HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1988-5-6 ~ ' . .,. . '.' SPRINGFIELD ' ., ." .." INFOR,MATION: ~ 726-3753 J 726.37691 city of springfield 225 n. 5th street INSPECTIONS: SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION A. LOCATION OF SIGN (ADDRESS) ,-:::? 6--;? 0 a ,4 ~ ./If- ;q II - LECAL DESCRI~TION / 7 - 0 -3 - ..2 :4 _ 2 IJ O\.lllER OR PROPER1"Y C .f.l.<M lif' '<,. I fi..B:..S r)lv ADDRESS TAX LOT'!: " '306 PHONE ,ZIp OllllER OF SIG:l (IF OTIlER TIlAlI PROPER1"Y O\.lllE!l.)hc~~> ~P/PALi,::u- ~~R,P ADDRESS ~-t:J A.!/JeI9/ 9'7' P.E/./r~A'-: O.€E PHONE"'&:'.:5.. <,t'~~3 NAME OF BUSIIlESS. FIR.'!. E'IC. .tfYII d", ,56i-"/Jv/r:. S s1'A,4,,. TYPE B. TYPE OF IiORK: vER;.CT _ALTER"/ _RELOCATE _OTHER I C. STP.UC'l'URAL 1"YPEOF SIGN:, _UALL ~E5TANDIllG _ROOF _PROJECTING _MARqUEE _UNDER 11ARqUEE _OTP.ER OFBUSWE5S.~.r/?,Q'~" n...,~j"C.o' . A:1,., " _ A?lI,e " D. USE AND CI'.ARACTER OF SIGN: <-'- IDEN'!I1"Y ~CIDWTAL v150UBLE FACE _SINGLE FACE _MULTI-FACE _READER BOARD _BILLBOA.'l.D I v , ,. ",', CI1"Y LICENSE tllP.1BER 8/Vr~ S'Ujlii3 , /ht!- , <:P p I ~ EV~~/3 G. p.,'C:'>~b " t:1A-E '1 ( 0 I S ~ DO mON!: fj~;(. 11 (y ZIP 9 70/' d2-- ,EXP. DATE f., - 30 - 88 E. VENDORS. CON'!RACTORS: / . , SIGN ERECTOR /J1 # l2y /If, .}.DD~SS ~ t). ~ tJJ( ~ SIGN liANUFACTURER (IF OTHER TFAN ERECTOR) ADDRESS .PHONE j '1 F., DDiF.lISIONS. llISTALI..\TIOtT " CONSTRUCTIOn TOTAL HEIGN'! ABOVE GRADE d L I ./ VERTICAL DIMEtlSION OF SIGN A. 2. I HORIZONTAL \/IDTIl OF SIGN /.Y- '/ ' /0'1-/.' DnIEllSION ,ROX GRADE TO ,/ ' BonOM OF SIGN .,. ./ G t~ (L MIlIIFn. PdlJo . EXISTING SIGN' ,'S , f IV"3 r 0 ,~~ ",,"'.. r ARE TIlERE ANY EXiSTI!IG ~IGNS? vfF:s _tlO tlUUBE:'. SIZE IN SO. FTG. TIIICKtIESS OR OEPTlt /,j ,) ALL EXISTING SIGNS FOR BUSINESS. ETC. I I.!>e"" '1'1 >' ,1() l:J.f S~ j:'i.. , . . DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYOtlD ./"" PROPER1"Y LIIIEl _YES ~NO IF YES. DIHEIlSION BEYOND PROPERTY LI1IE NO'!"!:, IF PROJECTIOn IS Il0RE 11IAN 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TEE SICN ERECTOR HUST FILE \/11'1! 11IE BUILDI:IG DIVISION COPIES OF HISfllF.R LIABILITI AND PROP- ER1"Y DAHAGZ WSW.ANCE POLI::ES. H. HI~ SIGN HAVE ELECTRICAL WIRWG? y,ll!:"$ IF YES. IIHICH APPLY? X ELZCTltICAL SIGII _ILLU!1L'lATED (IllDIP."cm LIGHTED) ELECTRICAL COllTRACTOlt ADDRESS LISC. NU!1BER pr.CNI: J. DESCRIBE TYPE OR l'ATERIALS SIGN IS CONSTRUCTED OF. ?A~.,~'/" tI- /7J t:? YA i.. J. SITE INFOPMATI~1l (LAtlD USF.) -- EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR LAND (0R LAST USE.IF VACANT) <;'~IZ",,('c.e ::5"plt1i1~,^,' K. VALUE OF SIGII: I;~a." ~ I"tNDOOP. BUSINESS V"CU'!DOO:t !'ERCHAlIDISItlG PROPnSED USE OF BUILDING O~ LN'lO, 5€"~v/cJ: st/,<; yI,. 1- 4'7nv/ /?7Al/l~ L. I F.AVE CAREFULLY E."WlnrE:l che completed application for permit and do hereby certify that all, info~at:ion is true and correct. and I further certify that all work performed shall be done 1n accordance with the 5pringfield Sign Ordinance. the Uniforo Sign Code as adopted by the Cicy of Sorin~field and a1: other Ordinances or the City of S~rin~field and the laws or the Stace of Ore~on ~ertainin~ to t~e worl~ aescribed ~~~~~n. I further certify tha~ ~y ~:Z~ Co~t=actor Li- cense ~ith the City of Spri~~field is in full force and effect as required by Sprin~field Codes 8-2.6(3) and 9-7-20(2). I will request all required sign insoections listed on the approved pernic. N~'!E (PLEASE PRltIT) . AJlf.?;( SIGNATURE ~-=m 1 J o M:' C/lO$5 f~ DATE ~- //- rf" Ie -..-. - --'__~~"'.'.''''.'_U'.''_''~.'_I ...... .~... ......._~.,....,_,....... ..... ....._.....,.... __ _.. , . ....~ PLEASE READ 1) Seoarate Slzn Aoollcation: A separate application is required for each separate sign.as defined 10 tne. .iJ.gn ~OQe.'- 2) Elecerical: Anr permit issued under this application will includ~ wiring in or on sign structure, the SUPpLY wires for connection must be covered on an electrical permit. Electrical connection must be ma.de only by a S~ace Licensed E~ectrical Contractor... Illuminated signs (both intern.111y and externally) must contor.> to Sections 9,;:-4 (4) & (5) 'and 9-7-18 of the Springfield Sign Or- dinance. ..... , . . t ,'.. . J) Plans Reouired: This application is to be submitted with two complete sets of plans showing di-, menSl0ns and neight of sign; advertising message on. sign: location- of sign on property with di- . mens ions to property lines, struceural details of support framing, bracing and footings; caterials of construction for sign and sign structure; electrical equipment and lighting; size and location of existing signs on property for the same busienss. all as required to determine comnliance with the Springfield Sign. Ordinance, (Article, 7, of the Springfield City Code). Also., show the follow-, , ,ing information, on the plot plan (plan showing ,property, lines and location of signs): ,',' . . ~ ...,'. .. . , \" . '. : " :.' . :. .":~. .. . ,.' ". ~ c.. . .'. . ".' . a) Show thi'location of all, existing Sig,,(B), as well as propoBed sign(s). " b) Show. the length of the street'front~ge taken ';p by"the bu'siness or building, For wall .. " ,signs, show the lengeh of the building frontage. ' , c) Show the location of entrances open to the public and driveways. 4) When requi:ed, because of design, size, etc., engineered drawings and calculations must be pre- pared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to deBign standards on file at the Building Divi- sion Office. ' 5) Plans of insufficient clarity or detail will be returned to the applicant with no permit being issued. , 6) Signs must meet corner vision clearance requirements as described in Figure 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive. Zoning Code. . '. . 7) NOTE: No sign cay be ereceed which is less than 12 feet horizontally or vertically from'overhead electrical conduccors in excess of 750 volts, or less than 5 feet in any direction froe overhead electrical lines which are energized at less than 750 volts. 8) If a Bign is not installed within 60 daYB after the date of iBBue of this permit, the permit shall be void. , 9) Insoections: ,- 11/ a) Site Insoection - to be made before the Bign iB placed. UBually, the Footin!, Insoection ,(1t appi~caole) ~~y be made at the same time as the ,Site ,Inspection. .1he fooc~ng Inspec- tion is to be made after hole(s) is ~avateci, but prior to the placement of_concrete. b)' Final Insoeceion, - to be made ,uponc~mplei:i~n 'of all, work:'.' ,.., , ' c) ~lectrical - all electrical signs must be inspected for electrical hook up after the sign ls erectea and before ehe sign is turned on. , I I i . CALL FOR nu: REQUIRED IllSFEC"rIONS ON nu: 24 HOUR INSPF.CnON pm:: AT 726-.1769 REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: hn:/LOCATIO.j \.-100T~lIG OR METHOD OF ATTACHMENT v"tLECmc.u. c/FUIAL' _O'I"nER ELECnuCAL PERl'lIT FEE: 15.0<> ~J i I I I I , FOR O,FIC~ US~ ONLY , '. -!OB q ARn31 n SIGll PERMIT FEE: ','L.j(./.VD 1 :. SIGll D,ISTRICT ZOllE DISnuCT C (' TO'IAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF' SIGll ::) ;::l'l s..lh. ") J I"") '8 \''1 I <(? 0 s~.- . .({~STAn: SURCHARGE: -zr TOTAL: fxl,~ DAn:~\, r:.. 15)@. RECEIPTJ1..W:..?\' . I' - CLERK ..:..~~~ ~_ -......., I j ; j I ! SPECIAL CONPITIO~S TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTIOll OF SIGll: , ~'~~ ~.k' ~ ~~e \P\~ duAe.6.: :S->~-88 :::,\\)~ <f'ro. ~t I..P~ w.\\ Y\w~, b ~ r0~ ADDITIONAL INFO~~!ICll NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT ~y BE ISSUED: 5 e.e. I e-H-e,"', ,deJ e.~ A(f r. I J 8( /9 W -to l11c.rh-i. ~Tb~.', $, oJ ns I T , .' t,- AFPROVED BY:~'~(~ ~~_ sEcnoN:_' R c)'1o (<::\( 1-1\ :) SPRIllGFlELD' DATES - ~ - 8p. ~~~:(~. ., . "".11 ..,