HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 1997-10-13 ; ....-.. ,,~ Nov-03-97 12:42P Mor"'er Engineering _1)484-6859 P.02 p,o, BOX 139 . '245 PEARL STREET EuGENE, OREGON 97440 PHONE ($4') 480-9080 . FAX (541) 464.6859 /\~l'j'" ",~ '-;~!.;"1"~" "I:~\ '-.l , . f_ . :':1 " \ '.::.. 'I' ~ ,,!J.I 1'1 lI:'I"~"~""""/ \':"":1.'I~, .. . ..'-'I ~"."1-. 'I -II. ^' {, " \' ',' ".' 1'\'1:\: '/ ......:.._.. ~;,..." STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE f'ROTE<:TION CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION _\10RTIER l:NGINEERING, r.c. October 13. 1997 Tom Poner 1716 Best Lane Eugene, OR 97401 RE: ~898 G1adeLS.t. Snrim!field, OR. Excavation. FiJI and (QJlltl~.tiQlllmin""'Tioll W:O, Ii I O,282-0LG '. As vou requested. an inspection has been made during the performance of the excavation Jnel placerTICnt of gravel fill on this site in preparation for the construction involving, foundations lor the proposed residence. The excavation involvcd rcmoval of surface organic soil and oTher unsuitahle material and Ihc placement of 12" minimum of 3/4" minus "rushed ro"k in accordan<:e with our standard procedures, Tile compacted surla<:e or the crushed rock is adcquatc tor a 101lndalion bearing capacity of 1 000 psf. which is adequate to support the proposed conventional wood frame residence, The compaction of the gravel surface is greater than 95% of a standard proctor per ASTM D698-91, (See anachcd data sheet), [ hopc you tind this report adequate tor your needs and purposes at this time, Thank you for this oppnrlllnil)' to he of service, Tf)'IlU have further questions. please do not hesitate to contact me at 484-90XO, v cry truly yours, 1/111 i( 't Owen Grover. P.F, I EXPIRES.6.30. Ol,G/hjr L. Enclosure gC'n~""-,r.cn&\bllfh"'::YCllvril,wm Nov-03-97 12:42P Mor.er Engineering, _1)484-6859 P.03 .' ':,...... P.O. BOX n9 . 1245 PEARL STA~ET EuGENE, OREGON 974.40 PHONE (541) 484,9080 . FAX (541) .....8859 STRUCTURAL BUiLDING DESIGN. FiRE PROTECTi0!, CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION flfORTlER ENGINEERING, P.c. FIELD UNIT WEIGHT - SAND CONE METHOD Per ASTM D 1556 TEST NUMBER: DATE OF TEST: W,Q,# O - Q '0) ,) "",.... ;, .., TEST LOCATION: '; TEST BY: ". "-.../.::".. MATERIAL TESTED (By visual observation): I;' r (j '.." L r':, :: '<, UNIT WEIGHT OF SAND USED FOR THIS SAMPLl: P. (sand) = VOLUME OF CONE (V,) - 0,0389 ft^3 . FIELD TEST DATA Initial Weight of Jar + Sand rN ,) Weight of Jar + Sand after test (111/,) II.) I~ ',' ,~ "0.' ,'~",' ." t ~r. ':.'~ , ',< . .. (,-!.. Volume of hole, W,~, - V, ~ V, P. Weight of soil sample rNJ ~ .i~ In . ( ,. -7_ Moist unit weight of soil Pm ~::I:k - V, "..f Moisture content of sample, W% ~ ~ht moisl\ .. (weiaht drvl X 100 (weight dry 2... 3 ~ 9'0 Pm Dry Unit Weigh of Soil P. = 1+~ 100 I '3 <, pe. +- MOISTURE CONTENT . weight of jar net weight Wet weight / LJ L/ /<7 e Izq Dry weight ; Lf ; Ir;- e /26 Notes: ;. ,I Nav-03-97 ...--~Ii'-') I . ~"""'"I"- :',~. "~'-' , . "_:.f:~:~-.~' . ~JfLi:I.~~y~;~).~~~~' :!,\i;i\\ 12:42P Mor~er Engineering _1)484-6859 CLIE~T Tn..... F' oIL \~_1!- P,04 "'-~ CATE 2 9 -~-':n CALCULATIONS S;l<4HT NO 0' CALC\JLAH.O [)'Y STRUCTUAAL 1:l\.IlI..0INC Dl::6IGN . J:"IRE F'AOTECT10N conE CONSULTANT. PLAN CI'''EC~INa CON:i.ffiVC'TION INSPECT10N CHIU;.o;EC ey DATE w.o,.. \~2... ~E',1",b..''-'I'::',~ W~, .;C.~,;~I.~.~~A '1:'oJrro-J- _.--- ..~---'~'- . . c ,-,,,,oJ"'- : 10.... 1"01L""""'- 111(... 'O<.So'- L..J E",<o,-"-' IS, 012- -5o=.r=:, L ..:.......-,"',_...J : <..B9'" ~.....<.,....... ~f---.:...a~~Fh;:=;'-O, O~ I EXPIRES: 6'30- ~ f ---------_.---..._-~------ --.------.---.--. .:.p.E...,....-,l r [LITf'=:'......" ~~L. t4.,w~CJ~...t\~:.~4.T'" (,..~ 4() Co....~ - ~~ ': ?co!,) ~'- (hl.O ~'-\Do-,- n....~.,.Qw. 'iU!Q....:.\"-~'C) L....~ P""""""...e.. ~? \"~' "'S.O'I... e~a.\,-,c-.,-" \ 000 f"'.i.~ ~ Ol!P""-~ ....&C.~EA<;..e.~ c.",~~...."", We.........-' 1'?0I'c\= o....c:......c,"''- ~\~'c::c-UT - \-..J..,- f(.T- T~f" ..f'::-.~~.l~~..,.,..,.._~~-rA'.~'~'-l. ~.~~~.- r-'l~. I-I~\~H-'- "::. Ca' -0" I-l / h / I '- I i- r .....) ! , , L-----t F ~'" 0..00- \'-0 FolL. l",:;,~"'e-oE: -t:..::.'IL..(\--Ul..\l..G.r~ :;0,(-,) -= 't+"> r\~ f' .. 1-1"" (p' "If.. "- e,o,,-> t\. ~I. B. '2.e~l$' ~I-> flt. -. ~ ... s-r \ "*' -...... 14~ "',\~s:!> \-Ill- o"u,,.,("""..:l"'')~ (.,S'1 -rl, d> "," ~.. ~ :LlP"""" 1",;, ,""'-'(j,~),- As ~ ~.i'btZl'lQ..;)~) ::; 0.0"1 ~....'Z- ~ .. ~ 4- 'O&looa.s. '2 ..," \ ... . ;).,-. ..I'\"~ n~Aru c="T ~ ':=11~~Il.I~ I"'\DC~1"'\1l.1 n"'An. Tt:'1 . ICA 4"' AO" nno.... . Nov-03-97 .-'.-,....\~TII:. '-':':," '. /. /".--\:.......I&"..~:I ~'~j > d ,I :I~'I -'-- ,. 'L-."-. ::....... r' . \ ' .~I \ I.."'\~ . 12:43P Mortl,r Engineering _1)484-6859 -r 0...-1 Pr.::>p_ ~'-\::"'" P_05 ClIE",r Sto'iEET NO, _,_n, z. CALCULATIONS CALCULAU:O 81 \L. f' stRUCTURAL BUILDINC DESIGN. FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION IN$pECTlON (;.. ~I"..~ OvE.~ b~'\~ -"-" --, #'4-~'I--::' \? l+"Q.,-,.(\I..,",w"f'Q , ::::~:;':; '-"'~'1 h ~O":~:3} '?llil~1I /' , - 'Iii, ( 'lll~I,.:. b,...c";"p'I'-'- ~/ I "'I.j ..Ii:,":.-, "":1111':::1 "jl\.. ' 'I P 1.:::::-;; ,1.-. I:ii\ \ \~0 ~l \ \ 1 , \ ." - \ r '=I\if~ -';O!lilf'; 1116:111 C}o~<' '" \~I= ',21.00.0 1111 ";!,Ro~. 1"::,0 0 71..:.q% 3"4- ~~"P-6.~O ~.."t"J;"O.> .:..9..>~' '2 - \::1~lo-l~,....le l...t -'-:7._~ -.~, \~l,,-n;;. P\"r:L:II;;: M~o..1r.:-.:.t>~- (."U:.l'I.J:>L.L.)' c.,.l-e~ .-....~ P....o...J---"'O 'I- . , " .- ~,tIo...J ~.ou,-,D ~O<;..._ :2 fJ'-O. """"- '~"""Ii<-' Ii'_ -~~c...'~ , ~Pc..' t;..~\"""""",,"""\'i: .( -("'"c. ~\..-\....~€. Qo.J"l..t:;,,' . o ~CT~"'~" CNECl<tiDOY w.o.. \O~5'Z.. ('Z.) Jl-"'""'S o~ dJ ~6.I""~ @ .. ~ ~.,"-, i .I , / ~,-.ar.& e.-(Ol..Jwt,W- ) rh:~::p:::eM~...~e I (...,..l.-\>.<>..... -- e,o.,) ~ t:X:~W'r . ,L" ,-",:..1/ p"'....r.........' I~. " ....-.. "3b.~-r ~ f -" ) I . f '-'" > " . f...."=-l'\..A....~ I :fe.z., 2. c o..c c_ 't:., ~-~,......~~ c o~ !>Q D; c " .....-- A.e.'s -Q.~V'E.~'" c.:- "l.."o.L.. ....-. c .. ~- /f'" iii ]<f:'" V4,",o'lL't. (: It.Nc.,..... \ I " > , I , 0. . ~p 01:>. ~' ~ / ,<' ;,.- . i ~4 o.:;.,.._re.L.~. 8 \.Z"Q..... ?.~I P.I",I-.I~S .......,. \ c." '-='- c. ~.~ J> Oc <:>1 OQC OG ~ ~-L" . ;, ,---. z"c...l...K-. "'1"'('P. I I / 1 ..':' '2"(..,,--.. . .. I' I> .--. .P ~ 10" .' 18."........ ; /' i . I 6' ~ 5 ....,,' a" J 0' z. DATE '1 - 3 -", I DATE ~/~ I EXPIRES: 6-30',1 \ I t-J~~ ~~L. ~I\ooo.I1-~He~T":' <={F-'iO CI;,....I~TE: :. ,,~ '" ~ooo ",:5.1.. ("",<=> 'S~,,\...L.. ~.....!..~'--".~....), ') CJlo..~'" p...;:> 0"'-,...... C:t--;. ow u'-"v'~,......,~€\:) !,.':.'I".. C~'_ GOr-1".P\.'-....,.~O ~\l.AJ~~~O p.ac..~ :>......~o-J \,....l....'-L """1"00 (......\l..~ 14,).-"'C'", "; 1~~"~L. "",..,~...A<-,~ 'I=='\..'Oo.;:)!2.- ,:.."'i~"\2:.t"" p~IO~ Tc f'A.:J.-F'U-I"""~ ~"'L.'- j......~p H~~l"l... hT~L Il.o"~,..., '"" ...'-"- C.':'ol..~~, 5~PS. I ~ ~.P,-\':"'E.':>. co ..aQ""" oi''E..p.llr..'''-';' ,......, \-\~A""''{ (;.CIIt..'.Ht""'\t;t--I., \~\""f14\_\ \l..)..... :)" ;,)i='" ~J"'V_ .. \~ ""';So , '\0'-:' ~-l P'b.M'..a"'\_Io:.\- 1<> r".,Jo..---. \ ~......oc...... ih!T~~..J rl~.~'1 W"'l.L. 1""",'0 li-.............. .:.~ 'j"-::O\'J"'-t. IC t-J.T. 5., """,,,,c) 4/wO" O.\". Mt....... (~.~~IIi.'- 1'45 PEARL S1. . EUGENE. OREGON 97401 TEL: (541) 484-9080