HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1989-11-14 ~: .. RESID~TIAL" APPLICA./PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd. Oregon 97477 BuiZding, Division 726-3753 \. Job. Location: '-~ rX{.-:J' I) ('"';IiIn fI if ~) ( %0[1 MI/ T= wt /I rnDOCJ AGGe8GOP~ Map N. Subdivioion: ctmer:( Address: City: Phone: '14b-/41o/ ~m,' n Additicn u.)J'(0 "... n Ramode! vf\wJ Jluj: ~DrGt1l G (l ~b n Mobile lIome, ' I.... ') ( , Date of AppZicaticn Value f\ If l.-/ Contractors Addrpss Lise. ~ General o FOOTING & FOUNDATIOfl: To be nude after trenches'aro excavated and forms are ,erected~ but prior to pou~ng pcnaro t~. UNDERGROUND PLUMBING. SEWER. W.1TEH~ DRAINAGE: To be rrrute proio!' to fi 1,.- 7..ir.g trenches. o 0: UIlDERFWOR PLUMBING & MECIIANICA&: To be made prior to inotalZation of f!oor insuLation or decking. O POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of flool' insl.<.Zation or decki,,!!. _ ~ROUGli PLU"./BIlJ~ECT~~A~& MEeH- L] ANICAL: No woN:.. is to b,e/covered, ,until. thC8~ inspections have beer., made and app~oved. O FIREPLACE: \ Prio~ to placir.g facing mate~ials and beforB framing inspec- tion. ' o FRAMING: ~3t be requested after approval of ~ough plwrbitl{J, ~lectri- cal & n:ec1u;mical. All roofing bracing d chimneys, et~. nr~st be : completed. No fiJOrk io to be con- : coaled until thiD inspection has . b60n made and approved. cribe /I'ork: Rece:pt fi ~ Sigr.p.d: Data: ~WO) _ 1(~/~-'6'-1 E}~Di r.es p1l0n0 BId rs Hoard Ke~. "t IELlq U I I ,~' L. i Plumbing 1. ~\\.V 11-lechan Lcal \l " 1.\\ nlJ' - I qectrical Valll) rr nl.P r ,t1)0/ A\.Q(1)fl I S<loerv:1.'Sing Elect,. jci:~ .....-Lq./ It i~ t;e=resp-onoibility of tls'permit holder to see ~ at all inDpectiomJ ~ r.;adc at ~}ze proper time, t,J;at ;;cch .::.ddreso is rca:iab~e from th6 stroeet, and that the permit card is located at the fl'Ont of the property. ~!3ui!ding Divi:;ior: approI:ed plan shall remain on tha 8uiZdillfJ sit;; at aU timeB. , .'" .' . '.' . PtlOCEDURE FOR TNSPECTION RSpUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your city desianated .io~ 'lUMber, job aac..rCSS, typo of in3poc~ictl requested ar.d when you win be ready for i,napcction, Contractors or Owner's nc.me end plwne number. Requests receir;ed befel'o 7:00,-::-: :.Jill be made the same day, requests made after 7:00 am wiLL ba made the next :,)Orkin..; day. , , you!'1 City Deuig,:ated Job NlUnbG!' Io: RqL)!j'/") / Rnf1}4':f!'i TI1Fnf?h~1:(m:.Q \ D SITE IIlSPECTION: To be ".,de after I D IIlSU&I1TIOIl/VAPOR 8ARRIf.'[/ INSPSCTTOIl: excavation, but prior to Bet up of To be. made after aU insul:1tum m:d forms.. '. required vapor barriers are in place O UNDERSLAB IPLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & but,before any lath, gypswn board or : MECHANICAr..: To be made before any wazz. covering ia applied, and before .' any 'inDuZatwn ia concealed. work is aovcred. '0 DRYWALr.. INSPECT!ON: To ba made after;aU drywaU is in place, but ,pr~or to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location, bond beams,groutiu(J or verticals i~1 , 'accordance IJith U. B. C. Section 2415. o , WOODSTOVf.': completed. Aft'or im; tallation ia DENOLITION OR ;~:OVED BUnDIiJGS .=i Sani~tU.y SC".Jel' ::apped :::t p~op<:rtii lir:a I ==:J Septi~ tank p~~cd and fillad with gra~el --fFinal - II'1um abcvG items are completed I ~ and when .:iemolitio,; is complete 01' 8trt4~- . tura moved a1td pr<::t:1i3eS ::lGaned up. I Nobile Homes :=]; Blo~kina and Sat-:Jp :=](lumbin:1 connections sClJar and lJater ::J,Electrical Com:ection - Blocki~l.{J, sat-up and' plwnbing com:actions rrr...st be approved ibeforc requesting alec~rical inspoctio;-: =:=J 'Accesaory BuildiniJ --, Pi~la l - t:.ftcr p~rocr.e8, ~letc~ are completed. , skirting, docks, o CURB & APPROAClf APRON: Af'tm' forma are erected but prior to pouring .:ro~re te. 1 SIDEWALK & DRn'Er/flY: Poro all C0l1- crete paving witlli~1 street right- of-IJC.Y" to be made after aU exca- vati~d complete & f'Ol~ work & cub~ ,base; ITipferial in pla::;:e. , 'I' ' D rENCE: h'her:. compZ6te -- Provide gate? or movable. sectiOlw tlu'oug!: P,U.E. [~lblXV\00 o ..... D: All prooject conditionD, :;uch ao the ~'.nstaLZation of stl'eet traes, ,:c:':'lplati.:m of t~e required landscc.pir.g, etc., mw::t be aatiafiad before the BUILDINe FINAL can be rsqueatad. D FIIIA& PLUMBIIIG D FINAL MECHANICAL [~~~(FIIlA& E&ECTRICA& o FINAL BUILDING: Tlw Fillal Buildina InDpCl:tiOll must be requGDtod alter the FLttal Plumbi'1J Electrical, 'and Nechar.ical I,tspectiol1:J have boen niado and approv~d. o : II I I ~A"L MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS }lUST BE ACCES:JIBLF:, AD./UST!ic.tlT TO BE N.1DE I!T NO COST TO CI'!'Y I Pal:c of 2 , ,. SOLAR A'CCESS OcauvanCI/ C4 LOT TYPE Interiol' IJOB NO. I Z01lC: Lot Sq,' Ft.. ~ af lot CQvepag~ ,f of Stories Total Height Topography I lITEM I,\bin I Caraee I CarVOl't 1,lcces8or'u I I IS.D,C. SQ. FT(,' X Value TOTAL VAWE (value) 1.5 x Building p(wmit State SW'charge Total Chn:oge:J 117'f.'M I P'4turBD I' ' Residential (1 bath) I Sanitary Sewer' I NU. \ . Water> Plumbing Pel'r;;i t State Surcr.arge Total Cha'racs 111'61-/ I NO. PEE I ;L. ::.. ..,~-:Xi)<c.A~!::LV{) I New/Extend Circui ts I::;l:-t I Temporary Service I \ 1"-, H'[),A~ ~ ) r n ~I Electl'J::JZ Permit State SUl'chal'Qe Total CharGes IITSM I furnace !!TV'S I Exhaust Hood Vent Fan i NG'I I I I I PEg WOodstove PePmit Issu.ance Mechanical Pmwrit State Surcharoc TrJtt'l1 ChaJ.tlR8 I -- ENCROACHMENT -- Secu-M. tlj Deoosi t I Storage Maintena~e Permit Total Chapqas C'w'bcut Sid_Zk Fence Electrical Label Mobile Home '1'{)'l'i1f. AMOUNT DUE: ~ n:,; COl'nel' Panhmldle Cut-de-sac I I I I I , , I, I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I l, ':)ft.RS 0 I &&.501 I: I IISP:) I I fon.cO I I ~.COI I Co?J,CO' ' I CIIAHCg i I I I I I I I I I I CIlAh'1','/:; lo3 ,cq . ri..:[/1i ~ 'l \ I I I I I ,I I j IlEQ.- L-COG~ , , , Type/Cor.st: - - I I Enerqy Sources I Heat I Watal' Yrwtp.'f' I Range I LLLirep'Zace I r--f----WOod~ tOl-'O '11 ,I TI/DO Bedrooms: I [.at Faces - I I P.L. INol.th 1E.'nst ISouth Il,eat Sethiwks 1 Flou.se ___I Capaqe 'I' J I 1 I I I I ., 'I Access. , . , , II II 11 I I, Pees, I Building' Value & Permi't ; This pCl"TTr'':'t in grontixi on the expl'eDO condition that the na'id construction shatz, in all rooopccts, .conform to the Ordinance adopted by tho City of Spl'hlgfield. inc!uding~he Zoning (Jpd~nanceJ regulating. the construction and two of building,s. 'a~d m:zy be 8uapcmded 01' revoked at cny. time upon vio- lation oj' any provisions of said Ordinances. . I!, I \ I , I, , I' , 'i " I , " I Plan Check Fee: Data Paid: IRecdpt N: I Signed: , " , Plumbing Permit , No percon ohaZI conatMlct, inotal!, aZter or change any new cp existing plwnb-ing ot' drainage ayste.'1l .in whole Ol' in part, unless such 'pepson io the legal possessop of a valid plumbep's license, except that a person may do plwnbing /.Jork to pr'opel'ty which is m.med, leased 01' opei>a.ted 'by the appli- cant. ' " ~ '. " I: EleCtrical Permit , , I h~el'e State fKnJ l'equipea tr~t the electrical work be done by Ian Electrical Cont}'actol', the electric,al pOl'tion of this pettmit ohall 'not be vaZid until the label has been 8~gn~d by the EZectl'ical Contl'actor. I I' , I Mechanical Permit I I I I. I I I , . Plan Examtlle}' ua'Ce I HAVE: CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for pennit, and do hereby certify that all infoffllQtion hereon is tpue and COl.;pcct, and I furthe}' certify that any ar.d all work perfol":Tled shall be done in; acaol"- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the Ld..;s of the State of Ol'egQn pSl'taining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Building Di- vinion. I fUl'thcr certify that o:-zly contractors and e:rrpl:Jyeca who are in ccxnpZiance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this pl'oject SiOll.'!d D.7.te