HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Fire Damage Report 1983-10-6 ": ...." -1:>~A ~,..."'t'::(~":"'~-:-t()'-""'c... ADDRESS ~"(') r_().. C'.', ,.;,;,- PHONE ., I &, -I L b f . . ...............-: PERSON C~NTACT~Df lllC Y 0...1 '. r V,~ ,i ; I'i i~~I~~ i. UFC SECTION 11.404 11.404 11.404 11,404 \ 12.104(b) 12,104(b) 12.103{a) 12.105(1) 12.104 " .\ 12.113(c) 12.113(a) 12.113(a) 10.301 (a) 10.301{a) to.301 (a) 10.301{a) 10.302(a) 10.302(a) 10.302(a) 10.302(al 10.313 10.302(a) 10.402 10.401 11.408 79.103(1) 79.103(2) 79.104 79,402(b) -79.111 79.402(a) . 79.109(a) 79.110 .. .>~. ."':"~ VIOLATION .' A. ELECTRICAL . ,:' .' ~ ,,'. - . X 1. Discontinue use oi extension cords In lieu of permanent wiring. .- 2. Each outlet box shall have a cover faceplate or fixture canopy. :-- 3. Maintain 36" clearance In front of eiectrical panel. = 4. Maintain wiring In good condition and proted from damage. B. EXITS _ 1. Remove unapproved locks or latches Irom exit doors. -:- 2. Unlock all exit doors during business hours. - 3. Remove obstructions Irom exits, aisles, corrldors and staIrways. - 4. Remove obstructions from smoke doors and maintaIn to operate properly. = 5. Repair or maintai,:, exit door and hardware to operate property. C. EXIT L1GHnNG 1. Maintain lighting lor exit sIgns. - 2. Provide lighting for corridors, stairways and exterior exltways. = 3. Exits shall be illuminated at all times the building is occupied. e:.. FIRE EXTlNJiYISHERS ......,'. '. . A 1. Provide ~ extlngulsher{s) of a 01'- A minimum ratIng. ." 2. Mount extingUisher where readily avallaDle, wfm top not higher than 5 feet. - 3. Post signs indicating location where extinguishers are n01 readily visible. = ... Service and tag each extinguisher annually and after use. E. FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS . 1. Meintain aceeSlto and oPeration of standpipes, lire hose. sprinkler valves and fire hydrant(s). 2. Inspect and test sprinkler system and maintain records. - 3. Identify sprinkler valves and stendpipes and secure In open position. - 4. Provide spare sprinkle... (6 minimum) and sprinkler wrench. , - 5. Inspect and service hood and duct extinguiShing system over cooking equipment. = 6. Repl~ce damaged, corroded or painted sprinkler heads. F. FIRE SEPARAnONS 1. Remove obstructions from ,fire doors and maintain to operate properly. -2. Seal unapproved openings with approved material. = 3. Keep attic access and scuttle openings closed. G. FLAMMABLE UQUIDS . 1. Reduce Class I to less than 5 gal. inside or 10 gal. outside without permit. - 2. Reduce Class II & III to 25 gal. Inside or 60 gal. outside without permit. - 3. Remove liqujds not stored in original containers or closed metel contelners. - 4. Remove flammable liquids n01 used lor malnt. In assembly bldgs.. offices. apts. or motels. .- 5. Olscontinue use 01 Class I liquidS (gasollne~ etc.) for cleaning. .- - 6, Store liquids eway lrom corridors, aIsles, stairways and exit areas. .-:- 7. Discontinue dispensing trom containers exceeding 5 gal. or provIde pump taking suction Irom top. = a- Discontinue the diSCharge of liquidS Into drains or on the ground. '.. I ID IL- 1 I I I '1 I I I I 1 I I I I I H. HEATING APPLIANCES c11.406(d) 1. Remove combustIbles and storage from heater area or room. .11.406(d) 2. Provide clearance between heat producing appliance and combustible ~aterjal. . .... . I. HOUSEKEEPING -:- 11.201(b)' 1. Remove or store rubbish, waste materIal, oily rags In closed metal containers. .10,313 2. Clean grease filters and hood duct system over COOking appliance. 11.201 (b) = 3. Provide approved waste containers lor combustible wasle. ~~~~ I t2.103(e) 1, Remove storage Irom exits, aisles, corridors and on or under stairways. " .. . . . 11.203(b) - 2. Arrange atorage in orderly manner and provide for exiting and lire department access. -I :11.203(b) ,-:- 3. Remove storage to 18" below level of sprinkler (36" for storage piled over 12 feet high). .. ,:s-11,203(b) .='" Reduce storage height to at least two leet below ceiling. I _ . K. PERMITS . . -"........101 -' .....~ ~ 1. Obtain a permit from the Fire Prevention Bureau. or discontinue. ;.~~ I :~~!~(a),.:..:"..~.2. .~mplywlth permit ~~I~tlOn_s. :',', '." .;->. .~ ~ I ...\.....; .~ . :~~:~.L:-. MISCELLANEOUS ~ '.C'," ~~. ':." . '. . ;--13.101 ..*:~,:,:",:.:1. Post and enforce No Smoking signs. . . . '." . I :: 10.208 J~'.i.;:.~2. Provl~ address In auch a positIon as to be visible and legible from the at. fronting property. ~.; >- 10.207 .....~. 3. AemQ\08 obstructions and provide access In fire lanes. -. . . '--'..'1 :":7.~:1~! .:.t~'~'~ ...-:~f'8..11 co"!pr8Ssed gas ~lInders In ~prIght position with name o~ ~ro~uct. --. ~ . )~~g~~~~;~;~~~~;: ~~'~~~:7~~'_' ~ "'.".;~'?' :.L:"F~:: :-~'>~~ . ':~:"::I '~.~~:~~~{.',~:i~~~:-~~'~. ;c- ':"';1 ,_. ".,."'" 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