HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1997-11-24 " / ;r-' NIJl)-24-1997 1I2l; 42 ~RRISEURG UNION HIGH . . 503 995 6697 P.01/04 November 24, 1997 TO: Tom Marx. Building Inspector FR: Ron Frieh RE: Reply to september 19,1997. Letter - RE: Installation of siding FAXED November 24, 1997 , "(.\ J ~ I am writing this letter of response regarding your correspondence dated September 19, 1997, The fOllowin'g responses will coincide with your letter: , , " ,I ,',.I 1, Face Nailing: ).,: ,. , ).,,! :'" l' ~ 1 r ... Your reply does not address why thert~e nails";issue regarding my home are ~ot caulked?, Please recall from your review of this issue the numerous u-n-caul\(ea-nails used to correct siding irregularities and the other nails used to attach the siding to the house for the lack of caulking, From your observations you and your assistance witnessed numerous uncaulked painted nails, Again, as you recall from your observations, the nails were painted the same color as the siding, It appears when they painted the siding, the painters painted the nails witt:LQuLfirsJ caulking them as re.quired per L'P Installation Instructions, (Your reply does not address this J,_oint..Jln addition, the four-year-old siding haS aegraaea and decayed around nails that they did not caulk. I am asking you to reevaluate this issue, I will arrange to have the L-P representative present at your reevaluation. Please ar1vise me when your schedule is open so I can make the necessary arrangements, Further. regarding the practices of the contractor who buiit my home. the following houses built by the same contractor have the same siding issues as my house, The contractor built some houses before m{ house, many were built after my house, The addresses are: 7264 Holly, 7248 Glacier, 679, 667, 672.613,691,885,825 South 73rd, 2. End Joints: Your reference to "contractors contended" is an opiniJn regarding siding moisture content. What do the research laborat"ries state? What calculations did you complete to say "presently a percentage Of the end gaps appear to be correct. , ,7" Please send me that data? Further, the caulking used by the contractor has failed and it does not meet ASTM Standard C 920 for elastomeric sealants nor water-based sealants c 834, necause of the failed caulking, the siding decay has occurred at siding ends, especially exposed butt-gaps, / NOU-24-1997 10:43 ~RRI5BURG UNION HIGH ~ 503 995 6697 P,02/04 3, Overlap: Please reevaluate the overlap, Currently the siding has an overlap of one inch to 7/Sths inch. L-P'S installation directions call for 1 '12 inch, overlap, Why was the house's siding allowed to be installed incorrectly? Please refer to L-P's Instruction and Finishing Requirements for L-P Lap siding regarding overlap issue, Mr. David Puent has a copy of this document, 4, Roof Rake: Please refer to L-P'S Instruction and Finishing Requirements for L-P Lap siding reqarding roof rake requirement Again, Mr, Puent has this documentation, The siding is in direct contact with the roof. The siding has absorbed rain because of the improper installation, The siding has degraded because of its contact with water, Please reevaluate. 5, Nails: TI1e non galvanized nail is not an acceptable fastener to attach the siding to the house as are the other uncaulked nails used to correct siding irregularities and attach the siding. 6, sealant Failure: The sealant should not have failed within two years, Further, building inspectors' practices should, in the future, include an evaluation of sealants used to seal L-P siding. TOO many contractors are using 99 cents caulking where the job calls for higher quality. 7, warranty. Please review guidelines from L-P regarding installation practices that void the siding'S warranty, Your office staff can interpret their statements concerning warranty issues, Again, I would invite you and any other City of Springfield administrators to review and compare the installation problems of my home's siding to L-P'S Installation documents along with an L-P field representative, Should you like to see written documentation regarding this issue, please ask, Further, the L-P field representative would prObably be happy to review the other houses listed above regarding their installation and warranty too, " NOU-24-1997 10;44 , eRRRISBURG UNION HIGH ~ 503 995 6697 P,03/04 I would appreciate you and your assistance again reviewing my issues that were not addressed in my communication dated September 12,1997, If I can be Of assistance. please do not hesitate to contact me, Thank you, . . . ,.J NOV-24-1997 10:44 ~ARRISBURG UNION HIGH . 503 '3'35 6697 p,04/04 November 24. 1997 TO: Tom Marx. Building Inspector FR: Ron Frieh RE: Efforts to Resolve Building Issues FAXED November 24. 1997 When you and your assistance made an evaluation Of my home's siding issues, YOU asked me what I wanted. I shared with you and your assistance, the need to be able to place my home on the real estate market without being liable for substandard building practices by the home's contractor coming back on me, You asked if there was any way of resolving my issues without the involvement of attorneys, My reply was yes, When you left, it was my understanding that someone would talk to my home's contractor, Several days after our conversation, Mr. Charles Ellis, Charles Ellis ERA telephoned and said my contractor was willing to offer me $3000,00 and for me to complete the repairs on my home, I shared with Mr, Ellis, that numerous other issues of substandard building issues have surfaced and that $3000,00 would not be sufficient, Mr, Ellis asked if $4,000,00 would be SUfficient? I told him I would get back to him as my attorney Mr. Harold Gillis arranged for another building engineer to evaluate my home regarding the correction of those issues with my home, I have enclosed a copy of issues I have forwarded to Mr, Ellis for your and others to review, Please know I appreciate your efforts concerning the resolutions to my home's building issues, Nevertheless, please know, Mr, Ellis,' and presumably Mr, Williams too. Offers have only been verbal. Untii we reach closure on my home, I will continue to bring not only my homes further building issues, but other Williams' built homes in my neighborhood to your office as well. Please feel free to contact me Should YOU or other City of Springfield personnel wish to discuss this and/or other issues with me, Thank: you, enclosure: summary building repairs TnTt"'l1 CJ 1-'1'1