HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-11-5 _ SPRI.ELD 225 FIFTD STREET ELECTRICAL PElU!rr APPLICATION ,SPR.........I.I"..D, OREGON 97477 INSPEcrION REQUEST:' 726-3769 Ci ty Job Number' '9.:5>//31 OFFICE: 726-3759 1 ~ LOCATION OF INSTALLATION ~Sl27 ~~"-~~5r LEGAL DESCRIPTION /?-.:::r-r-< ,<. '2 P_ ~//~ ZS JOB DESCRIPTION ' A::.;.",-;...~ ?~AfV--= 6:n-- ~~~ ' Permits are non-transferable and expire if vork is not started vi thin 180 days of fssuance or if vork is, suspen!led for, , '180 days. \ 2. ,CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION O~, B. , 4...~~/~ Electrical contractorb~".&~. Address 7'"'9'"'::3~~~ Ci ty ~~ Phone q.x':<;'-~<:<.. Supervisor License Number ~ S Expiration Date .h:>-7-~ Constr Contr. Number ~ y <~~ Expiration Date / ~-/6 --:?c:> Signature of Supervising Electrician GerL r~ Ovners' Name Address City Phone OVNER INSTALLATIO~' The installation is being made on property ,I ovn vhich is not intended for, sale. lease or ren t . ' Ovners Signature: DATE: 1(-'5-70 ""-"..,1.1'1 ,:' ~t'>?~ RECEIVED BY: /~'.., ~,/ ~ " 3.-.---.... ~ 3. COHPLETE FEE SCllEDULE BELOIl ' A. Nev Residen tial-Single or ' Hulti-Family per dvelling unit. Service Included: Items Cost 'Sum 1500 sq.ft. or less Each additional 500 sq. ft or portion thereof ' , Each Hanuf'd Home or Modular Dvelling Service 'or Feeder $ 85.00 $ 15.00 $ 35.00 ' 'Services or Feeders (10 Branch' Circuits included). Installation, Alterations or .Relocation: 100 amps or less 101 ,amps to 400 amps: 401 amps to 600 amps 601 amps to 1000 amps Over 1000 amps/volts Reconnect Only -- , ~ $ 35.00 <-<: $ 60.00 ~ , $ 90.00 ' $130.00 $300.00 $ 35.00 C. Temporary Services or Feeders Installation, Alteration or Relocation I , ,. 200 amps or less $ 35.00 201 amps to 400 amps ,$,40.00, Over 401 to'600'amps. $ 80.00 Over 600 amps or:l000 volts see "B"'above D. Branch Circuits NeVi ~lteration or Extension Per Panel One Circui t Tvo to ten Circuits Each,Addt'l ten or portion thereof $35.00 $,50.00 $ 15.00 E. Hiscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) -Each installation .' , Pump 'or irrigation $ 36.00 'Sign/Outline Lightinlr $ 36.00 Signal Circuit or ' limited energy panel $ 36.00 5. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE 5% State Surcharge, TOTAL .:zs:-- --./. 7Y ~, ? "='