HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 1998-1-23 ~ . ," '1"":liir,j'-26-98 08:43A Mor4ter Eng;neer;ng 1:1 ~-484~~~5~ P.02. P.O. BOX 139 .. 1245 PEARL STREET EUGENE:, OREGON 97440 PHONE \54') 48+9060 .. FAX (54') 484.6859 , .,R.l'11, ,\...,,,~;:"',, ./.~. . ~ ."'~..~. .I . ~!~:'.:!. t, , \ - l1 . J :~i$:''l..r ,., 1(1'" , . ~., .. . , ~ . , \, 1-" 'I ' . "'~' -11 ~.IL.::.. &-_ ..:.:.:..I,..,.~." " 1. .";~4'tjil-f,"" \. . "~'I\T\;\':. ' _. '. "' ,. .~ . ~13-7T;I\~~~if-1 , 9llt\C{ --_J :~ORTIER ENGINEERING, P.c. STRUCTURAL BUILOING DESIGN. FIRE PflOTECTION CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECT10N January 23, 1998 Surelock Homes P.O. Box 5932 Eugene, OR 97405 RE~I:oC#4300,Casc~'d~-Hei'dlt: E1~ene. OR - Excavation, J:liL~d COllJnllction Insoection LWO'-#10542-:PAA~C- "" ':e As you requested, an inspection has been made during the performance of the excavation and placcment of gravel fill on this site in preparation for the constnJction involving foundations for the' proposed residence, The excavation involved removal of surface organic soil and other unsuitabh: material and the placement ofa 4" to 12" layer of3/4" minus crushed rock in accordance with our standard procedures. The compacted surface of the crushed rock is ade<1uate for a foundation hearing capacity of 1000 psf, which is adequate to suppon the proposed conventional wood !Tame residence. The compaction of the gravel surface is greater that 95% of a st,mdard proctor per ASTM D698-91. (See llLlll"heu .1<11<1 .1"'<::1). r hope you tind this repon adequate for your needs and purposes at this lime, Thank you for this opponunity 10 be of service. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 484,9080, Very truly yours, Emile Monier. P,E, ". cCM/cew Enclosure ~)an"26-9B OB:43A Mo.er Engineering _1)4B4-6B59 FJ. o:~ P.O BOx 139 . 1245 PEARL STREET t:llGI:NE. OREGON 97440 PHONE (:;41) 4S4-9Qll!J . FAX (541) 484,0859 STRUCTURAL IlUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CI;l;CKlNG CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION 'a10RTIER ~NGINEERING, r.c. FIELD UNIT WEIGHT - SAND CONE METHOD Per ASTM D 1556 TEST NUMBER: DATE OF TEST: I'; 2.3 - '1 'D p [<. 1'-\ W.O.# 10 5 Lf L. TEST LOCATION: r:.>':: TEST BY: t ~.' ""Lr" (l.....d....L-r... MA T[RIAL TESTED (By visual observation): 3/~ ~ yYllmfS {r-v5lu.d gt--Nf(j '. '0'" i'-- I ~ UNIT WEIGHT OF SAND USED FOR THIS SAMPLE r. (,;~nd) = 11, '1 VOLUME OF CONE (II,) = 0,0389 fl^3 ':. FIELD TEST DATA Initial Weight of Jar + Sand (W,) Weight of Jar' Sand after test (WJ 10 I b-:, 1. Z- 07.- b I/:' 6./ n7.- VOlumeofholc,W",}/:1, -V,~V, r. Weight of soil samplc (WJ = 0-'~ 1'i'1 L 11>5 :'0<.... Moist Unit weigh! of soil P., ~.Y::b- = V, I ~ 1 pc f Moisture conlcnl ot sample. W% ~ (wei<lht moist) . (weioht d"'l X 100 (weight dry 5'- 2 Oh Pm I '-\ D ,?~f Dry Un~ Weigh of Soil p, ~ 1+ W% 100 MOISTURE CONTENT Dry weight ! 7, -., 13/ weight of jar .1<'- = net weight ,1'2 L II b Il-,:-... .;..- I Wet weight '.- It) = Notes: ';;::Jan~-26-98 08:43A Mo.r_er Engineering _1)484-6859 P.04 P.O. BOX 139 . 1245 PEARL STREET EUGENE, OREGON 9'440 PHONE (541) 484.9080 .. FA)( (!;4'> 484-6859 STRUCTURAL BUILDING DESIGN. FIRE PROTECTION CODE CONSULTANT. PLAN CHECKING CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION :~ORTIER ENGINEERING, P.c. FIELD UNIT WEIGHT - SAND CONE METHOD Per ASTM 0 1556 TEST NUMBER: Z- TEST LOCATION: '7 vJ c.o#~ MATERIAL TESTED (By visual obselVation): DATE OF TEST: 1- 2.':1- l' ~ W.O,# /0512.. TEST BY, P IZ 1'1 3/4 - c ("II1ShL d. t{ .. cr a roc../( UNIT WEIGHT OF SAND USED FOR THIS SAMPLE P. (sand) ~ 3-J ".J . VOLUME OF CONE (V,) ~ 0,0389 ft.3 FIELD TEST DATA Initial Weight of Jar + Sand (<N,) IDlb5 Z..3o'Z. Weight of Jar + Sand aller tesl (<N,) C-- /6, o. z. <>?-. Moist unit weight of soli p~ ~ JI'i." = V, ~,O l<-t I 2-1 bs v.1:> 0..... l'f 't. S ref s.~ ,",0 Volume of hole, 'f'!!.,~ - V, = V, - p. Weight of soil sample (<NJ = Moisture content of sample, W% = (weioht moisll~~iaht dlVl X 100 (weight dry p~ ury UnR Welgn Of ~oil p, = 1+ W% 100 I .., l' p.:. f MOISTURE CONTENT weight of jar net weight I.. ., Wet weight 1<04 ,s- =/3<t ..- Dry weight /1I1 -- ,--. ~ I 'l, L Noles: