HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-9-17 .. RESIDE,eIAL." APPLICATIOIi!PERIfIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, 01'egon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 SPRINGFIELD ,--'.:Jb Lo~::zti:m: 500~ ::r.JJ~ I '6^ 0 52 r{) 1 (I T= Lot # nn7{)f) U Ll~a.M0 \~ c01-tliLof ~(oOcl GJ!.OJrl/Ul) Phone. ~-UO-'3g75 (Q q 3 - If-d it? '1 AS:3eS301':: Nap # SlJbdivisio'fl: WnCl" : Address: ;ity: '~ ')<J 'I 'I !J,... A.dditicr. Reno':;;! .'!~:,:.lp. .~'c.~r! q-tffi.) / Date or Appl.ia.:::ticn ..:;r.:-:''::==Q:'2 ].:mcr.::Z f}.U..JIlf)./1 ?l.l..L~bir..; :;Zc.:tr'ical -- _ S_~.~ ,":c::;r~ic:::. ! :O'flstr~ction L~r~r.l' Zip: D~ Va!uc rf J.A (}DO Ac.c..-c::;:; ." . \<, (n 7/0 ( .:"~ I{J Mag \-~, , !~ oYOk; 1-. . ~ '. , ' Sipr.ed: Q~ q- \ ')-'tJr> Date: .....~..3C. .Of ::'=::'1.l":=S i-....o.:.: "::; is tnt.' resr;onaibiZitu of the Dcrr.rit hoZdc:, to see t:hat alZ in:3vcctior..s are r.:ade at the propel' tim;:., that ~.::ch .:iires3 is rc~:.:: ~on the stree:, and tn;t the Dc~t card is located at the fren:" of tr.c propel'~d. :;u:.~.i-:'~~ Di:r:'ci:r': C??l'ol.:e.d plan s;'..=;'l pe~:::'~; 0.-: ::;1': Eu.ilci-:..n:: $-:"::.:; C:~ all ,times. ':.'~:"=:'Y:?:: F0.~ 7,','~?~;:7'IOlJ RE"C':'E'S:i:CALL 726-3769 (rc:::orderJ s::e:c uour Ci::u .iesiar.::.r:cd ;;0:: r::o::ber, ':::cr~:Js:ca c~.i :"'.~C1: FO'" ;.;i~: DC ready .,;'~,!, ir.a::J=cdo~:. Cor:tract:crs Q":- C.,","ne:'s~ r.cmr. ~r::" =r.or.e Yi;,.l~cr. ::~z. De r::adc r:ne same dey, requasts r:lccic c.~r:~::' 7:00 C;J l.r~ll 0= Tr'.:::.:ic t,-;c r:.=.::::: :.;ork-:..r-;' 6;;. ?~J{~r~ Tr~~rA-~r.r~ ] E:::: I.':E::~':-::J:!: To ba r..adc af:cr' excav~t-::':r., but prior to se:: up of forms. ] I~ U:.'VE.t:SLt.2 Frr.:.',.'3I::C, ::!::~':RI::,;!. & ".~Ci:"_~::;::;.:.-: ~O 02 Tr'.cae vaior.! any wor~ is ~ov:::red. F;'JD'!'.T.':C !: ::;U.:'D,~TIO:.': To be m7ce af:e:'" t:rer;cr:es are e:::cavatcd ar.d ferm;; are erected, but prior ::0 pou~r~ ccr.cre:~. ] U.':DZRG.~Q:}::J ?:.u:.~n::;, SE":l::.~. r.~{'T::.~ DRAI.:J/.r.C::;: '1'0 De m:z.::e prior ~o fi~- Zir.g trer:cnef:. ] U!!DE.'?FLOC.=! !'LU:Sn.'G To DO r::aee prior :0 11001' in~ulC::ion or t ,'..'ECHA.':ICA!.: in.nai:i:Gtt.on of decking. ] POST AND BEAN: To be Tr.aa"e "Drior to ins:all~:icn 0: floor ins~~::ior. or d.eckir..;. ] PO~IG!/ ?L!..~.'EI:.'[;. ~!..f.'~P!C~:' 1, l."ECH- A;'.:JCAT..: ....0 :Jar]; is t;0 oe cOt-'eree. ur.:iL these inspectior.~ have beer. ~'e ar~.a~::Jrov~~. ] . FI.~EPLACE:;' Prior to mcteriai:s and beforc tior.. p l.ccir.g framing facina incpec- Xl FRA.'!I!!C: 1,t-iJ.::t be reque:Jtcd af::er 1] approv~l of rough pl~hir.g, electri_ cal. & meer..::zni~al. Art. I'Oofi7lfl bracing t chimneys, et~. r.r~st be . complcted. :/0 lJ..:Jrk ia to be con- .. cealed until thin inspection has '. 'been maac and approved. Your ~ity De$igr~ted Job NumDer I$: o :..':Si..'L/'':IC'':II'J!?O.:;; ?-1,~.r?IE.::: I:,'S?'2::-:IC:.:: To DC r.~do aft;or all insui~:i~n ~~ reauired vapor carriers are in olace cut. ce fore anu un;:, auPSU':'l bc~c" or :x::z.z. coverino" is c::'vZiad. ar.d before ar.!;! i1"..:>uZatiOn is concealed. .. ,iCO a~ess. ::::::a 0.- ir:=vc=::ic~; Reques=s racei~e= ~~~crc' 7:~~ ~ R~o (P;;Z d- ]~:::-z..I'::C-:.: C.=! :.:';:.7: 5:"1:';::::.3 ~ Sani:ar;j ce"Jcr ::9pea ::t p:ap~r::-' Zir:e ~ Sct.?:i:: tc::nk P:""7::a ~.d f:.1..Z.O!d t..-ith ~::...:.:J~ J , :J Find. - f{"nero c.b::ve it~s are c::.,,?lctc.: I a~d ~r.cr. ie~eii::ior: is co,~Le=e or s::~~~- : ture ~ove.i ar~ pr~3es .::: Ze.::r.c.:: up. : , !.':Jbi le iic:::cf: ::J Blocking ::J Plur..bir.g ::J Electrical Ccnr.cction - Blockir~, sct-u= ani plumbing ccr.~cctions ~~st t~ C??r~~~~ be;ore request~ng eZec~r-~=al ir.s?cc=io~ ar.d S/1 t:-:.tp conne:::ions s.:"..Jcr cr..: r..'a~er o DR~'j.';'LI- I,'!SPECTIO.'.': Tc be "'.ade after aLL cr<ywa:.:. 1.$ in place, b~t prior ~o ar:y tapir~. M~SOORY: Steel Zo~ation, bond DC~3. grouting or vcrticaZs in accordance ui:h V.B.C. Section 241E. =:J Acces,::or",;:f' B,u.i- leir:g :J Firuzl. - After P:1l'cr.cs, etc. are c~ple;cd. sk~rting, decks. o o It'OODSTO~'E: ccmpZeted. After installation is o ALL project conditiona. GUC~ ao the installation of street trees, co~Le;ion of t~ required landscapir:g. etc., must be satisfied before t~e BlJILDI....C FI:.':'L can be requcstcd. ] FIliAL PLU!!BIlIG ] FINAL lfE~HA"/ICAL ] FINAL ELEC7RICIoL ] @ FI/lAL BUILDING: The' Final Building Inspection must be l'cqucated altcr the Pinal Plur:bir.J Electrical. and Mecnar.ical Inspectionn hauc been made and approv~d. o CURB IJ APPROACH AP.~,',1: Afte-:o forms (]J'e erected but prior to pouring C01U:rc te. SIDEWALK ,r, DRn'Ef.',~Y: For all. con-' crete paving within street right- o.f-wc:.y, to' be made after all e.%~a- vatina complete & fo~.work~& sub- base ~teriaZ in pz..i.cc. . -ALL UA!:HCLES AND CLEANCUTS UUST Bt ACCES$IBLt, ADJlfS7!~:I'!' TO BE 1:01pEt.'!" }.'O'C":'ST TO cr:r I DM'e ~ of 2 o D~: r..'her: CO:rlDl.:te -- Provide, gatcs 01' movable' sectiona througf. P,U.E:. D J06 NO, '(;{P[) ro ZZ- SOLAR ACCESS ) \ \ ~01'Ie: OcC'Ur;anc~ CrotJ.:J8 LCT TYPE: . :,at Sq. Ft;;. :Jf lat C.:n;erag~ of Stories _~otal Height ."'opogra;;hy Interior COnter Panhandle CuZ-dc-sac ~'::;.'.! SQ.F'1'G x I/aluc '~.::in ;a.ace ~ar=crt .icccssoru I \ I " 7)E,/< ;.D.C. TOTAL VALUE: . .. I uc.t.uc) 1.5 = Building Permit State Surcna:1'?C Total Cha:rges i.=r:-...:res I :.'D'I I Cl-:A.HC:: FEt: as~'zr.tial (1 bath? ='-:~-:::r:.J Scr..'er' .=::cr PZu-o;:bir.? Perr.:i t State S:.J.rcr.a:rr:;c T~t:::~ C"r.=:-ccs j;.",. i ~=. f;:::, ~/E=ter~ Cir~dits ~~rar~ Service EZe==rical Permit St::te Su:r:!r.arae Total Cr...::.rces ":-" l,,~.~ -1~ I. -'-1 - I I I I I I I , . 1 '~":~-'; -- .. Tr..=ce ETU' S -, G' < :r.aust Hoc.:!. '1:t Fan ioastO:Jc Pemt Issuanc:J Mechanic::l PeY'mit State Sw>chc.rac ) Total Charm':; E....CROACH1.:E!.'T ::'".lrit':J Dzposit ?raGe ":ntenaI':C€ ~t Tetal r:"arnc[: '':'cut ielJ.:1lk :ce :C!t.,.ica Z Label li Le Harne .-At ANOU,"" DUE:" !J} '16. 28 REQ.- L-COC-ll' 'i';.'peICor.st: ~ 8e=ro~s: ~ Enern;; SO:JT'C","S I I fica' I I Wate'!" Nratf''!'' I I hance I I FircoLace I I Wcoa:;tOt;e II T,,~(' Lot Faces - P. [. INortn lEast ISOl<th IWeDt Sethack!: I H01A.se : Caraac I I I I I I /I.cces:;. I I I Fees Building Value & Permit This permit i::; granted on the express condition that the s.:lid"con~truC"tion 8hall~ in all respcc-ta, conform to the Ordinance ~dopted by the City of I Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the ccn3t~~cticn and u::Je of buildings~ and may be suapended or revoked at cr.y time upon VtC- lation of any proviJions of said Ordinances. IPlan Check I Date Paid: IRec~ipt II: ISig"-ed, Plumbing ~J X _ 9 :3 ~-lf -~t:, gi,IJO/~ C'J, Permit Fcc: No per~on'bhQZi construct, instaZZ, aLter or change any new cr c=istir.; plumDir~ or drainage system in ~hole or in part, 'unless s~ch pe1'30r. is the. legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a pe~son ~a~ de pl~Ding work to property which is ow~ed, leased or operated by the c~p:i- cant. , I - Electrica I Permit ~Tnere State Law reauires tr~t the electrical worK be done cy cr. E~c~t~:~~: Contrac~cr, the eiec:ricai por:ior. of thi3 pe~i~ sr~Zi r.Ot b~ ~aZ~ ~,::i: the ZabeZ r~s D€en zignec by tne ElecrricaZ Con:rC~:Qr. j I , ~ - -. - Meche nical Permit :/'/_- ' ---~.f? /~kb. I ' '7-/7-gb, J/QtC I I, I I J I I, '~i/// i. ~ffL/:;6:/7 I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED t,w compl,etad application for pern:i::, end de hereby certify that aZ"!, i~jo~~tion hereon is ~rua ard correc:, and I further certify that any"arA all work performed shall, be do~p. i~ ne~or- dance :.nth the Ordin~nces of tne City of Springfield, and th:: Lc:..:s of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, cr~ ti~t ~o CCC~- pl.nCY.will be made of any structure witho~t p2rmis3ip~ of the 3uiZd~np Di- vision. I further certif~" that o~ly contractors a::d c"7IpZ.:Iyecs who are i;: c~pliance ~ith ORS 701.05t will be used on this proj~ct q- L/- ~b o"te "-