HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Field Test & Inspection Report 1996-5-15 (2) '. '. , ;{,~ " ',-4 . . . ,~. (: G,s" .. OREGON' ~\, GE'OTECHNICAL, 'S"'" .,' " , . ~,ERVICES , '" '\ ~ May IS, 1996 .. To: Mr. James Cullen' , ' 4 \ 707 McKenzie Highway "Springfield, OR 97478 , .., . qUO~?V '.. Re: Construction Inspection and Fill Certification: 6<>24 Glacie~, Spririgfieid, OR . The purPose of this. letter is torecordtliat 'on Between May 3 and May IS; 1996, Or~gon '. Geotechnical S~rvices staff provided construction' inspection at the above mentioned property to . ',test the compaction of aggregate' fill, and to document conditions at the site as observed during , construction. Thiswork w\lS pefforlned byDavidE: Reich, Certified'Engineering Geologist (OR . Lic: # E1227) of Oregon Geotechnical Services, 211 Q Street, Springfield, OR 97477. This work '~onsisted of visual inspection of the building sit~ arid excavation area, and manual . testing and inspection of the subgrade exposed near the footing and slab areas to verify bearing capacity and assess soil characteristics. Relative density meas'urements were taken to test compaction of the aggregate fill. . " ' , , ' Site, Conditions , ' ..' The. topography of, the site is sloping to the northeast, and'the' bllilding' site con~ists of three benches, approximately3 feet apart, stepping d~wn the'slope..' All surficial soils and organics" were removed from the building areas prior to placement of crushed rock. The thicknesses of the fill varies from about 4 inches on the south side of the house pad and 2-3 feet on the north' side. .The ~Il consists of a base course of coarse open crushed rock, and the s~rfacing is approximately I - I Yz feet of% minus. crushed rock. A pipe was installed in the base of the fill to provide additional drain~ge relief for the fill. ' ' The site is underlain by volcanic rocks and soils derived from these' materials. ,The soil exposed. in the sub grade consists of brown sandy silt with abundant rock fragments and bould~rs. Manual consistency tests indicate the subgrade is' firm. The soils ai the site are field Clas~ified according .19 the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) as an ML. Based on field ' observations, a bearing capadty of approximately 1500 PSF,can be expected for the remaining' native materials in the footing and slab areas, based on the field classification of obserVed materials and manual.con'sistency measurements taken in exposed locations around the perimeter of the proposed structure. A small pocket of plastic soil (clay) was observed in the southeast, area of the building site, and was removed by overexcavation. ' Compaction Testing:. ' After the top soil atthe site was excavated, aggregate was placed and machine ~ompacted in 6 6924 Glacier. Compaction Rpt 5/96 .... , Oregon GI.'Otechnicnl Sen ices 211 Q Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 . Phone: (?41) 726-6560 FAX: (541) 7i6-3895 .'. -~ .' '\. , \,.' ) . . . . . . inch lifts, where applicable, to finished grade. The two building areas were then finished with a vibratory roller compacter. Observation of the building sites after placement and compaction of the aggregate fill (%" minus) showed no signs of rutting in the footing areas from the compaction equipment and verified that the building area is well compacted. Test indicate that the fill is placed on adequate strength subgrade, and is suitable for (the proposed) placement of a singly family residence. Relative density tests were performed after placement and compaction of the aggregate fill (%" minus) to determine if the required density and strength had been achieved, and to ensure that the aggregate was evenly compacted throughout the fill. Testing confirms that the fill is evenly compacted, and that the density of the fill increases with depth into the fill. Tests indicate that a relative compaction of approximately 95% (ASTM D 1557) has been achieved in the aggregate fill. Bearing capacity design values of 1500 PSF can be safely used for the foundation design at this site. Recommendations The native subgrade exposed at the site is suitable for residential construction, it has adequate bearing capacity and should experience negligible settlement with adequate drainage. Drainage from downspouts and surface run off should be directed away from the footings in order to avoid differential settlement of the foundation. Minor settlement should be expected based on the overall thickness of the fill, however, drainage control and protection of the site from storm runoff during construction will help reduce settlement. Limitations: This report was prepared for the exclusive use of Jim Cullen and his authorized agents. Professional services were rendered in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical services, and using the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances by firms or individuals practicing in similar locations. Analysis, conclusions and recommendations included in this report relate to conditions at the time the services were performed. Data was accumulated from overall site reconnaissance and limited subsurface exploration in select locations. In the event that changes in the nature, design or layout of the project are made, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report shall not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed and verified in writing. If you have any comments or questions please give us a call at 726-6560. Sincerely, Oregon Geotechnical Services ~~h~ 6924 Glacier Compaction Rpt 5/96 Oregon Geotechnical Senices 2