HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-11-21 ,SPR:NGFl~ ~~ .'icce;ot' /-1 ~S>?:=2/ i4A-.....~ ~ -.#III @. " RESI.nAL" APPLICATION/PERI1IT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job Locction: '554)7 <!i ~~&:fiAi? V~. Asoesoore Map # '/8 -0&0<1-( ( Ta: Lot # 3C::X::::>O Subdivision: t.e>?' /~ i'?O<jr'A~ I? /i2t:f;. ~ ., . ' Q.mezo: _tP'n v YY1 t! J1 Address: s:l.r 3 City: 5rp f,.f ;e.v Cfl 11 S r. :IV! 51; S- Oy Phone: 7j~ /9't / Zip: 9? t/ 7 r IKlN~., . n Additicn n Rcmodal n ,'-!obile Homa Describe fl'ork: .l? e... S UN-;?1'Rc..u::..r S.? ,8CSt'P6'Y<.g- vY'/8 /! ff;f-<#~ 4>..-f1ljA'q~ Date of Applicaticn Cont"l'actol'S //''2I'Ji5..~ P..,,^,, "T.,y fC~$r 'PI,,:'" b',^! J;::/.. ,'T.j. , C-. GMeNl I' l;Zumbi"!! '" -, : f:lectrical ! t.!e::har.ic.::.l. Cono!truction Lender \' .,f- :r Ros e Value 69.. 3SS. 8<:; Add....es3 , \ , \ Siqr.ed: '1~ rJ2",,_.:l=- {/ /(/J.-~/R" r Date: Lise. Ii E:=;:;il'CS V?g'l/Ot::'.. If' - ~ er;; 7'1t /516/ Fhont; It; is the resF071tJibiZity of the permit hold~ to see that all. inspections are made at the proper timti:, that :u:ch :zddres8 is l"Oa.::'a:J:c1 fT'011l tha street, and that the permit card is t.xated at the front; of, the property. ~Bui?di~ rr;vicior: approL'ed F1.an. shaZ7. l~emain on tluf Bu-:.Zding sits at aZ7. times. PtWC:;DUJ:!E FOR TNSPECTIOll REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City desig1".ated job number~ job ad6css~ type of ir.3psc:ic'1 requested a~d when you will be ready for ir~pcation~ Contractors or Owne~s ~e end ~hor.e number. Requests recei~ed csforo 7:00 ~ ~'ill be made the same day~ requests mc.de afte.!" 7:00 am L){.U be made the n:;xt :JOrking day. Reaui~ed Jnsoections O SITE IllSPEC'!'ION: To be made alter excavation, but prior to set up of forms. I XI, UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRIC,lL & I.fECHjJJJICAL: To be made before any work is oovcred. [!I FOOTING & FOUND,1TION: To be mads after trenches are excavated and forms are erected~ but prior to pouring ccncretG. ,~ I IlK] I I~ UNDERG.90UHD PLUMBING. SEWER, W.1TER, DRAIllAGE: To be nn:1.e prior to fil- Ur.g trenches. ~ I iD I~ ROUGH PLfP.!8IJ.lC. ELECTRTCAL t. MECH- ANICAL: No :,)Qrk is to bc c01..'e1'ed ur.til these inspectior:s have beer. made and approved. FD?EPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tior:. FRAJ1INC: Must be reque3ted after approval of rough plwr.bing~ electri- cal & mechanical. AU roOfing bracing & chimncys~ etc. nr~st be completed. !.'o work is to be con- ..: cealed until thio inspection has . bee.n made and approved. I 1- i'Yl l :.LlJ 1 :19 ;CXJ CJ Your City Deoigr.atcd Job Numba' Io:. fi?,"f' /C>9 7 I \t I INSULATIONIVIlPOFl BARRIER INSPECTION.. r To be made after all insulat0n w,d . required vapor bG1Tiers are in place but before any lath~ gypsum board Or wlZ covering is applied~ and before any irwulation is concealed. I ~ I DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made /' after all dryLXllZ is in place~ but p1'ior to any taping. r\71 MASONRY: Steel locati071~ Ix>>ul ~ beama~ grouting 01' verticals in accordance L){.th U. B. C. Section 2415. o WOODSTOVE: ccmpleted. After installation is DEnDLITION OR ,'.::JV!E BUILDI;;CS ~ Sani tory se"..Jer capped ::t p:.opcrt":; l.ir:6 ~ Septic tank ~~~cd and fil.l.8~ with ~~aZ :::J Final. - TI'hen c:hcve ite:~s are ccmrJl.6tcd and when d~~itior: is completo or 8t~~- ture moved and pr~aes cleaned up. I Nobile Hemes =:J Blocking and Set-~p =:J Plumbing connections -- SaJ6r and water ---, Electrical Conr.ection - BZocking~ sot-uF ~ and plumbing connections rir..:.st co approved before requesting electrical inspectio~ .=J Acces30ry Building :::J Firuzl - I.ftcr p~rc1:es~ skirting, decks~ etc. are campletcd. o FIliAL PLUf.!BIllG All. pro.ieet conditio71S, 'Due.': as the -i.nstaZlation of street t1'ees. CO::-rpZci;;.on of tne pequif'ed landscc.pir.g~ etc. ~ must be satisfied before the BUIWIl,'C FI.',lAL can be r:zqueBtsd. UIlDEHFWOH PWt.!BING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to inataZlation of [!oor insuu.tion or decking. " / POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to I xl installation of floor ins~lation or decki"fi . FIlIAL NE~HAIIICAL (l) FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspection must ba requo3ted efter tho Pinal PZumbirl.J EZcct1'ical, and Mechar.ical Inspecti.orw have been made and approl)~d. FINAL ELECTRICAL CURB & APPROACH AP.C?ON.' Alte,:, forms are created btd prior to pouring exm.:!rete. rvl SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: FOr al~ con- lLLJ crete paving within street right- of-l.J(;.Y~ to be made after all exca- vating complete & fo~ work & zub- oose rru.tel'ia1. in placo. O FENCE: When complGte -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U.E, o 'ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS /lUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST/tEll'!' TO BE /.~1DE J.T r.O .CDST TO CITY I Page ! of 2 J I JOB No.$'$'"/tP9? SOLAR ACCESS REQ,- ?i:.:::. 0 ~ L-COG~ f !Zonc: ,1? t. . Occuvanc" G.1<-~t~-/ T;:pe/c;r.st~-N Eedro",".: Z !Lot Sq, F... 9dZ~ LOT TYPE I Ult Face. - ;V~ . I I Ene~a" So"~ces Tu"e ,. of 1.ot C /L"':?> Inte~ic- I. Setbacks I I Heat ~,c c7' .e::: {&;. j.. Jl}el'ag~--L..-:J-/i!!> .- I P,L./House ICal'G9C /A.ccess. II Watm" lJqn~t:>'" E<:"~"T.. I # of Stories Z $ Corner INorth ~~ ' I I Ran[:e -- -- - - , . I Total Height :2.34 ~" Panhandle IEast~', 2'f" I I I Fil'CDLaCe 1 ~ ISouth 1 I ~S"~: I I Wooa"to.e I Topography / Cul-de-sac IWcst I ...7' I I I I I lITEM lNain I CCraae CarnOl't Accesso1'U t4/J'lN. -- F2BS -- I SQ.FTG I X I Value I 1'3~~ i3_~~~If6, .-'5~J : Sla~~ "OI~~~O 4 I I I I I 660 1;7.~111 ,.6'~-t 1-6f:J.>.> ;.-( I "6~ ~"/ I ~ 2/"? - J------ 8.681 ~25', 68 ,. I I (vc:.,,~'~j- 1.5: TOTAL VALUE IS.D,C, Building Permit. State Surcharge Total Cha:ogsa I ITEII I NO. I FEE ~.:.._.,..s :5"'~ I Residential (1 bath) - -1- I III 'I I bD/T'M~ .j?~1 i Sani ta:ry Sewel' Water PZtmlbing Perr.:i t State SU1'cr.arge Total Chal'oes ;::::1 So. fto. >~J; I I New/Extend Ci~cui ts I I I Tempo~ary Sepvice I I I I I Ele~tpical Permit state Sur~harqe Total Cfrrrpes lITEM I I Furnace PTU' S I Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan I ' I WOOdStO;J6 I I I I I I I II/G. I I 1 III II I I I I I Perrrrit I3suanca Me~hanic::.l Pemrit State Surcharoc rota l CharrliL~ -- ENCROACif/1ENT __ ]Se~~Pit~ Deposit I Storage I Maintena';'e I Permit I Total Chal'OCS I Curbcu; ! Sid"""" lk I Fen::e J Electroical Label i Mobile Home 17'OTA~_ .ANOIJN'r DUE:', ' "2 tt:>' /'70' FEE MIH: FEE CHARGE /5: .... 2:;:- /~.~ ,I /t7..~... I /t!). C(? ,-;;s:- 0" I ~.06 17.8.-l. I, -q.r-:'o I I CHARGE I I I /~. 01> I 1-~5:- ~I''- 1-.SiD I I 9"~,80'. I CHARCE I I , I ~.:)C::> I I $,..-1> I I I I I I I I I /0..:>9 . '10 I /C>. 'iP J . I I I I I. , . Icj. y~ I ':Zo. SIt' I J I I I I I #../ ~~. t'Z _ <'- Building Value & Permit This permit ia granted on the express condition that the said construction shaU, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted b'y the City of Springfield, incZudi.ng the Zoning Ordinance, reguLc.ting the construction and USe of buildings, and may be 8ucpended or revoked at cr.y time upon vie. lation of any provisions of said Ordir.ances. e.... !p1.on Cheek Fee: IttJR. <"~ N\C\V Date Pai.d: ./I-:<,./'~ \;--'('- IReceipt #: i3h~t!!:;:> jSigned: :7-T- Plumbing Permit No person.shalJ construct~ in8tatZ~ aLter Or change any r~W or e--isting plumbing or drainage system in whole or in part~ unless such peraon is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's licenseJ except tr.at a pe:oson may do plumbing work to property which is ow~edJ leased or operated by the appli- cant. , (~ Electrical Permit Where State Law requires tr.at the electrical work be done by an Ele~trical Con'tractorJ the electrical portion of this pemit shall roOt be vaLid until the labeZ has been signed by the ELectrical Contractor._ ~. -. Mechanical Permit ~ Excm1-ner /~~.~ -t.C ~ 2(;, -85 I HA VE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit~ and do hereby certify that aU infozomation hereon is tl'Ue and corrcctJ and I further certify that any ar.d all work pel'fornled shall be da:1e in ac::!or- dance :.lith the Ordin:mces of tho City of Spl'ingfic7.dJ and tho: Ltr..;s of the State of Oreg:m p$rtaining to the wol'k descl'ibcd hereinJ end :hat NO OCC!J- PAllCY UJill be rn:z.:ie of any stl'UctllI'a without pamrisaion of the 3uiZdir.g Di- vision. I further certif~ that ~ly contractors ar.d ~loyees who are ir. ~pZiance with ORB ?Ol.05E will be used on this proj~ct . rV~ Si 'd : . . . . .~ .- / /c:'/rr; Date r