HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-9-2 2 r::.,(/79'9'/ l .. RESID.T1AL" APPLICATION /PERf1IT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 5" t(; (p K (9.0t ./J.L/u /<Z ():2 0 ti // LOT ?~. P,.,YAL () , rtlA~ "1353 k J- o Job "Loc:1tion: ASDCSD01"S Map # Subdivision: Ctmcr: Address: CitlJ: n n n n 1f.~-' Addi tian RaModaZ .'~ob:.l.e '::o.'ila Data of AppZicaticn 8- /5 -f0 ~::::~oo,iJ, ,f/VYIO/H /IA PZu.'1lbinq ~Zc~tricaZ (.!c::;..ar.ic.:l Co"st~~etion L~nde1" f)/l ~ Ta:z: Lot II sot) ~-OIC Siqr.ed: (l;1_ Date: q -;;l. -r//:J L:.:;c. ? E::;:)ircs ;-';':01:: .~~ Phone: 1t/b / Wo I I: is thE: respon.DibiZity of the permit holder to see that aZl. in::pections are made at .the proper tim;;~ that c::ch =ddress is re~:,; . /rom tho street. and that the permit cCU'd is located at the f1'Cnt of the property. ~?u::'!di~:.g Di.vi.::io~ approL'ed plan sr.:::ZZ re~ain OJ": t;J.Z BuiLding S:.::; at; aU times. Zip: Describe .=':?C:.=:[Y;PE FOR ItlS?2C'TIOll RE'ClUE'ST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City desigr..::-::cd .iob nur.:ber, ~~~w~s=ca a~d ~~en you wiLL De ready ;01' insp=ction, Cor.trac~crs or Ow~e~s ~e ar.d ~r~r.e n~~cr. ':ill De made thf: same day, requests mG.ae aft;;:!' 7:00 a'7l win D.:i: Trade the n.::;:z;t :.;orkir..g c..=~'. :;,.mJ':...."..'.; T.,.,~""!f'''!"":~:.r:."..~ ~ VI UNDERSLJ..3 FLU.'BIt/G. ELE~F~IC,iL lJ ~ ,'.:ECifX.'IC,;:.: 70 be maGie oefore any work is ~ovcrcd. 9'J" ,~. It _., \ll l'aOT.rNG ~ FOUND,1TIOll: T~8e rrr::z.de ~ afte~ trencnas are excavated ar~ form;) are erected, but prior to poul"'i.r.g ccncrete;. after up of l] U!.'DSRGROU.'.'D ?!.U.'.2IllG. SE..lER. r\'.1TE.~ DRAIllACE:: To De rrr::z..:ie pri9r ~o fil- Ur.g trenches, ] U!lDERFLOO.~ !'LU:-$fllG t. MECHANICAL: To be maae prior to in~tallation of j100~ insu~tion or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be rr.ade prior to installaticn of fLoor ins~Zatior. or deaki,,". ] lJ ROUGH PUP.!EI:,'G. Er.ECT!?rCAL'f, NECR- A/JICAL: iio :.)Ork is to oe cOt-'ered untiZ these inspections have beer. made ana' ~pprove.:. FIREPLACE: Prior to plc.cir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tion. FP.A!~1!Jr;: Muct be l'cque3ted after approv~~ of rough p~~hing, e~ectl'i- cat & mech.::micaZ. AU rOOfing braeing e chimneys. et~. ~~3t be . comptctcd. !Io wrk is to be C011- " cealed un.tiZ thitJ inspection has 'bolm made and approved. ] ~ SF va!t 1'1, mJ Acici.."'es3 YOUl' City Desigr.a.ted Job Number I3: ~ , I:'.'SCLATIONIVI1.POS FARRIER I.'.1S?EC'J'IC:i: To De made after atZ insuZ~ti~n ~~ requ-:..red vapOl' carriers are in place Cut cefere any lath, gypst.c:l board. 01' wU covel'ina is c:rr;;l.i.ed, and before o:r.y inGuZatiOn is ccmccaled. -- ""'r.~._. ~ ,._ -.. f)1 DRYfl'ALL It.'SPECT!O:.': Tc be made ~ after aLL a.rywal.l is in place, but prior to any taping. job a~css, t~~e of ~r.3pec=icr. Requcs=s recei~ed ca;crc 7:9D cc. ~[A)S'/ / I :JE.'.'OLITIO;7 c.~ .~::J~'~; aUI~!J:::C-S ~ Sani :ar;j SC'.JC1' capped ::t propcrt"i lir.e ! . : ::::J Septi= tank p~~cd ~~ fiZled uith ~a~~: i . , I ~ Pinc.l. - l{her. ciJcve itc:7ls are cc.~tetc.: I ~ ~d ~hen de~o~-:..tior..is c~ie:~ or st~~:- I ture moved ar~ pr~3es cte.ne. up. I Nobile Hcr.:es :::J Blocking and Set-up :::J Plumbir~ connect~ons s;;wer ar~ wa:er :::J Electrical Connection - Blockir~, set-u~ and plumbing connections ~~st ~e ap?r:;~ci before request-:..ng e!cc;rical ir.8pec:io~ =:J Acce8!J01'"~' Build-:..ng . :J Final - Aft;;r ;:':1rc1:es, etc. are ~omple=;;d. sk-:..rting, decks, O ~fASONRY: S:~el oeClli.:J, grou...t.ng accordance with 2415. location, bond or verticals in V.B.C. Section D All pr~iect conditions, suc~ as the installat-:..on of s=rect trees, c~~le:i~" of the required landscapir.g, etc., must be satisfied beforB the BUILDI,','C FIt/AL can be raque:Jtcd.. ..11 FIliAL PWI,IBIIIG 61 FIliAL 1.ff:C:HANICAL XI FINAL EU:CTHICAL ~ ~ FINAL BUILDINC: The' Final BUilding Inspection must be requeated after the Final Pl~bin; EZectl'ical, and Mechar.ical Inspection:J have been made and approv:!d. o WOODSTm'E: After installation is ccmplet€d. .ALL UANHCLES AND. CLEANOrnS !wsr BE ACCES$IBl.E, ADJUSi!!E,'/T TO BE f.:..1DE I.T NO f:'ST TO CI'!'Y I P::ge 1 of 2 [K] CURB 11 APPROACH AP.r:fJN: Aftezo forms are erected but prior to pciu.ri.ng con.::rete. EIDSflALK t. DRn'EWAY: For al l con- crete paving within street right- of-z.x:.y, to 'be made after a1.l. exca- vating complete & fo~ work & sub~ base material in pla:Je. 00 D ~E!!CE: ''her: compl~te -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U.E. D . JOB No.ff{()o:s'?( SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- . Z""e: t.:,p:I/? . Oa""oaneu G1'OU,aj?~ :f1 ~ /y?- 1 [,at Sq. Ft{;. ~ao LCT TYPE . . r Lot Faees . , I : ~f Lot CJl1erag" 1(5 -X.... Interior ,I P. L. # of Stories ~ Corner INorth :otaL Height 7iM~, PanhandLe ,lEast ~ ISouth Topography ...., -............-~ Cut-de-sac: IWest :'!"E.'-t , SQ. FTC I I I I I ~4t€9'1 .,'.fain I/~ 1161 I I I i I I'I~- I 745:""0 , . I 2~'?.)a I /If). 7-S I ::?8? 281. I I q7.,~ I :7a-1 /:5. - I ~.- '72.50 ~~I 9~, <>01 . ~~I I /~."I I 1J2.f>t> I ,;;?./o I 15~.-6d'1 x ~:aluc _~acp. 'Car=Cl't ..4CCC8S01'U S.D.C. TOTAL VALUE IVc:.~UC) 1.5 :r: Building Permit State Surcharge Total Cha......gea ,:':'2:': I NO. , FEE: /1 <S2s I I .''cte~ <~ ' I . ~"'n,"" ~~ I C;':AF.C~ :'i::t;'.;,res ~esid~tial (1 b~th) _~cr.it:21":! Sewer PZ:.c:b.:.r:g Perr.:i t State_ S:a'cr.tl'l'(!e T~tcZ cr::::~a(js ::"3:.:.: j::(.,. j ~(!s. S:;J. I I ft~. :w/E=:end [;i1'C"~i ts _-~Cl'a1"Y Service I Electrical Permit St::te Su:r=ha.rae Total cr,[ll"ces 1-';"':"'. I /;0. I ... I I I / II .J, .;;.;./....:::::::: :~..r,..ace ETU' S ~hau8t Hood ~.,).o ~.- "an t Fan .~odstove ~ f/l::'n-/ '3.- Permit Issuanca. Me~hania.1l Permit MD. /5:- .601' /5".6"0 I . State Surchc:rac To'tcl Chi1rap.~ -- 2NCROAciif.1ENT -- .?(.P.lr-:.tu DZOO3it ;oraac :intenan~t.! -:rm1..t Total Cha!:~c~. L1"':'CU~ /- << ' "'1~ ' I':?~ I~. 70 :dew.:zLk :n~e ~ect,.icaZ Label lbi Ze Home ::-rAL ANOU,'rr DUE:' I fig?, b& L-COG~ . T;;peICor.st: t>& Bedrooms: '2 ~'\rA ...", EYler-a:; SO:.trccs Sethaek.. . I I Heat ~~7:"' I House I Caraae I t.ccess. I 1 Water H~Qtl''r' ;; . 109'/.. _".. I I Ha"9c " ~, I I I I Fireplace 12.:J. ."l' I I '11 Wooao 'ove I Vy's'rl I T,,';I(, <:t:.~. F2CS -- Building Value & Permit This permit io granted on the express .condit.ion that the sdid.conotruction 8hall~ in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, l'egulating the constructicn cmd UGe of buildings,- and m:zy be suspended 01' revoked at c:r.y time UpOI': uic~ Zation of any pr?visior.s of said Ord,inances. " ~ I PLan Cheek Fee: ! I) ?) T I<{ I Date Pa~d: K-- 1'7 -R..{P IReedpt #: (3 ~&> tf(':;);2 jSiG"'ed: f!/:. Plumbing Permit No percon-~hall construct, instal!, aZter or change any new cr c=istir.g plu~bing or drainage syste~ in whole or in part, ur.less sucn person is the, legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a pe~son ma~ de pl~bing work to property which is owned, leased or operated by the a;pZi- cant. ~ Electrical Permit wnere State Law reauires tr~t the electrical worK be done b~ an Elc~tric~Z Contractor, the elec~rical ~or~ior. of this De~it shall r.o~'be ~a~iC u1:;iZ the ~el has b~en signed ~y the Electrical' ~on:rac:or. .. Mechanical Permit /:?",-" ~.-~ ~~~'/ ' '~-<l?~, m7c I I. I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED t,lu! completed application for pernr'~:, and de; hereby certify that all i-r:fo:r.-.ation hereon is t1'Ue and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d all work perfor:ncd shall be done "',l'! "e~or- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th= L~~s of tr.e State of ()roegon p~rta.ining to the IXrk cescribed herein, end tiu:t NO CCC!)- Pl'.fJCY L1ill be rrr:zde of any structure withoi.4t p~rmission of the 5uildinp Vi. vision. I further certify t~t only contra~tor8 ar~ cnployecs who are in ~pZiance with ORS 701.05~ will be used on this projzct .' .~~r2d Date f-/5,- f fa