HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1994-5-24 SIGN PERMIT APPLlCATIO. ~ JOB.BEn q'\O\~ no "0111, Stleel Sprilluli"hJ, on 97~77 Inspaction Una: 720.3769 Oftice: 726-3759 l.OCATlON OF Pnoposm wonK: 3660 Gateway Street, Springfield OR 97477 ASSfssons MAP: 17-03-15-00 TAX Lon 5101 & 5102 OWNEn: SMITH'S HOME FURNISHINGS (WALT MULVEY) PHONE: 682-3222 ADDnESS: 25600 SW Parkway Center Drive, Wilsonville. OR 97070 CITY: Wilsonville STATE: Oreaon ZIP: 97070 BUSINESS NAME. FtnM ETC,: SAME AS ABOVE [)[SCflWTlON OF pnOPOSED SIGNISI: Iplease check and complete all appropriate informationl X Wall Freestanding _ Projecting Roof Marquee Single Fnce Double Face Billboard Other Square Fuol3ue: .0_' 95' sq. TOlal Height above Grade: lq I Vertical Dimlmsioll of siUIl or enclusure: 4'0" Horilont(1! Width of sign or enclosure: 23'9" t)ill'\{~nsiull lrom Grade II) lJotlOlO 01 SifJlI: 15 . Electrical Installalio lit yes additional p t2~~[ --1 No ,VALUE: $4,000.00 ;vlateri:ll Sign is constructed of: A ..ist ALL existinu siunage and attach a photograph of each sign: New Construction/No existing signs 101 Type __.0' Sq, FtO, 1111 Type Sq. Ftg, Ie) Type Sq, Ftg, Id) Type Sq, Ftg, :ONTftACTon/INSTALLER: HEATH SIGNS PHONE: 232-2620 \oonESS: 4644 SE 17th Ave. :ITY: Portland STATE: Ore<Jj:ln ZIP: Q77n7 :ONSTnucrrON CONTRACTORS nEGISTRA TION NUMBEn: 64263 EXptnES: ;I/q/q<; :rry BUSINESS LICENSE NUMBER: _9302~_______ EXPIRES: 6/30/94 OFFICE USE ;iOl' District::::I:.-:_~ ~ .6 ;iUn Permit Fee: __.!:\~~_ Land Use: o ~ Quad Area: \~ Code Section:, q: '\ - \ ~ (\ '\ Approved By: ~ E: e;.~~.~4 ~ollino: IEOUIRm INSPECTIONS: ____ Site u be !nade prior o sian placement Footing prior to placement of concrete ~ Attachment after fasteners are installed/prior to cover -K Electrical prior to energizing \/ Final ~ion of sign installation \tJdilion:l1 Comments DIH.JIor Conditions: Iy siUll<lture. I staw and agree, that I 11ClVC carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that nil informntiun Ilcre;n ~ lIue .:llld correct, nlld I further certily th,H ally (Ind all work perl armed s~1(J1I be done in accordance with the Ordinallces or the City 01 ;prill!Jlillld. and tllC Laws of the StoW of Oregon pcrwininy to tl10 work described herein. I further certify that only contr[lctors [lnd 11lpluV(:cs who are in compliance with ORS 701.055 willlJe used on this project. turttwr auree to en~ure tlla1 all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that project address is readable from the street, that lIe permit CUft '. lCtlt' at the f t 01 tt (openy, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during the inswllation " tile signlsl, Date 4/26/94 ;iUnJtUlc Received By: ~ lalidtlliun: OSTERMAN _ . Amount neceived: ~1.~ Receipt Number: \&-qO,~ Date Paid: . . UPL6 ~IO '1'Ioll~lI!_IlIS lao.llS '1I.1!!1 SZZ 1I0!S!^!G AP.lr.S ftU!PI!IlU P[oU~lI!.ldS .lOA!!::> '6SLc-9lL Ie lll"SIMO A10JeS 5utpl!no alp OUOLld 01 aOJj I'WI aseald 'suo!loadsu! JO SUl1ld pf)J!nboJ 'llOpB:J!ldde ~n.H BUH)J(?u;:)J SLlo!lsanb Auc \lMHI noA JI 'Aep ~JOM DUIMOIIOI a41 apew aq II!M 'w'e OO:L Jalle III pall04d sllo!lJadsul lie 'Aep QlIl~JOM awes a41 apew aq 111M 'w'e OO:L ot JO!Jd JapJOJaJ a41 01 U! palleJ suo!IJadsu! 11\1 'llOIIJadsll! a41 JOI ApeaJ aq 11'M noA ua4M pue 'DuIISanbaJ aJe noA uO!IJadsu! )0 adAI a41 'pallelsul Dlllaq 51 llDIS a41 aJa4M 10 UO!leJOI 'JaqwnN qor paleuDlsao AIIJ JnoA aMal .01 paau 111M noA Du!pJoJaJ a41 uO 'DuIpJOJaJ Jn04 vl e 51 5141 '69Lc-9lL au04d 'llOIIJadslI! lie IsanbaJ 01 '~JO^^ }O SjCAJOIU! pOJlnbaJ a411e uDls a41lJadsu! 01 JapJo ll! le^OwaJ uD!s UI IlnsaJ plnOJ suolloadslll paJ!nbaJ a41 10 AN\I IsanllaJ 01 aJnI'eJ 'ssaooJd Ma!MJ lleld a41 Bu!,np uO!leo!ldde a41110 paleolpul aq 11'M llDIS ol/loads JnoA JOI paJ!nbaJ am le41 SUO!lOadSll! a41 'ala,dwoo S! UO!lellelSlll llBIS a41 pue paMJdde plle papnpuoo am suo!IJadsu! paJ!nbaJ lie JaiN :le'"J 'DlllZiBJalla 01 Jo!,d Inq 'apew 51 uB!s a41 01 1l0!lJaUUoo leo!,loala a41 Jalje palSanbaJ aq 01 :leo!'IJOI3 'Ja^OJ 01 JOIJd lnq pallelslll aJp. SJallalSei lie ua4M palSanbaJ aq 01 :lUaunpr.llV 'uopondsu! S!~l GU!lSanbaJ 0) Jopd aoeld 1I! aq 05111 lsnw I! 'OU!)DOJ ;)41 U! pt)~eld 1!nptl03 1E?:)!J1:}riltJ aq U!M 8J,nu II '<)l;)JOUQ:J 6U!Jnod 01 Jopd Inq 'pallClSu! ale SUllO} 841 pue llO!ll~^e:Jxa J81J8 pOlsanbnJ aq 01 :l3\J!lOO,j 'uD!s pasodoJd rilp JO UO!ll?::IOI 8tH vo uO!lsanb e S! OJ8L11 J1 paJ!nbaJ S! UO!10adsu! S!Lll 'u5!s 8Lll JO UO!18I1elSU! 841 JOj pawJoJJad Bu!nq )jJOM Aue 01 JO!Jd lnq 'pall?OOI aq II!M uB!s pasodoJd aLp DJDLlM 101 a41 uo ()U!W:l!PU! Jalll? p.nsanbaJ aq 01 :.:>1!S :ufi!s moA }O uOllollelsul a41 5uIJnp SUO!IJadsll! DlllMOIIOj a41 10 110 JO auo IsanbaJ 01 pOJlnbaJ aq Aew noA '{S)ll,D!S moA uo BUIpuad"o SNOl1J3dSNI 'a:JuaJaJaJ sJol:Jadsuj aLjl JO} palSanbaJ S! uO!lOadsu! ue uaLlM 81!S 841 le. aq 01 paau SBU!Ml?Jp JO las pa^oJdde aLlJ. 'noA 01 paumlaJ aq !I!M las auo 'pa^oJdde S! (s)u6!s moA J! 'pue 'pal aid woo s! ssaooJd Ma!^aJ uetd a41 JaIN 'Jaau!Bua paJals!BaJ e Aq padwels pue paJedaJd aq 01 spaau lIelap QU!lOOI a41 '14B!aq lelOI uI lOal OZ' spaaoxa LIO!LlM uB!s 6U!puC1SaaJJ c 6u!lIC1S.U] aJl? noA II 'paU?OOI aq U!M U61S pasodoJd aLl1 3Ja4M BU!ll?o!pU! ue/d logl e. PUl? '1461aLl IB101 'SUO!Suaw!p liB 6U!MOLjS s6U!Ml?Jp }O SlGS .}laldwoo OMl ;;uea;;ud 01 paau noA '1!WJDd uB!s e 10, l!wqns 0.1 SN\lld 'uolleo!ldde a41 uo palS!I aq 01 spaau OS Ie llB!s QUIls!xa 4Jea 10 aZis a41 'UOIIOJ!lddo 9lll 01 pOl.peue 9q 01 spaau uB!s GunS!X9 4099 JO ISl4dBJG0104d 9 'su6!s Bu!pUe1SaaJJ JO/pue lIeM GU!1S!xa aJe aJaLjl II .uO!leO!ldde leJ!J\oala a41 uD!s Aew noA 'JlasmoA UO!lelleISU! leJ"IJal" a41 Bll!wJOIJad aq 111M noA pue 'DuIAdnJJO aJp. noA 4014M U! 5U1PI!nq aLll SUMO OSje OLlM JaUMO ssau!snq aLl1 aJe noA I! JO '1010eJ1uo:J 18o!110aja Ue!S pal!w!l 'ue!:J!11:)~W) 6U!S!Madns e JDlH!a Aq pau6!s PUl? palaldwoo aq 01 spaau OSl!? UO!WO!ldde 1!UlJaclleOpl:lalfl ue 'paHW!Wnll! S! 6u!sodOJll ::JJP. noA utJ!S t'lIlllI 'llJeO jO alep UO!leJ!dxD fILj1lH!M 6UOj!1 UO!ll?oqdde fILl1 uo palS!1 ale PJe08 SJ01:1l?JlUoJ lIo!lonJlsuo:J U068JO 10 ::qelS :)ljl WOJf J;;HlU1nN uOneJ1s!6DU m.jl PUl? JaqwnN asuao!l ssau!sng PF1!Jf3u!JdS 10 Al!:::> ;:}lll II10q lP.q) nms D>iP.ll./ 0) p:>tlU noA 'JOIO!lJlllO:1 C.611!J!l/ flJC noA I! JO 'JiJIIHISll!/J01:lP.J1110:J uO!S mo aJe noA II .^I::JJ!WiJ nnH>ldl1lo:) nq 01 sptlau anlS':>SJ;'MaJ ?ll1 110 llO!ln:>!lcldr! :aU. NOl1VJIlddV 111/1JU3d N~tS SIGN PERMIT APPLlCATIO~ :!~G I-Ilt/l SlfClH Sprinoli"ld, OR 97~77 ~ JOB.BER Inspaction Lina: 720.3769 Office: 726-3759 q~~3 l.OCATlON OF PROPOSED WORK: 3660 Gateway Street, Springfield OR 97477 ASSESSORS MAP: 17-03-15-00 TAXl.OT: 5101:1& 5102 OWNER: SMITH'S HOME FURNISHINGS (WALT MULVEY) PHONE: 682-3222 ADDRESS: 25600 SW Parkway Center Drive, Wilsonville, OR 97070 CITY: Wilsonville STATE: Oreqon ZIP: 97070 BUSINESS NAME. FIRM ETC.: SAME AS ABOVE [)Estrlll~TlON OF PflOPOSED SIGNISI: Iplease check and complete all appropriate information) X W"II Freestanding _ Projecting Roof Marquee Sino I" Fnce Double Face Billboard Other Total Height above Grade: ~2.' SquarE: Footaue: 951 sq. Vl:f1iC;ll Oimvllsioll of sinn or enclusure: 4'on tal Width of sign or enclosure: 23'9n Din'WIIsiul1 frorn Grade 10 lillll",n 01 Sion: 28' Electrical InsWII"ti (If yes additional No VAl.UE: $4,000.00 Matcti;l] Sign is constructed of: (}UwJ~ /~ / l.iS! All existino $.ionaoe and attach a photograph of each sign: New Construction/No existing signs I,,) Type _____ Sq, FtO, lul Type SQ, FIO. lei Type SQ. Ftg, Idl Type SQ. FtO, CONTflACTOR/INSTAllER: HEATH SIGNS 4644 SE 17th Ave. PHONE: 212-?ji20 AQDnESS: CITY: Portland STATE: Ore ann ZIP: q77n7 CONSTHUCTION CONTflACTORS REGISTRATION NUMBER: 64263 EXPIRES: 2/9/95 CITY OUSINESS LICENSE NUMOER: EXPIRES: OFFICE USE - SjUI\Ojstrict:~~ Zonino: (' ~ Sion Permit Fee: -}-J.D 00 land Use: ~() OuaJ.Area: \~ JO.,..t...) Code Section: {~- '1. I ~ ( ,"\ APprOVedBY:~~(w.r .....DATE: ~.2.3.~ REOUIRED I,NSPECTIONS: Site to be Illade prior to sign placement Footing prior to placement of concrete X Attachment after fasteners are installed/prior to cover $ Electrical prior to energizing -X-Final completion of sign installation AdditionJI CornnH!nts <llld/or Conditions: By sio"ature, I staw tlnd agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all informatiun herein IS liue Jlltl correct, and I further certify thilt any and all work performed sh<.lll be done in accordance with the Ordimlllces of the City ul Splingfield, nnd the Laws of the Stilte of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein. I further certify that only contractors <lnd t~lllploy(:cs who arc in compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. Ilurttll..:r aUree to ensure tl1at all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that project address is readable from the street, that the permit C<.If( '. >cat I at the' t of t roperty, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during the instnllation of Ihe $ionlsl. Signature Date 4/26/94 AN OSTERMAN Receipt Number: ,-Ci) 1~q3~ / Date Paid: Received By: ,y~ 1) - V:llidatiull: Amount Received: . . LLPL6 ~IO 'PP!.I:tll!.IdS laa.11S 4'.I!,~ SZZ UU!S!^!O .(1~.Ir.S :fll!PI!IlU PPtl:tll!-,dS .Iu.(I!;) '69L8-9ZL Ie 1IIllS'^'O AlOleS 511lpl'n8 a41 all04d 01 aaJ) laa) aseald 'sllO!lJadslI! JO Slleld paJ!nhaJ 'll~!leJ!ldde a41 51l!pWOaJ SlIOllsanh Aue aM"l nOA !I 'Mp ~JOM 5U!MOII0) a41 apew aq II!M 'w'e OO:L Jalle u! pall04d suo!IJadsul lie 'Aep Olll~JOM awes a41 apew aq II!M 'w'e OO:L 01 JOjJd JapJoJaJ a41 Olll! palleJ sllo!padsu! 11\1 'UO!lJadsll! a41 JO) ApeaJ aq II!M nOA ua4M pue '511!lSanbaJ aJe nOA 1l0!IJadsu! )0 adAI a41 'pallelSu! 5u!aq S! u5!s a41 "Ja4M)0 uO!leJOI 'JaqwnN qor paleu5!sao AI!J meA aMal 01 paau II!M nOA 5u!pJoJaJ a41 uO '5uIpJOJaJ m04 PO e SI S!41 '69L8-9oL au04d 'uopJadslI! lle ISanbaJ 01 ')jJOM 10 SI8AJ;)lU! paJinbaJ a411e 1151S a41lJadsll! 01 JapJo "! le^owaJ ll5!s "! IlnsaJ plnoJ sllopJadslI! paJ!nbaJ a41 10 AN\1ISantJaJ 01 aml'e~ 'ssaJoJd Ma!^aJ lleld a41 511jJnp llO!leJ!ldde a41ll0 paleJ!pll! aq 111M 115!s Jll'Jads mOA JO) paJ!nbaJ aJe le41 suo!lJadsll! a41 'alaldwoJ S! uOllellelSll! 115!s a41 plle pa^oJdde pue palJnpllOJ am suo!IJadsu! paJinbaJ lie JaIN :Ielll~ '51llZl5Jalla ,01 JOjJd Inq 'apew 51 u5!s a41 01 1l0lpallUOJ leJjJ1Jala a41 Jal)e palSanbaJ aq 01 :1eJ!J\JaI3 'J.MO:J 01 JOpd lnq pauelSU! tue SJau~nsej lit? uaLlM ptHSanb.u aq Dol :lUaUllpCllV 'uo!l:mdsu! S!41 GU!lSanbaJ 01 Jopd a::mld u! aq OSI!? lsnUl I! 'Bu!lODI \)41 U! p;)~eld 1!npl103 IC:J!J1:)810 aq Il!M aJ.H.jl II 'DlaJ:JuO:J BU!Jnod 01 Jopd Inq 'paIlBlSLJ! .ue SlllJO' 841 pue LJO!ll~M?::lX~ 181'8 palsanbtJ} nq 01 :OI'!IOO;l 'UU!S pasodoJd ::all ,0 UO!lt?:JOI aLll ue uO!lsanb e S! .:lJal.jl J! pi)J!nbaJ S! uO!l:Jadsu! 5!41 'lIB!s alH }O uO!lellelSu! aLp JOj pawJopad 6u!aq '110M Aua 0) JO!Jd Inq p.;lleool.aq Il!M uB!s pasodoJd 841 aJ8LjM 101 ~H.n LID f)tI!ll1:l!PU! Jalje prilsanbaJ aq O.L' :Ol!S . :u5!s moA '0 1I0)1OIIelSlI! ~41 ~llpnp sllo!padsll! 51llMOIIOI a41 )0 lie JO allO IsantJaJ 01 paJ!ntJaJ aq Aew nOA '(s)1l5IS JIlOA UO Oll!pUadao SNOID3dSNI 'aJUaJal8J sJolJadsu! a41 JOI palsanbaJ S! 1l0!IJadsll! lie lla4M aIls a41 Ie aq 01 paau S6U!MeJp '0 1as pa^oJdde a41. 'noA 01 paUJn1aJ aq U!M 1as auo 'pa^oJdde S! (s)uB!s JnoA J! 'pUB 'pa1Dldwoo S! ssaooJd M81^aJ lleld a41 J81):I( :Jaall!5ua paJ81S!6aJ e .Aq padwelS pue paJedaJd .aii.OI spaall I!elap OU!IOOI 841 '146!aq lelol "! laa) O~ spaaoxD 4::>!4M u6Js 6U!pUC1SaaJJ c 6U!IIC1SU! am no}. H 'pale::>OI 8q U!M u6!s pasodoJd alH DJCl4M 6UpI?3!PU! ueld 10lrl e. pUB '146!a4 IBIN 'SUo!suaw!p liB 6U!M04S S6U!MBJp JO sws Cl1Clldwoo OMI flJBdnJd 01 paau noA 'l!WJDd uG!S e JOJ l!UJqns Ool SN\11d 'UO!leO!ldde a41 uo palS!! aq 01 spaau os Ie uB!s BU!IS!Xa 40ea JO ClZ!S a41. 'uolleO!ldde aliI 01 pa4J9119 9q 01 sp9au uO!S OU!lS!Xa 4J9a 10 (S14d9J50I04d 9 'S1l5!S Ou!pllelsaaJj JO/plle lIeM Olll\SIXa aJe aJa41 !I 'uO!leO!ldde leJ!JlJala a4t u5!s Aew nOA ')laSJIlOA UO!lelletsU! leJplJala a41 5u!wJojJad aq II!M nOA pue '5U!AdnJJo am nOA 4J!4M uJ 6uJPI!nq a41 SUMO Osp:? 04M JaUMO ssau!snq a41 ClJB noA I! JD 'JOIOeJluOO leop1oala vB!s pal!W!1 'Ue!Op10ClIB 6u!s!^Jadns p. JfllH!a Aq pauG!s pue pcnajdwo::> 8q 01 spaau oSla UOPCO!ldde l!UlJarlIC:l!Jl:l;lI;l tJe 'palHU!Wnll! S! fll,!SorlDJcl am noA lI(l!S "'1111 'lpCD JO ClICP UO!lCJ!dxn i34ll11!M fiUDIC uoneo!ldde alll UD pals!1 ale pm08 SJ01:>eJlUOJ llO!wnJ1SuOJ UOBflJQ )0 .:neIS :)lll WOJf JaqulnN uO!l~Jls!6Qll mn pue JaqlUnN asu;.l:J!l ssau!sng Pla!J6lqJdS 10 Al!J rilll tl1O'1 U'HU ;)ms a)jp.U1 Ot p~Wll noA 'J01~H!J1110:> e.fill!J!lI <JJC noA I! JO 'Jtllllnsll'/J01~P.J1"O:) uO!S tHjl am noA II 'AlaJ!HI<l p<11nlrJllIo:l <1(1 01 spn<JlI arHs~r)SJ<J^:)J'?'-1l \10 IJO!lll:)!I{ldr! :ltll. NOlL VJllddV 11V'JU3d N81S c . . The following proJ.ct as submmed hIlS the following zoning, and doc:s not require specH'lc land use 225 FIFTH STREET approv.I, ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 Zon!n" tv (]..1I\\./'I,"J..__ INSPECTION REQUEST: 726-3769 ' City Job Number --~ ~~ ) OFFICE: . 726-3759 Deto_5~_~'f SMITH'S HCME FURNI~l;Il~~,d Sh1no.ture JJ."" 3 . 1. LOCATION OF INST~'tIQt!.... - 3660 s.. --"-".., -, M.( .,(:2(\0 t':"(~'1 I \ A. J!lm~?PiON Of1\O \ JOB DESCRIPTION' ALARM SYSTEM Permits are non-transferable and expire if work is not started within 180 days of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 days. 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY Electrical Contractor HONEYWELL Address 15495 SW Seauoia Pkwv Ste 100 Ci ty Pnrt-l Finn Phone....9.I"R_<<nn Supervisor License Number 527JLE Expiration Date 10-1-96 Constr Contr. Number 57824 Expiration Date 1_27-95 io The installation is being made on property I own which is not intended for sale, lease or rent. Owners Signature: ~~;;::;::--<:;;~~---- COMPLETE FEE SCHEDULE BELOY New Residential-Single or Multi-Family per dwelling Service Included: Items _ 1000 sq. ft. ,or lee_ss Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Hanuf'd Home or Modular Dwelling Service or Feeder B. Services or Feeders Installation'- Alterations or Relocation: 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps 401 amps to 600' amps 601 amps to 1000 amps Over 1000 amps/volts Reconnect Only unit. Cost Sum $ 85.00 $ 15.00 $ 40.00 $ 50.00 $ 60.00 $100.00 $130.00 $300.00 $ 40.00 C. Temporary Services or'Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps 201 amps Over 401 Over 600 or less to 400 amps to 600 amps amps or 100ll volts $ 40.00 $ 55.00 $ 80.00 see uB" above Signature of Supervising Electrician O~// J.j,.,L" h~ D., Branch Circuits owne~s NameU21; 1 t J...J}...) , Address~ ~<:i1 J,'SIlJ.rY1f'Jl.J Ci t~J/',-1iLbhone !JJJ,!),. ?'^Ef) OVNER INSTALLATION New, Alteration or Extension Per Panel One Circuit Each Additional Circuit or with Service or Feeder Permit $ 35.00 $ 2.00 E. Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each installation Pump or irrigation $ 40.00 Sign/Outline Lighting $ 40.00 Limited Energy/Res $ 20.00 Limited Energy/Comm 1 $ 36.00 36.00 5. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5% State Surcharge TOTAL 36.00 lotiU --17,80 . . c'-,IID2. ~0:---L Tha following projact as submlttad h.. tha folio,," zonIng, and does not require specific land use 225 ,ru... STREET approval, ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 Zoning <l:: 0"" >A. INSPECTION REQUEST: 726-alt~9 S- 2.-<=1<{ City Job Number 7 r{) Ir3 O~~~~A: 726-3759 Authorized Signatura ,.:J 3;"'\-COMPLETE FEE SCHEDULE BELOII 1. LOCATION OP INSTALLATION 3t;,c..~ 6i~, LEGAL DESCRIPTION ,,( J~LJ~ /< EJ/J {)$/n/ JOB ,DESCRIPTION SMlT"-"S f:/.,- FU"IU~~l..... oS , . Permits are non-transferable and expire if work is not started'within 180 days 'of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 days. 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY Electrical Contractor51011ee E./eullk... Address 2.70/ 6.S. J.,Ttt, City~. <::>2.. ~h.one z.3~ - 3(.3/ , Supervisor License Number 3"19 (,. S Expiration Date 1t:!J - 1- 'is' Constr Contr. Number '-I 'ig z 3. ,Expiration Date 3 - 20 - ,~ S Supervising Electrician , 7r.O~_ .~ Siltnature of yfj;J*L.o , , , owners N,,;me .s,..;JU::. , " Address leJal:. :kA) :!>t11/_v Ci ty &J/.I4MJ" 9,..t,s:Phone 2.ZZ..7ZS'B' u'''''''', INSTALLATION The installatioi:t is, being made on property ,I own_which is not intended for sale, lease or rEmt. Own~rs Signature: .'i,' . ..' . ~/:i/r{. . . a...tiU- F -:..rr:??<-~ -~ - DATE: RECEIn', f: ' RECEIVED BY: A. New Residential-Single or Multi~Family per dwelling unit. Service Included: Items Cost Sum 1000 sq,ft. or less $ 85.00 Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof, $ 15.00 Each Manuf'd Home or Modular Dwelling Service or Feeder $ 40.00 B. Services or' Feeders Installation,' Alterations or Relocation: 200 amps or less $ 50,00 201 amps to 400 amps .3 -$ 60.00 11l~. e>C> 401. amps to 600 amps $100.00 601 amps to 1000 amps $130.00 Over 1000 amps/volts $300.00 Reconnect Only - $ 40.00 C. Temporary Services or'Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps or less $ 40.00 201 amps to ,400 amps $ 55.00 Over 401 to 600 amps ' $ 80.00 Over 600 amp~,or 100U,vo!ts see nBn above $ 35.00 $ 2.00 1137-.}.- E. Miscellaneous (Service/feeder -Each installation Pump or, irrigation' ~ Sign/,Outlin,~Lighdng Limited EnetgylRes ,Clmi ted ,EnergylConi~ 5,. SiIBToTALOP"ABOVE 5% 'State ,Surcharge ,TOTAL ',' ' D. Branch Circuits Eu,8J1!!. L:M;"-- PMmlll'-~r, ", '..' New, Alteration or Extension Per Panel s...~TII 't:ro ' ' One Circun ,Each Additional Circuifor wi'th Service, or Feeder Permit ";;" 197 ...... , '. ' not included) $ 40.00 $ 40.00 $ 20.00 $36.60 .$SS"'. eD 2. 7. 70 , .$ S9/. 70 . . srRINCFIELD ", BACKFLOW PREVENTION DEVICE PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING. SAFETY DIVISION 225 Fifth street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Office: 726-3759, INSPECTION LINE: 726-3769 Job Location: ~\O\oC) Cl~Qj.. .1..1, ~~'"\- Assessors Map #: \'1 [),?\\~('D . Tax\JJt #: OS\D\ owner:~\'-\r\~ ',' Md'~~'d. ~, ~1'l'Q;V Ph", 1~''1.Q'$ . City \~~. State: - l\)l~ DJ)'\..J Zip: c.n~ Backflow Pennit is $15.00 + $0.75 State Surcharge -t.k " Contractor\ (\. .J'\tf,tn 0 fl . (i\. ' City: \(\~, state:l~~. ZiP:~V\~ Constru'~tion Contractors Registration #: 5~\ 12) Expires: \.~ \ .qs By signing this permit/application, I agree to call for an inspection once the backflow prevention device has been installed and is visible for inspection (726-3769). I also state that all information on this application/permit is correct. t1 tsk!, '~ t - '7 -fc( uate FQR OFFICE USE Date of Application: Co.fl ~9:~ __ J Job #: ~~~~ Receipt #: \~OJ Issued By: e5{LCJ ~ Total Amount Collected: \\o.?D, ' 1--- i. . '" h f'll " tiJ ' ! Thelollowing project as submitted has t e 0 OWl, , ' 225 FIFTH STREET i zoning, and does not requira spacll!c land mlECTlUCAL PERMIT APPLICATION SpRINGFIELD, OREGON 971/71 approval. .9 (.!/ INSPECTION REQUEST: 726-.3769 Zonina ,", City Job Number CJt.Jo/l/3 OFFICE: 726-3759 I' ~ -1-4LJ I Date -/ 1. LOCATION OF INSTAL~TJA~tf,01.i?Jllj Signature 3""0 6..A-TEWftv '51. 3. COMPLETE FEE SCIffiDULE BEWII ,.J.,.-- , a. ~ev Kesloential-Single or Hulti~F~mily per dwelling unit. ' Service Included: , LEGAL DESCRIPTION ! /7"3 !~~r:; tal , ,': @~ OB DESCRIPTION i 1000 sq.ft. or less .x. ntercom. Paoino & iData Teler.omrr.JIDjcations Each additional 500 '_' ' .. I sq. ft or portion Permits are non-transferable and expire thereof, , if vork is not started vi thin 180 days Each Manuf"d Home or 'of issuance or if vork is suspended for Hodular'Dwelling 'laO days. Service or Feeder (~ COllTRAL-rOR TNSTALI:..,TION DNLY B. Services or' Feeders l_:;J , SOutnernoregon ielecom, Inc. Installation,' Alterations , Electrictll Contractor!, or Relocati,on: Address1951 NW MulhollJnd. Suite 4 200,amps or less' I 20l'amps to 400 amps Phone ,672-3198 401 amps to 600 amps I 601 amps to 1000 ,smps , Supervisor License Number 1589RET Over 1000 amps/volts I Reconnect Only Expiration Date' 10/01/96 Items Cost Sum $ 85.00 $ 15.00 \ $ 40.00 Ci ty ,Rose burg $ 50.00 $ 60.00 $100.00 $130.00 $300.00 $ 40.00 , " Constr Contr. Number 176552 Expiration Date 9/1t/94 , . . .'. ,", .... ',..' . .. SU, p.erv~sn Electr~~an , I) ~/~;f7 , ,..--:".. D.. pvners N~me 5rM/#;-A ruJ?.NntlRf: ) Ci ty / ~hone / ' I OItNER :INstALLATION . I '. : c. Temporary Services or'Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relc,cation 200 amps or less 201 amps to;400 amps Over 401 to 600 amps Over 600 amp~.or 1000,vo!ts Branch Circ.uits $ 40.00 $ 55.00 $80.00 ,see, "B" , , I "1 1 ~"'i above Nev. Alteration or Extension Per Panel Address On~ci~cun ,Each Additional , I Circui,t',or w.ith Servi,ce, 6r'FeederPefml t " $ 35.00 $ 2.00 iiA~E: . Co . J .q::f' 'I \ A IL- RECEIPT, ,., .' _~' '. ',' .' J,J\H- J RECP.IVED BY: _( W). J , - i-- . , 5,. E. . Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) " '-Each installation , Pump or, ii:r;gation$40.00 Sign/OutlJn~ ,Lighting $ 40.00 L,iinited Em!tgy'tRes$21J.00 ,LiIIii ted~n~r&r/Co~"1 J '.' $36.60(~b,~' SUBTOTAL 01' ^BOVE '3'- 00_ 5% 'Suite ,Surchar'ge I.~V ' To;r/lL ',:" ~ Ut:?- .Lv; I "4,3C:JIo'Mm'\{\ \f~~ ; l,oa-~r>3cf.I~K . - - - - - - - - - - - .::-..,.....~__, ---I' . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . .7' The, following project 85 5::'-- ',,- :i has the tollowl zOning, and does not reqUl. "j ~iti I d ng 225 FIFTH STREET approval. ,0 c an use ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 Z DI l-~ INSPECfION REQUEST: 726-J~~ ~' Ci ty Job Number ~#G:> /~3 OFFICE: 726-3759 D.ta~' ~ 4/--q4- _ '-, ~3. 1. LOCATION OF INS~~ ,_. ~.t::/':) 4~1A;A.. y ?7: LEGAL DESCRIPTION ' ~ l7...0~-/~..t:u::>.- ~/.o/f 5/LJ~ ~~~,:,~~~" f work is not started within 180 days of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 days. CONTRACfOR INSTALLATION ONLY 2. Electrical Contractor E/f>,..-r.:~m...y;;. L)c ~ddress t: // /} ,.1/, G. U,:, r' A.,u..f? W :~ty /-f//~- 01- PhonejlC?'dll'.;1'77FI ~superVisor License Number 976-7'1 E '/o-p/-1{. . piration Date "c . Sl~ C. ~ Constr Contr. Number -::;;?:.- g'1(,? L.L~ ~ Expiration Date It? -c / - '11./ The installation is being made on property I own which is not intended for sale, lease or rent. Owners Signature: DATE: tS . RECEIPT lI: RECEIVED BY: - ~ -) J iL), 4J COMPLETE FEE SCHEDULE BELOV A. New Residential-Single or Multi~Family per dwelling Service Included: uni t.' Items Cost Sum 1000 sq.ft. or less $ 85.00 Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof $ 15.00 Each Manuf'd Home or Modular Dwelling Service or Feeder $ 40.00 B. Services or Feeders Installation, Alterations or Relocation: 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps 401 amps to 600 amps 601 amps to 1000 amps Over 1000 amps/volts Reconnect Only $ 50.00 $ 60.00 $100.00 $130.00 $300.00 $ 40.00 Temporary Services or'Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps Over 401 to 600 amps Over 600 amps or 1000 volts E. Miscellaneous (Service/feeder -Each installation Pump or irrigation Sign/Outline Lighting Limited Energy/Res Limited Energy/Comm Signature of Supervising Electrician ,,- - ~ ...Q..--~~ f)" .\D' Branch Circuits Owners Name"~\;M"\.C::; r \..~~. s J)id ~ ::i -0 .s.o\)~ New, Alteration or Extension Per Panel . 1 ^lV" 1M ~i One Circuit $ 35.00 Ph~ne~ Each Additional Circuit or with Service OVNER INSTALLATION or Feeder Permit 5. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5% State Surcharge TOTAL ' $ 40.00 $ 55.00 $ 80.00 see liB" above $ 2.00 not included) $ 40.00 $ 40.00 $ 20.00 $ 36,00 '?C.oo ,a /. ~O +- \.vo 7?7. gO 3t ~8" The, following project as submitted h"" the following ZO~tng. and does not require specific land u:;e 225 FIFTII STREET approval. ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 Zoning (' r;, () A,,'4 "":) ,INSPECTION REQUEST: ,726-37f>'!2.LJ.JZU City Job Number~...:) OFFICE: ,726-3759 O"le O-,~/ , Authorized SiQnature I.J.~. COMPLETE FEE SCDEDULE BELOV 1. LOCATION OF INSTALLATION 3660 Gatewav St. A. New Residential-Single or Multi-Family per dwelling unit. LEGAL 'DESCRIPTION Service Included: MapJl 17-03-15-00, Tax lots 5101/5102 Items Cost Sum : "j". JOB DESCRIPTION, ' ' INSTALL (2) EXTERIOR SIGNS (fascia ) ;::' 1500 sq,ft. or less Each additional 500 '.," sq. ft or portion thereof Each Manuf'd Home or Modular Dwelling Service or Feeder $ 85.00 Permits are non-transferable and expire if work is not started within 180 days of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 days. ' 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY $ 15.00 $ 35.00 ,Electrical Contractor HEATH SIGNS B. Services or Feeders (10 Branch Circuits included). Installation, Alterations or Relocation: Address 4644 SE 17th Ave. Expiration Date 10/1/96 100 amps or less 101 amps to 400 amps 401 amps to 600 amps 601 amps to 1000 amps Over 1000 amps/volts Reconnect Only $ 35.00 $ 60.00 $ 90.00 $130.00 $300.00 $ 35.00 City Portland ,Phone 232-2620 , 97202 Supervisor License Number ~L 3U;> .Vb- Constr Contr., Number 64263 C. Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation Expiration Date 2/9/95 Ian 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps Over 401 to 600 amps vver 600 amps or 1000 volts $ 35.00 $ 40.00 $ 80.00 see "B" above Signatur~iSingE / 4, /tI~ /~Name~\, , Addres~ 1022:!/.4J ~ ,Ci~~Phone ~fJ:)..')~~, . I. . . . . D. Branch Circuits New, Alteration or Extension Per Panel · OWER INSTALLATION One Circuit ,Two ,to ten Circuits Each Addt'l ten or portion thereof $ 35.00 $ 50.00 $ 15.00 The installation is being, made on property I .own which is not intended , for sale, lease or rent. Owners Signature: E. Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each installation Pump or irrigation $ 36.00 Sign/Outline Lighting-111-, $.~\OO '80.00 Signal Circuit or limited energy panel $ 36.00 DATE: , RECEIPT I: RECEIVED BY: 5. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5% State Surcharge TOTAL S80.00 4.gg B4. ' The following project as submitted hoo the fr.rJowing 225 FIFTH STREET zen lng, and does nol require specific land u;;c ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION ClDDrOval. SPRINGFIEIJ), OREGON 97477 /1 /) q A" \A "'J.. INSPECTION REQUEST: 726-376'9ning L..-V Ci ty Job Number ~ OFFICE: 726-3759 [Ho '5-2.44'-' ' ! I.. 1 .J. COMPLETE FEE SCHEDULE BELOY 1. LOCATION OF INSTALt:tiT1:ONj Signature f'" 111\ . , 3660 Gatewav St. A. New Residential-Single or Multi-Family per dwelling unit. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Service Included: Map. 17-03-15-00 Tax lots 5101/5102 Items Cost Sum JOB DESCRIPTION BORDER TUBE NEON INSTALLATION AROUND PITCHED ROOF FEATURE Permits are non-transferable and expire if work is not started within 180 days of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 da,Ys. 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY 1500 sq;ft, or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof Each Manuf'd Home or Modular Dwelling Service or Feeder $ 85.00 $ 15.00 $ 35.00 Electrical Contractor HEATH SIGNS B. Services or Feeders (10 Branch Circuits included), Installation, Alterations or Relocation: Address 4644 SE 17th Ave. 100 amps or less 101 amps to 400 amps 401 amps to 600 amps 601 amps to 1000 amps Over 1000 amps/volts Reconnect Only Ci ty Portland ,Phone 232-2620 97202 3(PI.P5/b- Supervisor License Number .', ~ Expiration Date 10/1/96 $ 35.00 $ 60.00 $ 90.00 $130.00 $300.00 $ 35.00 Constr Contr. Number 64263 C. Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation Expiration Date 2/9/95 200 amps or less 201 amps to 400 amps Over 401 to 600 amps vver 600 amps or 1000 volts Si~~ing'E </ bJ" .~. D. , ~rs Name l, ,'" ' ~ Address 1D22..8JJ ::... ' ,Ci~Ph~neJ9QQJ7~ ian Branch Circuits $ 35.00 $ 40.00 $ 80.00 see "B" above New, Alteration or Extension Per Panel One Circuit ,Two to ten Circuits Each Addt'l ten or portion thereof OVNER INSTALLATION The installation is being, made on property I own which is not intended for sale, lease or rent. $ 35.00 $ 50.00 $ 15.00 E. Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each installation Pump or irrigation $ 36.00 Sign/Outline Lighting 3 $ 46,00 '120.00 Signal Circuit or limited energy panel $ 36.00 Owners Signature: ~ATE: --~FY~~-: , RECEIPT I: - ~. '_ RECEIVED BY: ~ ) . 5. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5% State Surcharge TOTAL 120.00 6.00 126.00