HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1989-9-27 .. RESID.fNTlAL" APPLICAa/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding, Division 726-3753 Job Location: n~o~~ l-1 \r\ ('~ () ( \.)n . \s<o~b~ \ ~- . "';GXwt #n44 (Y) Asoeaoors Map II Subdivision: City: ~jf~ ~~q fu'~ fI JrU Date of AppUcation Contractors General i Plumbing \ 1: I Hechanical I El,ectrical I Suoerv;:'S;lng Electrician Rcce:.pt ,iI ?;tj "/ .,-t ... ,,~_. d';;;) . . Date: I ~on ?-'H' )i(\~Y" In IY\~\I\P__~ II 'J B~d)'9~~ R(>g. \ ^ 1V-..)\.J-1f' ' S~ fit"'" n\ d() \ 'd- L\ \:1D \ Address \ .Lise. Exoires Pl-,nnp . It is ths 1'6sponoibility of th9 permit hoLder to 8SS that all inopections are made a~ the proper tim~~ that Qcch ~r8B8 is rsadabts [zoom tm. street, and that the permi t card is 'LocatBd at the front of the property. .4Bui'Z.ding Diviaior: approved pl.an shaH remain on tha Building sit:; at atl. times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION R,::aUEST;CALL 726-3769 {recorder} state you!' city designated job number, job add:rcS8, type of in3pecticn l'aquestcd ar.d w.':en you will be ready fol' inspection" Contractors or Owners name and z;hone nwnbcr. Requests received befopo 7:00 ar.'J :.."ilZ be f1tIde the same day" requests made aftQr 7:00 am will ba nru1e the next wol'kin;; day. ", " Y';"" 'City Deeigr.atcd Job IIwnb.,. Ie: Rq Rnauiroed InB"p~t1~"'1_q D'SITE INSPECTION: To be made afte,. e.t:'cavation" but prior to set up of forms. D ' UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & . MECHANICAL: To be made before any . klOrk is aovored. O FOOTING f FOUNDATION: To be made after trenches are e:rcavated and forms are erected" but prior to pouri~co~rets. I ~~ROUND:>P~ING< SEWER. W.1TEH, (]g. -'0 be mde prior to fil- J-ir.g trenches. 0, UNDEHFWOR PLUMBING & MECRANICAL: I To be made pl'Wl" to installation of J100r insulation or decking. o POST AND BEAM: To bs made prior to installation of floor insulation or decki"!; , RDUGH PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL A MECH- ANICAL: No IJOrk is to be COtlsred ,until those inspections have beer. made and approved. . FIHF.:PLACE: Priol' to pZacir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tion. O FRAJ-fING: Must bo requested after approval of l'ough plwr.bing" alectl'i- cal & mechanical. All. roofing bracing" chimneys" eta. must be ; completed. No work is to be con- ...0 cealed until thiD inspection has ~b6~~ made and approved. o D D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be madB after all insulat'um Q!".d . '. required vapor ba:rriers arB in p WCB ,: "but beforB any lath" gypswn board or wall oovering is applied" and bBforB 'pny inoutation is concealed. D DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be mad. after a'll drYlJaLl is in place" but prior to CJ1y taping. O MASONRY: Steel looation" bona beamG" grou ting or vBrtica ls in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415, D WOODSTDVE: After installation is ccmp~et<d. O CURB & APPROACH AP.WN: After' forms al"e created but prior to pouring conaPe to. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- orote paving within street right- of-lJ)ay" to be madB after all exca- vating complete & for.m work & sub- . base material in place. o D PENCE: When cO:lIplG.te -- Provide gates or movable sections through P,U,E. ' g l()rO~ DEIIOLITION OR I,:OVED BUILDIilGS ~ Sanitary setJer capped at p~opcrtii tine =:J Septia tank p""'P~d and fin~d IJith i1ro"e~ :J Final - Ifhen above items are complsted and when demolition is cO~plBto or Btru~- tUZOB moved and prcmi13BS c lBa.11od up. I Nobi Ie Hcmes :J Blocking a1Ui Sat-up :J Plumbing oonnoctions -- S~Qr and water ---, Electrical Connection - Blocking~ set-up ~ and plumbing connections I~~st bB approved . bBfore requesting eIec~rical inspection ~ ACCeSDOl":i Building :J Final - Aftar parches" sk-:.rting~ dBcka~ BtC. are completed. D All project' conditions" Guch as the 'i,nstaLlation. of stroot trBes, c:o.-:rplatio': of the required landscc:pir.g" etc." must be satisfied before t1:B BUILDING FINAL oan !1e raquest.:zd. o FIliAL PLUMBING D FINAL MECHANICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL o " '0 FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspection must bo roqueoted altoI' the Final PLWTlbing Electrical" and .Mechar:ical Inspectt.onD havo beon mado and approvad. . ',. \:-~ ~l "'"'"-~~,~<. ,-' .,' I ' ->tALL MANHOLES-AND CLEANOUTS HUST'BE ACCESSIBLE" ADJUST!lENT TO BE NADE AT NO COST TO CI'!'}' Page 1 of 2 I JOB No.AQ/():f3S0LAR ACCESS Zone: OccuoanclI c4 Lot Sq. Ftg. LOT TYPE S of tot C:merc.g& Interior ,1/ of Stories Cornel' Total Height Panhandle T~~~~.~~hy CUt-de-sac ITEM If.tJ.in I GcJ:oaae . \ Cal"DOl't IAcceS801'U I I I SQ.FTG I I I I I TOTAe VAWE Is,D.c, (vaLUe) 1.5 x Buildi.>ng Permit State SUl"cha:rge Total [;ha.:-gea lITEM I NO'1 I Fi:r:tures I Residential (J bath) I I I Sani tary Sewe" I I Illata I I ~tl'loJ I I. n;;l;b),g Pe""": t State Surcr.apge Total. CharGes 'ITEM l NO. I FEE I Res. Sa. fto. I NB'LJ/Extend Cil'cui ts j Temporary Servi ce II Ele~tl'icat Permit State SlU'charae Total Char><;es lITEM I Furnace P'I'U' S I Exhaus t Hood Vent Fan I NO. i I I I Woodstove Permit; Issuance Mechadcal Per>mit State Surchal'aC Tn1:n I Chart7/Ul -- i:NCROACHMENT -- Securi tlf Der>osi t Storage Maintenance I Permit I Total Cha.1'OlJ8 Cul"bcu: Sidewalk I..r;ten::e I Electl'ica 1, Labe l I Nobile Home I I I TO'fAL AMOUNT DU::;: It x Value FEE I I I I I I I\S.CO, I I :Ol I \5.1~l. I I I CHARGi: .. CHARGi: .'~ FEE CJ/ARCE I I I I I I t5.r1~ I Page 2 REQ.- L-COG-ll' Lot Faces - _ Bedrooms: II Ener((u Sources I Heat Access. I Watero Hm?tp.ro I Range I FireD lace I lIoodc to"e II T140e Type/Cor.st: p.e, North East ISou th Illest Setbacks House Caraqe --' Fees I I I I I I I i. I I I , . , I Building Value & Permit This permi t io gmnted on the e:t:pre8S condi tion that the sdid construction shall, in all respects, confo~ to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Crodinance, regulating the construation and UDe of buildings, and m.:2Y be stwpended or revoked at cny time upon vio- lation ot..any provisions or said Ordinances. I Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: IReceipt #: !Sigr.ed: Plumbing Permit No percon shall construct, instalZ., alter or change any new or existing plumbing or drainage sY8te~ in whole 01' in part, unless su~h perDon is the legal possessor of a valid plwnber's license, except that a pe:oson may do plumbing work to prooperty which is or.med, leased or operoated by the appli- cant. Electrical Permit Where State Law requires t~4t the electrical work be done by an Electrical Contmctol', the electrical porotion of this pernJit shall roOt be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. I I. Mechanical Permit I I I I , . I I I I I , . PLan Exa:m1..nel' uaee I HAVE CAREFULLY eXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all info:omation hereon is true and corl'cct, and I further certify that any ar.d al1. lJOrk perfoP:1led shall be done in accor- dance with the Ol'dina.nces of the city of Springfield, and.. the Ltr..JS of tho State of Oregon p~rtaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY UJill be mde of any stl'uctUl'Z without ptJl"mission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that only contra.:::torB and e:rrpl.oyees. who arB in compliance with ORS 701.055 witt be used on this project tt- Z 7-tf7 date I