HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-11-4 .. RESIDEATIAL" APPLICATIJff!pER,11IT. . 225 North 5th ~treet Springfieid, . Oregon 97477 Bui Lding Division 726-3753 .', ' Job Location: 5~z O~~./~...e ~. T= Lot # AsaesGol'o': Map II Subdivision: ~7 3Ji!:'. ReYAL. r ~D<iB Otmer: 10LL~ l~. P>A~T/t-RGP Address: City: Ixl II 'I I Nt"!.l Phone: Zip: Describe ll'ark: Additicn s</:.>~~s~c~ 1,1rrA<H&.Z:> .~#~.?'. Remodel. ,'!obi7.e Flom3 Data of Application 9~Z ?~8S' :,;om:l'G:c:-ol'S Genel'az._~ Pl.wnbing SLectrical Nechar.ic::l. Construction Lender " ~. Value S'l ql/. 8t> ,J,"cce,ot " "f5-~,L)S7'7 . . h... ~ . ' . '. ~, " \ ..' ....,.....":=. ~"- . , " Siqr.ed: Date: t!G., 1/';''1-'- f 5- AcUL~ess Lisa. # a;..n7.., :7S1~ ~.~?7.,J.~r. l/7ZV/~" . . Eroil'CS '''~ S-u Phone 7~- /~~/ " !t is the responaibiZity of ths permit holder to Bee that all. iMpections are made at"" =he proper tim~. that each .::dd:rsss is re~:e {rom the street, and that the permit card is "Located at the froont of the property. ~Eui?di!".g Diviaior: approt:ed F~ skU remain on the Buildin{l Sit:; at all times. .. ?!?OCSDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recordep) state your City designat~d 'job' nur.:ber.. o"equestcd a:"".Q w::eTl you will be ready for ir.spcction.. Contractors 01' Ownezos ncme end phone number. ~'iZZ be made thi; same day.. requests mc.de after 7:00 am will ba madG the next :JOrking ,day. ,?l!mJit',:tf T"'mJ"~ti.c_'7!'l "VI SITE INSP!C':'ION: To be nr:z.de after ~ excavation.. but prior tc set up of forms. ] U:lDF:RSLAB PW/.!BIIlG. ELECTRICAL & ".!ECHA,"lICAL: To be made before any work is ~ovcred. .2J lJ POOTING ~ POUND,ITION: To b. "",de after trenches are excavated and forms are erected.. but priop to pouring ccncret~. UNDE.r?G.l?OU.','D PLlJ!.fBINC; SEWER. W.1TE,Q. DRAIIIAGE: To be rrruie prior to fil- .lir.g trenches. UNDERFLOO.f:! PLU,',.'BING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to in3tallation of floor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAU: To be made priOl' to installation of floor insz.olation 01' deckins, ROUGH PU/!!BI!!G. EJ:ECTRICAL & UECR- A!lICAL~ No :.JOrk is to bc eOL'ered ,ur.til these inspections have beer. made ar.d approved. FIREPLACE: ~r to- plc.cir.g feeing meterials and before framing inspec- tior:. FRA!~INC: Must be requeated af:er approvaL of rough plwr.bing~ electri- cal & mechanical. All. roofing bracing & chimncY8~ etc. nr~st bG . completed. 110 wark is to be con- ..:. cealed until. thia inspection has 'bc~n made and approved. ~ KJ g] ] .8J . ...., job adircss.. 'type~ of in.3pec:icn Requ~s:s received befero 7:00 ~ 1'~ City Deoigr.ated Job Nwnber I;:...$l'!!\" e> <1 -q Z r\I1 INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER I!lSPECTIOI': l..LJ To be made after all insul.::ti:m a:".d . ' required vapor baITi-ers are in place , , but before any lath.. gypsum boa:rd or wall covering is applied~ and before 'any insulation is concealed. IX I DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be made after all drytJall is in place.. but prior to any taping. I vi MASONRY: Steel location.. boMd /' beam3.. grouting or verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. iI~ . rVT WOODSTOVE: After iTlStallation is ~ ccmpleted. [E] CURB & APPROACH AP.WN: Afto:o forms are erected bu t prior to pouring con::reto. rDElfOLITIO!! OR gOt'!".:; BUILDI;ICS ~.Sani~y se'.Jor capped c:t ~opcrr:i lir.o ~ .septic tank fr.D?cd and fi lle~ ui th grcr~e Z I Final - r,?:en above ite.'1Is are c~letcd ~ ar~ when d~lition is completo or s~~- . ture moved and pr-;mises cleaned up. .;. '., I Nobile Hcmes ~ Blocking and Set-~p ~ Plumbing connectians -- SDWer and Wa~Br ---, Electrical Connection - Blocking~ sot-U? --.J and plumbing connections nr..:st te appr::J1.:sc . ?eforc requesting electrical insi'ectio~ ~ Acdess01'"d Building rv1 SIDEWALK & DRnTWAY: For all con- ~ crete paving within street right- 9f-LX:.y.. to be made after all exca- vating ccmplete & form wrk & sub- .. 'base material in pZa:!e. O PENCE: When complo;te -- Provide' gates o~ movable sections through P.U.E. ' o --, Pinal - Aftcr p:J~cr.es.. 8kiI'ting~ decks~ ~ etc. are complet~d. o ,. .... All project conditions~ such a8 the 'fnstaLZation of street traes, ao.-:rplotwn ~f tit! l'equired landsccpir.g.. etc... must be satisfied bcfore the BUILDING FINAL can be rsquest:zd. .Rl PIIIAL PW!.!BlIIG ~ PIIIAL /fE[;HA:!ICAL ] PINAL ELECT,~ICAL ] o FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Buildi.ng Inspection must be requeated c:fter the Pinal Plumbing Electrical.. and Mechar:ical Inspect:.on3 havo been made and approv2d. .ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS HUST BE ACCESSIBLE.. ADJUST!fE,'lT .TO BE J.f1DE I:T ".0 C:'ST TO CI'!'Y I Page! of 2 I JOB NO.6S"9'ffj2, SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- ~~- ~Pr. L-COG~ 120>:0: _;lZ-t.. 00"'"00""" G,.,AiC'-";S 'fM-/ ~"pe/Cor.st: ~ a.iro","s::l Lot Sq. reg. ~ LOT TYPl' - I Lot Faces - ~~TH, r r Erter~:J SO:A1'CCS T:J:'e :: :Jf Lot C3IJcragc. /.L V' Ir:.tericr Setbacks 'hcat_-r-d<...iR'" ~~1f"'c:-7'" _. ....LJr;I ~ I P. L. I HOlise, Caraae I Access. j I Water Hf'!otpr ., ~ ,~ of Stories 2 _ COl"7lel' - jllort" ~3 I I Ha,,!,o ~ c.~c:'T . Total. Height ~ Panhandle lEast I ~~u I I I FirCDlacc /-. ~ - IS""th I /5'7b~AF I I}(, Wooaoto.e Topogra;;hy -<,.J'. -~ Cul-de-sac IWest I 15",2''' I I I I lITEM IlIain I Gerace I Caruc1't I ACCCSSOl'lJ I I /S.D.C. I S~.FTG /'IN'. 1/7& TOTAL VALUE IVCZUC) ),5 :t Bui Zding Permit State Surcha:rge Total. Cha:ogcs '8 -s~ l:J~; Residential (J bath)' '/1< I ~I 1 bwn~c..~1 ftc. I~~I':~ I I I II I I I lITEM Ii:;! .. Sanital'Y SetJC1' Water' Plumbing Perr.:i t State Surcr.arage Teta! Chc:'r'oes liTE,'.! Res. Sa. N~/E:ter~ Circuits I I Ter.:pol'a::ry Scroice I I I EZ.c~tl'ical Permit St=te Sur:::ha.rae Total Cha:r>ces ITEM fUror.:.zce ETU'S E=haust Hood i Vent Fan I W:wdsto:Je ., IL-o'JI .' ~ .........,......... ~-'- Mc::r.anic:Jl Pe'PTrTit Stato Surcharac IIlG. , I I I I / I , ~ 17.....1>1 III 1 I TQtr.! Charru~!J I -- ENCROACH/-!E!.'T -- I Sec:'.J.ritu Dz"Oo3it I Storago I Main.t~e I Permit ..!E!al Charocs i CUrbcu. IS' ISide'..1.2!k -6':2 ' I,(;'on.::e i E1.ectrica l Label I Mobi Ze H:xne I TOTAL. AJ.!OU.",T DUE: 4 /91. ~o 7.$1 ,2~S'.sel' I 25':-' ...,..- - I .. No. pereon chall constr-uct, instalZ..., aUer t?1' cha1')ge any nelJ 01' e::isting .4"",,). plUmbing, or. dfainage syste:n in whole or-in "part; 'unless such pe1'son is tJo.e 'Z-S: .....,., I legal possesso1' of a valid plumbe1"s l.icensc, except that a pe:-son may do plur.:bing work to p."roper:ty whic~ is 0lJnt;4, leased 01' operated by the appli- "/d, .6,>o:.\\cant..-,: ::.' 0., <" "0" " .' , . ~~~aCJ..J ~.-I ~,,~.. ,- I I I 1 ~/.Ie.. 16/6./-B- CHARG2 ," , I~- 96:- I 3'.8e> 19~.Jiil:::>l ' FEE ..;H.:..RG::.' I "25: t:IZ> I I I, /C?,~I I ~-r: ""P I I I.~&)I I -:rt:. YC> I, Ft"r;' CHARCE '(..5Z> ."..... I /, <;: Al:> I 1 1 7.8. s-~I 1 I 1 I I /./'/1 I '2~~'11. I I I I I I, 1'1. /6 I 7,'1'11 J I j I I I ' I if /~"7..JC> '. Fees .. ".' .' . . '\ ...' "0 ~ ~, " , Building .Value &. Permit This permit ia 'granted:'On the e%pl'esB' condition that the sa"-f.d construction shaH, in aZl. l"espccts, conform to the Ordinar.ce ""adopted by the City of Springfiel.d, including the Zoning Ordinance, regulcting the ccnstructicn and use of buildings, and m::y be suspended or revoked at cr.y time upon vic~ Zation of any prouisi.;:ms of~8aid Ordi~.a.ricfJ8., " ....:,.... .r 00 , , ,....' ... \. ,~", ~ IPlan Check Fee: 9!8..5"~ IVate Paid: ..,..22-....~- IRecdp.t ~: .8~- ISi!1"ed:..-::;;:?:=a,. _ ~. , .' Plumbing Permit Electrical Permit Where State Law l"equires tr.at the electncal work be done by an El.e::trical Contractor, the electrical Fortion of this permit shall. r~t be valid until the label. has been signed by the Elecmcal Contractor. '. , " Mechanical Permit " .. J. \ " ~:-c-~--~ /o-'-s -es- bate I HAVE CAREFULLY EJWIINED the completed application fo1' permit, and do hereby certify that all ir:fo~tion hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d all IJOrk perfomed shall be do:1e in oc::or- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th;; La:.1B of tho State of 01'eg~n p~rtaining to the lJOl"k described hCl"ein, end that NO OCCU- PANCY wiz.z. be'rrade of any structure without p:zrmisaion of the Building Di- vision. I fUl'thcr certify that (r.1ly contractol'S ar.d e:np1..:JyeE:s who are in ~liance with ORS 701.05~ !Jil.l be used on this project {I~C~ (Jignsd " 11/9/P-r-' Date .. RESID_T1AL" APPLICATI~PERI1IT , 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, . Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job Location: S~Z OGA~/t!YAe , ASD8s.aOl'e Map N Subdivision, Le7 .3~Re""A~ z:7.;:. . T"", Lot # ~Z:::>G~ Ot.mel': W/L.Lw.? ,K. !fJA~/Hr?~P Pr.one: Address: City: Xl 'I 'I 'I 'J""!.l Zip: Describe fl'ol'k: AMi tic11 ~.F.'~t;;$~CtS: 1 ~77'A<~ ~-fC:;; 2? . Remodel. "!o~i 'Lo ,90m3 Data of Application 9..z ?~~S" ,,:ont:rc:c;ors General ~ ?lumbing E:l.e'ctrical ,'..'echar.ic.::.l. Construction Lender Value S'l q /1. 80 Acici....ess 4t'?CCCiot ',~ . /,:, ,C) S 77 r r~ 1 '- ., Siqr.ed: Date: (!G, /I-~-}(c) Lise. # EX'Dil'CS Phon:; .0-" ...7. 7~~ ~.!;/7A.~r. l/78'1./t?/tJ , " . . 'l.J- SoU ?y~- /~~/ Tt i.s the l'esponaf.bi1.ity of the permit holder to see that all. i7Wpections are made at the p2"opel' tims.. that each .::dti:rOS8 is roa::a;.:e ""room the street. and that the permit card is l.ocated at the front of the propezoty. t3ui!di!"',g [Ji.u1.::ior: approved FLaJ:l sf-oCtl remain on th;;. Building Sits at alZ times. ~.'?OCEDU.~E FOR n:SPECTION REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designa.ted job ru.a;o:ber.. jab adircss.. typo' of in.:1pec:icn ':zquesT;cd a~..d lJ::en you :Jaz. be ready for inspection.. Con'tractors or Ol.me:-s name end phone numbcr. Re~~s-;s received befcre 7:00.::; :il.1. be made th. same dc.y.. requests made after 7:00 am wil.1. be made the next :.JOrking day. y~ City Desigr.ated .Job Nwnb<r I., s:?"!!l t> <1 92 .;pap.i"'~d T'lJlp...._'!f.1:~"T~ ~ C'......ro I..SIJ...,.....IOI'. T b 'ft ~..I..:.~ jj .:._. .. 0 e maae a er e::eav.:otion.. but prior to set up of forms. ] U.'1D::RSLAB PLU/.fEIIIG, ELECTRICAL & l.:ECHA,'JICI.L: To be made .before any work is .zovered. ~ FOOT INO ~ FOUND,1 TION: To be made after trencnes are excavated and forms are el'ected.. but prior to pouring ccncret~. ~ U!.'D!.r?G.f?OU.','D PLUMBING, SEWER. W.1TE,I?, DR/tIlIAGE: To be rrn::ie pl'ior to fi7.- .7.ir.g trenches. ~ ~ UlIDE.9FWOR PW/..'BING & MECHANICAL, To be made pl'icr to inata7.Zation of floor insulation or deCking. POST MID BEAM: To be made proiol" to instaLLar;icn of fZoor ins~Zation or clecki.... . ROUGH 'PLU.'!BDlC. Er.ECT.T?TC/'[, & MECH- AOICAL: ~o ~rk is to DC covered . ur.riL these inspeetions have beer. made and c:pprov~. Fr.r?F:PLACE: Prior to" pkeir.g facing materiaLs and before framing inspec- tior:. FRA!~ING: Must be reque3ted after approv.:z1. of rough plwr.bing.. electri- cal & maehanical. AU roofing bracri.ng ~ chimneys.. etc. m'..lst be . comoleted. !lo tJ.:)rk is to be con- .. ceG.Zed untiZ thia inspection has .bb~n made and approved. ~ ] ~ . _uo. f\II INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER I.'lSPECT1UI~: l.Ll To be made after aZL insul.=ti:m w.d .: . . required vapor barriers are in p Zaee . . but before any lath.. gypsum boa2"d or wlZ. eovering is applied.. and before . any insulation is concea1.ed. DRYWALL IllSPECTION: To be made after aU ti:rywa7.7. is in pZaee.. but prior to any taping. I V I MASONRY: SteeZ location.. lx>>td /' beams.. grouting or verticaZs in accordanee with U.B.C. Seetion 2415, iI~ . rvl WOODSTOVE: After installation is ~ ecmpleted. lKJ [;g] CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte~ forms are erected but prior to pouring co~rete. . DEltOLITION OR ;~:OV!"~ SUILDI;JCS ~. Smii:ary se.J~r capped ::t ~oP&rt"~ lir.s ~ Septi~ tank IT.IJ?cd and filled r.1ith ;;rO"Jel :J Final - 11'hen above items "are ecmpletcc ar~ when d~lition is completB or s~~- ture moved and pr~3es cle.:zn.ed up. Nobile Bemes ::J Blocking and Set-~p ::J Plumbing conne~tions -- s~er ana ~tBr ::J Electrical Connection - Blocking.. sot-up and plumbing eonnections nr~st ~e appr~v=d beforc requesting elec:rical inspac:io~ :=J AccessOl";i Buitding :J Fin:J.l - Aftar p:Jrcr.esl skirting, deeks~ etc. are c:mp1.Bt~d. o All pl'ojeet eonditions.. such as the .installation of street trees~ c~~Letion of trte required Zandsccpir-.gl ctc... must be satisfied before tr.e BUILDING FI:.'AL ean be l"zqueDt3d. il FIliAL PWgBWG !I FIliAL /-r::~HA::ICAL .El FIliAL ELECT,UCAL ] o FIliAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspection must bo requested c.f:er the .r;"in:ll Plfu.':bi'9 Electrical.. and Meehar.ieal Inspecti.on:J have been made and approved. [ZJ " SIDEWALK & DRII'EWAY: For 'all con- crete paving within street. right- of-wc.y, to be made after all e.rca- t?ating ecmplete & fOml wrk & sub- base material in p~e. .ALL f./ANHCl..ES AND CLEANOVTS }!UST BE ACCES$IBLE.. ADJUST!!EU'!' TO BE 1.~1DE t.T /.'0. C~ST TO CI'!'Y I Pa~e ! of 2 O PENCE: Whey: eo:npl~te -- Provide. gates OT' movab'Le scctions through P.U.E. ' o I JOB NO.8SC93,z SOLAR A p-/- ILot Sq. F~. .. ?~ LOT TYPE :: :Jf z",t C:nJerago: ~ .1. Ir:tel'icl'" g of Etori~s ~ _ Corner.. .TotaZ Heigh: .::<:?~... _ PanhandLe , i Topography /::2 ~ Cul-de-sac , 120'J':c: II'.!'EJ.f I Main I SQ.FTG I /'I"~ I I/}8 I I I Ca-acp. CalTCl'"t Aecessol'U S,D.C, TOTAL VALUE IlJC,"UC) 1.5", BuiZding PCJ"mit State Surch.:rrge Total Cha::ogea IT"';o" ... ~ ~;'- j t"~'-'-~ .i!4 .............~... I - ~~_..,~ I .. .-. ...... I Residential (1 bath) j Sanitary Sewer I Wc:ter PZ:Jr.Ibir.g Perci t State Surc;-.arge . T~ta~ Chc.l'oes , ITemp~l'ary Service Elc~tl'ical Permit .State SU1"~harae Total Cha.Jtces b7~ ~aCI. ~ r /t? -I ~ /..eA ~ I I I FE:: I' I i I 1 ~~I/.II 18/6./.B- ' /9?~6 j 7.$1 ,2dS'..' I 25:-' Z~- ..zs: ..-0 /t? ... /~-I 96:-1 "3' . 8'.:=- I ~~.90' ' I ;;5:~aP 1 I I l/o.~1 1 I 1 ~-r:"""'1 /.,/t>1 ?/.;;. Y ~ I ' ,;::~' Sa. r:: I~~i ,.~ I j NCtJ/E=".er.d Cil'cui ts I I I I 1 CHARGE CHARCE II?E,'.! I F'urr..::tce ~U' S , ! E=haus t Hood j Vent Fart I W:,odsto:Je .#H...::' ..:.....,,,....~....._ Mc::r.anic:::l Per-mit Sta~f} SU1"eha-rac Totd Charae!; I liD. , FE": II I :517.......1 III I I I I I I I I./tf I I -:29.6'11. I I I 1 I, I, /'1, /6 I 7~'1'11 I I I I I I '(SZ> ., ~ _Co /, <;; O'C> I I 1 7.8. S'=I -- ENCROACHMENT -- iSe~~ritu DZD03Lt I Storace [ Maint~e t Pcrmi t Total Cha.".acs i Curbcu: /~ I L'2' ISidcr..J.2Zk : ,(;'cn::e : ~lectrica l Label Mobile Rame i I :-oTAt AJ.!OU.'.'T DUE:- I I I I I I I I I I I I lP 1-:Z(;')7..)~ ~%, L-COG~ Be:=roor.:s: '-;? ::;pe/Cor.st: I I P.L. Wortn lEast ISOt.:tn West En?rn~ Sourcrs TU~e S-cat"')d'c.",,;"1' <p' ~~~c.:...~ _ Wattir Ht!ot&'r ., ~ Ha"Fc JC;c..~'-7. II II II II I I I}( II I <ict.nocit,': I HOti.se: - .: Car~ac I /.ccess. 1.Jf:;;>" I 1 I /5'7l;>1'/D.E I 15"'2';1 Fircnlacc Wcoa~ tove Fees Building Value & Permit This permit ia -granted on the express conditi~n that the said. constl'UC'tion shall~ in all respccts~ confo'1'm to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, inc!uding the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the ccnlJtr~ctic" and uae of buildings~ and m:::y be suapended 01" revoked at c:r.y tUne upon lJic-, lotion of any p1"ovisions of said Ordir4nces., . ' " Iplan Cheak Fe., 9'. ~O Cate Pa;.d: 7::Z2-8:S- IReadpt H: .B~S~r ISi~ed:~~. . Plumbing Permit " No percon Dhal'L construct~ ins:al!~ aZter or charfge any new or e::isting plUmbing or drainage syst~ in whole or 'in part, ur.less such person is t1-.c legal possessor of a valid pZumber's license, except that a person may do plumbing work to prope~ty ~hic~ is own~4~ leased or operated by the appli- . cant.. Electrical Permit Where State LaJ.u requires tr.at the electrical !.Jork be done by an Ele~tricaZ Contractor~ the electrical portion of thia permit shall r~t be valid untiZ the label has b;;en signed by the Electrical ~ontractol'. Mechanical Permit 4~~/2? ---t '~Gxclm.ner v ~ ~ ....... /o-/S' -s-s-- vate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit~ and do hereby certify that all i~fo=-mation hereon is true and eorl'cet~ and I f'~rthel' certify that any ar.d all work perfor:-n.ed shall be done in accor- dance :.lith the Ordinances of the City of Sprin(Jficld~ and th~ La:.Js of tha State of Oreg~n pertaining to the work described hel'ein~ ar~ that NO OCC~- PANCY ~Zl be'rrr:J.de of any structUl'a ~thou.t p~rmi83ion of the Suildi.n!1 Di- uision. I further certifif th::zt only contractors ar.d errpz.,yecB 1011:0 are in compliance with CRS 701.05~ wilt be used on this project , A f) /J . <../ '/I~ C// {I;;.,." ~ (Jignsd Date /1/ Y' / p-.>-