HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1993-8-31 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION Inspcctions: 726.3769 Office: 726.3759 I.OCATION OF PROPOSED WORK' 18 02 05 2 1 ASSESSORS MAP: LOT: 125_,}.\__ . SPRINGFIELD 4461 Glacier Street . q~A JOB NUMBER 225 Flf.th Strect Springfield, Oregon 97477 # SP 6.9 .', :'1 4200 BLOCI<" TAX LOT' SUBDIVISION' Lucerne Meadows OWNER: Capstone Homes, Inc, of Oregon ADDRESS: p.n Rm<' 22li11i GITY:._ Eugene, OR 97402 STATE' NEW)fX__.., REMODEL __.__ ADDITION Single Family Residence DEMOLISH OTHER DESCRIBE WORI(' 689-5567 P,HONF' ZIP' '.1' ;1 CON ST. GONTRACTOR'S NAME ADDFlESS CONTRACTOR · , Capstone Homes, Inc. of OR P.O.B. 22636 Eug.,OR 97402 62018 bENERAL: _.,.....,...__..___._,...._,.,_.__.._.._'_.._'_.. --- , . Fridlund Plumbing 85628 Dilley Lane Eug.,OR 97405 II.UM8ING. .....m . m'" .._,__.,..,..,__,.__,__..._....,___.._'_____'_ . Garibay Heating 4207 w".. 5th Ave. ,Eug. ,OF. 97402 ' M EC H AN ICA L.... ,..____._..____,_____.. ,.----.... ----,---..- ,- I,LECTRICAL:_~auck/HammeF Elec..<!~:3.S. 68th PI... Spfld, OR 97478 '~i . , QUAD AnEA: __c3.R.~ ~-- . OF BLDGS: --- -0-:;'-----"--. OCCY GnOup: _D.~t..M...._ . OF STORIE~: ~__~--_'- WATER HEATER. _ _"",\ -- - OFFICE USE - \\\J . OF UNITS: _ \ CONSTR. TYPE: ..il f'J ~EAT SOURCE: \='G _'F > LAND USE: RANGE: . 'PHONE ' . 689-5567 746-9433 344-24~1. 744-1165 '.;1 I EXPIRES, 10-18-93 51835 "70545 12-14-93 12:-21-?3 89423 ,3-5-94 . " .. FLOOD PLAIN: ZONING CODE: I fl~L ,a, SECONDARY HEAT: ~\:::~..) ,-.....: SQUARE FOOTAGE: H'C7\U . OF BDRMS: To request an inspection, you must call 726-3769. This Is a 24 hour recording. All Inspections requested before 7:00 a.m. wIll be made the same working day. Inspections requeslcd a~tcr 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. ~ Temporary Electric D Silo Inspection - To be made .after excavation, but prior to setting forms. D Undcrslnb Plumbln{]/Eleclrlcnl/ Mechanical - Prior to cover. rvl .Foollng - After trenches are Lp"' excavated. D Masonry - Sleel location, bond beams, grouting. . r:;;:-f F~undatloll - After forms are L.:;tt erected bu t prior to concrete placement. o Underground Plumbing - PrIor to filling ,trench. rVl Y,nderlloor Plumbtng/Mech~nlcal ~ _ Prior to Insulation or decklnu. f'71 Posl and Beam - Prior to floor / Insulation or decking. ~ Floor Insulation - Prior to l,C:l decking. r"l1 Sanitary Sewer - Prior to tilling ~trcnch. . ~ Storm Sewer - Prior to filling ~ trench. ~Wator LIne - Prior to filling ~-Ironch. fV1 Rough Plumbing - Prior to ~ cover, REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ~Rough Mechanical - Prior to ~ cover. ~l Rough Electric:11 - Prior 10 ~ Gover. K'7'f Electrical Service - Must be IAJ approved to obtain permanent electrical power. ~' ,. Fireplace - Prior to facing materials and framing Insp. (2Sl Framing - Prior to cover, ~ Wail/Ceiling Insulation - Prior to ~ cover, tgj Drywall - Prlor;to taping. o Wood Stove - Aller Ins lallation. D Insert - Alter fireplace approval and Installation of unit. IV1 Curbcut & Approach - After 'AI forms arc erectod but prior to placement of concrete, i'tIf Sldowalk& Driveway - Aller ~ excavation 15 complete, (orms and sub.base material In place. o Fence - When completed. o Slreet Trees - When all roqulred trees are planted. !II' rD. Final Plumbing - WIlen all l.2\I plumbing worl, Is complet.e. J'VI1' Final Electrical -~When all ~ olectrl~~1 worl< is compl.ete. ~Final Mochanical - When all ~mechanlcal work Is complete. /' ~ Final Building - W'llen all ~requlred Inspections hav9 boon approved and building is . completed. I .1 o Other MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS 'j:', o Blocking and Sel'Up ~ Whcn all. blocking Is complelc. D Plumbing Connections - Wh~n home has been connected to water and sewer, ,: ~ D Eloctrical Connection - When blocking, set'llp, and plumbing Inspections have been appr'oved and the home Is connected to the service panel. I D Final - After all rcqulred Inspections are approved and porches, sklrtln'g, decl<s, and'..' venting have been Installed. ,,;, I, JI i . Lot sq. fig. Interior Setbacks r-r---I-I---l P.L. HSE GAR ACC ~.~-- N ----- . IS THE PROPOSED WORK,IN THE . HISTORICAL DISTRICT, OR''()N ,',' THE HISTORICAL1 REGISTER? .', . Lot faces Lol Type Lot coverage Corner Topography -s PanhamJlc ,L- ___ ___ -- '.. W --- ----- -- -.-.-- If YC5, this application'rnu~n be signed and nppIOVC(J by 1110 Hlslorlcal,,'!I.1 Coordinator prior to permit IS,suanec. ~:y Cul.dc-sac ~~,____..... 'n'____',_" .. , Tolal holght BUILDING PERMIT sa. FT. \4~() 4Nl_ x 6\~.~ (}q~9a\- 1-\ . \ _ __~~O ITEM Main Gmagc Carport [~\n ,~C\\, \q$ ~ \f,) ffi SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) 1fS ~ z,1!> , (B) H' :k.'Z-O?; ""-:" Total Value Building Permit Fee Slate Surcharge Total Fcc (A) PLUMBING PERIXJIT ITEM FEE Fixtures N"'~ 19f1:4J Resldenllal Bath(s) Sanl tmy Sewer FT. Water FT. Storm Sewer FT. Mobile Home Plumbing Permit 1~.50 CUp::) ~()f). . 1-.3 locfJ 4.::P 10,CU t~.OO ___3-<:Jg -d;)-~--- ,qlo .5() In.oD '1.93 ~?-'..~ --=) State Surcharge Total Charge (C) MECHANICAL PERMIT Furnace Exhaust Hood Vent Fan N' !:l Wood StovcllnscrtlFlreplnce Unit Dryor Vent _cy\ [) -2\ fA_fa. \ . \ ----\ Mechanical Pc mil Issuance State Surcharge Total Permit (D) MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile Home State Issuance Stato Surchargo Sidewalk C\n It 2.{J It ri' -:l, cy:) \4.50 Curbcut Demolition s~.c Surchargn ".~ l. y\t\ \\ '(.Jl l...)\ (11 . ) Total Miscellaneous Permits (E) ~co TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (excluding electrical) (A, B, C. D, and. E Combined) . I ,I ,I' ^PPROVED: ,_______..___._____._ BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT . This permit is granted on Ihe express condition Ihat'll1e {i"Liid construction shall, in all rcspccts, conform to tllC Ordinance., adolJ(cd uy the City of SlJrinnfleld, IncludinO 1110 Developmenl Code, retlulaling Ihe conslrllction and llr.C o(l~: .bulldintlS, and may be suspended or rovolmd n\ any timo upon violation of any prOVisions of said ordinances, 'I Plan Check Fcc: _,___ Date Paid: Receipl Number' Received By: ' ~~~- ./~~:'\ (-Clfe" Systems Developrnent Charge is due on all undeveloped , '" properties within 1l1e City limits which are being Improved. ADDITIONAL COMMENTS .., ~~'.n~o9'1?f~~ ----,--, \ . M hs'i-tG-~ ,S( R"OQ--i. :a"QL ~CA:(..~.s . ~tL.~ .n",)\. ~O nt~tM '>5' f)i ~ (\ 1 " \ J. ' i~h~-~~-rr~ -:q3/T?f7~j " " .By slgnalure,l state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do ~ercby cerllfy {1mI'; dll ,1 Informalion hereon is.true and correcl, and I further cerllry. . " " tll~l any a.n~ all work performed shall be done Ir~ ~ccordancc with tho Ordinances of the City of Springri~ld, and tile Caws' of the Slale or Ore{lon pertaining. 10 .the worl~ de5crib~d ~l 1 herein, and lhal NO OCCUPANCY will '1J1~ lIwde of <.Iny struclmo without pemli:i~ion of lh~ Building Silfcty OivitilO!l, I further certify tllat only ~ontractors and elTllJloyecs who arc In compliance willl ORS 701.055 will be used on U,ls project. "'IPi)"., I further agree to ensure 1I1al all required'inspections are requested at 1110 proper time, that each address Is readable Irom the street, thal tllO permit ~a~d is located at the r'lont I ~.. . of the properly, and the approved.sel of plans will rom:lin , on Ihe site al all times during construction. ~lgnaIU~~-~A/ca Dale // - <. -..<2..s C' " I" VALIDATION: RECEIPT NUMBEFI \ /) \ ::10 <p, ,3.\ . C\S ., '" ! ,il.\. DATE PAID AMOUNT RECEIVI\D~' nl"~I:IVED OY -llil\~ 'I , ' , ... . .JOB NO. (1'~oS"'4- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE I WORKSHEET (COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL) NAME OR COMPANY: CAps,ot-Jf3. I-Iomes , INC. Or=- (JeE6-CJN LOCATION: 4J/~1 G/...ftGlEJZ,. 5,. /g()zoS~1 ./..f7--DO DEVELOPMENT TYPE: i-r;>f! - NeW .5FR.. BUILDING SIZE: 1. STORM DRAINAGE IMPERVIOUS SQ. FT. LOT S~ZE SQ. Ft. I '6r..9 X $0.203 PER SQ. FT. ~?7"1~) ........ .--/ 2. SANITARY SEWER-CITY NO. OF PFU'S (See Reverse) '"Z-:; . X $42,08 PER PFU (1"7Sj ~ '--.. ,-/'" .' 3. TRANSPORTATION NO OF UNITS X TRIP RATE X COST PER TRIP ~ X 4. SANITARY SEWER-MWMC NO. OF PFU'S -z.~ x $15.125 PER PFU + $10 MWMC ADM FEE S -:;<57'i!1 . (Use PFU Total From Item 2 Above) MWMC CREDIT IF APPLICABLE (SEE REVERSE) S -=75 ~ . 0Z-f ~~ TOTAL-MWMC SDC ~ ~ SUBTOTAL (ADD ITEMS 1,2,3 & 4) S --z.o&f 'i( '!oJ=. X $424.31 ~I.f 2-8 $1.) '-. .-/ ' $ $ I X I. Of X $424.31 X X $424.31 5. ADMINISTRATIVE FEES BASE CHARGE (SUBTOTAL ABOVE) X .05 ~' ~~Lk /O/6/Q?" CI Kip Burdick SDC Coordinator ~/O~~ , , '2,.6 TOTAL SDC $ -ZZo? - FIXTURE UNIT ,CALCU LA TI. TABLE: Number of New Fixtures X lA:quivalent = Fixture Units (NOTE: For remodels, calculate only the NET additionallixtures) ... ~, . NUMBER OF UNIT FIXTURE FIXTURE TYPE NEW FIXTURES EOUIVALENT UNITS I 2 1 2 3 6 2 6 ,6 1 3 2 l/Head 2 2 1 6 4 1- .c.I' I Bathtub.....,.......... ...................................................... Drinking Fountain..................................................... Roor Drain............................................ ...,...,...... ,..... Interceptors For Grease/Oil/Sollds/Etc................. Interceptors For Sand/Auto Wash/Etc.................. Laundry Tub/Ootheswas.her.......:...:....................... . Ootheswa~er - 3 Or More.......'.....,..............,......... MobUe Hdnie Park Trap (1 Per Trailer)....:............. Receptor F"9r Refrigerator {Water Station/Etc........ Receptor For CommercIal Sink/Dishwasher/Etc., Shower, Single .StalI.....,.......... ......... ........ ..,............. Shower, Gang........................................................... Sink, Bar, CommerciaL............,.............................. Urinal, StaIlJWalI.................... .......... ............ ............. Wash Basin/Lavatory, Single,.........,....................... Water Ooset, Public' Installation............................. Water Ooset, Private....,.......................................... Miscellaneous: '2.- I 7.. "Z. 3- ? ~ /7.- , TOTAL FIXTURE UNITS = -Z~ CREDIT CALCULATION TABLE: Based on assessed value. If improvements occurred after annexation date in table calculate credIts, separates, Year Rate per $1,000 Annexed Assessed Value 1979 or before $3.21 1980 3.13 1981 3.08 1982 2,96 '\ 1983 2,82 1984 2,68 '1985 2.51 Year' Annexed Rate per $1,000 Assessed Value 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 S 2,24 1.93 1.57 1.18 0.79 0,44 0,28 r I. " . Improvement ("If after annexation date) 3.']...1 X $-1.,.0 (Rate X Assessed Value) X $ (Rate X Assessed Value) CREDIT TOTAL ?'7~...!- . "Credit for Parcel or Land Only If Applicable = '2..'7'3J. = $ ~ RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS FOR,STORM DRAINAGE ResidentiaI....................;.........,~...:;...,.......,;.....'.. 0,4 Commercial..,......,...,...,....................:".........,... 0,9 IndustriaL...............,.......................,."....,........, 0,45 GovernmentaL.....,......,.........,............,............. 0.5 IMPERVIOUS AREA = TOTAL lOT SIZE X RUNOFF COEFFICIENT