HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1992-8-5 07/31/92 08:51 '8'503 726 3689 SPFD DEV. SER, 141 002 ..... ' The tollowillg project as sub ... d ~, 225 FIFTD STREET Zoning ond d m."e has,jtliV I approv~1 Oee not reQtJirjPecltlc ILlIftf1fi~n:&:""IJ PERMIT APPLICATION SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 971,77 'nf\ : q (rY\-,d , INSPECTION REQUEST: 726-3769 lon;"" \..:X' City Job N~ll1ber ( .A ) ( r- OFPICE: 726-3759 Dt1te 9; ..C,.gi I , . --:-{B3-:r COHPLETE PEE SCIlEDULE BELOV 1. LOCATION OF INSTALLATIOzfuthorized SignallJre ' 35,a I 6(A.+~v...>o.i' . New Res:ide"....l-!angle or Hulti-Family per: dwelling unit. Service Included: (11f~~~~0~ ' rnVYJ_ JOB DESCRIPTION /do~k va I-c 61\i"/I-.J.\ .:l9rvli ~~,~~ / j,.tJIAJ f"O'...... .., . ~.;......d'~J .J'I~'" Permits are non-transferable if work is not started within 180 days of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 days. ' 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY B. Elect rical Con trac tor !?.4n7SJ1t/ j 1(,1/,;5 , Address4'tl35' tJe, RUiJ;<-. .& - .. City Fbrrl/>..vrA Phone ;;;8d-'-I~55"' iSupervisor-'Li'tense Number '?>/3 s..J.... - E'{pirat1on'o"at~ ^" fOi( Ie; ') , , .' , - , Constr Contr. Numb~r" &3'-1;), ~' Expiration Date / /a,o/ti.3 , ' signntu~of Supervising Elettrician '\{.... .J<?:::./ /? /-//--: ~' _ ~. ~ _ ___ _I _ Ollners Name 4,c-C) Jf-cdu..c.h. eo Address Joe lJurx. hurv b.J:,.<I I City FolSoM CtI "rhonefilt;)'lfJ3-'7'[)'f/ OWNER INSTALLATION The installation is being made on ' E. property I own which is not 'intended for sale,' lease' or ren t. Owen, Si'gnaturq,'" :' ," " . .} " ..:j ~~;;-jB:-STI'~-""'-~-~------- RECEI;'; ;:'~ , ^ :> 1'1'1 nF.CEIVEO II~: ~ fi l/ Y A .) 1000'sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or po~tion thet'eof Each Hanuf'd Home or Hodular Dvelling Service or Feeder Services or Feeders Installation, Al'e~ations or Relocation: ' 200, ,amps or less 201 amps to ~oo amps ,40L amps to, ,600"limps ' 60J a~ps' .toiooo ;i1mps g,ver. -l06~ amps/~~lts' Reconnec,t Only- ':' Items Cost Sum $85.00 $ 15.00 $ 40.00 $ 50.00 $ 60.00 '$100.00 ;$130'.00 $300.00 $ 1,0.00 C. " .. ~ '. I, Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps or less 201, amps to 400 amps Over 401 to 600 amps Over 600 amps or 1000 D. Branch Ci rcui ts $ 40.00 $ 55.00 $ 80.00 volts see "n" abOVe Nell, Alteration or Extension Per Fanel One C1.rcui t Each Additionlll Ci~cuit or with Service or Feeder Pet'mi t 1$ Miscellaneous (Service/feeder, -Each installatio~ Pump, or irdgatio? ' Sign/OutUne;"Ligh,~ing I Lim,i ted -Enugy/Res.'.'- L.imi t~d, En.~rgy{Co~m~; , 5. , " SUBTOTAl. OP ABOVE : 5% State Surcharge TOTAL $ 35.00 2.00 not included) $ ~O.OO $40~ 00' $ 20.00, $'36..00 J .... ~~.O(. " " , "10. ~:) a,co ~R.v{)