HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2001-10-23 . ' . Th.Wing p'.oje. CI8.S submitted has the following _. zo and does not require specific land use ("_ \ .'22S,FIFTH?~.,ET. iapp,oval" r' I r-MT"', (:1 r.~: .~-, ELEcKlCALPEIUVITT'APPLI,CATION',. ;~""!:J ,'SfRl!'lG~IEhD, O\'fqON 97'~YohingJ LUV' L I I.', \ 1. 1\ ' -'. :- ':,..",\ . , ':.'.' I INSPECTION REQU,EST, 726=3769 ._," ""i.-ID I i f- 'City Job Numbcr! J 1- 0 I [) ':k6 -CJ{ ~ ", ." "',IOate ", U/OI', , q I' . -:". '-I OEFI,CE: 726-3'(5,(" - 11 '" I! c-' f i~' i \-) I ,". "',,' \":"<:-',1. : n: 1,1 U;: \. .I~~honz~~ ~Ignature' ' ,~'m'_':'~FEESCHEDUL~BELOW, . ' , \, ",,:.;1 !', 13:0C7mTI~ OF:mSTALLATStO t 1 I' ,I, ".:~-". 1 I '., - " " . '- ",' I , . L; . ' I ,:..'J! - ""'J U L-"' I " -' ' "/~,, .J' '6J(J--W'll}(}/!. J A-:"Nc;r'Rcsidcntial-Singlcor--."- -- Multi-Family pcr dwclling unit. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Scrviec Includcd: /I.0o'I?33 /lOD ~, " , ,~. , Items Cost , ~I"" ':,~ - .'" I ' , ,'- \,' Sum,: . ,'."" ~ .';'-:' ~r ,. .~. ;.-"'- f';'i~,'-' JOB D SC 1000 sq,ft, or lcss F,.~; 'f] r , Each additional SOO i~\,I;..c: 71IumiMJ.4, <:}4/):5 3J sqftorportion f...,' Pcrmits arc no'r/'lrfrfs erable al>ll expirc thcrcof $ 19,00 _ h: r:: if work is n6t'started within 180 days EachManllfdHomcor /:::, i' "'-' li;~:/,~ ~~~s~~~~~cel~X work:s suspended 'for ~~~~~:r ~;~~~~~ Af-J"\\, $ SO,OO ;"':i ~;" i<.'. c: " 2, CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY B, Scn.ices or Fccdcrs /" , ' r", . "\ ;', ~, . t " ,J ,'\ I I . AI . '\" I. ~<~:.;~ff.,t!~.,<,:_~ Electrical toht~acto[.e5<l-A LA t __ ;~~~~~~~:::~' te~tt~~?,~~ :01: ~ ,,'<":~c~,~,:. ~.:~~.,~. ,~",:\",.~'_~i b.~ l. "-,.J ~ . I.'.~',r,<> .' . '~~n' ,':'\ .. l~ .Af: ;..- . ~",,'-,,".\ :.. '--:,'~' [';/,/j Addressl11frrYoJ,V1t1*^},. ,kld>>~.... 200ampso'le~s'"" ,,"$63,OO".!' ",;. 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" ,.,,~j20;~mpsto400amps ,.' ,,':,,/';..,' 'Sign:~t.c ~f SUflcrvising Electrician ' ., O-"-"E.:'O 1 to 600 an\ps', :. . , \~ ';:~. '. , ' :--.....:"'. ~4L Over 600'amps or 1000 volts s~e I"~" .~' "B" b ---~' t ,..- "~ " , ("" J ~ ~, '. ~ a ave ", If, . .,','.,,' ',,;;. 3""", :./' , A)" r, ~,~ .', ~ /) ,... '.., ::---.....' . 1< ,:,.,,", "V:'. </" ,,;Si,',' D. IH'ancb C~~eutlS, , I:: ~'<~;:,)o;~cr~~}'n,c ," . \ Ne~!:fcral\n or/'ErnslOn P"rr:ra~el ~,;:; ~.,;<,/,~~;~~~s' ~,' ..,..' ' \ o/nfTi~I~~~it.\. .J.'j ." f:. ,,_' "." . ,. .~i, : --:;,:~"A ! !.-.: "<': ,:. ',\ , :. I .. - ... . r :,' '- ,..' , Ci"; . ' 'Phone J;:aFli,A:dditiol)al (ircu!! or with Scrvice. ." , ' ~~'}.:'" ':':,.-~ '" ,'....,' .,~ '.'. _:;J',.~:' J ..', o'r"Feed'e'r'Perm",'t ~,~";. \ ."$' 300 - ,~. "' j' '.." "l- ..,~. .' ' .:., ," .". '_. ," . . ., .'.'..., ,,,c:. -.:,i ,,<,' ,.,,,,'.' ,. . - ~- -...,~.. , -' '. , ,--', .' );,!.17.;':t',:'.. 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"5 -;: L.-' 1'~. ' .'~ ;:~~~";~,~,:~;i ~~,. -,I ,\'~;\ l\'linim~ht"'E'I~~'R~rc'Pe~Jriit InM~;)cction Fcc is $45.()() + f;lll'~h'ai'gcs ~:.".-,'i;; .....'.".'.\ t 'il <.'.....,..,C.. 'I' '.' 0', \. ::'.- '~. '.... . " .... .. l' ... ~." ..'., . . j- J ;.' ,. ...'~- ;;~,' ,\i" ,'\ 4. SUBTO;r!\},OFABOVE'.: 1~7)'OO" t~~'.., ,,7% Sta,teS~ch!,rgc' /\v! . -L(l ~':i' '.. "" '\U ,," ,\i\ 8%Ad~nistra~;~~~j' ----J.d. 0 . ',:;:;,.. " , . . '._~' /1;),55 -; ,':'~:.':~,2~:~:L:(,-~,.~_.J~'__~~>'~'~ :;.!.~. "'-__~_~ ,~~\ TOTAL $106,00 !.,,~' .~~ ,~; ,',v'.", ' , ' : ,.\ " 1 ., ,