HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Extensions 1991-11-12 ~-=-- ,;-~' .. . DEVELOPMENT SERVICES PUBLIC WORKS METROPOLITAN WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (503) 726,3753 November 12, 1991 Bruce K. Craeger Barghausen Consulting Engineers, Inc. 4612 Roseville Road, Suite #103 North'Highlands, California 95600 . Dear Bruce: Your request for an extension of your permits to construct an Arco AM/PM to be located at 3521 Gateway Street, Springfield, Oregon, City Job Number 910074, has been reviewed and approved. The extension may only be granted one time and will expire 180 days from the date of the granting of this extension (May 12, 1992). If you have any questions, or if I may be of any assistance, please feel free to phone me at 726-3790. >, Representative cc: Dave Puent, Building Official , - . I . \'. ',' lh . ,~ , ,', :' . ", , .' ,"- ;:1 . ~ . "'. ",: . " '.,:t.. /. ,:'\" ;.::. .> '::j, ~ " ' "~ .. '.,., .< ' , , ", ;':'. , ..;,. , r.~':,,' : .~\: \;, .' '. .' ,"':',.. "'t',':' , :',1" .. ,'". ,.I " ..';:t'" . '....'.:.' "". i;j' "....i ,',- .:' ':,,{"':if:" ,,"::i" ',.1. , ' '~.';' , , .,.' .... "'. ',,',' I ". '(\:~::;. '.' '.... ..",.- ..-.... TO . BARGHAUSEN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 11/013/1'3'31 14:3'3 FI BARGHAUSEN ENGINEERS 1503726~)E,89 F'. \?Jl "Land Planning, SUI\'ey, ancJ Design Specialists' NOY'ember 8, 1991 FACSIMIl..E (503) n6-3689 Ms, Lisa Hopper City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield. OR 974n RE: Request for Building Pennit Extension for the ARea AMIPM Mjni.J\btkd b~ili!:.. "1 '1:~ Northt:asl Comer of Beltline Road and Gateway Streel, Springfield, Oregon Springfield Plan Approval JQ,No. 91-<l1-I3/ARCO FAC No, S799/Our Job No. 3871 , Dear Ms, Hopper: " I am writing to reque.stlhe maximwn l80-ilav eXlension of all perMits (nuilding, mech3ni'.;:,1 plurnbin;;, sign. electrical) roc the above .d.....--..d ARCO facility, II is my u,'1,:cr';:c;r.ding ,hot ;1..:::,' permits e~pired several months ago. Several ill:ms had to be COmplellld before 1he ARCO facility could be constructed: 1. The illStal~tion of the 24-inch waternlainrelocatioo, which has been completed t'." tk Rainbow Water Disuict. 2, One of the previous 0'...........1 owners is required III perform '1X"it1.:: $i(C f',rcpar.t;"n, which is 51iIl u..J"'''''i' At this point it is reasooable to e:\pect that their worle will II\: completed and lhat the ~CO facility will be UIJdet' COD$IIUction prior to the e~pirati"n of the DeW deadline. , I would like to confirm my understanding thaI ARCO is required In b.:gil" c;,n:;Vuctic',n .,..,: ;" call for ~,t..!"-1~LQ!!<;_"f.thereauired in..rectiom ",ithin thi~ Illlkl3.v lJCriod, If 'ny llI'.dcrst1r,d;ng i" n, ,[ correct please leI me know as soon as possible. At your co1lVenien,;~, .lUl!Jld vau aI<" r,kas~ nl'(,", id" ffi';,M.lft a le~r i~dicatin'" the City's 4.......,,~fJ!l!Uj~ion anc:I.Jti.J;\!1!!!;..2f.IDt.!!!;W geadline, If you have any questions or ~'~'_""', please do nol hesitolC \j) ;:on14(l rCle .1 Illi" ,',fr.,c,:.. Sincerely, ~~~. Bruce K. Creager, AICP - ( Senior Plarmer { / ~.., BKC/mh 3871C.089 cc: Mr. Jim Branch, BrlInch Engi~""';"6 Mr. Walter Tubandr, Atlantic Richfield Company Mr, Chase Jiannalooe. Atlantic Richfield Company Mr, Dave Carroll, Atlantic Ricbfield Company Me, Dale FrateS, ~tlantic Richfield c.,.,...,...J Mr. Jay S, Grubb. Barghausen Consulting Eng;neers, Inc, Hom~c!f.n ~2~'~A~.~"!J,il:'~n~!1f206)251'6222' Fa. (206) 251,87<;2 California Office: 4612 Roseville' Roacl. Suite #103' North Higtllands, California 95660. (916) 348,3057. C2X !9- '"' :'48.09S:' 3coQ. \ qato I .~ Q\OOl4 \ TOTAL P,01