HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2001-9-12 ," .-.' , ,.- T.IO'('ingp-,oi.c"aS_SU~"1i~~dha.S,'h~,fOI/OWing" ' . . ., ,',' ','~ 'l'225,FIFTHSTREET I: z g.anddoesno'r.qUlre,sP.ClftC'land,us.ELE~ALPEfu"nTAPPEICATION" I ~, ' ,'SPRINGFrEeD' oREboNl~nl~ -: il I ,I If" i',' ,: , " Q?:,eO - 01 : ':~;' I' IINsPEcTlo& REQ0EST:726,37mllninJl.l(l~=' I i f tit~ "nhilumllc;'() /-:- Q , " ,'. ".-:- '. . \~ d oFF'IcE726-3759.":IO:,i ;!....nflr,i,{o/iti 11): I,d,,' ' r.:_.'l :1 r-' : (i; I! [:.\.'11 a,~'.1 i',. H !'~' - USOMPLETEFEE'SCHEDULEBEL0W; . \ '.'-.1 Lll. LOCATION'OFINSMt'~rt(}lfInat~r~~ ::,.': .'- .. '- '?'9')/,=""/""/u-- UL-.:... "./ ,. .. .... .' .J /' "7 '-;::y--P?rrt::uJAq 'I.-oar 1\':--New'ResidentiaI.Single or-- -- .---... ,', 'f Multi-Family per dwelling unit, LI;:GAL DESCRIPTION Sen'ice Included: 1703{).:/.SW O:JS-OI " Ii. '\ Items Cost , ''-' SUl)l', '.. -"1 :. " :0-"'/ ,\"" '\ t JOB DPiCJ,UPTION L 1000 sq.f!. or less ['," ..: J:lrlcJ,f-/dJ V-o {)Jffse. Each additional 500 (, ,:'; sq.ftorportion f __, Permits are Jon-transferable and expire thereof ;. ,:,J, . if work is n6t 1started within 180 days Each Manufd Home or /. ,;.,. ,;" ' of issuanceb{if work is suspended 'for Modular Dwelling l--;' '., ,', ',' t::.,~:'.:;::~ 180 days. (?;J Service or Feeder .,<.::" ~ ,~~' ~~~\ $ 50.00 ~<\'f; '; ~ .'. " l~ ! / ' \. .- . .,~ 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY B. Sen'ices or Feeders / ',.-', ;.;'::, .: Electrical bont)acto! Cl 1'1 V/ ewE t.ee/", I"" ~:I~~~::~:~' Alte:ti~nsor , .. , ~ ::~,\, \~'. : " I ~ I. \.. '1 I .. , . "::. '~ If,' ~', ID ,/,' t::T;:)( o<?'l1 ..:>0.-, .63;'\-., f. :", . ;: "".. " \~ ':' , \, ; ,/" ,:'.{ Address. .' u.[9u /' , ) T-, /. " '. 200 amps or less ,'", ,~.. '$ 63.00" ., i", . ), \ I : \ p.; .' ,". '""" 201 amps to 400'amps . .-" " ,:$'75,09"" ',; 1 ,';} ATTf.4l{'~~,09.-~rl\;q{iL':!'6ne,-)4J-6;rJ'-("'Z..9 z..:--'..... 401 amps t<7600 amps' -- , ~$I25.00~; l", 'I IIOI"rujesat.o<-""'.1\:r~:'''';I~' ,/ :"<" '60Iamps}01000amps,. _$163.00_: I,' N,fO'f' SupervisorlLicenSelNlll11ber ~9d.;5 " crier, 1000 amps/volts, ',' .:. __,p,J5.00 '. , otIICaUi:..HI......'1H...,.1\.. ~f"" - '-t ~ L, )' R .~ / 01 ' !.c:~{P\RI""'IF'nt:.'V'. J"jo"'o - I .,t/'OAR95?-orJ1.(lO~OW.l'CHj~i,-rI.,:;.,;,.;.",~",\", ''-:, ,'" ,econnc,:" ny,,,", ,t:', _ ), O~ .. \' ExpIratIOn Date~ 7.0,,,,,,;,(). r;;&1'it'l,,'?-). , ','," ,g . , ". '1"1118 PEl"< N,OT., 'I \ " 0090j;?~~~~.:r~t':.~~1(>'~~]!',j, u.,~f. . "C", Ten~i1(irarv S~rvices:or Feeders .,,,,, <: . ii., " : :I.'~ .: CcAV&6b1't'~C(j~t}~~N~mD6il '"~ ~~A~y:~~ rt:~~ ,_: >~~ ':JI~stallatio;l, Alte;atio~n$~i€'R~i1~~iti~.riN~ ~ . . ~ numberlu t~~~""'",. " .. I ',- .ct.. c~", ,:":~} ~':i;j".J:':'''., ~.. '" '~~1A. ," '\ ;i:Y. '" .. . ~ Cel'.tsr i>; 1-8Ctf-~f.:';-~ I'A c,;>; ". ~.." ,: " . ',.', I' ", "'. ) 'ljY~ji. 'rll>~\U~" , . ' '<____ ' , . \ "EXpIratIOn Date ,/ -'-{;, --_<1--0.. . i ',' '" .200 amps or Iessc" . :,' ' ,$50.00 '" ',':.:' ,,,:.,",:'" ~ -~ .../.. ioi ampstci400"u)'ps . .', ';(\1,:$69,00 ' , , 1..;,:.- ',:"'~ Sign,itti're of~upcn'ising Electrician ~oYe__~.:ioi to 600. alllPs ".';-., T ..:.flOo.oo , :' .. ,", "'. ,", .. ' " '->'-". Over 600 amps or 1000 volts see '. ...: '11;': . '.. i c.. I ~",' . 'i:i>t} " r' ...",", tl It ~___. .0 /!fi'i~~ 'l, . ., /) "';~':~"~n;~'~~) B abA ~--\,:,':}J~~ .,::.~~(){" , "~cz.~',,:;.~~~~- . . 1. '" "; ;...; ~< ". ' ';' ... .;...-,'",.~.......;-.. D. BranchCI,J.;cUl~S. ~. ;;"" \ ".~ '. l, .;{;;~;::;;'~:~;:;;~~1~;"h'~ :;<<l::::\7r'T'j';~oo ..: f.',: ," :Ci;y S o+:'J :).::.:' '. Phon~' ',; E~ckAddition1(C1r~uit or with s~rvi~d.,t\'" :';'. . , .. .' ,'.. 6i'Fe'~derpen\;;LL'<, VI: $3.00 ~, ". OWNERINSTALLATION.( fI/,. ," )!: .'/.'.~--, ,;~ \' ". ' . \" , Tj1e 'installati9I1 ispeing made on ' E, Miscellaneous (Service/feeder not included) ":~, -;,~~plOperty JO\Yn which is not intended ii ;-Eacllinstullatibh'.. i ~ '\ ,;; , ;'::,:' . ~:,~'{"fofs<lle, -feas'e tir r~h.t~T.,- . ~ ':... , ~ p~linp,'or;'hTigatibh :-,,' U\ ---.S~$50.0.o~- :?:':~'e<:~~~~;:..(:j ,f':/ '.' ,"'-~.~(_:lJ:<,~;",,",~>.' ., '~~!g~Oli'tjine_L~gllq;1g L~i _\$~O.OO ~:..:t:':: ~!]-';..' ',:..,lll.:,>'O\Vncl:s"Sic"o:ltufe\,: ~,~ '"'" .;'. ,."< J,.~.I!;jll1jted,.)~Ilerg);(,R~s_.~~,'j \1 _ $"2?OO ~,;: \:, ~':.':'L ""/,..' ; c ". .,'. .,~. ,-,Limited Energy/Comm' '; $45.00" ,", .~(,~:>.>"~t,',,'. .', ."5,: r-.~~:J!~~ ,.' ': ~;-~~,:'. " ',~".., no :~:3IHs8:J '" " Minimum Elcc'tric Permit Inspection Fee is S45,OO + Surch,u:ges : 38N\JH:J ,:,,' :. " . \ \ <I I ", . '. " , ' 0l.'i9'$,,6:a:J3~:)W\:!,;>-, ':':',"; ,: \ 4, sUB~6JA~OFABOh;r 51,(51)'/' lOO;:; S;:,9R\:! :31\jQ .; 7% Sta.teSurch:l~ge, .~>' lIj1j9000:'lO.:lISN\:!81 S% Administratiye Fle,-' :.,'\ " :. -'"', 7".. . .' l, ~-., l,i' f $ I 06.00 '~, ~ $ 19.00 , .... '- , TOTAL (o~ 10 " ---.,.,.-- ,._-,.~' -,~_._---"