HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-7-31 . ..-:-..._......:....'.l..,._~\ '.~;.'.~.' ,.",..___:_ '.. ".~'_'_" ..........!::.......c;:.;r~..,.,""""""..~...~~_...~."'._......;......,. .. RESID~T1AL" . APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street . SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 Buadin(j' 'Division 726-3753 ' ,SPRINGFIELD ~ Sf' ~ :s G/__c" ..,.. If-f))., -O-<l-I/t. "'r!Pfi Tc:r: l<>t Ro ",a. 1 Riel r,-e- , ~~.,., n Additicn n Remodel . n .'!obi.le Homa Date of Application 7/30 / e? G.'orl1::rac::ors &A.t1'"..kri-e.... c........? Job Location: Asaessors Map Ii Subdivision: , CUneI': .8. b rI- 84'" ho..,.O, /.1/~ 1'1 oS p ~d 0 V- I Address: City: '. General srY" # ;JC>;O?) 1.1)+/,7 \Pfl..V , , Phone: 7~t 1ft / ?7tj7~ '.. ....... .~. -'..' . Rcee;pt .iI ~ l. \ \' I Zip: Describe fl'ork: ~r~ . ~' ' Value (t C. 9.<. t Addres3 "4 bJ' P(J.Bi:>X /) -1A..nZ:.. l () 'X' " . '. l3t,gi~? ~ ~~ t,; I , \ \ 10 ( ,,~ly , ~.~ Sigr.cd\ A.~ ~~ _ Date: \~. A\ - H--:-; Lise. Fi. Eroir::s Phone 79/./V~1 Plwnbi".g 8...; I e ~ ..... &. ~ h Electrical Ad ~ ~- €' ,. c. r'r- L. l1echar.id ~.(-/e.". S'u"" T ';A eTa. ( C~nstl"Uction L;nder .. .~ A It is ths J-6sponsibility of ths permit holder to Bse that aU inDpections are made at -:he proper timE" tr.at. each :.ddress is '1'ea:iahZe froom the st'1'eot, and that the permit card is 'Located at the front of the property. . "\.... ~Bui?di!"".g Ir~l)i=ior: apprcn,:ed plan shezz. remain on the Building Site at all times. PROCSDUF~E FOR INSPECTION REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 {recorder} state your City designated job number, job adircss, type of in::;pec~icn raqucsrcd a~~ w~en you wi,Z be '1'eady for inspection, Contractors or Owners ncme and phone number. Reques~s received befere 7:00 ~ :..'iZZ be 1!".ade the same day, '1'equests mcie afta' 7:1)0 a:n !JiZZ be made the next :.JOrkin.; dab'. All project conditions, such as the installation of street t'1'ees, ea~lotian of trts required landscapir.g, etc., must be satiSfied before tr.e BUILDING FINAL can bo requestad. ;Qp.m.J1:r&>ri Tl'J,~"'!'r~ir.l'l..~ O SITE INSP!C'I'ION: To be made after e:ccavar;ian, but prior to set up of forms, ~O '\ I I X I U.'IDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & I lofECH.J../JICl.L: To be made before any wrk is c'f:.cred. [V1, 'POOTi/it' ?bUNDATIOll" To be trade ~ after r;~encnes are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouri"fJ CGncret.. 2'" "2 o.j ; Y' I UNDSRGF!~lJ P;'W.fBING. SEWER. W.1TER. /' DRAIllAGE: To be nr:z.:i.e prior to fi1.- lir.g trenches. ,Vl 'UllDERFLto.~ PW.',.'BJ,'IG & MECHANICAL, ~ To be "'~e prior to in3taZLation of floo'1' insuZation or decking. . )(1 POS~I/D sEA/.f: To be ".ado prior to insta,Zaticn of floor ins~Lation or deckin". 4 ~ . 1/ --v1 ROUGH P~~I!!C. ELECTF?ICAI. I: MECH- ~ AliICAL: No work is to be co~ered .ur.tiZ these inspectior.s have beer: ~e and aDorovec. ~\~I.t;EPLACE"" Prior to pZacir.g facing mar;el"'ia 1.s and before framing inspec- tior.. a ..::~~<: <I: ~ FP.A!!INC: Must be requsated after U approv.::l of rough pZwr.bing, electl'i- 1._ cal. & mechanical. Al.! roOfing V bracing & chimncys~ etc. nr..lst be ;' comvletcd. !Io IJOrk is to be con- - cea'led until thiD inspection has ~ be~n made. and approved. 2l ~ ZJ =:J "d"l FI/lAL PLUf.fBIIIG Yl FIliAL /.fE~HA.'IICAL \jP1 FINAL ELECTRICAL \t\ @ FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requeated c..f:e'1' the Final Plumbin; Electrical, and Mechar.ical Inspectiorw havo been made and approved. YOUl" Ci B1 Decigr.atcd Job Nwnber ID: CI J ~ I XI I/lSULATIOI//VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: /\ To be TTrlde after all- insu7.::.tum w.d '. required vapor barriers are in place , . but before any lath, gypswn board or t.X2lZ. covering is applied, and before any inDulation is concealed. II ~ DRYWALL INSP'ECTIDN: Tc be made L::I after an d:rytJatz. is in place" but p'1'ior to any taping. O !JASONRY: Steel. location, bond beams, gt'OUting 0'1' verticals in accordance !Jith V.B.C. Section 2415. D WOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmpleted. qo q I CURB & APPROACH APRON: Afte-:o forms are erected but prior ta pouring co~rete. SIDEWAL.'( & DRIt'EWAY: For all con- c'1'ete'paving Liithin street right- of-wc.y;..to be made after all exca- va'ting ccmpZete & form'work & ::ub- base material in place; ,,' 41o~ '11 DENOLITIO!.' OR ;~:OVE:; BUILDI.7CS =:J ,Sanitary se".Jer capped =t rn:.op&rt':i tinc " . =:J Septi, tank p:;,?d and filled LJith ii"'l:;al ~ Pinal - r{hen abeve ite.-:zs are cc.orroletcd ~ ~ ar.d when demolition is complete or st:-u-'- ture moved and premises cleaned up. Mobile Hcmes ~ Blocking and Set-up =:J Pl~~ing connections -- SDUcr and wa~er '-. --, Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up --.J a.nd plumbing conr.ections rrr..st ce approved .befo'1'c requesting elec:rical inspec:ion =:J Acces~o1"'.:l" Building :J Final - Aft&r porcr.es~ skirting, decks, etc. are cClmple-:&d. D -ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOllTS }.lUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!fE:1T TO BE f.!.1DE. J.T /.'0 C:JST TO CI"1'Y I Paf:e ! of 2 ! ~ o D !'ENCE: K'her. compZ<;te -- Provide. gates or movable sections through P,U.E. D , JOB NO..&705?!'7 SOLAR A~SS REQ.- O/( ,-'b' L-COG~ I' J) fc..- Gr"'"-. --=1" i'7?-1 ' . ;3' ' Zone: Oc:cupanc:u T;.;pe/Cor.st: Bedroo~s: :Lot Sq, Ftg. f57fi"3 LOT TYPE I Lot Faces - /1/"" 7J rA'- . I I Enern:J SO:.41'ces T,J~c .: Df ~t C:roer-ago: O~6 Interior I Setbacks I I Heat ~ ,""'-""m;>. I P.L. I HOl4se I CaraGe JAcCe"". I I Water .1!',-,at('r' cCl!TC7. ! # of Stories Z 7<.. Corner l/lorth /1> ~ <9'? I 1 Halle'; ,. :Total Height Zy~ Panhandle lEast 1/9,,1' I I III Fi 'f'CV lace CJ .c ~~R#.#L ~ /d':'~ CuZ-de-sac ISouth !~.s/i 1 I I I WCio,l:;t;ot:e : Topogr=phy IWest 17.3' I I I I I 'ITEN ' SQ.FTG X Value I J,'.fain I/'~S- I GcTaae ~:3"7 I Cal'Dort I 1 . Accessor:l I I I 1 I TOTAL t'ALUE 1~,9z&""" {VC:l.;.lC} I 'S.D.C. 1.5 x /t)o~,92. Building Permit State Surch:rrre Total Cha.::oges ITE/.! ;.'0'1 Fi=tures Residential ~ bath) sar.itaI'":! Sew~l' /' /1 5~NM 1fq,.9-/N~e=-1 :Jeter Plwnbir:g Per>:;:'"; t State Si.lI'cr.::..r'pe Tota! C'hc:raes ~TE..,: I ::0. I Res. Sa. ftc. /LRJ, / NdWlExtend Ci~cuits TEmpo~ary Service I Ele~t~ical Pe~t St::.te Su:r~ha.rae Total Charces :?~M I ;','Q. I FE:: 1/ I I J I 41"3' I I I :urn:Ice ETU' S E:=haus t Hood t'ent Fan i/:Jods to:Je Permi t Issuance Uedtar.ic::.l Pe~:m. t State Surchc~ac Totr. l Charo,,!; -- ElICROACHI.!E:,'T -- ~c~~ritu DZPo$it ;torape !aintcnar,.cc '~crmit Total. Char.'7cs .'w'';C'..l; 30 I$-5 iidl!".Jal.k ~'(!n::e I I I I I HAVE CAREFULLY EXANINED the compLeted appLication' fOr> permit, and do I hereby certify that aLl. i~fo~~tion hereon is. true and'cor~cct, and I further certify that any ar~ all uo~k perfo~cd shall be do~e in ac::or-. , dance ~th the Ordin~nce3 of the City of Springfield, and th: L~~s of the " State of Oreg:m p::r>t.:r.ining to the work described heroin, end ~;..a.t ".0 OCC!J- I PI'./lCY will be m:xde of any structtd'2 uithout parmis:;io~ of the Euilding D:.- /o/>Z>O 1 d.. vision. I further certify that o~ly contractors al';d e:npl..:Jyecs who arc it: I' c~pliance with ORB 701.05~ will be used on this project -=?'..?;>5" " , I I I I I j I I 'S:J'7. -I ""'I /6.7<::; !-,;.- IS56J.70 I. FEE CHARGE h, 67..5"'c> "ZG:>, 031:> /S'. ..... 1 -:<D,-- nz-;S"'c> b. 13 I _ S- /::<B.b31, I 07.50 I - I /~.,.,. 1 I ~2 .sDI y :<'.63'1- $-5: / -3'1 ' .....'''...t....::; CHAR~E 6 _ DC> 0/- S-e> /<.<:6e>- I ;2:2_50 I /-/7 1'~3'.'~3' I I I /6/</.::<6 ~lectr>icaZ Label .'obi le Home '::".-,~i. ^,'.::fl.J:.~' vii::: ~ Faes Building V.alue & Permit This permit ia granted on the express condition that.the said. construction shall, in all respcats, aonform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incLuding the Zoning Crdinance, reguZating the ccnst~H~ticn and use of buildings, and may be suspended OP revoked at cr.y time upon vic- lation of any pr~visions of said Ordir~nces. , .' . , /.... I Plan Chac k Date Paid: I Receipt' H: I Sig"ed: I . I I I Plumbing Fee: '21"7.Z0 7-3/-~ ;/ ~&'?/? A.? Permit No pereon shaZl construct, instalL, aLter o~ change cny neW cr e=isting plumbir4' or drainage system in ~~le or.in part, unless such pe~son'is the legal possessor of 'a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a pe~son ma~ do plumbing work to prope~~~ which. is o~~ed, leased or operated by the appli- cant. .. ,.. , , ... Electrical Perm it Where State Law requires tr~t the electrical worK be done bu an Electrical. Contractor, the elec~rical po~tion of thi~ pe~it shaLL not~be valid until the Zabel has been :;igneci by the Electrical C011::ractor, Mechanical Permit -t." , . ~;:??~ ,g - S-g-::> uate ;~~ VG/tP7 T r