HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Unfit for Use 2005-4-27 Methamphetamine Lab/Address Trackin~ Report (Updated 04/27/05) Address I Notification Date I Case Number I Case Agent I Certif. of Fitness 850 Franklin Blvd., Euge~e (Ph~enix Iim 11323) , 4405 Franklin, sp, 4; Eugene' - , - 86203 Franklin,Blvd" Eugene . -'- 3540 Gateway ~t., Springfield,(Gateway Inn #222), - , :*3540 Gatew~y 8,t., S'I,ringfield (Gateway Inn #220) . 05420 E, Glenada Rd.; Florence ' . . -. - ;- . I' ,": -' ",.1 -'~' ".-" " 3690Giet1woo4;Or:.'Euge~e Wgte~6) #218:; ,,' . ; "I" .' , 3690 Glenwood Or.; Eugene (MoteI6),#2i6 i 0 ~ L ~ .J . 2157 G<>'ide~GllJ'{ien St:, Eugerte " 2950 G60dp~tiIre Lp.;Apt. 31,'Eugeri6 ' 2275 Gr~t St:;Eugen~ t 88780 Green Hill Rd., Eugene , Lab Site restricted t6 the "Shop" iind not th~ : residence- per, e7mail ThomingITom Mitchell 2590 H~ig'St:,Eugem: ,.,. 1. .. ,', ". ..' _ ' 520 Harlow Rd,;Springfield (Crosslimd $tu4ios #109) , ", "'. i, '" . - - - . ' . "" . ~ - . -. - , 2680 Harvest 'Ln., Springfield , "',>', 3?l7H~yden!3ri'dge:Springfieid,' -..,:', .", , . _ _" . , '. "'.. ._. ,,_ ,r _. 09/08/96 ' '..' "6/19101 '10/24/01' 12/09198 ,,' , 12/15/99 ' . C'\~. , . 11/15/02 ; 10/15/00 , 06/20/98, ' , 10/15107 '. :, 6/20/01' 04/01/99 08/13/97 'Updated 4129/02 2/26/02 , 04/2i/98: ': ':, 04/14/99' ',09/~5103 96-18428 " Pei ODH 3122/01 This site received a COF, no issue date was given , Grimes 01-11093 Myers ." ,c .'Raucli' '.. "t. , ~" Ha'Yey Olson' 10/2410 I 3/25102 '03/03/99 COF per OOH ,01-20243 " ,98~25683' , , 99-2501'1 < Florence PO , , , 0274453 , TeallDEA . PeI'JaneBurgess,who , contacted OOH, site ' '1 received COF May 2003' . ; , <....., "" 00~19651 Gill Per,ODH 3122/01 This site received a COF, no issue ~ d~te was g!vcn , . ,,' PerOi:lH 3i22/0 I ' This 'site; recei~ed a COF, no.issue" ~at~ was give!,! '. " .:,: ; :98-13142 . Harvey ,'02-20024 .Burroughs 2/5103 - .. "; (;JiIi1Rauch' . ; 9/7/01 -.01-11562 ; ? .. 99"06050 " i' Fitch 10/12/99 97-16949 , !homing "12/24/02 0 .. .... .. .".' 02-03741 : .. 04/9/02 Gill , , 98-08631 Harvey Per ODH 3/22/01 'This site.recelved a COF, no'issue . . date-was given , 99-06972 J' ' Seanor .i/2/03 - 03~ 1751.7" .Burroughs COf 7/13/04 . , .. ) . ~ HOPPER Lisa From: Sent: To: Subject: PUENT David, ' Thursday, April 28, 2005 8:15 AM HOPPER Lisa FW: Updates to the Meth Lab listing FYI From: KLEWS Janel M rmailto:ianel.m,klewslalci.euaene,or,us} sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2005 6:02 PM To: WILLIAMS Judy Mi CHASTAIN Adrai SIEGENTHALER Anni Brett Sherryi DELF Carolyn Li REYGERS Cindi Si PUENT Davidi BROOKS Debbie Ei NOWAKOWSKI Donna L; DORAN Jebediah A; HALLETT Jackie Ci BURGESS Jane; MCDONALD Janis Ki HENRY Jim Ri WICKS Josephi CUTTER Leland Ci WILSON Lorettai DEN BERG Matt Hi MCKERROW Mike Ji OLSHANSKI Pam K; KOUBELE Sandi L Subject: Updates to the Meth Lab listing Hello, Alll Today's update reflects the following changes, 375 Carolyn - COF 2069 Brittany - COF 1637 Ferry St #1- Added to list The City has switched to Word so I will not be sending out this infonnation in WordPerfect any longer. Sorry for any inconvenience! Janel Klews - V]I.'U/SIU/IDLRT 682-5~,-~_ ~ Methlab Tracking 1637 Ferry St Report,doc (5.., #1.doc (32 KB) 1 ......... --;, ~~-' Methamphetamine Lab/Address Trackin~ Report (Updated 04/27/05) Address I Notification Date I Case Number 1 Case Agent I Certif. of Fitness - 83280'Butte Rd;,Cottage Grove 06/11/98~. ' ,82380 Butte Rd" Cottage Gr~ve '.- 03/19/99 407 '~C" St., Springfield 4123/02 4856 "C" St.,Springfield" , ,05/27/99 . 375;earol~Driv~';fE~g"'~ri~:Ji~~#,;',,,+#t'" ;;~:j.J;..:~ ,;;~~i'2/28104.dr~, k , ',VI -_,,,,J,"'," .-'-,'~.::~ ',~'.)<'" . ~'-',": !-';_,,',:;''',Y':.:ty.:'.'':,- '.:- '.:~-",'.:~"" ew_,"':'..::l[0"" ,.~~". ,":.,:","~".: -,dic'::'HP,"'; .. 38624 E;'Cedar,FlatRd" Spripgfield. . "." , 3862.4 E;'Cedar Flat Rd\ Springfield . 38624 E;"C~dar~Flat Rd}Springfi~ld 875:76 Cedar Fl~t Rd" Springfield' ,81.787 E':~Cedar Flllt'R'dt: SprjngfieJd '149JWQentenhihl, spririgfi~!d' . . 83,7~Centennial Blvd., 'Springfield , .. ":"r<i;'~:':<;'~~' .'_'<" .:; ,-i;.,.J~;;,~~:: ,~,~" -i~;-'>'-" . ," .....:~i:>, 04/01/98 04/15/98 08/19/98' , 3117103 09/2 i/99 10/01/03 " . 06/20/97.. ':'~.,1:.-;4;;;<_~'; , , '91Q!~ut~~~:~t~~~~t~' 87314 Central Road, Eugene 1045 Cinnamon Ave, Eugene '560 Clairmont Dr" Eugene ,rf-: ,',',' "."> .... '.... .\ 'j'-.. 4780 CodyAvci"Eogene " - . - . 4780 Cody Ave,~Eug~ne 115CorIiss Ln"Apt.#8, Eugene',' 542 "D"St;:springfi~ld,("; , ' 1239 !~D?St.; ~piihgfield " , 06/01/Q4, ' , 8/29/01 07/29/00 ",009/15/98 ( . ',' 11/26/96 . '-. .'. . 98" 11946 ' Doe 99-0511 T Doe 02-67289 Burroughs 99-10187 Rauch ;><'~:b4-12hy,,' ';Si~~zkbwski <;;:.'>C'. --,''','' "_:fT', '~._ ',":.. 98-06984, Grimes " 98-08093', ' Grimes . 98-17360 Jacobson 03-0,4852 Burroughs >99"'i83Sii'Seandt , " :0~-19048 Pena' 97-12241" . Kef!1s' ;',02-2"1.\6, 'Peha' 03-15911 Humphreys Inc 15263 Herbert 97-23745,'McCarthy " 04"10080 ' 01-16452 00-14334-: " 98-10283" , 96~24876 Rauch' , 'DoelRauch , ~ Seanor Doe' McCarthy ,10/19/00 10/19/00 6/13/02 412/03 , COF (j3/18/05 10/26/99 1 0/26/99 '. . 10/26/99 COF dated 1 010~/04 12/13/02 COF, dafed 1/13/04 .. Per ODH 3122/01 " -This site received a <;:OF,- no issue - . date was given 1. 'r. . 12/3/02" ; None None 'Per bDH 3/22/01 This,site rec~ived a COF on , 613/97 COF dated 8/31/04' 11/14/01 09121100 . 03130100 . Per ODH 3/22/01 \\ 1 . , HOPPER Lisa From: Sent: To: Subject: PUENT David. Thursday, April 28, 20058:15 AM HOPPER Lisa FW: Updates to the Meth Lab listing FYI From: KLEWS Janel M rmailto:ianel.m,klews(ij)ci.euoene,or.usl Sent: Wednesday, April 27,2005 6:02 PM To: WILLIAMS Judy M; CHASTAIN Adra; SIEGENTHALER Anni Brett Sherry; DELF Carolyn L; REYGERS Cindi S; PUENT David; BROOKS Debbie E; NOWAKOWSKI Donna L; DORAN Jebediah A; HALLETT Jackie C; BURGESS Jane; MCDONALD Janis Ki HENRY Jim R; WICKS Josephi ClJITER Leland C; WILSON Lorettai DEN BERG Matt Hi MCKERROW Mike J; OLSHAN SKI Pam K; KOUBELE Sandi L Subject: Updates to the Meth Lab listing Hello, All! Today's update refleets the following changes. 375 Carolyn - COF 2069 Brittany - COF 1637 Ferry St #1 - Added to list The City has switched to Word so I will not be sending out this infonnation in WordPerfect any longer, Sorry for any inconvenience! Janel Klews - VNU/SIU/IDLRT 682-51.=_, - ~ Methlab Tracking 1637 Ferry St Report,doc (5.., #1.doc (32 KB) 1