HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 1993-3-16 l\10RTIER eNGINEERING, P.c. . ,", - . II......... 1 t. -. ':;:".3 TUE . .. ~ .=. - '-' '-" l' ",) 80:( 139 . 11'5 PEARL STREET nu,", OREGON 974'0 lGNE (503) '8' 9080' FAX (50J) 48H859 STRUCTUf:AL BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE Pr>OTEG" . CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHE":I<'~': CONSTRUCTION INSPE(;Ti()~~ Mdrch 16, 1993 cozy Homes l717 Centennial Loop springfield, OR 97477 & Pos\.IP brand fax fransmillal memo 7671 1.01 p.g..' -Z -- To -r \ ^'...m \ I I . ' -- I ()VVI NI~r y f\'\ or-+~_u_,__. Co, () , ;- r ~ '-i' Co, ~.,,_ --+- '" _U Dept. I Phone /I Attention: Tom Marx I~Z' I~l' ?-U, -3{. fj JtfJpj(ffJJ" F/ Lit {88'5 ,0'~ city of,Springfield 225 N. 5th springfield, OR 97477 RE: 9a2' & 6~5 Glacier. Snrinafield - W.o. #6484-RDR Ag you requested, a site inspection was performed to determi,ne t'r.., 6uitability of the lots for placement of conventional wood fr.'lln(,-:l single family dwellings on concrete foundations. Based on site "ne: soil conditions, I make the following recommendations: At 6893 Glacier, a minimum of 12" of compacted crushed rock is t.; be placed on the building site. At 46~~S Glacier, an additional lift of crushed rock is to Ice placed on the site to bring the minimum depth of crushed rock to 12". ' At both sites, the attached "Procedures" are to be used as a guideline for placement of the crushed rock. I hope you find this report adequate for your purposes at this time. Please contact me if you have Thank you for thi~ opportunity to be of service. Enclosure: "Proc~dures" Very truly yours, Emile Mortier, P,E. ECM/rc : I MORTIER ENGINEERING, P.c. . f::' _ I'::"::': l'll't~ _. 1 t:. - '::;' 2. TUE . 39 /' P,O BOX \39 . 474 WlLLAMmE STREET E'JGE;;E, Of<EOON 97440 PHor~F. (50})) 4il4 9060 . FAA (503) 4iJ-4-e8S9 STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECi:JNG CONSTRUCTiON INSPECTiON June 15, 1977 (Rev. 11/1/84, 10/15/91) fQllliDA TInt-: IFILL ERnCEDl JM Tbe following procedure can be used with the proper controls and materials: 1. Sit; r[Ct'~,"'inn' The site should be properly drained with no free water present, The surface should be capable of supporting the equipment used without rutting or causing the existing soil to turn into mud dllc to the operation of equipment. The site should be scalped of all vegetation 10 at least 8" . 12" below original ~"und surface to extend at Icast 12" or the deplh of the fill beyond the perimeter footing line. Tbe subgrade sb0ujd be at a uniform elevation with a maximum l' tolerance. 2, fill Malerial & Placement: The gravel or crushed rock fill material should be well graded with a sufficient amount of roarse and fUle material to fill all voids when rompacted, The material should be free of silt, overburden or other material which would react adversely to compaction or variations in moisture c<'nlent. The fill should be placed by end dumping and bladir.g in a manner to prevent separation of rourse and fine materials, Placement ~ho\.lld be in maximum 6" deep lift) wirh wUlpactiou accolUplblH;d ~u tb~ ~Urr'H.:C uf each layer pre'enls a well kel'ed ~ppearance and ",,11 support a loaded dump truck "';thout rutting, Fill should exttnd bt Ira,\! J 2' beyond the perimeter footlngs or to a distance equal to the depth of fill, whichever is greater. The ~II e\ale,iaJ should be graded to a uniform surface \lo;thout the p,esence of loose malerial, A hand opcrutoJ vibralOry plate compactor mal' bc used in the footing areas for fUlal compaction, If any looseness in the surface OC(lIrS, thc~ a topping of well graded crushed rock should be used as a final leveling course and compacted "';th a pOll able vibratory plate compactor, 3, ~_QI\tr,Ql. Uniform Buildlng Code, Section 2903{a]. last paragraph, states, "Fills to be used to support the foundation of any building or structure shall be placed in accordance with accepted engineering prHcrke, A soils investigation report and a report of satisfactory placement of flll, both acceptable to the Buildlng Official, shall be submitted". To comply with this requirement, the following procedure is recommended: a, Engineer is to lnspect and approve site prior to any excavation or grading being perfurmed. b, Engineer is to make any additional or special rerommendations for modification of the above procedures based on specific site conditions. c, Engineer is to inspect site during the subgtade excavation and preparation. d, Engineer is to Inspect site during or after completion or the fill placement, e, Engineer \s to provide report of compliance with this procedure and verification of satisfactory soil bearing for the proposed structures, 1. foundation ln5pmlon by tbe local code enforcement authority Is lO be w accordance with UBC Sec.305[eJl. Emile Mortier, P,E.