HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1990-5-17 , , . SPAINGFlEL.D . .IN,FORMATION: 126')153 city of springfield 225 n. 5th street INSPEC.TIONS: 726.3769 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION A. LOCA~ION OF SIGN (ADDRESS) 2,2,0 6hr~Ay' "Sr. LrCAL DESCRIPTION i 700 22--Z-0 .OI-lNER OR PROPERTY (DiM Erne! ADDRESS ~).7() A1'f\AAI~ sr ~'Y]qh'e{d, dlZ- OlnlER OF SIGH (IF OUtER TIlAN PROPERTY OI-lNER) ~Pl2-f..n:; ;Z-/~V ( TAY. LOT '.~OZOoo PHONE , , ZIP 17'171 ADDRESS NA}IE OF BUSIUESS, FlRM, ETC. ~.zi:/Z. ~~ f/,-.. <; B. TYPE OF WORK. . ~RF.CT ~ALTER _RELOCATE _OTllER C. STRUCTURAL TYpr .OF SIGN:. 'vIiALL _FREESTANDUIG _ROOF _PROJECTING _MARqUE!: _UNDER I1ARqUEE _OTIlER "5fL ~L. e7CN ~.f>-ON r ~N05- \ PHONI: TYPE OF .BUSWEs~~,:-rtf- 5,?A- D. USE AIlD CI'.AllACTER OF SIGIl: , ~I:IlTITY _INCIDENTAL _DOUBLE FACE . .~INGLE FACE ..-- - __'!IILTI-FACE _READER BOARD _BILLBOARD . E. VENDORS. CONTRACTOR~: ' .. :c" , SIGN ERECTOR 1'o.\r-..,u...1 ~JVD.c-<;' ... ./.DD~"::SS . 4::; 10 ()(U( It.. . Ct'i-c ~F.'-' C,~7 _, CITY LICENSE NU!1BER 20 ; 75l-., C L~ mom: '2 c.lJ-b Z; C h ... . ZIP :-r 10/ I q 0 EXP. DATE SIGN HANUFACTURER (IF OTHER THAN E~CTOR) ADDRrss -74MG- PHONE f.. . DIHENSIONS. IlJSTALLATION & CONSTRUCTIC'l1 .j }~. TOTAL HEIGIlT 'ABOVE GRADE . {is' t7 I / r"I" VEP.TICAL DIMENSION OF SIGN 3 "7 HORIZOtITAL IHDTIl OF SIGN .I /'if" DWC!lSION FROH GRADE TO BOrrOH OF SIGN ., /2- ' G, EXISTING SIGNS ARE TIlERE ANY EXIST!!IG ~IGNS? ~S' ....-. lie - ~ . . . . . . . t!\1lIBE~. SIZE IN SO. FTG. ALL LXISTING SIGNS FOR r.USINESS. I:TC. TlIICKlIESS OR DEPTIl DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND ~ PROPERTY LINE? YES ~NO IF YES. DWENS ION BEYOND .. PROPERTY LINE - . . \ NO":"E: IF PROJECTIOn IS /lORE TItAN 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TI'Y. SIGN ERECTOR l.lUST FILE WITIl TilE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/lIf.R LIABILITY AND PROP- ERTY DAHAGE INSURANCE POLICIES. H. HI~L SIGN IlA VE ELECTRICAL ~RIllG? IF YES. ImICl! APPLY? vELECTI\ICAL SIGIl ILLUHINATED (INDIPS-CT[? LIGHTED) ELECTRICAL COIlTRACTOr.. _~ G1c""iT"l~c. ADDRESS ..........--' . ~ LISC. NUMBER Pl:ONI: , , I . I VI~I,<JI; I. DESCRIBE TYPE OR I'ATERIALS SIGN IS . CONSTRUCTED OF. . .cj~t-J ..o;~ V k t-k V'S II.' G. < Nb-ON J'SITE INFOPI1ATIOll (LAND US F.) -- EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR LAND (QR LAST USE IF VACANT) p, rn~f C~-n;-.e .. K'VALUE OF SIGN:' ""~' wi wt:.&\rr'~p . ( ~O-r5 /780._eo ./ <INDOOR BUSINESS _OUTDOO:t'I'ERC~lIDISING -, PROPOSED US,. OF BUILDING OR LAND: ..." "f L'I IlAVE CARF.FULLY EXA!'IINED the complei:ed application for permit and do hereby certify ~hat all infonnacion 1s true nod correct, and I further certify that all work performed shall..be done in accordance with the ~pringfield Sign Ordinance. the Unifo~ Sign Code as adopted by t~~ City of Sorin~fleld and all ocher Ordinanc~s_ of the Cicy of SprinRfield and the laws of the Scate of Orc2on perc;11nin~ co t~e worl; uescribea :ha~Ln. I further certify tha,:: my C~r,.n Co"\tr.3ctor Li- cense wich the City of Sprin~fiel~ is 1n full"force and effect 35 re~uired by Sprinr.field Codes S- 2-6 (3) and 9-7-20 (2), I wi 11. r.e.quest all required 01&1\ _ecrion. listed on the app,roved permit. . DATE 5ft1 /10 ( ( ....-.. -, , I , . l I / , NAME (PLEAS\PfINT\. ,\ . SIGNATURE 'fJ......k. \Jl. N~ l:.: J. (' 'NJt.i~ c . . PLEASE READ 1) SeD3r~te Stv.n Aoolication: A separate application 19 required for each separate sign as defined 10 the ~~gn ~ode. 2) Electrical: Any permit issued under this application viII include viring in or on sign structure, the supply wires for connection must be covered on an electrical permit. Electrical connection must" be made only by a State Licensed Electrical Contractor. lllumi'nated signs (both internally and externally) must conforlll to Sections ,9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of the Springfield Sign Or- dinance. :' . .' . . J) Plans ROQuired: This application i. to be .ubmitted vith two complete .ets of plan. showing di- menslons\and neight of sign: advertising message on sign" locat~on of .sign on property ",ith di- mensions-co property lines. structural details of supoort fr~ming. bracing and footines; ~aterlals r ~f const~uction for sign and sign structure: electrical cquip~ent and lighting; size and location 'of ~xistlng signs on property for the same busicnss, all as rhquircd to detero.in~ com!,liance \,lith the Springfield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code). Also,. show the follow- .11}g..information on the plot plan (plan shoving pr.operty line. and location of sil;11s): a). . Shov th." location of all existing .ign(.) a. vell a. prop~.ed sign(s), -,. ,rb) Sl\ov the length of the street-frontage taken up by the buSlne.. or building. For vall signs... .how the length of the building frontage.- c} Show the location of entrances open to the public and driveways. When required. because of design, size, etc., engineered drawings and calculations must ~e pre- pared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to design standards on file at t~e Building Divi- sion Office., . Plans of insufficient clarity or detail will be returned to the applicant with no permit being issued. ' I Signs must meet corner vision clearance requirements as described in Figure 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Code. NOTE: No sign ~y be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or vertically from overhead electrical conductors in excess of 750 volts, or less than 5 feet in any di~ection froc overhead electrical lines which are energized a~ l.es~" th:tn 759 voles., If a sign is. not installed vithin 60 day. aft~r the date of is.ue of this permit, the permit shall be void,. .' 9} lnsoeccions: , . . ,', 4) S) 6) 7) 8) a) Site In'Dection - to be made before the .ign i. placed. Usually, the Footin~ Insocction (Lt applicaole) may be made at the same timo a9 the Site ,Inspection. lhe root~ng Inspec- tion is 'to -be made afeer hole(s) is c;.:,cavate.ci..- but prior to the placement of concrete. b) Finnl I~sDec'tion,- to b~~mad~ up~n completion:,,?f all work. , . ' c) nectrical'- all electrical sign. mu.t be inspected for elect.rical hook up after the sign ~s erectea and before the sign is turned on. . , ' CALL FOR TIlE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON nlL 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769 fOR OFF Il':i.:: USF, OifVi SICN DISTRICT. V/ ZONE DISTRICT tC, 1/6 ,1'7 ill ,JOB ,U )(q 11.. :r 0 TOTAL- SQUARE' FOOTAGE OF SIGN SIGN PERMIT FEE: . ,'-'-4.', -t I'? 00 REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: SITE/LOCATIOn j...oOTING VELECTRICAL _fINAL OTHER OR.~ OF AITACllME;;V - ELECTRICAL PERMIT ~r~. 10.()D 47. STATE SURCHARCE: .1'? ?O..1~ ,.' .., TOTAL: fb. DATE 5- J7.-CfD CLERK eM.ML RECEIPT l7o'f~ SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SICN: ~ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED:. SECTION: '~~r~ \ 'b . 0 <1 () . SPRI~C;IELD DATE 5-11 ~ q t() , APPROVED BY: S ICN ORD WANCE -..-'"' - , , . SPRINGAELD .' .INFORMATION: 726.J753 city of sprin!;tield 225 n, 5th street 'INSPEC.T10NS: 126.3769 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION A. LOCA~ION OF SICN (ADDRESS} . '3 "l. 7 0 G4rc.-w A-'<" "57. LECAL DESCRIPTION . /7 0 :, 2'Z 2-D .O>INER OR ~ROPERTY "1I1WJ b- m f' j . ADDRESS 32-10 LSCl.-+e.lA) C{ V) s-t- ST>r~"1(;1-fjt'-/d,oJ e... . -" v J OIINER OF SICll (IF ~nlER THAll PROPERTY OWNER} ADDRESS NANE OF BUSIUESS, FIRM, ETC,. .y-~ 6<,,,,'7" S?a../~ ~/GU~ TA.... LOT .... Ozoo 0 PHONE ZIP q 7</ 77 . .. , PHONI: .' I 7L..J'5 TYPE OF .BUSI1:ES~ Hb'f-l..-n+ C'-"R B. TYPEY'IIORK: ~ERf.CT ____ALTER ____RELOCATE ____ OTIlJ::R C'STRUCTURAL TYPE .OF SIGN:. .. ~ALL ____FREESTANDUIC ____ROOF PROJECTING ____MAR~UEE ____UNDER l{AR~UEE ____ OTIIER ""i~J<1 Ne:-FJJJ'. C~ITJ [). USE AllD CPARACTER OF SIGll: IDElITITY , .,/'" ~~IOENTAL ____DOUBLE FACE ,/ SINGLE FACE ~ ____!!I1LTI-FACE ____READER BOARD ____BILLBOARD . .' .f.DD~'::SS . E. VENDORS. CONTRACTO~Sf' . SIGN ERECTOR 1\ 6fJ FJ ~T' 1\.1D6:$ '4S7'o 1';<). 111-4 I '7..J:i -"2-:~( C(..~ .:." mem: . ~4c(-t~b b. -Fi (?-c... i...-:. Cj 7 </u z. ___ . ~Ir"'fV EXP. DATE . /"/. /90 "',,' CITY LICENSE II\P.1BER SIGN HANUFACTURER (IF OTHER THAN ERECTOR) ADDP.ESS '5~ PHONE F. . DUlErlSIONS. n1STALUTIO~r & CONSTRUCTIC'll ,e::.. ' e::.. 'f TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE -'" ~ ---:rtL'l. VERTICAL DIMENSION OF SICN ~ ~ HORIZONTAL IlIOTIl OF SICN .If '.,-/" DINEIISION FROM GRADE TO /.2 ' BOTIO!1 OF SIGN ' nUCKlIESS OR DEPTH D~ES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? . YES ----No IF YE~. DINENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE:' . " NO'!'E: IF PROJECTIOn IS !lORE TItAN 12',' OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TPY. SIGN ERECTOR I.IUST FILE IIITH THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/HFR LIABILITY AND PROP- ERTY DAI'lAGE INSUP-ANCE POLICIES, G. EXISTING SIGNS / ARE TIIERE ANY EXiST!!IG ~ICm~? _YP.S ~110 ....... .. t!Ul1BE~ SIZE IN so. FTC.. ALL ~XISTING SIGNS rz/?i~E~5 3)( It? w"ll'-~~ H. UI~L SIGN IlAVE ELECTRICAL JURIllG? IF YES, ImICp. APPLY? V"'ELEcTnICAL SIGlI ILLU!1INATED (INDIPs'CTI? LIGHTED) . ELEGTRICAL COllTRACTon .7 <C-rcl" TINe,. ADDRESS .~ LISC.NUMBER PI:eNl: W,(4.N( . I I I. DESCRIBE TYPE OR l"ATERIALS SIGN IS . CONSTnUCTED OF, ) ~~~N pVG-'l>N J. SITE INFOPllATIOII (UND \J~F.) __ EXISTING USE OF BUILDINC OR LAND (0R LAST USE IF VACANT) -;=:..,..,.,)~ C~~l " -7 ~ MlOo-'rA-L- p~ l/JI IJ./~RS>~,<: ihv'>llJ6S. ,*""" f':; .-- "':::::INDOOR BUSINESS _OUTDOO:l. l'ERCI~lIDISING PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LAND: ,. / K. VALUE OF SICN:. -1-n'D,~ , L. I HAVE CARFFULLY EXA.'lIlIED the completed application for petmit and do hereby certify that all information is true and correct, and I further certify thac all work performed shall be"done in accordance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance. the Uniforo Sign Code as adopted by t~~ City of SDrin~field and all other Ordinances of the City of Sprinp,field and the laws of the Stace of ~re~on percalnin~ co t~e worl: uescribeu nc~~Ln. I further certify tha~ rn~ ~~zn Co~tr~ccor Li- cense with the Cicy of SprinRfie~d is in full"force and effect as re~uired by Spriny.field Codes 8-2-6(3) and 9-]-20(2), I will request all required .i~ ~ections listed on the approved permit. DATE ~ro .",-- ~. , I , , I I I i NAME (PLEASE . SIGNATURE PR,NT) N&A-L ~I,..:l Ll ( :... B. c.o"'tJ~ '- . . PLEASE READ 1) Separate Stv.n Aoolic3cion: A separate application is required for each separate sign as defined in the ~1gn ~ode. 2) E1ectric.1: Any permit issued under this .pp1ication will inc1ud~ wiring in or on sign structure, tne supply.wlres for connection must be covered on an el~ctrical permit. Electrical connection must" be made only by a State Licensed Electrical Contractor. lllumi'nated signs (both intcrn311y and externally) must conform to Sections 9-7-4 (4) & (5) .nd 9-7-18 of the Springfield Sign Or- dinance. .' ~ ...... . 3) P1an~ Reouired: This application is to be submitted with two complete sets of plans showing di- menS1.0ns and height of sign; advertising message on sign;, locat~on of .sign on property \.11th di- mensions to property lines. structural details of support fr~ming. bracing and footines: ~aterlals ~f construction for sign and sign structure: electrical equip~ent and lighting; size and location 'of existing signs on property for the same busienss. all as rt!quired to det.ercin~ cOC"l!lliance with .. . the Springfield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code). Also." show the follow- ,"ing inforlllation on the plot plan (plan showing prop'erty lines .nd location of si&ns): a). . Show th..' location of all existing sign(s) as well as proposed sign(s). b) S50w the length of the street-frontage taken up by the business or building. For wall signs... show the length of the building frontage.. c) Show the location of entrances open to the public and driveways. When required, because of design. size. etc.. engineered drawings and calculations must .~e pre- pared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to design standards on file at t~e Building Divi- sion Office. ' ~ . Plans of insufficient clarity or detail wil~ be returned to the applicant with no permit being issued. 4) S) 6) 7) Signs must meet ,corner vision clearance requirements as described in Figure 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive Zon1ng Code. NOTE: No sign ~y be erected which is les9 than 12 feet horizontally or vertically from overhead electrical conductors in excess of 750 volts. or less than 5 feet in any di~ection froo overhead electrical lines which are energized a~ le~~\ tha~ 750 v~lts. If a sign is' not installed within 60 days after' the date of issue of this permit. the permit sh.ll be void.. .. Insocctions: 8) 9) a) Site Insoectlon - to be made before the sign Is placed. Usually, the Footinp. Insoectlon (i.t appli.cable) may be made at the same time as, the, Site Inspection. The reot1.ng inspec- tic'n is .to be made after hole{s) is e~avate.uJ Dut prior to tn.e placement of concrete. FiM1 Inspection,- to be. m4do upon c~mp1eti~n of all \Io~ld. '., . -,..... . . " , ~lectrica1 - all 'electrical signs must 'be inspected for electric.1 hook up after the sign 3.5 erectea and ,before the sign' is turned on. ' . CALL FOR THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON TILE 24 HOUR' INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769 b) c) fOR OFf-"ICc:. US':: OiolL 'x fJ' ~ ZONE DISTIllCT C c,;. -. - . JOB q 'if q { 2-80 53 10 . '1\ SICN PERMIT FEE: -" '" . (0.00 REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: ~ ___' . tf? SITE/LOCATIOn ~OOTINC OR METlIOD OF AITACI!MENT ELECTRICAL PERMIT ....... ~ECTRICAL \/fINAL' <:.,.. - I '7. V c SICN DISTRICT. . , TOTAL" SQUARE FOOTACE OF SICN _OTlLER 47. STATE TOTAL: DATE . CLERK SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SICN:. " ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED: SECTION: Ur~ \8.ot;to fJ~~. DATE C;-II-QD APPROVED 8Y: , " SPRINCFIELD SICN ORDINANCE ....---- .