HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-10-26 , r.r..i~IUJNU;' , , . COIII~t1""1r~m~\~~n,. J~~b.. ,AI 11\' ... .... I' ~!W"'l""'33'i5,Gatew~~'" 'J'7-03~Zz';"J.o'~OO9rr.." ~-.e.lo(' hS~at aumas I ~1 Ottertptlon Lotl"#4 5y~an Commerci a1 !Park, Wlt.r II.U.r . aas , II.tn"e1ectrlc fi 1 e 73, 51 ide 614, Lane County ~ V.lut ,of lIO,k: ~r' Meyer Motels, Ltd. " $1,250,000 BuIldIng Plnftll Info: Utscr bo Workll.... BuIld SI~I' Mdro.. 2051 Hi" top Or. #A26 ~1 ~"'1~1 ~~n: F...l1. Rill def1ce NHh Amr.""" ~ Redding, Ca. 96002 Construct a 3-story, 69 Unit Motel ConUrvctlOft U.r 1"~UMlV.IIU~ llllk ~ 'tI1~ Sq. Ftt. ",- Y.~'iO 'E' ,. ~q. 'to. Acctl'. ~ SIl. ftl..OtIltr 0 . X-'ltlI M4 Aher ilIlp. ,. ,0ftC. 0-> Chonlll/Ute ~..,- - ~ ~ . , M4n.. IlUIlI" n... 'n....1 Prl..ry Robert H. Riche1ieu PhIotn li~""Itl.-___. . 2051 Hi 1 1 top Archltectur~. ~-jdin9, Ca. . (.llcl. no. I Or.#A17 2933 99g0~ ' IUDlrotl Ii nn IQn 1~~1 916-221-5581 StnlCture1 lIKtrlCl1 IIK/ltnlc.l CllIODCTlIIS In_I JImUlI Robert H. Riche1ieu PI....I... . ..11ectl'Iel1 ~..."tml; ~ I t4dJ:W I . 2051 HI II top ConstructIon R~in~, r. (,l ttlWlQ. I Ur. #A11 Qf;.Q.Q? hlll1ru.' vlOt. 1M.! 0"000,,\ "'<31 . I 916-221 -5581, . . . - -~ ---' .t ... ;(,,", J t', \1, ~: . , , : .11 ., 'I. ., "',",IIIG I EUCTRICAI. . H[CIWIItAI. , I 17k.5. SQ. FT. r~J_ -1L_ furnecf/burner to .76 ""'I {t' V4-f LAK;/ / oy.<;' . floor fum". .' .nd .ent lUL ~.-r~.. ..... "" hell '1",1. flAture ...~I . R.loc.t~ ~IId'n, lnew fl.. "'Itlonel) J[L.. [NAir'" ..In Rnldenee of ~'clrcultl .ltl. or 'tOft'Ionl .' . Rec....d w.ll 1Iltct "",,tor aill! unt ___ I ~r:&-71,.,;;qA-//W .~"allCll .fot r.......ry Conllr~~lon ,'___. __, \tIlltIlL_ Chanoa 10 ..hllng Skakl....ry e.ap. ~;~'Y. COl!lll'dO~_ _I 7S =t'~an wIth' . '_ .Inc1lcJlrt" _ '__ 11.oili__t Of . 1200 1lIlp1. V,",t .yll... .part f..... I 1 tOlt1./JNO. FHOERS'-' -- . -, ~~tc:f+.~;ull It.! _'_' -L- .hQQd and duct ./--- ~~:;:~~':~~~~:'oe.t. I Wood ItO"'hell.r ., * P.E~/<<>IVA-rE~ 1~4-"'; _ Of:i a~~ I ~ If-:r~~0> L. 7..c.."D1 = '!!dD3=.i? !-??/O~ U.,~h?/7 ......... ~"/'5;/~ c:::;;;...,,.J. 'I ~a~~ .:5<::: =<'_ ..... '. ...."..-'L ~ I I :1 .. "L ~~t:. <V~#/-v .....1 ,." ,,, :..~.. ..... ......". ".. ~r ;~. - "'_ ~-,."" I ,"7" I lSSUAllch,,' .FIlII1T ---."e ~//,,~,. '-= ~.~/ . , l'OTAI. CMAAllU /7?<.:5C> rom CtlARGU I TOTAL CH~~[S '" 7//.50" lff[llE STATllAIlIEQUIRU thot tilt "ICttIC.I work be dOna'by In [l.etrletl Contractor. the eleclr'cal PortIon of th,,' "...It Ih.ll not be .elli unttl the l.bel hel betn slon.d by .n [l,clrlcal Supor.t!or and r.turned to thO Bulldlno OI.IIIDn S. f. Rn fden" II hathl Dupl.. II belh) .ach SUVIClS t..- >-'. ~ MclttIOfl" beth *' IIIttr ..nlet * Sewer ~ StonI s..r *' ~~J"".t.DW M]@..<=" ? !ol :Z~ 'II .', ,-, c./~"" Phn Ck. (-fInd ___ZL.....a,___ -'Ul81Jlo..Peu.. / 1TiiiCi. Res . , .22.."70 lOIJRI. P., r.. ,- .. PI.,",I. "'IT. /732.5"0'-.. ,......,......... ....1 ..-------____ ..... eM ..... ...~". Surt ..... ' B6 . 6'3 .. ELECTRI~ PlIMIT .......1. Che".. .1Id ---- -- -_.. ___ Sureh.~tI AlC PIYfno >j( .~CIWlI~PUIIlT .:.__,.,,,~~o .~rt Cll~ . f-1lt,'7tt . .c.....lt........ ~ :>8, I MY( CARlFlR.lY UNliNED lhe c~l.ttd .ppllc.tlon 'Or ptrtlltt, .nd do hereby eertHy Ihat all In'onnatlon he~on Is Irve , .nd correct, .nd I further Cfrtl'y that .ny .nd III work perfonnAd shall be don. In Iccordlnc. wllh lho ~I"nc'" 0' the (Ity of Sprl"lfttld .nd the t..., of the Sute of Ort9on ,..rl.,n'no to thf work duerlbed ha..ln. .nd th., HO OCCUl'~lCT will be ....,. of .ny ItrUetUrt wllhoul Iha ""'I,'on of the &ulldlno OI"lton. I furth.r clrtl,y that ~ reglslr.tloo wIth the BuIlder', . Ioerd II In 'ull fore. end .ffect '1 requtred by ~S 101.055, th.1 If .,~t the be.II for .,emptlon 11 noted herfon. .nd th.t . only lubcontr.cto,. .nd ~101tl. Who Irt In ~lt.ncf w'lh OP.S 7nl.OSS "Ill be UI~ on thIs P~)J'CI. ~Ipllm prInt) "R~AE.t!:.r"W.RW.t.f:Li..."=JL-SIIVI^T1JRE~d U~;.4/"' "'.~Tt I()h:t,/f~ 'N ~ ~rr~~ ~~! ,~j,~' ' ..... _ T1pt/COnlt.Gb'C'~.0nlts Sq. rig. Platn ~9~ '-if/.~9. v.lu. p~~ tfdro_ o.C1 load Sq. FIg. AcCfll . "1ft Storl.."3 o.C1 Group ;1?-/ Sq. FtO. other ,'Valu.' . : 1(?,,~I.8''i _ I ~'oD~ TOIAl VAl.UAT'to.. . " ~~~.Jk~(~mo~t 1&',7~a e.e> J ~ , I ...... 1_ ~ rtre1_' . flood PI.in IUILOlllG KIIIIT Chi".. .1Id Sllre"'".1 . . , . 731/4>J? ~/7 Totll COIlIb. .... :'.T' ~...'-" I TOTAl rfnol t 6'"IY7-I/ Ie '''\r ". · '~-3;~~t'"'!iYj., "". '- ,~ . tt .. COMBIHAIIOH APPlICATION/PERMIT (CAP) l. Appllunt to furnllh A. JOb Address B. l.gal Otscription 1. ..am~le' Ta. lot 100, lane County Map Reference " oj 43 2. e.am~le' Lot I, Block 3, 2nd Addition to 5prlngll.ld [state, C. Name. !te, of own~r. and construction lender O. [n.rgy Sourcel I. e.ample- heot/!!.!.nrlcal r....!.lini/or forced.!.i!:...9.al 2. . e.a'I!P1e- waUrhealer/eleclrlcal/or sor.r- (, Squar@ (oou.ge or valuatlon, etc. - I. !!!~~ 1250 Sq. fODt house, 2QQ 'q. foot garage 2. e.am~ rr-new project. cheek new - If addition, check add, etc. . f. Building pennit Infor'll\atfon: I. ~~. conltruct single family house with an attechod garagt 2. ekam~le. remod.l e.I'ting varage inlO family room 3. e..m~lt. convert, Ingle family residence Into re'taurant (Chang. of use) G. Value of work as dtflned In Section lOl (a) of the Structural Specialty Code H. DESIGN TEAM AND CONTRACTORS To ayold design or construction delays, Building Olvillon Staff must b. able to eonlaCI appropriate perlons regarding doslgn Information Or Job Site corrfctlons, fte. II. Abbreviated Plumbing, Mechanlc.l, & [Ieetrical SCh.dules A. E.cept where blank SPaces Occur in the d,scrlptlon POrtion of the Mechanlca' and Eleetrica' SCh.dules, the applicant need fill-In only the No. Bo.es adjacent to the appropriate ittm(s) to be installed B. full Plumbing, Mechanicel, and Electricel Schedules are avoilable at the Building DiviSion 1. To conS.rye space on the permit form the ,chedules have b.en abbreylat.d 2. If the Hem(s) 10 be lnnallod are not coverod on the abbreYlat.d schodules you should consule the full SChedules C. BUllOING DIVISION STAFf WILL fiLL OUT ALL FffS AND CHARGES ON THE SCHEDULES D. A' nOled on Ihe CAP, the label mu,t be delfyered to the electrical contraCtor for 'lgnaturo by hll el.ctrical Superyisor. The genera' COntractor Is not authori~ed 10 'ign Ihe eleclrical label. - III. Applicant 10 sign and dat. Whenover possIble, the Inllial application will be used al a worklheet only. Where pos'ible, Building DiviSion Staff wIll propare a type written copy and return It 10 the applIcant at the lime the actual p.rmit is I"ued for his s t gne tur.. Iv. Fees and Chargel Plan Check fe.s are due and payable at the timo of the applIcation, and no plans will be proc.ss.d until Ihe.o f.,s ar~ patd. All other f~Q$ and charges art due and payable when the permit is ISlued. V. FOR OfFICE USE ONLY ~ . J PERMIT VALIDATION \ t3::/\ \D ~~ ~ f\V1 ,..~~ \ \ ,.. oJO Permit Clerk 'd~ PROJECT CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPAtICY: Alp Pc;;:q//?/r- /5S?>"?A7L~ ~7/<' 77~~?~y ~~ OEIaF~;P~--~ ,~~~~~~~?'" ,_~~/r/Y~O .1j,l~()~<+,~~ '~\\=-~~-R/~' 1~INl J ~ . Permit applicant exempt from registration with the Builder's BoJrd--because: Additional Project Information: PLANS REVIEWED BY: name ~NZ 7;,z:z::;:-~ - . - . Signaturv:::?~~,./~ date //7/-8"5. ;, - r /" ~ ..-