to be known as Skyline Estates Planner: Mark Metzger UNGFIELD ..' .".." 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 WWW CI springfIeld or us May 7, 2008 Roy Gray Skyline Estates, LLC PO Box 117 Walterville, OR 97489 RE: ZON2008-00024 (18-02-02-00 TL 500, 600 & 18-02-02-24 TL 1600, 1800) Development Issues Meeting - Applicant submitted plans to discuss creating a 45-lot cluster subdivision, Skyline Estates subdivision. Dear Mr. Gray: Thank you for your Development Issues Meeting submittal. The following meeting has been scheduled: TYPE: DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING PLACE: LII r OF SPRING~lELD DEVELOPMENTSERVICESDEPAR~NT CONFERENCE ROOM 616 225 ~uTH STREET SPRING~lELD, OR 97477 DATEfI1ME: Thursday, June 5, 2008 at 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. CONTACT PERSON: Mark Metzger If you have any questions, please call me at 541-726-3775 Sincerely, Mark Metzger Urban Planning CC: Michael Lane Branch, P.E. Branch Engineering 310 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 ~ MAY - 6 2008 City of Sprin;)fleld Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Date Received: Development Issues Meeting (DIMi}inal Submittal Prospective Applicant Name: Rov Grav Company: Address: I 8587Skyline Estates, LLC P.O. Box 117, Walterville, OR 97489 Phone: 915-8587 IFax: Prospective Applicant's ReD.: Michael Lane Branch, P.E. Company: Address: I Branch En14ineering, Inc. Phone: 746-0637 I Fax: 745-0389 310 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR Property Owner: Roy Gray Company: Skyline Estates, LLC Phone: I Fax: Address: P.O. Box 117~ Walterville, OR 97489 , I ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 18-02-02/18-02-02-24 ITAX LOT NO(S): 500 and 600/ 1600 and 1800 Property Address: N/A Size of Property: I Total SIte = 25.64; Development Area = 5.6 Acres [gI Square Feet 0 Description of Proposal: Existing Use: If you are filling In this form by hand, please attach your proposal"tlescrlptlon to this applicatIOn To create 45 lots adhenn~ to cluster subdl\ iSlOn standards Vacant # of Lots/Parcels: 45 ~v9. Lot/Parcel Size: 5378 I Prospective ~ Applicant: Signatur '- sf I Density: 8 dujacre Date: S-/( /0 k , r Print ft"; Case No.: -Z J"J-/{)~ -r)lJJ-L{ ,- , f!)O Application Fee: $ 5 Ora ....- Date: S/r# /(j ( ,-, \. I Reviewed by: ~ t111A ~\ Technical Fee: $0 Postage Fee: $0 TOTAL FEES: $ I " 50rooO PROJECT NUMBER: PRS2.CC(p'" ()(X)5~ ". ~ ~ > / ~v ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markanan .. 1 of 3 I CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP ZON2008-00024 Skyline Estates Vacant - So portion of S 71st Street SITE Map 18-02-02-00 Tax Lot 500, 600 and 18-02-02-24 TL 1600,1800 North .. I Date Received. MAY - 6 2008 Original Submittal Date Received: Skyline Estates Development Issues Meetmg (DIM) Questiom May 6, 2008 c MAY - 6 2008 Original Submittal Back!:!round: The development site consists of four tax lots totalmg approximately 25.6 acres Tax Map 18-02-02, Tax Lots 500 & 600; and Map 18-02-02-24, Lots 1600 & 1800. Tax Lots 600 and 1600 front 71 st Street near it's convergence WIth Jessica Lane. The CIty Limit boundary divides Tax Lot 500. The proposed subdIvisIOn will be entirely withm the City LimIts. The development SIte can be described as having slopes from under 15% to o\'er 60lfe. The proposed layout ,was conceived with the overall intent to preserve steep slopes and mamtain the quality aesthetic charactenstIcs of the Hillc;ide Development Overlay Distnct. To achieve thi~, a cluster subdivisIOn is bemg proposed utIlIzing the hillSIde transfer method for calculatmg density In January 2007, a cluster subdIvision applicatIOn for Skylme Estates was submitted to the City. The pre-application meetmg was held on January 12. 2007 for the subdivlSlon (City FIle # PRE2007-00001l PRJ2006-00056). The development plan and layout has changed sigmficantly from the previous Tentatlve SubdivisIOn Plan Therefore, we are startmg anew WIth the tentatIve subdIvIsion applIcatIon process. .Questions' Certain engineering challenges are present WIth the development; some of which we have questions: FIfe/ TranspOltation - 1. Access to the proposed subdiVIsIon will be via a Jomt access easement There are no publIc roadway Improvements proposed WIth thIS subdi~IsIOn -The mam access and spurs for the subdivisIOn will be through a jomt access easement. They WIll have a maximum of 18% grade The main access WIll have a total paved width of 21 feet with a fIve foot wide SIdewalk (6" thIck). ThIS WIdth \~'ill taper down to 15 feet at the turnaround loop on the southem portion of the subdiyision Both of the spurs will have a paved WIdth of 15 feet as well. WIth as' WIde curbside SIdewalk on one SIde of the proposed access for mternal pedestrian CIrculation. All proposed vehIcular surfaces wIll meet fire y~hicle load requirements. Where the roadway width IS less then 20 feet. the SIdewalk WIll also meet the load requirement. We are proposing rolled curb as to allow emergency vehicles to maneuver on sIde\\ alk If needed. No parking WIll be allowed on any gf the proposed roadw.l)'s. All parkmg will either be mcorporated wIthm the reSIdentIal units' archItectural deSIgn or in paved areas speCIfIcally designated for parking. MuniCIpal water ic; a\ ail able from the SUB water mam on 71 " Street In order to provIde adequate \vater pressure for dOIEestIc ~se and fire protectIOn. .t pump , I Date Received: MAY - 6 2008 station will be l11stalled at the base of the subdivision ne~OQtt\~1MP.~ hydrants will be installed as needed through out the subdIvision. and ml1111llUm of 1000 galhilln of fire flow is proposed. AdditIonally, a spnnkler system wIll be mstalled WIthin each dwelll11g U11lt ThIS requirement WIll be recorded on the final plat. No secondary fIre access IS proposed wIth the subdiVIsion. Does the Fire Department see a problem with thIS fire protection strategy or access layout, width and grading? Does Tran,sportation have any commeIit~ with the access layout? PublIc Works- 2. The eXIsting drainage pattem flows in such a way that the maJonty of runoff is dIrected to a ravine sItuated on the northwest pOI1IOn of the development site. Our dramage proposalmtends to emulate the eXIsting drainage pattem as much as practical There is an eXlstl11g roadsIde ditch along 71 st Street. and a 15 inch dIameter stormwater mum stubbed to the bottom of the mentioned ravine. We mtend to route all rooftop and paved surface runoff to the proposed gutters and mlets withm the mam road of the subdIVISIon. All the runoff will then be conveyed to surface the ground Just west of proposed Lot 1 at the 10catIOl1 of the eXIsting ravine. Check dams will be constructed to slow the velocItIes, and mmimlze erosion. An area dram/ Inlet WIll be mstalled at the base of the ravine, which will connect to the existl11g 15" stormwater main m 71st Street. Does the CIty ha\'e comments on this drainage strategy? Public \\Torks- 3. There is an existing 8" samtary sewer mam that terminates at a cleanout frontmg Tax Lot 2100. There IS also an existing 8" samtary sewer mam that termmates at a manhole fronting Tax Lot 300 (approxImately 145 feet west of the SIte on JeSSIca Drive). The proposal would-mc1ude extendmg one of these lInes to the subdIviSIOn entrance and constructmg a public sewer servIce line along the proposed main road of the subdivision. All lots will be proVIded wIth access to CIty sanitary services. Power, cable TV, and communications are also avaIlable to the SIte m 71 st Street frontmg the site Public UtilIty Easements will be established to facihtate access to maintain all public utilItIes. Would PublIc \-Vorks comment 011 tIus proposal? Planmng - 4. We have calculated the denSIty of the subdiviSIOn per 3.3-520B. which states that a combmation of OptIOn "A" - Average Slope - Ml11lmUm Lot/Parcel SIze, and OptIon "B" - Density Transfer Bones, can be used. Vv'e used both OptIon "A" and "B" to compute the maXImum density or U11lts per acre Please see the attached density calculatIOlls for detmls. The resultmg density for thIS subdInsIon equated to 45 dwelling units for the development area, WhICh meets the maximum density of 8 units per acre for hillSIde development transfer. Would the CIty Planning comment on this d~nsity evaluation? There are two pOI1IOns of the total development site that the developer would like to section off, apart from the proposed subdivision. Specifically, a five acre portion of Tax Lot 500 on the southeast comer of the site, and a one acre portion of Tax Lot 1600 fronting 7151 Street. What would be the recommended process to achieve this in the most time efficient and streamline manner? Should we partItIon the land prior to proceedll1g with this subdIvIsion applIcatIOn, or could we accomplIsh thIS separation through the subdIviSIOn plat? PlmIDlllg - 5. The existing foliage on the undeveloped site can be described as wooded Trees will only be removed If they are wlthlll the access way, cut/ fill areas, or buildll1g site. All other trees outside of the development area will remam We will submIt a Tree Fellmg PeImit applIcatIon with the Tentative SubdIvision applIcation. We will submit a tree protection plan mcorporatll1g a procedure for tree removal withm the access way, cut/ fill areas, and buildmg SItes or eiwelopes. Because of the quantity of trees on the site and the grade of the land, \\ e would like to request an exception to showmg on the tree fe1lll1g plot plan the location. size and species of each tree to be removed. Instead, we will provIde an estimated amount of trees that will be removed in each area (access way, cut/fill, and bmldlllg envelope). Would PlmIDmg respond to thIS request? Date Received: MAY - 6 2008 Origina\ submittal DENSITY CALCULATIONS FOR SKYLINE ESTATES Springfield, OR May 5, 2008 ) Prepared by: BRANCH ENGINEERD"G 31 0 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Pbone(541) 746-0637 Fax (541) 746-0389 - - _. ,---_._<_..'~~-~-,,~. - .~_.."-_.- .'--- ~~~___._~___'__L.._____...______~_<.....~.___'__t__~_.~................."""'~~~-~--~-~~~--~-"___~.__._.__.__,_________...~~____' I !i 1 Date Received: MAY - 6 2008 Original Submittal PrClj. ;\0.0';-131 EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS This 25 ac. site is located on Tax Map 18-02-02, Tax Lots 600 & 500 and Tax Map 18- 02-02-24, Tax Lots 1600 & 1800 (see attached Fig. 1). The property is vacant and located within LDR & Hillside Development Overlay zoning. Slopes range from under 15% to over 60%, the elevations are from 820' to 1180' and the site is mostly wooded. ANALYSIS PROCEDURE As outlined in Springfield Development Code Sec. 3.3-520, a combination of Option "A" (Average Slope - Minimum LotlParcel Size) and Option "B" (Density Transfer Bonus) were used to calculate allowable density. Density cannot exceed 8 units/developable acre. The developable area is 5.6 ac. allowing a maximum of 45 units (see Fig. 2). Table used to determine allowable number of units within each slope range: <15-25% 25%-35% >35% 10,000 SFfUnit 20,000 SFfUnit 40,000 SFfUnit Option "A" portion of the site: T mal area: 15.0 ac. Slope breakdown: ' Slope Range Average Slope Square Feet I 44,296 SF I 303,596 SF I 306,289 SF Allowable Units 4 Units 30 Units 7 Units 41 Units <15% 115%-35% 24.7% I >35% I - I Total for Option "A" Calculation for average slope within 15%-25% slope range: (0.00229)(contour interval)(tQtal contour lemrth) = Average Slope (area in acres) (0.00229)(10)(7550) = 24.7% nm '-"~I Date Received: MAY - 6 2008 Onainal submittaL ... 1 .... Option "B" portion of the site: Total area: 4.1 ac. Slope Breakdown Slope Range Average Slope Square Feet I <15% I - 1 0 SF 115%-25% I I 9759 SF 25%-35% 35.9% I 67,275 SF >35% 1103,021 SF Bonus Transfer for Option "B" (4x1.2) Calculation for average slope above 15%: Allowable Units o Units I (total 180,055 SF) 4 units I 4 Units (Q.00229)(contour interval)(total contour lemrth) = Average Slope (area in acres) (0.00229)(10)(6430) = 35.9% (4.1) Total number of units for Option "A" and Option "B" Option "A" = 41 Units Option "B" = 4 Units TOTAL = 45 UNITS (See Fig. 3 for illustration) L- Date Received: MAY - 6 2008 Original Submittal 2 VICINITY MAP SCALE: 1"=2000' -- .......... HIGH BANI" ~ _ r~ ~ ~c5 t; 105 ~)i ~~.... ~L.J .... ~ ~ 126 t8) s;! ~ t; CrJ ~ cS .... , CrJ I lrj l (~ ::; <:::l <:::l gs9CrJ - I ~ G sr ~'\.. I I;:) t; THURSTON RD ~ I ~ i:!: ~ ~ - THURSTON L5 TIST 1 :1 t;/a: ~ G sr It;; <c - - I I D.1 .--J_,)2:2?:;: i?::/i'!:i'!: Fsr J~ II,') I ,_)<.. _Fsr - E ST ~ [g ~~ E ST ~ ST E STL"l CrJ_ '- - I I' OST '- ) l "",fcr ~ot;;_ _ t;;;5:;1;: --l -- ,CrJ 0 3l:: x-- '- ;:::, ,::::j:;:: I .... - C ST "'gl THURSTON t::I Sr ~ ~ i'!: UT ~ - - - ~ ~ a5 I B ST CrJ , d ~ HIGH SCHOOL ~ t; I t5 ~ - t;:; - -It;) - - - to..; ~ as i'!:_ _ I t::Il.iJ CST - d ktorA I t8 4 S I ~ A sr a: a: IASfI a:~ ~ ~r~t;-J~ 1- - JfbSST I , M~/N I 8T I (fQl ~\_ ~I --L 12111 i:!:--1_~J c:;; ~ r:.~ "}-. J <c q"liI <c fg ~, ~ r-. tXJ _~ Vi l'~J . ,.. I <:::l ~ CrJ 155 i:!: _ c;::, '-../ '- - '0: AS . SPRINGRELD ~1f i:s ~~~~~ ~:?l lrj ~ ASTER ~ - T ~ -.... - - MEMORIAL lrj i;t; ~ <c - "~_ <c _ CrJ a: t; '- - CEME1IRY <c -- i:s- CrJ- , DAISY ST - = ~ ~ \2 ~ ~SY -=J - - " ~ ELDERBERRY BOOTH KELL Y / oR'SYTH~ '-i sr FORSYTHIA It[YfRHAEUSER RD I GLA ~ Df, ~~ _ HOUY HOLLY! IvY JEs. Yr = T i .... __CrJ i:s -~ Date Received: MAY - 6 2008 Original Submittal FIG. 1 I . ., DEVELOPMENT SCALE- /"=200' PLAN '--. Date R~ei~;d': ' ."..~, ~ -."... .. MAY - 6 2008 ._ :?~i.~.~~al Submittal FIG 0 2 DENSITY CALCULATION AND SLOPE MAP SCALE: 1"=200' SLOPES (15% f5% - 25% I I 25% - 35% I I >35% 1- d Date Received: MAY - 6 2008 Original Submittal FIG 0 3 "-.....-_.,,.tioI..... u.._" ,._,~.__-~.. _._..........,-'--'>"'"'----.__.._._~... "'-'_~..,."..':M'_..__.._...,.________'_