HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 2008-4-23 SPRINGFIELD J: 1 l.>'~n!"'" . ., , ' , '" ~"'~J "'_ $''''' ~~;<, ~,~ _~~-~~~~~;:~~~~::r~~ -:. . - ~ ~~ ~:~ :,~ ~ ...~o.i ~, " ".:o.e " \,,~V ~~J '>, , ., City of Sprmgfield Community ScrviCl:s DivIsion 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Telephone' (541) 726-3759 Fax: (541) 726-3689 ~5L\l2- 4-? :3-0lJ Building PClmit:1 ~ ~V<-ir W ~--\~r- r'^-~ Project Title 7r-.S' >>. y. ~ ~+ Sp ~ "'-4l-f"I'~ Project AlMlcss U Date RL lLw-Q.L ~ : , M Pro ~ 1:.A- + ., C- c...; s: S c::rv' 'S ,^-a.-f'~ ., (N( 9. 'l47g-- Special Inspectioll aml Testing To applicants of projects requiring spccml inspection or testlllg as per Sechon 1704 of the Oregon Structural Specmlty Code. Please reView the lIlfonnatlon below. When you have finIshed. acknowledge an understanding of the IIlformatlOn by SlgllLllg below, and return this form to the City BEfORE A l'ERJ\'IIT CAN BE ISSUED: The owner or owner's representative, on the advice of the responsible Project Engineer or Architect, shall complete, sign, and submIt to the Clt)' for rCHew nnd approval tillS form completcd on both the front and back The owner and General Contractor, where applicable, shall also acknowledge the followmg conditIons applicable to Special Inspection andlor Testlllg. I. Contractor IS responSible for proper notification for the Inspection or Testing of Items listed 2 '1 estlllg laboratory shall take appropnate samples and transport them to their laboratory for proper evaluatIOn or tcstmg. · Copies of all laboratory rcports and mSpCCtlOllS are to be sent to the CIty by the Testmg Agency 3 Special InspectIOn Agency is to submit names and quabfications of on-site Special Inspectors to the CIty for approval 4. Spccmllnspector shall provide lnSpecllOn reports to the buildmg offielol of all inspection actiVIties 5 Contractor IS responSIble to review the CIty approved plans for additJonal Inspection or tcstmg reqUIrements that may be noted BEFORE A CERTlFICA1 E OF occur ANCY WILL BE ISSUED: The Special Inspection Agency shall submIt to the BUIlding OffiCIal a statement that all Items reqUiring inspcctlon have been fulfilled and reported and were to the best of the mspector's knowledge, in conformance With the approved plans, speCifications and apphcable workmanship proYI~ions Tho~e item~ not tested andlor inspected shall be noted in the statement. The report is to be submitted to the City prior to a request for linal Inspectlons. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Sc...o1T lA.",-~~ Owner Ndme (Printed) '\) \\ c."'....\Ll..6"!; Co-Jc..,..,~-n..'...G Engineer or Architect Finn (Prlntcd) P5 J 111 c... Te~ling LaboHltor) N<lmc (Printed) AJ4iL __ owo___ /' En~Chchitect Signature T'~~ Gcncral Contractor Signatllre CJ-/ ~ t:'~gCR~" - to Building Official Sl~re ~ SPECIAL INSPECTION AND TESTING SCHEDULE I Rl:mforccrJ Com.rdC, Gumte, Grout and Mortur. Concrctc Gumtc Grout Mortur ~ A!!C!rel!:ltc Test ofMI''' Dcsll:~lI RClllforcllll!. Te~t MIx Design-WeH!,hmaster Cert .. RClllforclllg Placcment Continuous Batch Pl,lntlllspcct Inspect Placin,g Cast Sanlples I Samples (PIckup/Delivered) I CompresslOll Test* t.{ ~oo PrccastIPre-stressed Concrete Pilc~ Po~t-Tcns I Pre-Tens I I Cladding Agglegate Tests RemforcmJ!; Tests Tendon Test MIX De~il!.ns. Remforcmg Placement Insert Placement Concrete Batching Concrete Placement Installation [nspecl1on Cast Samples Pick-UD Samples CompressIOn Tests SMOKE CONTROL: FIREPROOFI~G: Leakage testmg Control VerificatIOn Placement inspection Density tests Thtckne~s tcst~ Inspect batchmg ROOfiNG: Insulation installationlR- Valuc* Test stllps/scams ADDI nONAL INSRUCTIONS, OTHER TEST, & IN5PECTJONS: GRADING, EXCAVATION. AND FILL Acceptance tests · PSf Establish tinal grade fill placement Illspechon/continnolls Soil Dcnsity STRUCTURAL STEEL/WELDING: Samplc and test (list speCIfic mcmbcrs below) Shop materlalldentIticatlon (mIll cert) Weld mspectlon Shop Ultra\olllc lnspeclton Shop High Strength Boltmg Shop A32) _N _X A490 N_X Metal deck weldlllg IIlSpectlon Reinforcmg Steel welding inspectIon Reinforcmg steel mill certificate Metal stud weldmg inspectIon Concrete msert welding IIlspectlnn Moment reslstlllg sleel framcs field Field FIeld F _F STRUCTURAL ""OOD: Shear wall naIling inspection Shear wall anchors Inspection of Glu-Iam fab * TIC pSI Inspection of lru~s Joist fab Sample and test component~ Falmcdtion weldmg of <;tcel nccc~soTlCS MASONRY SpeCial mspectton stresses used. Pm Pg Prchl1ll11ury acceplance tests (l1l.lsonry UntIS, wall pn~ms) Subsequent tests (mortar, grout, field wall prIsms) Placement mspectlO/\ ofumts, and remforcement Masonry, mortar, groul, and remlorcing steel certllicates Form Completed by. Date ".'IW\'IDE S nn~NGTII REQUIRED BY .\RCIIITECT OR ENGINEER OR CONTRACT DOCUMENT LOCATION OF VALUES