HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-4-25 ~ . . C;;A-~rlY .::;. / . 1f1~I'ECT WII L1i1l. 726.3709' ' Job Address 3520 I.eqdl Description INFORlIAT: .:1 Ll..:' I 726.3753 If\ : So. Ftq. Hain ~ I ~q. rtf). Access. () . So. Fto. Other ->' . lie" 'Add P.1 ter ~eo. -ir1r-.. I Ranl'1e ValgS",';?W._ L 6~~~~_Oemo_Change/Use Ie;' i Ouih;ina Permit Info: LJescrlbe Hork(i.e.. BU11d Single C"\ I' fclr.Jilv nesldence Hith fI.ttached r.araQe\ J ! yi I, I (ohane no. I LIlY uf SI'RlflGFlELU COflBlf/ATION APPlICATlONfPERMlT EIIERr,y SOURCES: lIeat Hater Ileater "-" /7 t:J3. zz.. zoO. 300 ~"",P..o_ Owner,l?Ac:::t' F/C ..c- =-/ ....-/)/~~ Address P? tt), ~L9~ Z!?O_~ Construction lender Address DlSIGrl HAIl (name) Primary :5r/ApOr;. ~ Structural Electrical !lechanica 1 COrlTRACTORS (name) Wd?47~.n..- '" -r;7// ~V..d/,A~ Genera 1 B,6)v,/./p.s PlumbinQ Electrical , , -5~ M 6"H'~?/,:J./-5e5" ~'I'?r. hrtn i cill I'LUllnll1G j;U.1 -----lEach single fixture Relocated building (new fix. addition"l) S.F. r.esidence rl bath) IOuPlex (1 bath) Additional bath each ~!ater service Sewer t,../"I Storm Se\'/er -----I I I -----I I I TOTAL CHARGES ,./lIEP.E STATE L \II REOUIRES sha 11 not be va 1 H uot i' the '6'J I I I ~g;3- ~~:f3 Phone RcC4>.cJ:>--r;epc;r- c::::.4 A.f CJ ~. ';1" !if Phone (address) (1 ics. no.l p,v,,-..,,=- /SL41VC7,s. lexniresl 3:f7/ //ho I 9'?.$"7.P3f" I FfF I "CH^Rr.r I I I I I I I I I <I" <;i:) I I ~.-- I I I I I I I I "'I I I I I I I L~- .1 TOTAL CHAnGES that the Electrical \10rk be done by an label has been signed by an Electrical ~&P/.:;p , /V.c. !3S"tf" ~r,.t nn, (p)(llirp<;.\ ! 6%R-K'/.zJ I ! j I I II~ I I upnt I I I I , I I (addrec;s) flin. (I)hnnp n,... \ 72,0 <;'~/.7 ELECTnlCAL 1~11ReSidence of SQ. FT, '1ew circu!ts aIls. or extenslons '7~~_~~ /SERVICES I I..HL'_UJAHIiE ' I I I I I I I MECIlANICAL Ilfl_ furnace/burner to BW's I Floor furnace and vent I Reees sed wa 11 ~n~rp hp~tpr ~nrl I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I TOTAL I Apol iance vent "poal'ate I Stationary evap. cooler I Vent fan with os inolf~ duct I Vent system apart from I heatinq or A.C. I Nechanical exhaust hood rind due t. I Uood stove/heater I I I ISSIJANCf OF PfR/IlT C IJARGE S I I I ITemporary Construction IChanfJe in existing rp~id~ni~ Imultifamily, conf!l. or Inrluc;.tri;d Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit Supervisor anG returned to the Building Division I IIAVE CAREfULLY EXNlItlCO t~e completed apfllication for ~ermit, and do hereb.v certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work nerformed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Sor i ng fi e 1 d and the Laws of the S tel te 0 f Orel)on oe rta i n i n4) to the work descr i bed here in, and tha t 110 OCCUPAIlCY \'Ii 11 be made of dny structure without the permission of the UlJildin~ Division. r further certify that my re9istration "lith the Iluilder's Iloard is in full force and effect as required by ons 701.055, that if exemot the basis for exemntion is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors and emrlloyees \'Iho are in conmliance with Or.S 7111.055 \.,'i11 be used on this project. 20ne L L Fire 70ne Tyoe/Const. ;zz;-~ Bedrooms FlOOd Plain Stories BUILOIIlG PERri IT Char']es dn~ Surcharges , __A.~S..::?~~ /0- 78 . PLU'lBIIIG PERMIT Cl<lrges and Surcha rges ,ELECTRIUL rEn'~IT Cha rqes and SurCharges I1lOlA/IICAL PEP-11fT Charges and Surchar!1es IOf ~tYt::> ICOI~I./INO. FEEDERS I, ns ta Il/a I ter/re locate rlic;.trih fpprlprc;. IOf amps,l I~~~~q li~;""??h?/T. f amps.1 ffdsfl./- .-~~ Uni ts Occy load Occ)' Group .Corrm/ J nd P r Fee nes Per Fee I I I I I 1 " / / O~,TE~~/J:;z: Irotal '--TOo ' I H.! J\l f:Ol'lb. rel"mi t ~? "<.B I 'WIE(please print)5 H. 50-/4 VP7:' . ~rlATURE FO~ OfF ICE USE OrlLY Sf!. Ftg. ,\ain x Value So. Ft~, Accessh?..p--:,..,.....~/~'" :r r:' i:::.. ~--~ Sq. Ftg. Other x Value ~\~ 11'~1~ TOTAL VALUATlOtl \WO' o8vu'\,systems Development ~..",. ~~ "\ . - CharQe (1.5't::) ~,.s?..c~T~_~t'"'. Plan Ck. 6S! BId Plan Ck. 30UBldn -::::?C>_~ :.1 Fence" ------;.~:-I Op-mo I Sidewa 1 k ------------ lAIC PavlfHI I Curb Cut ------------,1 ' \ . \ , COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) l. '.' '. Appl icant to furnish. A, Job Address 8. legal Description 1. examole- Tax lot 100. lane County Map ~~(erence ~_ ,.. 1?Oj,4J :''''',,,,'_''. .... 2. example- lot 1. Block 3, 2nd Addition to ~pr1ngtield [states . ......; '. . "t..... Name; etc', of Owner and construction lender .. D. Energy Sources 1. examl?le- heat/electrical eei 1 inq/or forced air QdS 2. example- waterheater/electrlcalJor solar E.... Squa~e tootage or va)uc:tlion...etc. ~'" "', . 1. examole-"J250 sq. foot house. 500 sq. foot garage 2. example- if new project. check-new _ if addition, Check. add, etc. F. Building permH information-; 1. examole - construct sinyle family house with an attached gc1rllge 2. examole - remodel existing garage into family room J. examole - convert single family residence. into, ~.'\. restaurant. (Change of. use) .:....... . G. .Yaiue'of \....od as defined in Section "303 (a) of the Structural SpeCialty Code H. OESIGN TEAI-l ANO COIITRACTORS To avoid design or const,"uction delays, Building Division Staff must be able to contact appropriate persons regarding design information or job site corrections. etc. Abbreviated Plumbing, Mechanical, & Electri"cal Schedules "'A. Except \'\fhere blank spaCes OCcur in the description portion of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules, the applicant need fill-in only the No. Boxes adjacent to the appropriate item(s) to be installed B. Full Plumbing, Nechanical, and Electrical Schedules are available at the Building Division 1. To conserve space on the permit form.the SChedules have been abbreviated . . " , . 2. If the item(s) to be installed are not Covered on the abbreviated schedules you should consult the fu11 schedules C. BUILDING OIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES AIIO CHARGES UN THE SCJIElJULES O. As-noted on the CAP, the label must electrical contractor for signature supervisor. The general contractor to sign the electrical label. Applicant to sign and date Whenever possible. the initial application will be used'as a worksheet only. Where Possible, Building Division Staff will prepare a type written copy and return it to the applicant at the time the actual permit is issued for his signature. fees and Charges Plan check fees are due and payable at the time of the application, and no plans \.,.ill be processed until these fees are paid. All other fees and charges are due and payable when the permit is issued. '" .. ,- ...' ,~ " - '., ,- II. be delivered to the by his electrical is ~ aut,horized Ill. IV, V. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY , , ~ .' , ",', ' I' " ~ ; " I '. ,. ~ ... j' " I f- -'1 , '" ":. ;,. i<r , ., . , . " ... .... 'PE.RMiT'VAliDATIQN .......... I. ",.. ,., ,. .... , \........' . C~~ -\ . " '''' ~ 't)\' . - , .' 'I " , .~..~ / . I Permit, Clerk J , " ' .......... , " PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAIICY: , I ~ ~ , " ..... , ~... , ...." .... ~ I i I Permit applicant exempt from registration with the Builder's:Board because: ~... ..' " '. '. Additional Project Information: " f" "'l ..... ~ " ...J.f' PLANS REVIEWED BY: , 'i _f .:0 '. l name ~NE"?L~e?f" signatu4~~ da t e s-:./~ -&"7' II 'J