HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1987-7-13 . .. /" ?J~ . /1'J~ ,. ---';, FIN AL ORDERS S~L~~ ;of the iSpringfield Planning Commission BEFORE THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON REQUEST FOR VARIANCE TO t SECTION 32.080(3) TABLE t 32-4 OF THE SPRINGFIELD t DEVELOPMENT CODE t JO. NO. S-87-07-99 FINDINGS, CONCLUSION AND ORDER NATURE OF THE APPLICATION The application is, for Soringfield Development 614. a Variance to Section 32.080(3) Table 32-4 of the Code for Lot 3 of Sycan Commercial Park, File 73 Slide 1. On July 13, 1987, the following aoolicatinn for Varianc" in the nnrtheast corner of Gat"way Street and Kruse Way was acceoted: McDonald's Restaurant (Jo. No. 87-07-99) Lot 3 of Sycan Commercial Park, File 73 Slide 614. ' Reouest for Variance to Section 32.080(3) Table 32-4 of the Soringfield Development 'Code to allow the construction of a driveway on Gateway Street. at a distanc" from an int.ersection less than that permitted by the Springfield Development Code. Section 32.08(3) Table 32-4 requires 200 feet of separation between driveways on the same side of the street. 2. The aoolication was initiated and submitted in accordanr.e with Section 3.050 of the Soringfield Development Code. Timely and sufficient notice of the Variance reouest hearing, pursuant to S"ctinn 14.030 of the Springfield Development COde, has been provided. 3. On August 5, 1987, a public hearing Dn the Variance request was held. The Planning & Development Department staff nntes and recommendation, as amended by the Planning Commission, together with the testimony and submittals of the oersons testifying at that hearing have been considered and are a Dart of the record of this proc"eding. CONCLUSION On the basis of this record, the requested Variance is consistent with th" applicabl" r.riteria set forth in Ser.tion 11.030(a-e), and Article 31 of the Springfield Develnoment Code. This general finding is supoorted by the specific findings of fact and conclusions set out in the attached findings of fact adopted August 5, 1987 (Attachment "Staff Report") and the findings and conclusions submitted by the Aool i cant (Attachm"nt "AU) and at.t.ached hereto~ . . . . ORDER It is ORDERED by the Planning Commission of Springfield, that approval of Jo. No. 87 -07-99, Va ri ance be GRANTED. THIS ORDER was presented to and approved by the Planning Commission on August 5, 1987. '~ j.C.~C, Ct-l<1I1<~"'l Commission Chairperson '.- I I I A HE S T A YES: 3 NOES: 2 ABSENT: 2 ABSTA I N: 0 9 ., ST. ~ .RINGFIELD~ 'WI . A . .l.' i~ REPORT Iii: ~ . Springfield Planning Department VAR lANCE STAFF RE PORT Applicant - McDonalrt's Restaurants Jo. No. 87-07-99 Requf>st fnr a Majnr Variance,to allow t.he construction of a driveway on Gat.l'!wa.v Street at a distance from an intersection less than that permitted by Sect.ion 32.080(3} Table 32-4 of the Springfield Develnpment. Code. Lnt. 3 of Sycan Commercial Park as recorded on File 73 Slide 614. BAC KGROUND The applicant is proposing t.o construct a r"staurant. in the northeast. corner of Kruse Way, and Gateway St.reet... The prnposed dri veway access on to Gateway St reet is approximately 130 feet from the intersection of Kruse anrt Gateway. The Development. Code standard requires a minimum of 200 feet. SITE INFORMATION The development site is a vacant one acre parcel in Sycan Commercial Park. The parcel has 160 fe"t of frontage on Gateway Stre"t. and 222 feet of front.age on Kruse ,Jay. Properties north and west are developed as rest.aurants; properties east and south are vacant. All artjacent prnperty is zoned Community Commercial. " A condition of approval at t.he intersectinn of St. reet . for this suhdivision is the installation of a traffic signat Gateway Street and Kruse Way anrt at East Beltline and Hutton BASIS FOR DECISION Sectinn 11.030, Article 11 of the Springfield Develnpment Code provides as follows: "Exc"pt as specified in Subsection {2} of t.his S"ct.inn, a Minnr or Major Variance shall be granted if the proposal is determined by t.he Approval Aut.hnrity to meet each of the fnllowing criteria: (a) There are unusual make it impractical this Code. conditions associated with the property or structure which t.o use the developm"nt area for it.s intended purpnse under (b) Granting of the Variance woulrt not be inconsistent wit.h the ~etro Plan and this Code. (c) Granting of the Variance would have no significant. art verse aff"cts on the public welfare or neighboring properties, and there are provisions to mitigat.e those adverse affects which shall b" a conrtition of use. (d) Th" n"ed for t.he Variance has not arisen solely from a previous Corte violat.ion; i.p..~ thp hardship is not splf-imoosp.d. (e) There are no ot.her practical alt.ernatives availahle that. het.t.er meet t.he provisions of t.his Corte nr t.he Met.ro Plan. ..~ . . ., FINDINGS (a) make Code. There are unusual conditions associated with'the property or structure which it impractical to use the development area tor its intended purpose under this The applicant has submitted findings which address this criterion and to which staff concurs (see Attachment "A"). The configuration of th~ property at the time of suhdivision reciuired the location of Kruse Way to be at a point that would create the most effici~nt and practical lot design. This r"sulted in a reduced north south lot dim"nsion along Gateway frontage. The east west frontage on Kruse could nnt he increased sufficiently. to allow two driv"ways without ~liminating the parcel immediately "ast. This design, although the most efficient. for subdivision purpos"s, does impose some limitations on access design, internal circulation and buil di ng area. The use will require deliveries by s"mi-truck and trail"r. This vehicle wnuld be reauired to hack on tn Krus" (a highly undesirable situation) without a driveway on Gateway Street. A restaurant at this particular locatinn (across the street from two major mntels) will generate substantial pedestrian traffic. A single driveway will creat" on-site vehicular - pedestrian conflicts of unacceptable levels. (b) Granting of the Variance would not be inconsistent with t.he Metro Plan and this Code. The applicant has suhmitted findings which address this criterion and to which staff concurs (see Attachm~nt "A"). (c) Grantin9 of the Variance would have no si9nificant adverse affects on the public weltare or neighboring properties. and there are'provisions to mitiqate those adverse affects which shall be a condition of use. The applicant has submitted findings which address this criterion and to which staff cnncurs (see At.tachment "A"). The dri veway on Gateway Street provi des del i very vehicles with a means of egress, thereby eliminating ~xcessive internal maneuvering and the need to back out on to Kruse Way. (d) The need for the Variance has not arisen solely from a previous Code violation; i.e.. the hardship is not self-imposed. The applicant has submitted findings which address this criterion and to whiCh staff concurs ,(see Attachment "A"). There is no self-imposed hardship. '(el There ar" no other practical alternatives available that better meet the proviSions of this Code or th~ Metro Plan. . . . The applicant has submitted findings which address this criterion and to which staff generally concurs (see Attachment "A"). Wher~ staff differs with t.hese findings is in an alternative design for traffic circulation ~t the Gateway Street driveway. This driveway can be m~de "right turn in - right turn out" with, no serious increasp to internal circulation conflicts and a substantial decrease in conflicting movements on Gatpw~y Street. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION The applicat.ion for variance is consistent with the applicabl~ prOV1Slons of the Springfi~ld Dpvelopm~nt Code and the Metro Plan. Staff recommends ~pproval of this request bas~d nn findings found in this report and those submitted by the applicant (see Attachment "A") providing the Gateway Street driv"way is designed as "right turn in - right turn nut". .' . e"" '~ ' ~" A TT.CHMENT "A" ENTRANCO ENGINEERS, INC. LAKE WASHINGTON PARK BUILDING (206) 627-1300 5806 LAKE WASHINGTON BOULEVARD NE., KIRKLAND. WA 98033 July 7, 1987 Mr. Franklin Tseng Construction Engineer McDonald's Corporation 2700 Northrup Way Bellevue, WA 98004 Re: Springfield, Oregon McDonald's Driveway variance Review Entranco proiect Number 88122-61 Dear Mr. Tseng: The purpose of this letter report is to provide informa- tion for a driveway variance at the Gateway Street McDonald's Restaurant in Springfield. A review of traf- fic operations relative to the Springfield site plan and the Springfield variance process has been made. Spring- field Planning Director Greg Winterowd and Engineer Gary McKinney were very courteous and helpful in providing information for the review. The McDonald's site has 180 feet of Gateway Street frontage and a variance is required to authorize the Gate- way driveway within 200 feet of Kruse Way. EXISTING CONDITIONS Figure 1 is a vicinity sketch. The Springfield McDonald's Restaurant site is on the east side of Gateway Street and north of Kruse Way. Gateway Street has an average daily traffic volume reported at 12,SOO and is being improved with development to a 5 lane street. It will have 2 northbound lanes, 2 southbound lanes, and a center left turn lane. Gateway runs north and south between Beltline Road on the north and Harlow Road on the South. Beltline Road intersects I-S with a diamond interchange, and connects Springfield to Eugene. Harlow Road also connects Springfield to Eugene. TRIP GENERATION The McDonald's site plan shows a 4,341 gross square foot area. Traffic engineering analysis of proposed develop- EVERETT OFFICE" 516 SEATTLE-FIRST NATIONAl BANK BUILDING l:.'C'6) 256-6202 1602 HEWITT AVENUE, EVERETT. WA 98;>01 . . . . Mr. Franklin Tseng July 7, 1987 Page 2 ments use the Institute Trip Generation Manual, traffic volumes. of Transportation Engineer's (ITE) 3rd Edition to project development McDonald's Restaurants generate a weekday peak hour of traffic around noon and not at the "normal" morning or afternoon rush hour. The projected Springfield McDonald's trip generation using ITE rates is: Average Weekday Total Noon peak hour P.M. (4 - 6) peak hour 1,440 342. 137 A trip distribution of 60 percent to the north and 40 percent to the south was assumed for assigning turning movement volumes. The 60 - 40 distribution was made based on the close proximity of 1-5 to the north, which would generate more traffic than would be coming 'from the residential areas further south along Harlow Road. It was further assumed that 80 percent of the "north" traf- fic would use the Gateway Street driveway (remaining 20 percent to the Kruse Way driveway) and that 70 percent of the "south" traffic would use the Kruse Way drive- way. Figure 2 shows the weekday noon (highest period) turning movements for these distribution assumptions. Please note that the trip distributions can stantially with little affect on the driveway traffic operations. vary sub- and street VARIANCE CRITERIA Springfield's Variance Code details five criteria to ad- dress with the Variance application. Following are the traffic concerns relevant to the five criteria: a. Unusual conditions McDonald's purchased the platted parcel prior to the 200 foot driveway restriction for use as McDonald's Restaurant in a commercially zoned area. Gateway street is an arterial with about 12,500 vehicles per day and is near to the Interstate interchange. One of the most appropriate uses of the parcel is McDon~ld's serving of the surrounding commercial area, developing employ- ment centers, passing travelers, and nearby residential areas. . . Mr. Franklin Tseng July 7, 1987 Page 3 b. Granting the variance would not be inconsistent with the Metro Plan (to provide safe and efficient ac- cess) There are several safety items that will be improved by the driveway variance: McDonald's is supplied with a 45 foot semi truck and trailer; the Gateway Street driveway allows the delivery truck to drive thru the site and back onto Gateway; reduction to a single driveway would cause the semi truck to be driven on the wrong side of Kruse Way for access and to back from the site into Kruse Way; Figures 3 and 4 are wheelbase 40 and 50 turning paths superimposed on the site and they 'show that the truck would have to be driven over the curbs with a single driveway or be backed into the street and onto the wrong side for deliv- ery service. Two driveways result in the two access points op- erating at a higher level of service than a single driveway on Kruse Way and the Gateway Street/Kruse Way intersection. The internal McDonald's circulation plan will be safer and more efficient with one way flow and the capacity to exit without driving through the full parking lot. A vehicle will be able to enter one driveway, travel halfway through the lot, and exit the other driveway, thus reducing internal parking and pedestrian conflicts. A southbound motorist will make a single left turn into McDonald's Gateway driveway instead of two' lefts, one at the Kruse Way intersection and the second at the Kruse Way driveway. A northbound motorist could enter by driving through the Kruse Way intersection and turning right into the Gateway driveway in- stead of turning right onto Kruse and left at the driveway. The additional driveway eliminates at least one left turn from either trip. Vehicle to vehicle and vehicle to pedestrian con- flict movements are sketched in Figure 5. Four- teen conflicting movements will be reduced with the Gateway driveway. Eight Gateway/Kruse inter . . Mr. Franklin Tseng July 7, 1987 Page 4 section conflicting movements will be reduced. Six conflicting movements will be reduced at the Kruse Way driveway intersection. Limiting the site to one conflicting movements conflicting movements. driveway would remove ten and increase fourteen In the event of an emergency requiring an aide car or ambulance, firetruck, police car, tow truck, or if a stalled vehicle is blocking a driveway, the second driveway will provide alternative emergency access or the ability for ingress/egress that could be blocked with a single driveway. c. Granting the variance would have no significant ad- verse affects on public welfare or neighboring prop- erties. The driveway will result in vehicle-pedestrian traffic intersecting at the driveway, but will reduce the turning vehicle-pedestrian intersecting traffic at the intersection and at the Kruse Way driveway; this will result in a net reduction in conflicting movements, d. The .variance need has not arisen from a previous Code violation. McDonald's purchased the existing platted lot with the 180 foot frontage prior to the Zoning code ammendment requiring 200 feet from an inter- section to the nearest driveway; it has not sub- divided the lot, thus creating the variance need. e. There are no practical alternatives. The only other alternative is a single driveway; a single Kruse Way driveway would create the semi truck on the wrong side safety problem, force all the traffic to turn through the Gateway Street/Kruse Way intersection, creating additional conflicting traffic movements, and increase Kruse Way congestion. The Gateway driveway is located as far north as possible. . . Mr. Franklin Tseng July 7, 1987 Page 5 A few other comments that pertain to the variance in- clude: McDonald's is not a high traffic generator like a shopping center that could need additional control, nor is McDonald's a "small" generator like a furni- ture store that could function adequately with a single driveway (assuming similar size). McDonald's volumes for a signal; the reduces McDonald's for a future Kruse typically do not generate the need additional driveway substantially traffic on Kruse Way and the need Way signal. Gateway is not on a pedestrian route (school residential) and pedestrian safety or pedestrian gen- erated traffic is not a significant factor. The trip distribution was made based on conversations with Springfield staff and Poage Engineering person- nel as to what activities and developments are nearby. The distribution could be different but would not make a substantial difference in the safety factors for arterial or site traffic. Queueing, or backing up, was mentioned and the find- ings' of the City of Everett drive-in studies (20+ sites) and the Seattle University Village study apply. Everett's and Entranco's findings were that the drive up windows and driveway entrances do not back beyond their storage lengths (independent of length). The studies found motorists to be self regulating - not blocking other drivers or pedestrians and queueing in a courteous manner. Thank you for the opportunity to assist McDonald's and please call if further information would be helplful. Sincerely, ENTRANCO ENGINEERS, INC. /) f' (J/.<fJ1 Ltifft.e.,."... Ron Cameron, P.E. Senior Traffic Engineer encl: Figure 1, Vicinity sketch Figure 2, Noon peak hour trip distribution / NOT TO SCALE " ~ :e . LO .L " ENTRANCO ENGINEERS, INC, . BEL TUNE RD RED LION INN BIG BO;< RESTAURANT I , il!,lillllll~" a: o z o I-- I-- :::J :r: " KRUSE WAY PROPOSED McDONALD'S RESTAURANT SITE c... o o ...J >- <: ~ w I-- <: C) ~ >- <: ~ w I-- <: C) HARLOW RD LEGEND: -.------ - FUTURE ROADWAY VICINITY SKETCH " '1 , I , Figure 1. ~ " ' /' ; \.,. " ;e @ r '''-- '( @ @. ;( y @ . @( A \\\ \\ '\ "-- NORTH DRIVEWAY ( @ / / NOTE' . l,:c;~'..I,,^C:'- 00'/0 - "\0 '/0 Ncp,"\ i--\ - ~T~' D\s-r-i<.\~\.Ct'~\ .. cC'I:.":" CY Nc-R:r\....; \"RA~ :::-v::':""" 1..)'_::':''':''''' ~<ffv ~",? // t- en >- <( ~ W t- <( CJ . "\ NO. ~D <;'eJ>.\-f:... N.OR'1'~.1. ,:;)~i""'C_\/".<''''-< . 70 'i'r- 01- <:::.:Oi...lTH -r~FF\c. IJ'S.::.S Kf:::U:s.E- WAY b,?_,vE...\t./t\.,< I McDONALD'S RESTAURANT /' V \\ \~~ KRUSE WAY 'JI' /' @ " "--- ( @ ( (---- Springfield. Oregon KRUSE WAY DRIVEWAY I '- PROJECTED NOON PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES "' ENTRANCO ENGINEERS, INC, Figure 2 ; , " . . / ~. \\\\\\\\\\\\ / /r--I1._][_ %:JQ- - -- -_-=-~~_:-"" /,/ ---- /' ......- , / 1/ (// (1 - -/--;,,- - - [:5--,"--.... '<\ / / / /' /" '/ /" - -~"\ "\ 'i /::' / / . I / \ \ 1-: . /1 I , : II / \ [1-. ./" I , ____'. / \ _ ~I::. ~1~~ / \_ // .1 I w ~ .1' ~/ / \ ~; !::: ............... . ,-r~:, I I L' (J) ...............]-It I I : /: 1 f!> ~ i_Ji;/ >- I - /, I ~'~ ~ i '/ ~ \ /W z ...............,:/ ~ I , 0 , ""-.... I ' /; i ~::/ ~ I 1/ ~ /i I ~ ............... " ,I ./ / , ~-[1 ______............... / ~~-j\-\. ~ ~~ It' I:~ /\ 0\ Dr/, / " '.... "- / / / /', ................. ---- // / /'" - - - - -;:-./ - - - / / '-_1'=" ---lI--ll::;7// / , , I GATEWAY ST '- ... ~ e EmtlANCO ENGINEERS, ING. SEMI- TRUCK/TRAILER TURNING PATHS I , ~, . " 40 FOOT WHEELBASE Figure 3 ~ . . I' "'-. \\\\\\\\\\\\, ' / //- II ,IIi - '~' ..,. - - - - -=- --c-=- IS ---"'<"" /' -.. .- /' Y ~, / ---. _. - - - .- "_ h._. .__ _/_ " .r . ___ ~ / // (::r // ~-.9,- ;\ A ,/ /' ~ / "r~;\ ~ I .-J .~!---, / ~ \\ }:: . .%" I ,~.f-{J / /' \\1 ' /"" I / - - -- "<<23 1/ /' \ { : Y l ~fnJJf ' ,/' \~; /"" I I ~fjj-] ,A f-. ~I ~ ~L-l;y Ii: /r i ;;; ~: y I'n-' / I ,^ ~_y-' /' "r'., \1./ 'F--II , l.l I I '..., tt;-;-;. I : ~A," ~ "- . Y I: Cll-;il1 <( "- 1/ ,. ;1=~1 ~::-- ~ / / ~ i' /'!IJ--{JJ ~ "- i /' w' I I ' ;/"-\ :: ~ /;/ ~ I. ;::::rG ,? \ r ")/":;; ~ "\... ./ / ," /' \ ", /" / / \ ---- /' / / ", '1_ I~ ~T~J:- ~Jl;-_~_~ / / CJJ\b(f~\\\\\\\~ /~ / .~II--; GATEWAY ST .e , EmRANCO ENGINEERS, INC, : , SEMI-TRUCK/TRAILER TURNING PATHS 50 FOOT WHEELBASE Figure 4,,/ I , \. ,. " . . .. . .f I , " . , ~ \ ~ ~ " /' , '''-" .I. ---G) (j) I NORTH DRIVEWAY , ""T TD &.A.s ~ . i 10 "DDED . ~~:<>(D =AL " /' ( /' /; KEY: \ .. \~~ , _ ~F\.-\c..-l tAOvE....M~;,\\ ?"t'~V~ f- en >- 0:( ~ W I- 0:( " // // " . $-.- ~- CONFL\c...:i- (\..f'..CVE_"^E'~,)~ A-l:::>J;:::.E-:~ c...O~l-\c....-T ,,^CJvt=.('J\~I"'\-:'-. t.....1f'.\G.H"""N92 ~:. S RE:::'\X"_:::. D IS 'TCT(\l- McDONALD'S SITE b RE.b'...x:E...:~ " . ~ KRUSE WAY DRIVEWA~O~""'''''\~- I i\ \, \" \ \ I I ~__L~_J~_.. \ . \" i , : \ r \ )1"" "~_--------~:3 :\'- ' ,; ., '~-~~ .: \", ----).--~- :" -'7' u, ". ~~ ',_ . ;~~ . '- ; / ~-,--- ,; ..... '- J , '\ ENTRANCO ENGINEERS. ING. CONFLICTING TRAFFIC MOVEMENTS AFFECTED BY McDONALD'S DRIVEWAY Figure 5 J ;e '"