HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1990-11-13 city of springfield 225 n. 5th street . SPRINGFIELD . . INFORMATION: 726-37S3 INSPEC'T10NS: 726.3769 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION A. LOCATION OF SIGN (ADDRESS) .? LJ 27 LECAL DESCRIPTION .17 () '3 '27- 2D OIiNER OR PROPERTY 3rs'5 ~/J~an.fJ ADDRESslOtO /Nf-$t' 2M} J<;",f". Gaifl-wtkt/ OIiNER OF SIGN (IF OTHER UlAN PROPERTY OWNER) ADDRESS J:"'f., <altlU1ICI(;Jr TAY. LOT'f! 0/.400 PHONE j?DI) Iff? - 4 7~1J '^t ZIP NAME OF BUSINESS, FIRM. ETC. JB'S ReJr/-IivWVt""f PHONE TYPE OF BUSIt:ESS ~1f4hI"4.VlJf- B. TYPE OF WORK: XERECT _ALTER _RELOCATE _OTHER C. STRUCTURAL TYPE 'OF SHiN:, ~IIALL , '4REESTANDIlIG _ROOF '_PROJECTING _MARqUEE _UNDER llARqUEE _OTHER [). USE AND CPARACTER OF SIGN: ~DENTITI ' _INCIDENTAL XDOUBLE FACE _SINGLE FACE __'1ULTI-FACE _READER BOARD _BILLBOARD E. VENDORS. CONTRACTORS: '. SIGN ERECTOR ,TOri/'.( {l(4l'\ SltSremf , , 4'" , ADDm::ss /6 7 f{ W ~f r 7 r_ Avt, E WJ.p.Ylf? CITY LICENSE !l\J!1BER 'cc. ~i~A) (I;-r.AI q(V!:?{),'O - SIGN llANUFACTURER (I~~JkIJkik'rOR) l) , ADDRESS pnoNl:Lj Y'i - /..j /l1t:1. ZIP Q7'f02 EXP. DATE~I ~() ~I PHONE F. DIMENSIONS, UlSTALLATIO!1 & CONSTRUCTIon ""')'-411" TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE Ofo. I II VERTICAL DIMENSION OF SIGN 7'-4" +- '-j-O HORIZONTAL WIDnl OF SIGN J 0 '-0" DI!lENSION FROM GRADE TO", 1 "'0 j~ 0 II, BOTTOM OF SIGN ~ " II THICKlIESS OR DEPTH :t. '1 DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? YES ~NO IF YES. DI!lENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE NOTE:, IF PROJECTIOn IS llORE THAN 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY THE 'SIGN ERECTOR IIDST FILE WITH THE BUILDiNG DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/HfR LIABILITY AND PROP- ERTY DA}lAGE INSURANCE POLICIES. G. EXISTING SIGNS ARE TllElu: A~Y EXIST!!lG ~ICN~? X.YES ~NO !lUHBER SIZE IN SO. FTG. ALL EXISTING SIGNSI~I FOR EUSINESS, ETC. ~ JOO ri , /f~' H. HI~L SIGN HAVE ELECTRICAL l'IRIllGI .'1e! ), IF YES, WHICH APPLY7 VELECTRI~ . ILLUMINATED (INDIP~~ LIGHTED) ELECTRICAL COllTRACTOIt 1f""ldM r{{tr)r.& ADDRESS ~ q]. Yh IJh irQ e LISC. NUMBER PI:ONE...!:i~~ - c1'p.;1 I. DESCRIBE TYPE OR !'ATERIALS SIGN IS CONSTRUCTED OF.. rneltd (..ah~ WI#, H,f"hoJi ~/lILlht. tll.rl.f. J'SITE INFOPllATIOll (LAND USf) -- EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR LAND (~R LAST USE IF VACANT) .1I2e IJ.I.. ,lArfA^-,+ K: VALUE OF SIGN: J J01 06/) / ~INDOOR BUSINESS __OUTDOO~ MERCHAllDISING PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LAND, II ~ (,t:i WlP - r L'I HAVE CARfFULLY EXA}IINED the completed application for permit and do hereby certify that all information is true and correct, and I further certify that all work p~rformed shall be done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance. the Uniform Sign.Code as adopted by the City of Sorin~field,and all other Ordinances of the City of Sprin~field and the laws of the Seate of ~re~on pertaining to the work described n~~~~n. I further certify that my ~~3n Co~tractor Li- cense with thelCity,of Springfield ,is in full force and effect 'as~required by Sprinp.field Codes 8-2-6(3) and 9"7-20(2)'. / ,I will request all required si.gn insoections listed on the approved ::~i;~LEASE P~I~) . ;<;I/I~ J~ntf ,;. ,.:f ,', , '. I '>, ' SIGNATURE ~A"": Q>~_ -, \' DATE '1I-/~t;iJ .e::::- ' . ~ '..' ., , ' ',. PLEASE REA' :. .t~ ,'", ~ ". ~: . ,~ .- ,.1 , . " ~ 1) " " " i Seoarate Si~n A~plication: In the Slg~ toae. Elect'ri~al' (, Any permit issued under thIs application will include wiring in or, on ,sign ,structure, the supply wires for connection must be covered on an electrical permit. Electrical connection must be'\ma<\e ,only by a State Licensed Electrical Con~ract'~r. ,.IllumInated si:gns (both:.internally ~~~a~i;~,~a;l~r~ must conform to Sections 9-7-4 (4) ~/(,5)/a~~1..9~?-,18C~1'~ti~ \,Pringfield ~ign, ~.r- , A separate ,application ia,required,fo~ each separate sign as defined ,_j.: I 2) 3) Plans Reouired: This application ia to be submitte!i. with two ,comp].e,te sets of plans"showing..di- mens ions and .height of sign; advertising message on,signj locatio~ of sign on property with di- mensions to property'lines, structural details -of'.'support ~.ram.iD-g, bracing and footinBs; rnatl?rials of construction for sign and sign structure;, electrical equipm~nt and lighting';' size 'and'location 'of existing signs on property for the same busienss.': alt,'as' re-quiredi.to. determin~ compliance w.ith the Springfield Sign Ordinance (ArtIcle 7 of the Springfield City Code). Also,. show the follow- , ing Information on the plot plan (plan showing prope,rty lines ,~nd 10,cation .of ,signs)i,' a), "Show the.lo'cation of all existing sign(s) ali'weH'ss'p,.op,osed sign(s).. "",I~:,, ,,,'I!: b) . Show the'length of the ,street, fr~ntage take~~"'~=by th~'~tiusines~' ~,,~uilding. For wall 00- signs, ,show the length of the ,building front,age"... '.' "') i .. c) Show the location of entrances open to ti,e public' and "driveway~. ." '.' ',' 4) When required, because,..of design, size, etc':, 'engineered drawings and calculations must be'prec pared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to design standards on file at the 'Building Divi-, sion Office: '. 'r'" '" , .. ".": ' 5) Plans of insufficient clarity or detail will be returned to.;,!>e applican,t with no permit being issued. I ' , 6) Signs must meet corner vision clearance requirements"'':'': iI."cribed in Figure 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive. Zoning Code. r ' ..., + . -,' : '- ~ 1 ,,', \ 7) NOTE: No sign may be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or, vertically from overhead electrical"conductors in excess of 750 volts, or . less: than,5 feet in any/-direction from overhead electrical lines which a're energized at less 'than -750'-volts: ,. . . '8) If a sign is ~~t installed within :60 days after the date ,of-issue of ti,Js permit, ti1~, permit shall ,_ _, "..,be ..void.. . .. __.. ,.. I " .... 9) 'Inspections: , , a) Site Ins~ection - to be made before the sign.is,:pl\,~e4.'., Usually, th~' Fo'otin!' lri'~p'ection (H applicable) may be made at the same .time as ,the:'Si:te .Inspection'.- 'lhe' r'ooting Inspec- tion is to be made after hole (s). is excavate", Dut prior to the';placement of concrete. ' b) '. Final Insoection, - to be made, upon completion of'al1"work,' ... .'... ," :, ' , , c) l::lectrical - all'electrical ~'ign~ must be inspected. f~~' elect~i.ca'l 'hook up after ,the sign" 15 'erectea and before the sign is turned on. ' ,. ". ' CALL FOR .THE .REqUlRED INSPECTIONS ON THE 24 HOUR. INSPECTION LINE AT '726-3769 SIGN .DISTRICT,:I::fr..B ZONE DISTRICT TOTAL SqUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN . cf) J=lKDT FOR OFFlGE USE UNLY .1 i 1 JOB ',' CJr; Y-,39 .. , _SITE/!-?CATIO!1 vU,ECTRICAL REQUIRED INSPECTIONS: , I \/fOOTING OR METHOD OF ATTACHMENTI :-- 1 , V'FlNAL . ' .. .' '-'. ,- "'J ;',., SIGN"n1!Ml~. FEY);f\, 't:!'fo1' " " .~">'l.,J.~\' n J, J'~ , ~.. . " .- .:1 , .t.1..J:.\.o,u(.U.1\1.o r.t.N"u,J. l'J:.J:.:' .... " , :' ' ,~ '.' ....~. "OTHER " ._,(' 5\HTl\.\':e :'l1F.El::.:.::: , :'1 ,. 'l , ' - (, ' uW. fj). ~J~!LYllt'./'t;O .:\ ',' o..~ '.' ~I:') , ~),(J.;'~lTOTAL:. (_'J.... j,,-'(~) " .. ., "rlA....f "~~ (\ (-".! DATE'.( I ~f.8~~~~~TJ$/}c9/ CLERK 'f:7) 1/YJ.7 " " , I , SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO, BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: . ~.' , " , ", - \ , 8C~"-=Ji;~""W<" 6f&dW\CJtb ~~" ",hbr\ iJ SECTION: '\D.~()~l- \-j:2..:. SPRINGF~Ei.D,SI~N 9RDIN~CE " ,..... r" J II:. ,', ,L\ C2.m'D' 1)ATE_\~ .( .;') """\l " ), . .( ., ". .