HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1990-6-28 , , . SPRINGAELD '" . . INFO RMATlON: 726.J75: city of springfield 225 n. 5th street INSPEC'T10NS: 726-3769 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION A. LOCA~ION OF SIGN (ADDRESS) :3 2--3 D G,4--n::?u.JTt-j/ &Lc/LJ . LECAL DESCRIPTION TA:t. LOT -J!' 'O~1NER OR PROPERTY COCLIIV5'" FOOOs JArr- P'IlOHE /;)tJCJ"?;z;r -s.2J7 ADDRESS 1.P(){) UJ f K/I-/-t:Ll...A- T-UyJ}. /N::17N6F~j; ZIP 9zh67 O\1NER OF SIGH (IF OTItER TIIAN PROPERTY OWNER)' ~~F. .,.-' . ,f~, .~. - ADDRESS NANE OF BUSIUESS, FIRI1. PIlONI: ETC.J::J:'71rTU:..Kr..? PiO{:;n e./t1C):!EIJ TYPE ~b.'@~.o ~'fd,eMr . . i . .' !3. TYPE OF WORK.: ~RF.CT _ALTER _RELOCATE _OTllER C. STRUCTURAL TYPE 'OF SIGN:. _HALL V-;REESTANDIlIG _ROOF PROJECTING _MAR(lUEE _UNDER lIAR(lUEE _OTllER D. USE AHD CI'.ARACTER OF SIGH: , %lTITY ~DENTAL DOUBLE FACE SINCLE FACE ".-- __'ruLTl-FACE _RF.ADER BOARD _BILLBOARD ,E. VENDORS. CONTRACT)l.RS: ' . . :' ':' :: . SIGN ERECTOR (~S' 161l1~<' . ._,;;>/.DD;.1:ss3/3 2/ SI6:<<~ [)~f)(-'"h~L-AN/J()~ . :.@ry ~I'CEti~~BER b C/9 33' No,g/~7?/":60?J Pllom: :2211-S737 'm .9.7o..w' EXP. DATE SIGN IIANUFACTUIlER (IF OTHER THAN ERECTOR) ADDRESS o. Cfi-t"---l::.- PI!OIlE bDIHf..NSIONS, D1STALLATIO~1 [. CONSTR,UCTIt'1l LbTOTAL IlEIGHT ABOVE GRADE ,. S I VEP.TICAL DIMENSION OF SIGN .2 I HORIZONTAL WIDTIl OF SIGN . ~ J DINEIISION FROM GRADE TO 3'; BOTTO~ OF SIGN . /2" TIllCKllESS OR DEPTU G. EXISTI!lG SIGNS ARE TltERE ANY EXIST!!IG ~IGNS? _Yf:S ~NO ... .... .. l!UllBE? SIZf. IN SO. FTG. ALL LXISTING SIGNS FOR r.USINESS. LTC. DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? IF YES. DINENSION BEYOND. PROPERTY LINE NO-:-E: IF PROJECTIOll IS !lORE TIIAN 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TI'Y. SIGN ERECTOR I-lUST FILE \lITII TilE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF IIIS/Ilf.R LIABILITY AlID PROp. ERTY DNlAGE INSURANCE POLICIES. _YES ..2f!lO H. I-1I~L SIGN IlAVE ELECTRICAL IHRIllG7 ~ IF YES. IIIlICI! APPLY? ~Tr.~ SIGll ILLIP.1INATED(INDIP.F.cID LIGHTED) . ELECTRICAL COHTRACTOr. CL/heic...SIG,vS ' . ADDRESS 3-'32; S Mil!" (),e/I/er-~;1!>K.:J.-';t.mVt:J. LISC. NUMBER "'-I..P CL.S Pl:CNE ? 2~ -<;"72, 7 , I ,"! '. I. DESCRIBE TYPE OR I'ATERIALS SIGN IS 'CONSTRUCTED OF. ---11/1 ~Ls;:.PLJ9::E..nC J. SITE INFOPllATIOIl (LArlD USE) __ EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR LAND (()R LAST USE IF VACANT) '. K. VALUE OF SIGN;' \ 6 ~"'DQ. 00 I ~ ~DOOR DUSINE~S OUTDOO:t l'ERCllArlDISING - . - PROPOSED USF. OF BUILDING OR LAND: , r-?l<r Fot90RP~"'JrTVl&9#r ,"dln+- .n/? I t/.c--J7-.heu L'I HAVE CAREFULLY E~IINED the compleced application for permit and do hereby certify chat all informacion is true and correct, and I further certify that all work performed shall be done in accordance with the ~pringfield Sign ,Ordinance. the Unifo~ Sign Code as adopted by the City of Soringfield and all ocher Ordinances of the City of SprinRfield and the laws of the St~ce of Oregon percalnin~ co t~le \lorl:. c.Iescr~bea n~a ~Ln. I further certify that:: r!l~ C~Z!"t Co"'\cractor Ll.. cense \.lith the City of Sprin~field. is in full" force and effect as re,!uired by Sprinr.field Codes 8-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2). I will r~que5c all required .i~ ~ectiOn5 ~i5ced on cne approved permico . NAME (PLEASE PRIJ'1} Pf4-i.-F L. C~k:...... 'SIGNATURE /(h-:h ~~~~ V" - llATk ~/Zf/9i) "..-'" -. . r , , l I I j L . PLEASE READ .. , 1) SCP3r3te Siv.n Aoolication: A separate application 1s required for each separate sign as defined 1n t~e ~~gn ~odc. 2) Electrical: Any permit issued under this application viii include Yiring in or on sign structure. the supply wires for connection must be covered on an electrical permit. Electrical connection must" be made only by a State. Licensed Electrical Contractor. lllumi'natcd signs (both intern~lly and externally) must conform to Sections 9-]-4 (4) & (~) and 9-7-18 of the Springfield Sign Or- dinance. 6) 3) Plans ReQ~ired: This application is to b. submitted with two complete sets of plans showing dl- menSlons and neight of sign; advertising mcssage on sign;, location of sign on property vlth di- mensions 'to property lines, structural details of support fr'3ming. bracing and foatines; t:laterlals .' ,of construction for sign and sign structure: electrical equip~ent and lighting: size and location 'of existing signs on property for the same busfenss, all as rt!quircd' to deterc.in~ com!,liance \lith the Springfield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code). Also.. show the follow- ing information on the plot plan (plan showing property lines and location of sib"s): .), . Show th'e location of all existing sign(s) as well as proposed sign(s). b) S~ow the length of the screet.frontage caken up.by the business or building. For wall I ' signs ," show the length of the building frontage.. c) Show the location of entrances open to the public and driveways. When required. because of design, size, etc., engineered drawings and calculations must be pre- pared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to design standards on file at t~e Building Divi- sion Office. '. ' , Plans of insufficient clarity or detail w~l~'be returned to the applicant with no permit being issued. Signs must meet corner 'vision clearance requirements as described in Figure 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Code. NOTE: No sign may be erected which is less than 12 fect horizontally or vertically from overhead electrical conductors in excess of 750 volts. or less than 5 fcet in any di~ection froo overhead electrical lines which are energized at less than 750 volts. If a sign is' not installed within 60 days after the date of issue of this permit, the permit shall be void.. ...... '. 4) ~) 7) 8) 9) InsDcctions: .) Slte Insocction' - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, the Footin~ Insoect{on l~t applicaoie) may be made at the same time as the Sito Inspection. lne root~ng inspec- tion is .to be made after hole(s) 1s ~~av~t~ci., but. prior to the placement of c~ncrete. Finnl Insooction,- to b~ msd~ upon completion of all work. J::lectrical - all electrical signs must be inspected for. electr'ical hook up after the sign 1s erectea and before the sign 1s turned on. '. . . CALL FOR THE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON ri~ 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769 b) c) FOR OFF rr.':C:USi:: Oi,,"L'i SICN DISTRICT ~ ZONE DISTRICT 2..\ ~q ~ ~ JOB U 1,utl?Jltf !OTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN SIGN PERMF FEE: .. :>44.'7;0 REOUIRED INSPECTIONS~ ~ITE/LOCATIOtl ~R METHOD OF ATTACHMENT: /ri:ECTRICAL ./flNAL . - - ELECTRICAL PERMIT 1'7. l:"~''C''. 0'0 OTHER 47. STATE SURCHARGE: :1 '? ~ /'?O- ~0 TOTAL: ,.10<-j-1O DATE (r r~ ~ .0 0 RECEIPT 11174? CI~ CLERK SPECIAL CONDITIONS !O BE SATISFIED 8EFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: , ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT HAY BE ISSUED: SECTION: , , ,9 '. DATE ~~ . .\ n - 00 O. SPRINGFIELD SIGN 6RDINANCE (r(J~ 'VlO APPROVED 8Y: ....-- ~ . , . SPRINGFIELD city of springfield 225 n. 5th street .," _INFORMATION: 726-3753 INSPEC'T10NS: 726.3769 SI GN PERMI T APPLICATION p A. LOCA~ION OF SIGN '(ADDRESS) 32-30 6'/176>..urty' 7JLJJ/J. LECAL DESCRIPTION TA..V. LOT -J!' mINER OR PROPERTY Ce7LL,1t(/S" FOOtJS 1/lJI. ;lloNE/YtJOP~-.S7--/7 ADDRESS /POOtd.-k't'f-TE2.UT /?/t//J. rJ~P CALIF ' ZIP 9'2;:,67 OllNER ~F SIGlI (IF O;l~~ ';HAN PROP~RTY OlffiER) 9.~-~~" . ADDRESS NANE OF nUSlUESS. FIRM. PHONI: ETC.)(EN77Jc.K II Ft€.J {;;:o c.lft~~utI~~ l?iZl7h/P4-1r.fj . . B. T~ 1I0RK: _ERECT _ALTER _RELOCATE _OTIU::R C. ~~RAL TYPE 'OF SIGN:, _IIALL _FREESTANDIllG ____ROOF PROJECTING _I1ARqUEE ____UNDER llARqUEE ____ OTIIER D. U~D Cl'.ARACTER OF IDCllTITY r--... _INCIDEIITAL ~Lr. FACE SINGLE FACE - __'lliLTI-FACE _P.EADER BOARD SIGlI: 't ____BILLBOARD ~ . E. VENDORS. CONTR;\l:TORS: ' .. . '. : SIGN ERECTOR(Ic.A--e..K.. ,~/At1/_~ .~.:;~~~~~~ /GWS /J~. ,f)I?&K$I:/hI/J ()~, , SIGN llANUFACTURER (IF OTHER THAN ERECTOR) ~ ,:,, ," It.to9iLF f'Jtf'/.--:'6o?/ PliO!.'!: 22...(/-5'737 ZIP -o/70~<:::+ EXP. DATE ADDP.ESS PHONE F, DIHElISIONS. TOTAL IlEIGIIT AEOVE GRADE VE~TICAL DLHENSION OF SIGN HORIZONTAL IIIDn! OF SIGN DHlEllSION FROH GRADE TO BOTIO!'! OF SIGN U1STALLATIoN & CONSTRUCTIC<11 lei ;F' .2f> I /2-fi I ;,5"'1 C;. ~V,ISTI~G SIGNS ARE THERE A~ EXiSTI!IG ~IGN~? _YES j,Ct10 ... ,... " . 1!I1lIBE~. SIZE IN SernG. ALL LV,ISTING SIGNS FOR r.USINESS. ETC. .,:,.; TlIICKlIESS OR DEPTH DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? _YES )c::NO IF YES. DIll ENS ION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE NOTE: IF PROJECTIoll IS !lORE THAN 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY Tl'Y. SIGN ERECTOR l.ruST FILE IIITII TIlE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/HF.R LIABILITY AND PROP- ERTY DMIAGE INSURANCE POLICIES. H. \JI~L SIGN llAVE' E4ECT~!C!-L \~IllG? ~ IF YES. InIICl! APPLY? .::--nECTRICA{ SIGlI ILL~INATED (INDIPY.CTtY LIGHTED) . ELECTRICAL COtlTRACTOR&~/6t1/(' , ADDRESS3i32/S(6/t/5DL/)~~~ Jt'P LISC.NUMBER...52P~L<;' PI:ONE .22-/1-::;7?7 I. DESCRIBE TYPE OR I'ATERIALS SIGN IS 'CONSTRUCTED OF. . /t1 ,4- . / r-I-L. ~ p~ 77c:... ..... J. SITE INFOPIIATIOIl (!.AIID tJ~F.) __ EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR LAND (0R !.AS! USE IF ~ACANT) " \ K. VALUE OF SIGN: 1 z4of).. ~ _INDOOR Bl!SINESS _OUTDOO:l l'ERCll{\IlDISING PROPOSED l!SE OF BUILDING OR !.AND: , L. I IIAVE CAREFULLY ~'<A!'IINED the completed application for permit and do hereby certify" that all informacion 1s true and correct. and I further certify thac all work performed shall be done in accordance with the ~pringfield Sign Ordinance. the Unifo~ Sign Code as adopted by the City of Sorin~fleld and all other Ordinances of the Clcy of Sprin~field and the laws of the SCate of Ore~on percalnin~ to C~e worl~ ue9cr~bea nc~~Ln. I further certify Cha~ my C~vn C9~tractor Ll~ cense with the City of Sprin~field is 1n full'force and effect as re~uired by Sprinr.field Codes 8-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2). I will r.equest all required sigp. _eccions, listed on che approved pennic. , . l . NAME (PLEASE PRItrp() D/1-~ L, C!.-~ SIGNATURE ./ /~--""-p__~~~~~ OATE! tG/u/CfO ,~ ~ / /- "..-'" -, ..0 . PLEASE READ . 1) Scoarate Sir.n Aoolic3tion: A separate application 1s required for each separate sign as defined 1n toe ~ign ~ode. 2) Electrical: Any permit issued under this application will include wiring in or on sign structure, the supply wires for connection must be covered on an electrical permit. Electrical connection must. be made only by a State Licensed Electrical Contractor. Illuminated signs (both internally and externally) must conform to Sections 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of the Springfield Sign Or- dinance. " . . .', . 3) Plans ReQuired: This application is to be submitted with two complete sets of plans showing di- menS1.0ns and neight of sign; advertising message on 4s1go;, IO,cation of sign on property with di- mensions to property lines, structural details of support framing, bracing and footines. ~aterlals . ',of construction for sign and,sign struc~urc: .electric.al equip~ent and lighting; size and location .of existing signs on property for the same busicnss, al1"as required to deterc.int:; cOtn!,11ance \lith the Springfield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code). Also.. show the follow- ing information on the plot plan (plan showing property lines and location of si&ns): a) .,Show th'e' location of all existing d&n(s) as well as proposed sign(s). b) Sliow 'the' length of the street'frontage taken up by the'bLi~1ness or building. for wall dgns,"show the length of the building frontage; c) Show the location of entrances open to the public and driveways. ~en required. because of design, size, etc., engineered drawings and calculations must be pre- pared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to design standards on file at t~e Building Divi- sion Office. ' . , Plans of insufficient clarity or detail wil; be returned to the applicant with no per~t being issued. . Signs must meet corner vision clearance requirements as described in' Figure 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Code. NOTe: No sign may be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or vertically from overhead electrical conductors in excess of 750 voles, or less than 5 feet in any di~ection froc overhead electrical lines which are energized at less than 750 volts. If a sign is' not installed within 60 days after the date of issue of this permit, the permit shall be void.. 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Insoections: a) 'Site Insocction - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually. the Footin.. Insoo.tion (1t applicaole) mdY be made at the same timo as the Sito Inspection. lhe toot~ng inspec- tion is .to be .made after hole{s) is ~.:.:.cav~t7ci, DUt. prior to the placement of concrete. b) fin.l Insocction,- to bo mad~ upon completion of all work. c) ~lectrical - all electrical signs must be inspected for electrical hook up after the sign 1s erectea and before the sign is turned on. CALL fOR TIlE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON TIlE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769 fUR UfF lL~ U~r.; Ul.JL i SICN DISTRICT. MR0 ZONE DISTRICT t. c., 40 'j~ fur JOB U '6Ql:'J\4-- TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE Of SIGN SIGN PERMIT FEE: ~?'Z>. ?O REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: SITE/LOCATIOn VfOOTING OR ~IOti-oFA';ACllME"'NT::> ~LECTRICAL 3'iNAL . - _ 011lER ELECTRICAL PERMIT 'C''C''C'. 10--> tY"J 47.,STATE SURCHARGE: TOTAL: .1S. ~ ~*, 2-0 G;>Y ;'-~-o' RECEIPT C.~ 1.1 :'/';')0 '1'?4-?;> DATE . '. . CLERK SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISfIED BEfORE ERECTION Of SICN: , ADDITIONAL INfORMATION NEEDED BEfORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED: SECTION: (),vy"tf ' IF (f crNA 1~.OqD ~ DATE 10-- Y6 ~ q iJ APPROVED BY: SPRINGFIELD SICN ORDIllANCE ....-- - , , . SPRINGAELD .,'. .INFORMATtON: 726-315: INSPEC'T10NS: 726-3769 city of springfield 225 n. 5th street o SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION A. LOCA~ION OF SIGN '(ADDRESS) 32-30 Q,A--/ ~vU/f-tI k'? Li/;J_ LECAL DESCRIPTION TAl': LOT --~. OI-lNER OR PROPERTYaoc.L/!f/S A')r'JLJS //t/T::'P'HONr.JAJO{)-J?u-;.Q/7 ADDRESS lPtJO f/l--Tn...-I....A- /-<Li/lJ. 'OK'lTti/6;::S- ~p ZIP 92667 . . I f OlmER OF SIGlI (.IF OTllER THAt! PROPERTY OI-lNER) 5.~g--. i ADDRESS NANE OF BUSIUESS, FIR}!. PHONE ETC,k(li/Ju{'..K...t/Ae.J-RJ (!J!-ICKe'YJ ~tuif.t\fl;s J2g.HT-illZANT . ..' . .' .8. T~ 1I0RK: _ERECT _ALTER _RELOCATE _ OTlll:R C. STRUCTURAL TYPE 'OF SIGN:, '~r.L _FREESTANDIllG _ROOF _PROJECTING _MAR~UEE , : D. USE. AI~I'.ARACTER OF , ~CUTITY r-. _INCIDENTAL , ~UBLr. FACE SINGLE FACE ,.-- SIGlI: _UNDER liAR~UEE _OTHER .~ __'!IJ1.TI-FACE _READER BOARD _BILLBOARD E. VENDORS, CONTRW~RS, _ ' ' .' .,' SICN ERECTOR ~K S /6/1/( .<, .}.DD~'::SS 3i32-J SIG/II~ Dft!:.. 2).f::>e~LANI? ~~r€&~E :-Jl1IlEIlhl/q33 : (2t..A--,e;< .:,: /l(06liF 7Y/-6otr"1 PlICNE 224-- _t:;737 /JJ'/!?p- . ZIP .970.s7.J- EXP. DATE SIGN liANUF ACTURER (IF OTHER THAN ERECTOR) ADDP_ESS PHONE F: DII'IENSIONS, IlISTALLATION [, ',... TOTAL HEIGHT ABOVE GRADE VERTICAL DINENSION OF SIGN HORIZONTAL IIIDTI! OF SIGN DUlEIISION FROM GRADE TO BOTIOM OF SIGN TIIICKlIESS OR DEPTH CONSTRUCTIC'tl , /4r .2/ .2/;,1 /2; /5'/1 G. EXISTING SIGNS ARE THERE ANY EXIST!!IG ~I(m~? _YES ~O . . . . . .. " t!t1l1BE~ SIZE IN SO. FTC. ALL ~XISTING SIGNS FOR r.USINESS, ETC. DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND v' PROPERTY LINE? _ITS ~NO IF YES. DUlENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE '. NO':'E: IF PROJECTIOll IS !lORE TItAN 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TPY. SIGN ERECTOR HUST FILE IIITlI TilE BUILDING, DIVISION COPIES OF IlIS/IlER LIABILITY AIIO PROP- ERTY DMlAGE I1ISUP.ANCE POLICIES. H. HI~L SIGN \lAVE EL, ECTR!CAL tlIRIllG7 ~_ IF ITS. IIIlICH APPLY? ~l\Id' SIGN . __ILL~INATED (INDIPs'CTrY LIGHTED) , ELECTRICAL COllTRACTOl\GC~.t:S- Iqll/S ADDREss3/321 S 16NS OR. ~-..::r:sL/riJOtJ~. LISC.NlJMBER _0-fC.LS PI:cN~.24-S?57 J. SITE INFOPllATlOll' (LArlD US F.) -- EXISTIl{G USE OF &UILDING OR LAND (QR LAST USE IF VACANT) .. I. DESCRIBE TYPE OR l"ATERIALS SIGN IS 'CONSTRUCTED OF. M~ p/.A-<Tic K. VALUE OF SICN: $?Z0>o ~ frO " ,&INDOOR DUSINESS _OUTDOO:!. l'ERCIl{\r1DI,SING PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR LAND: ~rFOOOR~.<'ldr.J~/ L. I HAVE CARF.FULLY EXA!ofINED che compleced applicacion for permic and do hereby cercHy chac ':'11 informacion 1s true .and correct, and I further certify thac all work performed sh311 b~..done in accordance with the :ipringfield Sign Ordinance. the UnifotT.\ Sign Code as adopted by [h'e,'City of Sorin~fleld and all other Ordinances of the Cicy of Sprin~field and the laws of the State of Orc2on pertainin~ to t~'c worl; ocscribell Olt;..t=1.n. I further certify tha,: my :::!.c!'\ Co"\cr.3ctor !~1- cense with the Cicy of Sprin~field is in full"force and effect as Te~uired by Sprinr.field COdC9 8-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2). I will ~eque5c all required .i~ ~eccions lisced on the approved ' pc nni t.'. . . ' NAME (PLEASE ~}Yry') !)/f{.E L. e~~ SICNATURE /r/"4L--X'~'/~ DATE ~. 6/Zf/'90 ...-'" -. ...... '. . PLEASE READ . 1) Se03rdte Si~n Aoolic3tion: A separate application is required for each separate sign as defined 1n the ~ign ~ode. Electrical: Any permit issued under this application will include wcring cn or on sign structure, the supply wires for connection must be covered on an electrical permit. Electrical connection must. be made only by a State Licensed Electrical Contractor. lllumfnaccd signs (both intern~lly and externally) must conform to Sections 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-16 of the Springfield Sign Or- dinance. . . " , ' , , 2) 3) Plans Reouired: This application is to be submitted with two complete sets of plans showing dc- menS1.ons and neight of sign; advertising message on sign;, locat~on of .slgn on property with di- mensions to property lines, structural details of supoort fr'aming, bracing and footines; C1aterials ~f construction for sign ~nd sign structure: electrical equip~ent and lighting; size and location .of existing signs on property for the same busienss, all as required to deternin~ com~llance ~ith the Springfield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code). Also,. show the follow- ing information on the plot plan (plan showing property lines and location of signs): a)' . Show th'e location of all existing sign(s) as well as proposed sign(s). b) . SlIow the length of the street'-'froni:age taken up by' the bu~i;'ess or building. for wall , ' signs ," show the length of the building frontage.. c) Show the location of entrances open to the public and driveways. ~en required. because of design, size, etc., engineered drawings and calculations must be pre- pared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to design standards on file at t~e Building Divi- sion Office. ' Plans of insufficient clarity or detail wil~ be returned to the applicant with no permit being issued. Signs must meet corner vision clearance requirements as described in Figure 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Code. NOTE: No sign may be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or vertically from overhead electrical conductors in excess of 750 volts, or less than 5 feet in any di~ection froc overhead electrical lines which are energized at less than 750 volts. If a sign is' not installed within 60 days after the date of issue of this permit. the permit shall be void.. .' lnsocctions: 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) a) Slte lnsoectlon - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, the Footin~ lnsocction (LL applicaole) may be made at the same time as the,Sito Inspection. ~ne root1.ng inspec- tion is .to be made after hole(s) is ~,;,;cav-:--t~u, but prior to the placement of concrete. b) frnol Insoection,- to bo,mado upon completion of all work~ \ c) ~lectrical - all electrical signs must be inspected for electrical hook up after the sign is erect:ea and before the sign is turned. on. . " CALL fOR TIlE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON TIlE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769 SICN DISTRICT, M,\2--G }o"UR Ur"F iCe u.s~ Ul-il. '1 DISTRICT c..c.- 190 71 w \J ~OD Of AIT~ SIGN PERMIT FEE: 4 '.. ..J.. 4 ,00 j ELECTRICAL PERMIT rrr. I~{}O ZONE JOB U ~ q 1 '7\ 4- TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE Of SICN REOUlRED INSPECTIONS: SITE/LOCATIOn ~OnT~NG viLECTRICAL 7;'INAL _OTllER 47. STATE SURCIlARCE: ......,0. TOTAL: ~ ~O, 2.0 DATE 11 ~i1 ~ {p'. UAo RECEIPT n'74~ (I 1Nl/\ fi1 ~ I ''''-11' -, IV~ - 1 CLERK SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISfIED BEfORE ERECTION Of SICN: ~ ADDITIONAL INfORMATION NEEDED BEfORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED: APPROVED 6Y: ~ DATE 19 . ()~ / ~ D . SECTION: ,(PtO .....-... - SPRINGFIELD SICN ORDHIAIlCE . , . SPAINCAELD . .1 N FORMATION: 726-J75: city of springfield 225 noO 5th street INSP EC'T10NS: ) 726,.J 7 6 9 SI GN PERMI T APPLICATION ~ A, LOCA~ION OF SIGN '(ADDRESSl.3Z::5 0 GA-/ ~W /1-1/ 13 Li/.{), LECAL DESCRIPTION T~~ LOT~' O~JNER OR :,ROPERTY CeLL-INS pooO<) /NT- ,~HONE /?Mt?2?-c;2/7 ADDRESS trOo KIl-.~ L5Lt/LJ, l)eJt1J6r: CAtj i=. ~IP Cf?h 67 OIJNER OF SICIl (IF OTllER TIlAlI PROPERTY OWNER) ADDRESS PHONE lIMIE OF BUSlllESS, FIRM. ETc-W{[i!r;.t:.VpK!.lIin C-f!:;cKR',f'{PEOr:Busn:E55 /2E5r1hJRA1Jr . .. J. . 13. T~IIORK: _ERECT _ALTER _RELOCATE _OTllER C. S~URAL TYPE 'OF SIGN:, ' _I1ALL _FREE5TANDllIG _ROOF _PROJECTING _MAR~UEE _UNDER 11AR~UEE _OTIlER D. U~ CI'.ARACTER OF , IDEnTITY ,...-.... _INClDErrrAL _DO~LE FACE '-'6NGLE FACE - SIGIl: .~ __'!ULTI-FACE READER BOARD _BILLBOARD ,E. VENDORS. CONTR!>,cTOR~: .. . ::SIGN ERECTOR (.!-LA'''1IE')c 5' /6/1/..S . ~...;.;(tDPfss3/5ZI516tt1S /).ep~:t:::;dt:NLJ{)~ '.~~",- ~ ~E!ie 11U118ER ,e" 413 S . ~c.... ,:',: , /J108~ 7/1 ~b'O?J" PHON!: .224- --S;-?37 ':m .97cJ,s7/ . ,.. EXP, DATE SIGN I1ANUF ACTURER (IF OTIlER T!'.AN ERECTOR) ADDP,ESS PHONE F. ' DIHEtlSIONS, D1STALUTlOll & CONSTRUCTlC'tl .2k I 4' k' 2~' ;1 ~-; , G. EXISTl!lG SIGNS TOTAL HEIGIlT ABOVE GRADE VERTICAL DIMENSION OF SIGN HORIZONTAL IIIDTIl OF SIGN DINWSION FROH GRADE TO BOTIO!1 OF SIGN ARE THERE ANY EXISTl!IG ~IGlIS? YES ~IIO - ~ 1:tJ1IBER SIZF. IN SO. FTGoO ALL ~XISTING SIGNS FOR BUSINESS. CTC. TlUCKllESS OR DEPTH DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? _YES ~NO IF YES. DINENSION BEYOND PROPERTY LINE NO':"E: IF PROJECTIOn IS !lORE TlIAN 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TI'y' SIGN ERECTOR I.IUST FILE IIITll THE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF HIS/HER LIABILITY AND PROP- ERTY DAl'IAGE INSURANCE POLICIES. H. HI~L SIGN HAVE ELECTRICAL IHRlllG1_ IF YES. InIICH APPLY? ELECTI\ICAL SIGIl ILLU!1INATED (INDIPXCf[Y LIGHTED) ELECTRICAL COllTRACTOr.. C!.CJ9-1eJ:::..<<. 1jC./I/<; ADDRES~5/?.2.IS/~SOO t/F ~U'1M2CJeE' . LISCoONUMBER 5f'pUS Pl~OME.224i-S737 I. DESCRIBE TYPE OR l"ATERIALS SIGN IS . CONSTRUCTED OF. M ~ / H-C- E:.??LA:s If c. J. SITE INFOPllATIOfl (UnD USF.) n EXISTING USE OF RUILDING OR LAND (OR LAST USE IF VACANT) ". K. VALUE OF SIGN:' ~ I '69-9. G'O _INDOOR BUSINESS _OUTDOO:\ l'E~ClI{\llriISING'" PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR, LAND: L'I HAVE CARF.FULLY EXA!HNED the completed application for permit and do hereby cercify that all informacion 1s true and correct, and I further certify that all work performed shall be done in accord3ncc with the Springfield Sign Ordinance. the UnifoIT.l Sign Code as adopted by ,the City of Soringfleld and all other Ordinances of the City of Sprin~field and the la",s of the State of Ore~on pertalnin~ to t~e ~orl~ ucscribea n~~~Ln. I further certify that my C~~~ Co~tr3ctor Li- cense with the City of Sprin~field is in full' force and effect 85 rcc!uired by Sprinr.f-ield Codes 8-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2).' I will r.equest all required 01&1' <>r>-ections listed on the approved ' permico NAME (PLEASE PRI~ D4~ L, e. ~c.. . SIGNATURE ////7.h ~~~~ :.- DATE ~/z,f /9 cJ '..-- -, l . PLEASE READ . 1) Sco~rate Stv.n Aoolic3tion: A separate application 19 required for each separate s1gn as defined in the ~lgn ~ode. 2) Electrical: Any permit issued under this application will include wiring in or on sign structure, tne suppLy wires for connection must be covered on an electrical permit. Electrical connection must. be "made only by a State Licensed Electrical Contr.1ctor. Illumfnated signs (both internally and excemal1y) must conform to Sections 9-7-4 (4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of the Springfield Sign Or- dinance. - 3) Plans Reouired: This application is to be submitted with two complete sets of plans sho...ing dl- me~slons and height of sign; advertising message on sign;, locat~on of .sign on property with dl- mensio~s to property lines. structural details of support ftaming. bracing and footines; ~aterlals . ~f consEruction for sign and sign strUcture; electrical equip~ent and lighting; size and location .of existing signs on property for the same busienss. 311 3S rt!quircd to dctercinq cOU\!lliance with the' Springfield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code). Also." show the follo...- Lng information on the plot plan (plan showing property lines 3nd loc3tion of signs): a)' . Show th'e' to~':tion of all existing sign(s) as well as proposed sign(s). b) SKow the length of the street'frontage taken up by the' business or building, For wall I ' signs ,.' show the length of the building frontage: c) Show the location of entrances open to the public and driveways. When required, because of design, size, etc., engineered drawings and calculations must be pre- pared by 3 licensed engineer or sh311 conform to design standards on file at t~e Building Divi- sion Office. ' Plans of insufficient clarity or detail wil~ be returned to the applicant with no permit being issued. Signs must meet corner vision clearance requirements as described in Figure 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive Zonlng Code. NOTE: No sign ~y be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or vertically from overhead electrical conductors in excess of 750 volts, or less than 5 feet in any di~ection froo overhead electrical lines which are energized at less than 750 volts. If a sign is not installed within 60 days after the date of issue of this permit, the pennie shall be void.. .' ....., . 4) S) 6) 7) 8) 9) InsDections: a) Site InsDcction - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, the Footinv, In~oection (it applicaole) may be made at the same time as the Site Inspection. loe root1ng Inspec- tion is .to be made after hole(s) is ~~av~c7c.i., but prior to the placement of c~ncrcte. b) Finnl InSDection,- to b~ mad~ upon completion of all work. c) ~lectric31 - all electrical signs must be inspected for electrical hook up after the sign 1.5 erectea and before the sign is turned on.. . . CALL FOR TIlE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON TIlE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 726-3769 FUR UFF lCi:: USL Ui~L 't SIGN DISTRICT, MP-U ZONE DISTRIGT r A' / c7-{) ? ~ ff- JOB fJ ~q 1'1 H TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SIGN SIeN PERMIT rEE: ," ~ 2-q. '70 , . REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: SITE/LOCATIOlI v{OOT~NG -~ECTRICAL ~INAL - - ---- :::::-. OR MEnlOD OF AT1"ACll1lE~ ELECTRICAL PERMIT <"'"~. I~~eo / _ OntER TOTAL: l''''J'~J ' .' 't' DATE CLERK SPECIAL CONDITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SIGN: " ,. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED: " SECTION, , ~. ~~,-~ . I ~, 0 Ii {) SPRINGFIELD DATE (, ---Jg --- C).V APPROVED 8Y: SIGN ORDINANCE ...--" - . , city of sprinJ;tield 225 n. 5th street . SPRINGFIELD . .INFORMATION: 726.J753 INSPEC'TIONS: 726-3769 SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION A A. LOCA~ION OF SIGN '(ADDRESS) ':~/,10. r~/.b:'-Nrt-Y 8Lrv{J LECAL DESCRIPTION . . ' TA..V. LOT'h- nJ . O~lNER OR ~ROPERTY eoLLiNS rOOOS //l!T.j(fN)J(.j(...I{ ~o~~5-0>~.e-,QJ..2.- ADDRESS I.P 00 K +r li::d-LA- AI.. i!f} (J I!?.PrrJ ?,~ (]fi-L/ I=, ZIP 9?~ G '7 . OllNER OF SICll (IF OTHER TllAtl PROPERTY OWNER) ADDRESS NANE OF BUSlUESS, FIRM. . PHOr:r ETC.j:(P1JTUGk.l/ PtelRJeltt.f'fr!&BumE;,~l)fJf.~erwr B. r:;>::'F WORK: ____ERf.CT ____ALTER ____RELOCATE _OTIII::R C. STRUCTURAL TY~ SIGN:, ' _IlALL _FREESTANDllIG _ROOF ____PROJECTING ~R~UEE _UNDER 11AR~UEE _OTIIER D. USE AIID CI'.ARACTER OF 'SIGN: V-;DEIITITY ' r-. ~CIDErlTAL DOUBLE FACE SINGLE FACE ,--- ____'!\JL TI- FACE _P,EADER BOARD _BILLBOARD E. VENDORS, COIlT~T.ORS_: _ . ...., n.,-ot3ILE"'7J'/-60JJ}' SICN ERECTOR ~K... c<::; 16 /1/ S l'IIom: -:224 - .S7S7 '~~~~{i2.1 SI'E:;~S' Ate. ])l=&<-I$LI'rl.fO tJ~., 'ZIP, 9 7o~4 . .'-' __.__u _:.J!ollltt t,t:; 1 Jj EXP. DATE SIGN I1ANUFACTURER (IF OTIlER THAN ERECTOR) {!:.L.41e..K-.. ADDP.ESS PRONE f. DIHENSIONS, nlICKlIESS OR DEPTll , lIISTALLATIOtl & CONSTRUCTIOn " f ..22. . 0' 'YG' q'~?' 10 I .29' II G. EXISTING SIGNS _ J ARE TIlERE ANY EXiST!!IC ~IGllS? _YES .2910 . . . . . .. .. t!U1fBE? SIZF. IN SO. FTC. ::,;. '. TOTAL llEICIIT ABOVE CRADE VERTICAL DIMENSION OF SICN HORIZOIlTAL WIDTIl OF SIGN DINElISION FROIl CRADE TO BOTIO!1 OF SIGN ALL ~XISTING SIGNS FOR tUSINESS. ETC. DOES SIGN PROJECT BEYOND PROPERTY LINE? YES ~NO IF YES. DUIENSION BEYONO PROPERTY LINE NO,E: IF PROJECTIOn IS !lORE TIIAN 12" OVER PUBLIC PROPERTY TI'Y. SICN ERECTOR l.lUST FILE WlTI! TilE BUILDING DIVISION COPIES OF !lIS/HER LIABILITY AllD PROP- ERTY DAl'IAGE ItISURANCE POLICIES. H. HI~L SIGN IIAVE ELECTRICAL l$I-RIIlG7 fd::::::, , IF YES, IIHICl! APPLY? v-ELECTrtIC{L SIClI ILLUMINATED (INDIP~CTIY LIGHTED) . ELECTRICAL COllTRACTOr..t!.'41eK..S/6fl/S . ADDRESS3/52/ Sf6t./S OR._~ ORE" . LISCt-..~BER,qPCLS Pl:CNE2i.~s7j7 ~%$I:.. 'AlAI. IAJAlv!</ ' J. SITE INFOPllATIOll (LAUD \J5E) -- EXISTING USE OF BUILDING OR LAND (I)R UST USE IF VACANT) " I. DESCRIBE TYPE OR l'ATERIALS SIGN IS " . CONSTRUCTED OF. ' . , S/~c:':SJl8;TM~~ K. VALUE OF SIGN: ~? loe.o. GO _INDOOR BUSIN,ES,S _OUTDOO:1. l'ERClI{\tfDISING PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR UND:' , L'I HAVE CARF.FULLY EXA!-IINED the completed application for permit and do h'ereby certify'that all informacion 1s true :1nd correct. and I further certify thac all work perfonned shall. be done in accordance with the 5pringfield Sign Ordinance. the UniforD Sign Code as adopted by the City of SDrin~ficld and all ocher Ordinances of the Clcy of Sprin~field and the laws of the State of Ore~on pcrcnlninR to t:1e worl~ acscribcu. .ha~Ln. I further certify chat my ::~~!"\ Co.,craccor Lt... cense with the City of Sprin~ficld is in full"force and effect as re~ui~ed by Sprinr.field Codes 8-2-6(3) and 9-7-20(2). I will r.cquesc all required 'Jigp. ~eccions listed on che approved . pennie.. ' . NAME (PLEASE PRIfi7 'vA L..€' --'- I J2 LA--e.K-.. SICNATURE AlJa./~~,6,/~_ DATE L/ .2.J'/9iJ ~ / ~..--- -. i ! i / I . ( : , . PLEASE READ . ., 1) Sco~r3te Sl~n Aoolication: A separate application 1s required for each separate sign as defined in the ~lgn ~odc. 2) Electrical: Any permit issued under this application yill include YLring in or on sign structure, tne supply wires for connection must be covered on an electrical permit. Electrical connection musc'be made only by a State Licensed Electrical Contractor. Illuminated signs (both Intern~lly and externally) must conform to Sections 9~7-,4 .(4) & (5) and 9-7-18 of the Springfield Sign Or- dinance ." . .', 3) Plans Reouired: This application 10 to be submitted yith No complete sets of plans shoYing di- menS1Qns and height of sign; advertising message on sign;, location of .sign on property w1th di- mensions to property lines. structural details of support fr'3ming, bracing and footines; C1aterlals ~f construction for sign and si&n structure: electrical cquip~ent and lighting; size and location 'of existing signs on property for the same busicnss, .all as r~quircd to deterc.in~ cOID!lllance with the Springfield Sign Ordinance (Article 7 of the Springfield City Code). Also.. shoy the follow- " lng information on the plot plan (plan showing property lines and location of signs) : a) .,Shoy th'e' to~ation of all existing sign(s) as yell as proposed sign(s). b) S~OY the length of the street'frontage taken up by the' bu~iness or building. For yall I ' signs ," show the length of the building frontage.. c) Show the location of entrances open to the public and driveways. ~en required, because of design, size, etc.. engineered drawings and calculations must be pre- pared by a licensed engineer or shall conform to design standards on file at t~e Building Divi- sion Office. ' . . Plans of insufficient clarity or detail will be returned to the applicant with no permit being issued.' . . ~ 4) 5) 6) Signs must meet corner vision clearance requirements as described in Figure 9 of the Springfield Comprehensive Zoning Code. NOTE: No sign may be erected which is less than 12 feet horizontally or vertically from overhead electrical conductors in excess of 750..volts, or less than 5 feet in any dix:ection froo overhead electrical lines which are energized ~~ less than 750 volts. If a sign is' not installed within 60 days after the date of issue of this permit, the permit shall be void.. . L 7) 8) 9) Insocctions: a) Site Insocction - to be made before the sign is placed. Usually, the Footinv. lnsoection (i.t appl.icao.le) may be made at the same time as the Site Inspection. The l"oot1.ng inspec- tion 1s .to be made after hole(s) is c.~a.va.teci.. Dut prior to the .placement of concrete. b) Finnl Insoection,- to b~ mad~ up~n completion of all work. c) ~lectricnl - all electrical signs must be inspected for electrical hook up after the sign 1.s ereccea and before the sign is turned on. . . CALL FOR TIlE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS ON nlE 24 HOUR INSPECTION LINE AT 7,26-3769 '. fOR on"lCC: USe: ONLY ZONE DISTRICT ~ I~B 7'1' f-' REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: v(sITE~OCATIOtl ~ ~OR MEmOD OF ATTACHMENT V'ELECTRICAL 0INAL' . - - SICIl DISTRICT N~~J'./ _.~- TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE OF JOB Q <6t'1/714 SIGIl SIGIl PERMIT FEE: ., 4'14,t7u ELECTRICAL PERMIT ~~~. iiJ.ev _ OnlER 47. STATE SURCHARCE: p :1 TOTAL: t I/O. 2- '7 I ~l"l.i j.. I, DATE (.,/z,~'Cf-D RECEIPT l'li?t\ ? CLERK e-.-, ~Avr- ~ v SPECIAL CONDITIOIlS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE ERECTION OF SICN: " ADDITIONAL INfORMATION NEEDED BEFORE PERMIT MAY BE ISSUED: SECTION: ~~. 1.,U.Oio ~. .~ DATE (o/u/qv. APPROVED BY: SPRINGFIELD SIGN ORDINANCE '-...-.. -